Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1896 Freshmen

Chapter 1896 Freshmen
The war will always end.

As the weather gradually turned cooler, the number of newly reported cases decreased day by day. On November [-], the daily number of new cases was zero for the first time.In the epidemic prevention headquarters, the health workers who had worked hard for several months burst into cheers.

There was also a smile on Lin Motian's face. Before that, he was uneasy, afraid that there might be some mistakes in his "textbook-like" handling - after all, before this, he was neither a professional in epidemic prevention nor advocated Infectious Diseases.

Everything was handled based on the accumulation of endorsements in the medical school and the materials in the library, as well as a booklet "Basic Epidemic Prevention" written by Ryan in Kaohsiung.This pamphlet is not even considered a book, basically he writes whatever comes to his mind, but it is an invaluable resource for him.Because these are real practical materials, which are different from the theories in books.

Although he had a slight slander against Liu San, on the whole, he was grateful to all the officials in the hygiene department.In the darkest days, people spoke fiercely, and only the hygienic mouth gave him all unreserved support.Whether it is manpower or resources, it can be regarded as giving everything.

As a member of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, Lin Motian is most grateful to his family, the deputy mayor Lin Baiguang, who not only fully supported his work, but also gave him a lot of guidance in practical operations-this is an extremely valuable experience.

"Don't slack off, the war is not over yet." Lin Motian said to the staff, "The smoother the situation, the more you can't slack off—the illness will come back anytime, anywhere!"

Lin Motian stepped up his supervision work--the epidemic prevention work has been going on for more than three months. Whether it is the naturalized cadres of the city government, the police, the national army officers and soldiers, the epidemic prevention brigade, and the health personnel... they are all doing nothing but sleeping They work continuously without any other rest, and everyone has to work at least twelve hours a day.The high-intensity work has caused them to fall into a state of extreme fatigue both mentally and physically.

When the situation is gradually improving, it is easy for them to slack off, and a slack is likely to cause a rebound of the epidemic.

"I know everyone is very tired, but no matter how tired you are, you have to persevere." Lin Motian kept saying to the front-line staff during the inspection, "This is the final decisive moment!"

Even he himself felt that he was about to be overwhelmed. For several months, he hardly slept for eight hours. Most of the time during the day, Lin Motian was patrolling outside—since their technical means were limited, even If it is invalid, then the only way is to rely on institutional management to cut off the epidemic of the plague.

However, this kind of institutional management has high requirements for personnel. Facing the hastily recruited epidemic prevention staff with low quality and ability, what Lin Motian can do is to "lead by example" and "lead by example".Constantly appearing on the front line of epidemic prevention, one is to monitor whether their work is in place, and the other is to use themselves to boost morale.

Facts have proved that his approach is effective. In the climax of the horrific state where epidemic prevention personnel were infected almost every day and some people died within three to five days, the morale of the epidemic prevention team remained high.

Now he has to grit his teeth and hold on until the last moment.

"Doctor Lin, Yu Qing is dying. He said he wants to see you."

During a routine inspection of the isolation camp on Cheung Chau Island, the cadre in charge reported to him.

Yu Qing fell ill not long ago. At that time, he was collecting samples from the dead body in the epidemic prevention station. He suddenly felt a headache and fever, and was immediately diagnosed with bubonic plague.

After being isolated in the No. 2 ward of the quarantine camp, because he is a health worker and Liu San's disciple, he was given refined sulfonamide. Although sulfonamide has only an inhibitory effect on Yersinia pestis, it has also been used in clinical practice. Example of treatment working.

However, because Yu Qing suffered from appendicitis and surgery for more than half a year, his body was weak, and finally he couldn't hold on anymore.

Lin Motian regretted secretly.Although this Yu Qing is Liu San's disciple, it is said that he is very accomplished in traditional Chinese medicine, but he has no aversion to modern medicine. It can even be said that he has studied hard and has been active in the front line of epidemic prevention. He is a good training object.

"I'll go right away." Since he wanted to see himself for the last time, he must go.This is not only to satisfy Yu Qing's last wish, but also to give comfort to other naturalized epidemic prevention personnel.

Yu Qing, who was dying, was paralyzed and his eyes were closed tightly. He didn't open them until the health worker told him in a low voice that Dr. Lin had arrived.

"Chief Lin..."

"How is your body?" Lin Motian sat down on the bamboo stool next to him.

"I can't do it..." Yu Qing closed his eyes, as if he was gathering strength, "Let's go, I have something in my heart to say..."

"Don't be so negative, treat your illness well..."

