Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1899 Five Immortal Views

Chapter 1899 Five Immortals Temple

Cui Hantang thought that you had given the land to the Lingao Church early in the morning!You slave!

He walked out of the mansion with a thousand thanks, went to the corner and spit out in a "bah": "A villain's success, you need people to go forward, you don't need people to lean back, what?" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help feeling worried again Get up: It seems that Liu Xiang has got revenge for making a fool of himself in front of him?This just helped him get rid of the cult, and then he was playing bureaucratic, what will happen in the future?What a headache.

But it is still a good deal to get the Temple of Five Immortals.Liu Xiang said "I don't think it's broken", that's being polite.Speaking of the Temple of the Five Immortals, it is one of the largest Taoist temples in Guangzhou, with a wide area and many halls.There are countless temple properties inside and outside the city.

Such a big fat, Liu Xiang naturally refused to let it slip away easily.Limited to the issue of religious policy and eating, it is inconvenient for him to ask the national army to break in and drive away the Taoist priests. Unfortunately, there are no gods and gods of current or past emperors in this Taoist temple. Liu Xiang can't grasp what they have to "oppose the Senate "Evidence.So after entering the city, a gallows was set up at the intersection in front of the Taoist temple, and people were hanged every day.Every now and then, the Taoist temple "checks the health" and "checks the household registration". A few health policemen squatted at the door, and the Taoist priests "strictly enforced the law" whenever they spit and littered when they went out... The old Taoist host couldn't bear the toss, and Hearing that the Australians wanted to "rectify religious landlords", they quietly ran away with their trusted disciples.

If the person runs away, the Taoist temple is considered "unowned".Although the old Taoist took away all the house deeds and land deeds when he ran away, these things were all invented by Daming, and Song Dynasty can naturally deny it. Thousands of acres of land outside the city and hundreds of houses in the city cannot be taken away. After leaving, Liu Xiang asked someone to make a new batch of land deeds and house deeds, even if they fell into the hands of the city government.

Cui Hantang triumphantly took Qingyun and Xiaoqian to receive the Temple of the Five Immortals.The Taoist priests inside, since the presiding officer's running funds were cut off, also packed their bags and dispersed.There are only a few Huogong Taoists who have nowhere to go, and they still rest in the Taoist temple, receiving some money and rice from the city government every month to maintain the temple.

Cui Hantang took the paperwork to "receive", and the Huogong Taoists naturally dared not say a word. Cui Hantang asked them to lead the way, and went around the palace. He was very satisfied. All kinds of vestments, ritual tools and tens of thousands of Daoist books stored in the scripture building are a fortune, and it is said that there are many lost "secret books".

"Old Liu is quite loyal..."

Cui Hantang looked at the abundant inventory here, and Liu Xiang's status in his mind rose slightly.With the excitement of owning "one acre and three points of land", I began to figure out how to allocate these houses and halls, which courtyard I occupied, what renovations to do, etc.-of course, for Zhang Daochang and Dai Daochang's house You have to keep it, you still have to have a sense of proportion...

"The most important thing is to ask Daoist Dai to quickly get himself a Guangzhou—no, Guangdong, the chief director of the new Taoism... and the letter of appointment as the host of the Temple of the Five Immortals!" Occupy the land and talk about it!"

However, what he was most concerned about was the things mentioned in the letter that Daoist Zhang sent him.

In the letter, Daoist Zhang asked him to find a suitable piece of land for opening a new Taoist primary and secondary school when he was enclosing land for New Taoism in Guangzhou.

"...In old times and space, all sects in Japan opened their own primary and secondary schools. Not to mention Catholicism and Christianity have church secondary schools, and even Buddhist sects have their own secondary schools. This is an advanced experience, and we should emulate it...

"...Considering that the Senate is generally hostile to religion, this plan should be kept secret. You should pay close attention to it and occupy a suitable plot during your stay in Guangzhou, so that we can use it at any time when the time is right."

From all aspects, this is indeed a place where you can run a school.Cui Hantang thought that it would be useless to run primary and secondary schools in the past ten years-it is still possible to set up a Taoist training school.

A medium-sized motor sailboat was docked at the Tianzi Wharf, and a dozen young people in green cloth robes got off the boat. There were men and women carrying packages of all sizes, and there were several in the crowd wearing Chinese tunic suits. The short-haired young men carefully carried a few wooden boxes, and the group looked curiously at the city of Guangzhou in the twilight.In the sentry box on the pier, a fat man in a Taoist robe hurried up to meet him. The young man in charge saw the fat man and stretched out his hand to hold it:
"Hello, Daoist Cui, I'm Fu Meng, and I'm here to help you deliver the projector. Cui Hantang doesn't know Fu Meng, but he should be called a veteran. Looking at his young age, he should be one of the middle school students who played truant. One of them?

While exchanging greetings, Cui Hantang gave up several sedan chairs for everyone, and the group went straight to the new home of New Taoism in Guangzhou: "Five Immortals Temple".

The Temple of Five Immortals is located in the west of the city, not far from Ziming Tower.This place is actually very famous.In ancient times, besides Yuexiu Mountain, there were three ancient mountains in the city: Po Mountain, Yu Mountain and Fan Mountain.Of course, it is said to be a mountain, but it is actually a slightly higher mound.Except that Yushan was dug out when Tianyou opened up the city in the fourth year of the late Tang Dynasty, the other two "mountains" are still there.Poshan is where the Five Immortals Temple is located, and it is the location of "Suishi Cave Sky", one of the eight scenic spots in Yangcheng.

