Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1898 New job

Chapter 1898 New job
"It doesn't matter, when we grab the two white gloves, all the bezoars and dogs of the Liang family will be exposed." Mu Min said with certainty to the anxious Liu Xiang, "We will interrogate Miss Han Qiao, the old bustard of the Fangchunyuan. You know, Zhong Aijiao's wife worshiped the master of the Liang family—that is, Mr. Liang's father's concubine, as a godmother. This relationship is not superficial."

"You guys have to keep an eye on it, don't cause another incident of people running away or committing suicide!" Liu Xiang said dissatisfiedly, "Gao Lingxiang, the leader of Guandi Temple, has not been caught until now, and he can't be cleared during the trial. Canonical punishment, it’s really a pity.”

"We are trying our best to arrest him now—the possibility of him escaping from Guangzhou is unlikely. After all, we have been under martial law for a long time in the previous stage of plague. What's more, Gao Lingxiang is still dragging his family with him, let alone going far."

"It's a pity that Gao Tianshi committed suicide! It's really cheap for him." Liu Xiang said bitterly, "If Gao Lingxiang is not destroyed, it will be difficult to calm the anger of the people of Guangzhou."

Mu Min disagrees.Because judging from the evidence available, Gao Lingxiang is a dude—in terms of popularity, he is not as good as his evil younger brother Gao Lingquan—there is no evidence of his involvement in the witchcraft case.What's more, it has only been a few months since he took over as head of the Guandi Temple.

But Mu Min didn't argue with him.She knows Mayor Liu's mood all too well.

With the passage of time, the shadow of the plague gradually faded, and the people in Guangzhou returned to the noisy and busy life of the past. The anti-epidemic team members in coats and huge masks and the national army with live ammunition disappeared in the streets and alleys, and the curfew also disappeared. cancelled.The terrible sound of the two-wheeled carts walking in the streets and alleys to collect corpses finally ceased to be heard, and people breathed a sigh of relief—they finally escaped their lives from the hands of the plague god.

When someone in the family dies, they still wear filial piety.However, most people are secretly glad that they survived.The sense of relief and eagerness to indulge after the catastrophe filled teahouses and restaurants everywhere.The only regrettable thing is that all the court brothels outside the city, regardless of official or private prostitutes, have all closed down because of the "rectification of the custom industry".Many people had no choice but to go to Baietan outside the city and find Danjia flower boats to "have a good time"-for the time being, the Australian police can't control there.

In this almost carnival atmosphere, there is still a depressive atmosphere.People in the tea house and tea shop are talking in low voices about the recent "Citywide Dasuo".

Before the outbreak of the plague, the forced containment of the people in the Guandi Temple had shocked the jaws of the people in the city—this was a local snake that neither the chief envoy nor the governor dared to provoke for many years, and it was directly wiped out by the Australians. Dou Kou was wiped out in an instant, and even if he was lucky enough not to be caught, he would not dare to come out and resume his old business now.

After the plague, Australians seem to be more aggressive in arresting people, and people are being arrested every day.Both the police and the national army hurried through the streets and alleys, broke open the gates, and dragged away the people inside; some people were taken away on the streets, in shops, and teahouses.

There are rich gentry and ordinary merchants here, most of them are urban foxes and social mice messing around on the street, and floating bachelors who help out in brothels and rich families... It seems that they are all related to the incident not long ago. In the "Witch Gu Case" that shocked the whole city.

Some learned old gentlemen who have studied history books, in the tea house, used their low voices to pretend to be mysterious about the witchcraft case during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. They clicked their tongues one by one.Public opinion members were also shaking their heads in various places, reading the extra serialization of "The Series of Murders in the Maojia Inn" specially published by "Yangcheng Express".This series has actually gone beyond the scope of reportage, and there are a lot of descriptions about crimes that are purely "naturalistic".Enough to send many people home at night with nightmares.

But all of this has nothing to do with Cui Hantang. Cui Hantang has been busy enclosing land for himself since the end of the witchcraft case.First, strike while the iron is hot and put forward a special report on Fengshui in Guangzhou.

After talking about Guangzhou Fengshui, he solemnly proposed:

First, "Zhenhai Tower" was renamed "Tanhai Tower", because the town has the meaning of suppression, which will suppress the royal spirit of Guangzhou from the perspective of Feng Shui.This was also intentional when the Zhu Ming Dynasty built Zhenhai Tower.

Second, any excavation and felling on Yuexiu Mountain is strictly prohibited to prevent damage to the dragon veins of the mountain.

Thirdly, build a temple at the gap dug in Ma'anshan in ancient times to restore and guard the dragon's veins.

Fourth, if conditions permit in the future, a large Fengshui tower can be built in the center of Guangzhou for tourists to visit. Similar to the later Canton Tower, which integrates tourism, culture and entertainment, and other functions, it can better enlarge the dragon in Guangzhou. Second, it can show the strength of the Senate...

