Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1897

Chapter 1897

No one noticed that in a secluded alley nearby, two people dressed as migrant workers were watching them coldly.

"It seems that Shi Weng's magic has not been fulfilled." A migrant worker who looked like he was carrying a big bag on the pier looked at the person opposite and said, "It's only been a while, and the plague will be over without killing many people. Your so-called sorcery It's of no use."

"You don't even see how much trouble this plague has caused the thief." The porter-looking man on the opposite side raised his eyes and stared, "Just because this shop has been closed for a few months, the thief will lose a lot of money. ? Is it possible that your superior still thinks that we can only talk empty words?"

"Save this and ask for credit in front of Shi Weng." The bag-bearer smiled contemptuously, "If you want to talk empty words, it is really empty words. You think this plague is caused by Taoist priests putting some evil spirits in Liumai Canal Let me tell you the truth, it’s the plague! The thieves import fur from Liaodong, and the plague is brought in from the fur—it has nothing to do with the messy digging of graves you made .”

"If there is no sorcerer invited by Shi Weng..."

"Don't talk about that sorcerer—I don't think he will live long enough. The Australians will drag him out to the public for a public trial. I'm afraid the city of Guangzhou will be full of heads."

The migrant worker slowly took out a box of "big production" from his arms, and said while touching a match: "The security of the thieves is getting tighter day by day, and I'm afraid it will be impossible to use these shady methods. You can use your brains more on the money of the thieves..."

"You mean about counterfeit money?"

The migrant worker laughed "噗嗤", blew out a smoke ring, and said, "I really don't know what to say about Shi Weng. If there is anything wrong with it, I have to make counterfeit money--I will advise you again on behalf of Mr. Paul, counterfeit money, you make it Not coming……"

The porter looked dissatisfied, and sneered: "Since this is the case, I still need to ask Mr. to give me some advice. What kind of brains does this gangster have on his money?"

"Mr. Paul is not good at this matter, but there are people in Daming who are good at it. Please ask Shi Weng to ask the old Xi'er in the Shanxi house for more advice."

He still wanted to say something, but when he looked up, he saw a few patrolmen walking towards the alley with batons, he shook his head, quickly handed a wax pill in his hand to the porter, and walked away with his head bowed.The porter looked at his back and smiled, bowed his head and picked up a "big product". After taking a few puffs, he also picked up the stick and walked out of the alley.

Immediately after the martial law was lifted, the entire city government was running at full speed: too many things had accumulated.There are several important things in front of Liu Xiang alone: ​​the conclusion of the trial of the witchcraft case; the postponement of the civil service examination due to the plague; the second public security campaign...

Because the witchcraft case itself is deeply involved with the people of Guandi Temple, and the people of Guandi Temple, as an evil force that has been entrenched in Guangzhou for many years, are actually inextricably linked to many other criminal and public security cases.It can be said that it actually plays the role of the general backstage of various criminals in Guangzhou.

When Shen Ruiming and others sorted out the case files, they found that there were many interlaced parts.Many interrogation records involve the people of Guandi Temple.

"This is not pulling out the carrots to bring out the mud, it's simply pulling out peanuts..." Shen Ruiming flipped through the file, marking it with red and blue pencils from time to time.

"Pull the peanuts?" Zhang Yunmi, who was helping him sort out the case files, asked with his head tilted.

"Have you ever seen pulling peanuts in the field? Haven't you? When the thing is pulled out, there are many peanuts on it, and sometimes the vines can extend very deep and far." Shen Ruiming pointed to the case file. It's really rare that the whole body is mobilized."

"Didn't you work as a lawyer before? You should be well-informed."

Shen Ruiming thought that I should be a lawyer and not work in the procuratorate.This kind of "nest case" really has no chance to see it.

One name will involve many cases, and one case will involve many names, just like countless spider webs are intertwined one after another.Some cases even involve past events many years ago, involving all aspects of society.

After discussion, the elders in Guangzhou decided to start with the witchcraft case. Through digging deep into the people and horses of Guandi Temple, through this case, a thorough "cleaning up" of Guangzhou on the social level was carried out.

Guangzhou was the first big city entered by the Senate.Before entering the city, the reputation of the Senate was nothing more than a group of reputable maritime merchants/pirates. After raising the flag of rebellion, they became rebellious officials and thieves.The witchcraft case is a great opportunity for the Senate to completely win the hearts of the people in Guangdong.

Cases of picking and cutting off children, and cases of abduction and trafficking of women and children mainly harm the middle and lower class civilians in cities.The public outrage is great and the harm is wide-ranging.Seriously affect social stability.Thorough investigation and handling of this case not only eliminates harm for the people, but also a good entry point to win the support of the market class.The Senate has won the hearts and minds of the people, and any group that wants to cause trouble in Guangzhou City is like water without a source and a tree without roots.