This Temple of the Five Immortals in this time and space was built in the tenth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1377). It is a valley shrine dedicated to the five immortals (five grains).It is said that during the time of King Zhou Yi, five immortals flew to Guangzhou on five sheep with ears of grain in their mouths, and gave the ears of grain to the people of Guangzhou, wishing that there would be no famine in Guangzhou. It is also called Yangcheng and Suicheng.In order to commemorate the five immortals, people built the Temple of the Five Immortals, made statues of the five immortals riding a sheep, and enshrined them in the temple.

After getting off the sedan chair, everyone saw a Taoist temple with green glazed tiles facing south, the main hall with double eaves resting on the top of the mountain, exquisite and ingenious.Climbing up the steps along the deep alley, you will arrive at the Yimen Gate. There are four big characters "Five Immortals Ancient View" on the big plaque on the gate, which is said to be inscribed by the late Zhifu Dong himself.The scale of the Taoist temple is quite large, with as many as ten halls.There are Zhaobi, archway, mountain gate, nave and apse, and on both sides there are Dongxizhai, Sanyuan hall, corridors and so on.Cui Hantang arranged for everyone to rest and drink tea in the small room next to Yimen. Seeing that everyone was curious about the Taoist temple, he personally took them around.

The nave is the nave through the Yimen Gate. The nave in the 21st century only has ruins such as the foundation of the house, but the temple in this time and space is still well preserved. The hall is five rooms wide and has a magnificent regulation.

At the moment the nave was locked, Cui Hantang led the crowd around the foundation of the hall and went to the apse.The back hall is three rooms wide and 12 meters long, three rooms deep and 10 meters wide, and the hall is 7 meters high. It is the top of the mountain with double eaves and is covered with green glazed tiles.The two ends of the main ridge are decorated with back patterns. In the middle are two facing upside-down Aozi, and the central ridge brake is a treasure decoration.The main beam of the hall is engraved with the words "Daming Jiajing 16th November [-]th" and other words.The four walls are used as partitions, the square doors and windows are smart and transparent, the bucket has hidden leaves, and the decoration is simple, with distinct local characteristics of Guangdong.

There is a piece of red sandstone exposed on the east side of the back hall. Cui Hantang pointed to it and said: "Come, come, have a look at the treasure of this temple: 'Immortal Thumb Track', which can be compared with 'Suishi Cave Sky' and 'Wuxianxia Xia'. The cave is listed as one of the Eight Scenic Spots of Yangcheng." Everyone came forward to look at it, only to see a huge hollow on the rock, and a pool of clear water, which is nothing unusual.Cui Hantang explained: "This is the trace of water erosion during the Pearl River flood period in ancient times, and the footprints left by the immortals in folklore.

"What? So this is the Pearl River?" Fu Meng felt incredible.

"That's right, more than 1000 years ago, the Pearl River flowed in front of this Poshan, and here is a ferry. In the Jin Dynasty, it was called 'Poshan Ancient Ferry'." Cui Hantang presents what he heard from Li Zhuoxian a few days ago. Fried and sold.

"I see."

There is an ancient building in the style of a tower on the top of the hill behind the hall.The foundation of the building is built of red sandstone. The building is 7 meters high.There is also a big clock hanging upstairs.The big clock is two people tall and has a diameter of more than 2 meters. It looks very heavy, but what is surprising is that the clock is only hung by a kudzu vine.

Seeing Fu Meng's surprise, Cui Hantang explained: "It is said that this vine is related to Lu Dongbin: in ancient times, when a senior official passed by here in a sedan chair, the rope binding the sedan chair broke, so he ordered the bearer to find the rope within half an hour to tie the sedan chair. The bearer was looking anxiously, when suddenly he saw an old man walking by the road. The old man pointed to a kudzu vine on the rock and said, "You can use that vine." Seeing that the vine was thin and short, the bearer thought that the old man was going to play tricks on him. Suddenly the old man It was gone, and the bearer knew that he had met a fairy, so he quickly tore down the kudzu vines to tie up the sedan chair. It was really strange that the kudzu vines got longer and longer until the chair bars were tied firmly. When they arrived at the post station, the bearers looked carefully and saw The tail of the vine was engraved with the words "Lv Dongbin", and it was only then that I realized that it was the fairy vine given by Lu Dongbin. Later, Poshan built the Temple of Five Immortals and built a big bell tower, and wanted to find a rope to hang the big bell. The bearer offered the fairy vine The small kudzu vine can hang the copper bell of thousands of kilograms firmly." People don't believe the legend of Lu Dongbin, but it is an indisputable fact that a single kudzu vine hoisted the heavy bell. "

Fu Meng couldn't help but hit the big clock, the sound was very loud, and the big square well under the bell's mouth also buzzed and trembled straight.Fu Mengzheng bumped a few more times and was stopped by Cui Hantang. He said: "This big bell is used to call people to fight fires in case of emergency such as fire alarm. Resonance. Once the bell is rung, the sound comes from the coupon-shaped door opening. The sound of the bell is spread far and wide, and the sound is heard ten miles. Therefore, it is forbidden to strike if there is nothing to do; The building is also known as the Forbidden Bell Tower."

"Ah, didn't I commit a taboo..." Fu Meng knew that there was a plague in Guangzhou not long ago, so he felt a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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