Unexpectedly, as soon as this report came out, it was criticized as worthless by Li Zhuoxian, a veteran who had just arrived in Guangzhou, at the meeting.At the meeting, in order not to hurt the face of Xin Taoism and Cui Daochang, the first and second articles were finally approved, and the second article was passed on the grounds of environmental protection.The third article was "under the overall consideration of the municipal government", and the fourth article was ruthlessly shot down.As for the proposal that the new Taoism wants to take over the temples of the old Taoism, the meeting said that it will be discussed again.Lao Cui's plan to annex the property and manpower of Taoist temples by taking over the Taoist temples in Guangzhou had to be shelved first.

However, he has another motion - offering sacrifices to the victims of the witchcraft case and the recent plague.The scale must be large, the momentum must be sufficient, and it must fully attract the hearts of the people-it passed very smoothly.However, his original plan of "the government set up the stage and the new Taoism sang operas" became "the government set up the stage and the three religions sang operas".

"Damn it! It's okay to be with the bald donkey, but what does it mean to have a foreign religion!" Cui Hantang looked at the revised "public sacrifice" plan that was beyond recognition, and almost tore off his hair.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. After all, this ceremony is also the first appearance of New Taoism in Guangzhou, and it is a great opportunity to spread its influence.The fat Taoist became busy.Contrary to his usual laziness, he would lift the little students out of bed every morning, let Qingyun and Xiaoqian review Tai Chi Sword and music with them, and in the afternoon he took out a flat square box to summon them to watch some Things, and asked to practice according to the above action.

Cui Hantang himself is also very busy: in addition to sending telegrams to important people in the Lingao headquarters, Dai E, he has been visiting Lin Baiguang from the Comprehensive Management Office, Wu Mu from the Political Security Bureau, and Ziminglou Entertainment Co., Ltd. Pei Lixiu from the company, Zhang Yikun from Dashijie, Ding Ding from the newspaper, and several other veterans talked for a long time.

However, when he went to visit Liu Xiang full of confidence and wanted to get the geomantic treasure land in Ma'anshan, Liu Xiang dismissed him with a few words: "Brother Han Tang, I have been thinking about it for a long time when I came back, and I think what you said is very good. It makes sense: the dragon veins of Guangzhou really need to be protected. I have already decided to replace the plaque on Zhenhai Tower—Mr. Burial. A good Yuexiu Mountain is full of graves, and it is not decent enough to look bare. So I decided to clean up the unused graves first, and then plant trees! Make Yuexiu Mountain into a big garden in Guangzhou! So Ma’anshan can’t Here it is, after all, it’s a dragon’s vein. Those who are royal don’t dare to break ground casually. What if the dragon’s vein is damaged? Don’t you think so?”

Cui Hantang knew that Liu Xiang had changed his mind, so he had to lower his posture and settle for the next best thing: "Ah, what Mayor Liu said is, ah, what he said is true. Haha, this dragon vein is really not suitable for breaking ground, ah, it is not suitable for breaking ground , Mayor Liu, you old man is really far-sighted, high-level, high-high! But you see, there are more than 20 people in my new Taoism. There are men and women crowded in the small courtyard of the big world. This is not for doing well. I’ve brought over a dozen people from Lingao for your public sacrifice, and now I really can’t live there. Look, can you? Hehe…”

Liu Xiang enjoyed Cui Hantang's shriveled appearance very much. Seeing this fat man crouching low in front of his eyes, he felt secretly happy.I had already lost face because of the mid-surrender, and Daoist Cui was still bragging about made him lose all face!How can he live up to the mayor's face if he doesn't make up for it this time?But, on the surface, it shouldn't be too difficult for him, after all, this fat man has helped him, as long as others are still in Guangzhou City, he can handle him anytime and anywhere, and he is not afraid of him flying into the sky.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiang opened his mouth, and put on a three-pointed smile on his face as usual: "Ahaha, Lao Cui, what are you talking about? Who are we brothers with? The days to come will be long, so Well, when I entered the city some time ago, I took over a few Taoist temples, temples, etc., and all the monks and priests ran away. If you don’t think it’s too bad, how about I allocate the Five Immortals Temple to you? That place is not small!"

"This...well, thank you, Mayor Liu, thank you Mayor Liu, are you free tonight? I'll be the host of Ziminglou!" Fatty Cui slapped his chest loudly.

Liu Xiang accepted it when he saw it: "No need, no need, you have helped me a lot. This trivial matter is nothing. I have to prepare for the public trial meeting. I think you should go to the Taoist temple to clean up first? Public sacrifices and public judgments are fine. The highlight of recent social governance—by the way, you can also send some people to have a funeral at the Liuzeyuan Cemetery in Yantang.”

"Of course I'm going, I'll go in person. But the land for the Taoist temple in the cemetery needs to be approved as soon as possible..."

"The land is fine, and I'm waiting for you at any time. But you also got the land purchase funds for the New Taoism." Mayor Liu said, "You see, the Catholic Church is very happy, and the money has already arrived--I am now It is to suppress the procedures and not approve them, otherwise the good places will be picked up by them.”

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  Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
  Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
  In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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