Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1900

Chapter 1900
"It doesn't matter, it's all superstition—we don't advocate it." Cui Hantang laughed loudly, and shouted again, "Jiang Ziya is here!"

Fu Meng was baffled, and he didn't know what kind of trouble he was making.However, everyone heard that they lost interest in ringing the bell, so they went back to their rooms to pack their bags and rest for a while.

Cui Hantang's current mood is like that of a nouveau riche showing off his newly purchased villa in front of guests.The confidential mail that came with this wave of guests included two appointment letters.One was issued by Xin Taoism, with the big seal of Robber Spring, the official seal of Xin Taoism, and the certification stamp of the Religious Affairs Office stamped on it.Officially appointed Cui Hantang as "the head teacher of the Guangzhou Diocese and the abbot of the Temple of the Five Immortals"; another letter was sent by the Organization Office, appointing him as "the chief of the first section of the New Taoist Office of the Religious Affairs Office, and also the envoy of the Temple of the Five Immortals" .

He was admiring the two letters of appointment in the office, and he was very happy. It feels different to have his own territory.He will do more big things in the future!
Just thinking about how to get more divorces in Mayor Liu's upcoming "Religious Reformation", Qingyun came in and reported that he had arrested a "spies".

The "spies" came a few days after moving in?Cui Hantang was a little strange, could it be that Shi Weng's people deliberately wanted revenge?He said: "Bring him up!"

After a while, I saw Qingyun and others dragging and dragging a middle-aged man in. He was wearing a patched Taoist robe and a torn Dongpo scarf, looking very shabby .

"Master, this is the spy. He has been sneaking around the streets outside Guanwai for several days. I have seen him a long time ago. I happened to catch him when he sneaked in today." After speaking, he looked at Cui Hantang anxiously. , a look of "praise me".

Before Cui Hantang could speak, the man on the ground called out to Tianqu: "National Teacher, you are wronged, National Teacher!"

Cui Hantang immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, I don't have any national teachers in Song Dynasty, and Pindao is only one of the directors of Taoism in Song Dynasty, hehehehe."

The man didn't understand what "director" meant, but he also guessed that he was able to manage affairs, so he hurriedly said: "Master Director: Xiaodao is the Taoist of the Five Immortals Temple. Since the abbot escaped, there is no abbot in the temple." Xiaodao had no choice but to take his apprentices to the presiding office of Sanyuan Palace Liu. However, after exhausting all the money in the past few days, he suffered a lot of Huogong Taoists at Sanyuan Palace. I heard that Cui Zhenzhen established a sect here I have come here to seek refuge, firstly, it is difficult to leave the view, and secondly, good birds choose trees to live in..."

"Oh, I see. It turns out that the Temple of the Five Immortals belongs to you. Are you here to occupy the space?" Cui Hantang suddenly realized.

The Taoist heard the words and said repeatedly: "Don't dare, Xiaodao used to be just a Taoist in the temple. Cui Zhenren's magic power is profound, and the poor Taoist is absolutely inferior, so how dare he say that he is the master of the temple. I just ask Taoist Cui to take him in, and reward the poor." Dao and his disciples have a bite to eat, and the little people must work hard to clean the courtyard..." As he said, his knees gave way and he was about to kneel down.

Cui Hantang originally meant that he didn't want to be troublesome, but he found out that the Taoist and his disciples were only three people. Considering his language barrier, and his disciples knew very little about this city of Guangzhou, it would be easy to take in these few locals, so he immediately agreed. There are many people, so I am not afraid that they will make some troubles.

At that moment, Cui Hantang waved his sleeves: "Please, there is no need to be too polite. Since we are going to place an order at the Temple of the Five Immortals, we are a family. I don't know how to call you friends? How many comrades are wandering outside?"

The skinny and dry Taoist was able to kneel down under the support of Cui Hantang. At that time, he took advantage of this step to stand up, and tried his best to speak Guangzhou Mandarin back: "Master Hui, poor Taoist, cough cough, the little Taoist layman called Zhang Houdao, They are called "Honest People". Originally there were dozens of people in the audience. Since the abbot fled, they all fled away. Only Pindao and two apprentices are in the Sanyuan Palace, and some young Taoists are scattered in various temples. They have nowhere to go, but they can only barely get by. But they are afraid of Song Tianwei and dare not come here."

"Honest man? Hehe, it's interesting, hahaha!" Cui Hantang couldn't help laughing.The old man didn't know why Cui Hantang was laughing, so he had to laugh along with him.

After Cui Hantang laughed for a long time, he remembered that he was waiting for an answer, so he quickly told the Taoist priest to let them come back, and told him to bring his disciples back.When the Taoist master went out, Cui Hantang turned his eyes and called Qingyun to give some instructions. Qingyun took the order to go out of the temple. Cui Hantang called Xiaoqian again and asked her to tidy up the vacant wing of the house and let the old Taoist master and apprentice live. Anyway, now There are also many empty houses.

Not long after, Hou Laodao came back with two skinny little Taoist priests in their teens. The little Taoist priests had to kowtow to pay respects again. Cui Hantang told Qingyun to lead them to settle down.The kind-hearted man and his apprentice gave a few instructions, then lifted their feet and went out again.