Through the detection of the case, concentrate the force, and mobilize the masses to completely solve the influence of the people and horses in Guandi Temple.Especially through the investigation of the people and horses of Guandi Temple, many old cases in the past were cleaned up.Further win the hearts of the people.

Through the investigation of the witchcraft case and the people and horses of Guandi Temple, dig deep into the background.It is justifiable to deal with a group of non-violent non-cooperative gentry.

In the end, using the sensational effect of the case, the misfortune was diverted to the north, and the beneficiaries of the harvesting and cutting were pointed to the vassal king, eunuch, and Ming emperor.Anyway, it is a historical fact that the emperors of the Ming Dynasty loved alchemy. In addition, Jiajing was almost strangled to death by a court lady. The Hongwan case and other black materials completely pulled down the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty and put it on the opposite side of the people.

Liu Xiang instructed the propaganda department to make a special report on the case. The more horrifying the relevant reports, the better, add physical evidence, and cooperate with the gold finger method of photos to hold a traveling exhibition.The more fearful the people are, the more they can transfer the fear and hatred of the case itself to the Ming regime through propaganda.The root cause of these bloody cases is the decadent and backward society, and they took the opportunity to speed up the progress of social transformation.The Senate took this opportunity to gain a firm foothold in Guangdong.

The police department began working around the clock.Because there were too many prisoners to be interrogated, the interrogation venue was moved from the city to the Ming army barracks in the East Campus.Prisoners in shackles were escorted here in batches.

Originally, the government servants of the soap class in one prefecture and two counties in Guangzhou, whether they were retained or retired, were recruited according to the roster.Under the command of the cadres of the Pre-trial Section of the Police Station, thirteen divisions interrogate them day and night.In the evening, a bonfire is lit in front of the door.

The prisoners arrested in various cases, the big bones and key members of the Guandi Temple Renmali, were stripped naked and put on torture racks to be whipped, and then they were hung up for interrogation.In the past, the servants of Zaoban showed off their spirits one by one, tortured and extorted confessions, their fingers and clamps creaked, and their screams, groans and roars echoed with the sound of the wind, like a sledgehammer, hitting the east gate of Dadong heavily. It is the heart of the big gentry in the area from Gao Avenue to Yuanyun Street.

People who passed out under torture were dragged to the school grounds, where they were woken by straw fires, and then given strong alcohol or brought to their senses.When their bodies can no longer bear the torture, medical personnel will treat them to prevent them from dying.

The content of the interrogation is based on the clues that have been obtained so far.Since entering the city, various departments have grasped many similar clues in handling various affairs, especially in the case of rectification of the custom industry and the case of harvesting and cutting off. cannot be verified in detail.This time, after being sorted out by Shen Ruiming, all of them were brought out for questioning.

The interrogation is based on the principle of "melon copying". As long as other case clues are involved in the confessions obtained during the interrogation, they will be sorted out and handed over to relevant personnel for further interrogation.The instruction given by Liu Xiang was, "If there is a clue, check another clue until there is no confession!"

After several days and nights of interrogation, more and more people were involved.Files of confessions have been piling up.The scouts kept combing through the clues of these confessions and sorted out specific clues.

Soon they found their first useful clue in an old case.

This case was the one that He Xi personally came to complain in front of Mu Min a few months ago.The director of Wenlan Academy set Wang Xiucai up in the past.

This matter was instructed by Mo Rongxin, and He Xi personally identified it, but based on her one-sided words, it is obvious that she cannot be convicted.In this interrogation, I accidentally learned the ins and outs from a big bone mouth of the people in Guandi Temple.

It turned out that Mo Rongxin entrusted Gao Tianshi with this matter and spent 500 taels of silver.Gao Tianshi asked his subordinates to find a few swindlers who specialize in gambling to hook up with Wang Xiucai to gamble, and he also got a prodigal son who was a prostitute to seduce He Xi.

That is to say, when specific names were involved, a summons was issued immediately to arrest several gamblers and prodigal children, and each of them "remembered" everything at forty boards.

"Mu Ju, do you want to arrest Mo Rongxin?" Someone came to ask for instructions.

"Not for now, just monitor it first. If you find him showing signs of leaving Guangzhou, arrest him immediately." Mu Min looked at a row of shelves by the wall.The shelves are divided into grids, and each grid has a small wooden sign with a person's name written on it. There are more or less pieces of paper inserted in these grids, and each piece of paper has a file index number—all related to it. case
In Mo Rongxin's grid, there are already thirty or forty pieces of paper piled up.The other master Zhong Aijiao also has a lot of grids - the white gloves of these two big gentry in Guangzhou city have indeed been dyed black.

Mu Min knew that Mo Rongxin couldn't escape.However, there are some people whose grids are still empty.In particular, Liu Xiang hoped to catch key evidence, or at least clues that could open the gap—there was no piece of paper in the grid of the eldest son of the Liang family.

(End of this chapter)

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