Yu Qing smiled wryly and shook his head slightly: "Chief, don't want to comfort me...I'm in the epidemic prevention station every day...I know..."

Lin Motian felt sad, thinking that as long as there is a box of streptomycin, I can save his life!But I don't even have one!A strong sense of powerlessness gripped his heart.He sighed.But he felt a little strange in his heart, saying that Yu Qing had nothing to do with him.At this moment of dying, he should want to see his savior and master Liu San even more, right?

Yu Qing probably guessed what Lin Motian was thinking, and said slowly: "I originally wanted to see Master... But Master is in Guangzhou, so even if he came right away, I couldn't wait for him... Fortunately, Chief Lin, you too The are also a veteran..."

This is a strange thing to say.Lin Motian couldn't help being curious, and said: "If you have something important to say, it's the same as what I heard——I'll pass it on to Liu San."

"The little one is originally from Shaanxi..."

"I know that."

"Actually..." He panted, "The little one came to Guangzhou by order..."

Lin Motian's eyelids twitched, "Shaanxi", "ordered"...he couldn't help but stood up and asked:
"You are the one who breaks through the king!"

Yu Qing nodded weakly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The little one... came here as a spy..."

"It's a long way from the Central Plains to here, so what if you become a detective?"

"Small... But, it's... Chuang Wang's idler... Such an idler, I don't know how common..." He gasped a few times and said, "Rely on your own with medical skills, make friends with the government...wait for others Change……"

"I see!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in Guangzhou, he contracted abdominal disease and almost drowned.But by chance, he was rescued by Liu San.Not many days later, Daming's Guangzhou Mansion became the world of Australians.

"So King Chuang knows about the Senate?"

"I've heard about it." Yu Qing said, "But I've seen a lot of treasures from Australia..."

"And why are you telling me this?"

Yu Qing gasped for a moment, and smiled slightly: "I worshiped under the head of Liu, and I saw and heard a lot in Guangzhou... There are not many heroes who have competed in the world since ancient times, but... like the Senate, everything is for everyone Those who seek well-being and treat the people as innocents,...the young ones have read a few books...haven't seen..."

He used a lot of energy to say this, and after he finished speaking, he involuntarily closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while: "I rebelled with King Chuang, but I was looking for a way to survive in troubled times... I never thought of rebelling." It can still be like this... It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity..."

He said "it's a pity" three times in a row, then stopped and said, "I can't see the be be..."

After speaking, he died suddenly.

Lin Motian had mixed feelings in his heart. All the hard work, resentment and grievances in the past few months had to be relieved, and justice was at ease!
We are stronger than all enemies, not because of cannon, nor battleships and steam engines, but we always know where our roots are!That is the masses of the people, those whom the Senate dragged out of the age-old swamp, and opened their eyes!
He got up and bowed thinking about the corpse, and told the epidemic prevention team: "Send it to be cremated. Register his name and resume."

Two full weeks after returning from the quarantine camp, the Guangzhou Special City Health Committee held the last plenary meeting on the fight against the plague, announcing that since new cases of the plague had ceased to appear and the case fatality rate had remained zero for several consecutive days, martial law would be lifted from October It will be lifted at 0:[-] on January [-], and the military and police will remove all roadblocks.

The last document Lin Motian got was the list of those who died in the line of duty.

He quietly looked at the names on it, some were naturalized civilian health cadres with a bright future, some were health workers who had just graduated from school, some were epidemic prevention team members, and some were seconded national army soldiers... Yu Qing's The names are also in it... Although Lin Motian never regarded them as true comrades-in-arms in the whole process of fighting the epidemic, he knew that these people were worthy of the title of heroes.They trusted Lin Motian and the Senate behind him almost unreservedly, and marched forward boldly in a series of harsh requirements that he formulated beyond the conditions of this time and space, and eventually they never returned.

Maybe I can finally get what I have always wanted, but Lin Motian is not excited at the moment.

After all, what he held in his hand was a series of lives that had obeyed his orders to fight, and after all, he was still a doctor who retained a trace of reverence for life.

Although Lin Motian could comfort himself with the reasoning that "if it weren't for their sacrifices, more people might have died", he knew that the martyrs on this list, in a sense, were Die by yourself.

Suddenly, cheers sounded outside, followed by crackling firecrackers. It was the cheers of citizens who had closed their doors and hadn’t been on the streets for a long time. Masks, also joined the celebration.The names celebrated the end of the plague and the rebirth of the city with unprecedented joy.

(End of this chapter)

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