After this trip, it was time to hold the lamps. Behind the kind man were four young Taoist disciples carrying big bags and small bags. Cui Hantang had a good grasp of the skills of people, and he saw that there were no evil people who grew up, so he recruited a little Taoist student to lead him They went to settle down, and only left the old Taoist priest in the front hall for questioning.

It turns out that several generations of this "honest man"'s family have been monks in this Temple of Five Immortals, and he has been in the temple since his grandfather.It can be regarded as the origin of family studies. Not only is he proficient in literature and ink, but he can also recite several Daoist scriptures. This is also an anomaly among the Huoju Taoists in the Ming Dynasty.As far as Cui Hantang knows, apart from the Taoist Taoism of Longhu Mountain, the Zhenwu Temple of Wudang Mountain, and the Quanzhen Sect, which was quite powerful at that time, the Taoist priests in the late Ming Dynasty were basically wild. Taoist classics are also basically unintelligible, and there are not many who can recite the Tao Te Ching and Huang Ting Jing. They are basically landlords and farmers in Taoist robes.

This "kind man" is not only able to master several Taoist classics such as "Tao De Jing", "Huang Ting Jing" and "Blood Lake Classic", but also the skills of drawing symbols, faces, and geomantic omens. A goose popped out.

This person is very useful - Cui Hantang thought, at least he can be asked to do many things in Taoist ceremonies and sacrifices, instead of doing it himself.As for the ceremonies that have been changed beyond recognition by the stolen springs, with the cultivation base of a kind person, it will not be too difficult to learn them again.

That night, Mr. Houdao paid homage to Cui Hantang and presented "Guangzhou Fengshui Theory". Cui Hantang flipped through it and felt that it was "very comforting to my heart". Seeing that he was very interested, the kind man carefully asked Cui Hantang about protecting Guangzhou's geomantic omens. plan.

The honest chief originally wanted to take this issue as his own stepping stone—the emerging regime, the "Fengtian Chengyun" that is especially valued.

However, Cui Hantang was unhappy when he mentioned the matter of dragon veins. Not only was Liu Xiang noncommittal about his suggestion, but according to the telegram from Daochang Dai E, there were even people in the Lingao headquarters criticizing him for engaging in feudal superstition, making alarmist talk, not asking common people about ghosts and gods, This led to another discussion on the value and significance of religion, and Venus released a thick discussion album.It made Lingao's religious mouth feel ashamed.It provoked Dean Wu to complain to Daoist Dai, saying that they were "tossing around", "sooner or later you will be exhausted by you", "we have to draw a line with you"...

Seeing the displeasure on Cui Hantang's face, the honest man dared not bring up the matter again.Instead, I got a few books of "New Taoist Rituals and Rituals".

"Take your disciples to practice well."

"Yes, yes, thank you abbot for giving me the precious book."

After that, more than a dozen Taoist priests who escaped came back one after another, begging Cui Hantang to take them in.Most of these are Taoist priests with low status in Guanyin, and they have no savings.Most of them were sent to become Taoist priests since they were young. Apart from serving the master, cleaning, and acting as extras when practicing mages, it can be said that they have nothing to do.It can only be sent to various Taoist temples and acquaintances with big families.

The food you come here is not delicious, and it won't last long.Now that they heard the kind and honest news, they ran back one after another.Cui Hantang accepted them all.

At present, people from all walks of life have settled down in the Temple of Five Immortals.Cui Hantang took the Taoist students to practice Taijiquan, Taijijian and meditation in the small square in front of the Guannei Zhongdian every morning.After reviewing, study cultural lessons, according to the habits of Australians: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, learn the textbooks "Elementary Physics", "Elementary Biology", "Elementary Geography"; "Knowledge of Chinese Herbal Medicine" compiled by the Ministry of Health, " Handbook of Simple Therapy"; the second, fourth, and sixth chapters of learning "Tao Te Ching", "Qing Jing Jing" and "Huang Ting Jing".The classics revised by Taoist Zhang Yingchen are indispensable; in the afternoon, Tao students take turns to learn practical skills such as "painting", "calligraphy", "pharmacy", "musical instruments", "massage", and "handwork"; sports activities are held on weekends.Entertainment programs such as "basketball", "badminton" and "singing love" are occasionally interspersed during the break.

The Taoist students are also responsible for all the chores in the Taoist temple, and they work in shifts every day.A vegetable garden was opened up in the gap of the Taoist temple, and the Taoist students took turns to grow vegetables.For a while, the entire Temple of the Five Immortals was in order, which surprised Liu Xiang who was intensively preparing for the religious reform.

"I didn't expect that Daoist Cui has some real talents." Liu Xiang said.

Cui Hantang himself led the Taoist students from Lingao and the Taoist priests who "joined the group" to practice the rituals during the public sacrifice, especially the sacrifice.He is determined to hold an unprecedented grand ceremony in Guangzhou.For this reason, letters were sent to various temples in the city, asking them to set up altars for offering sacrifices at the same time.

On the one hand, he was worrying about organizing the "Guangzhou Taoist Federation"—yes, he was already planning to unify the Taoism in Guangzhou.

He won this job by himself. Of course, it was unavoidable to make a dirty deal with Mayor Liu.The general principle is that Mayor Liu wants to take the temple properties of Taoist temples: a large amount of land, rented shops and houses... New Taoism, through the organization of Taoist Federation, will bring these temples into the new management system, comprehensively administratively Temples that control the old Taoist system.

(End of this chapter)

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