Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1901 Public Sacrifice

Chapter 1901 Public Sacrifice
After intensive planning and arrangement, the public memorial activity has officially entered the implementation stage.

According to Liu Xiang's plan, this public sacrifice should not be too religious, especially not to highlight a certain sect.Therefore, Cui Hantang originally planned to set up a sacrificial altar at the public sacrifice site, and held the Luotian Dajiao for [-] consecutive days to reassure the soul, pray for blessings, and comfort the people, but was shot.

"You can play the Eighteenth Tianluotian Dajiao in the Temple of the Five Immortals," Liu Xiang said, "You have to understand me, if you play the leading role, I, the mayor, can't do it."

His attitude was so sincere that Cui Hantang couldn't even complain, so he had to curse a few words about "animals in the Senate", and took the zoning diagram and flow chart back to revise the plan.

The public sacrifice ceremony was discussed and decided to be held on December 12.The location is located in Haipi outside Zhenhai Gate.

Taking advantage of the public security purge, Liu Xiang dispatched hundreds of police soldiers a few days ago to demolish the place in the name of "rectifying environmental sanitation and preventing epidemics". All the houses were demolished, and all the homes were sent to the "refugee camp" on Hong Kong Island.Completely solved this security blind spot.

These low-level urbanites will be resettled after a month of screening and "purification".Some of those who used to have legitimate jobs can stay in Guangzhou to continue to make a living, and those who do not have proper jobs will be sent to the newly established "Xinsheng Farms" in Kaohsiung, Jeju, and Hainan.The farm is jointly run by the land reclamation system and the national police, and it specializes in accepting the urban "scum" cleaned up by various cities in the mainland campaign.

Now there is a piece of white land outside Zhenhai Gate, and the original appearance of the river bank tidal flat has been restored.December is already the dry season of the Pearl River, the river has receded far, and the sand on the river beach has been hardened by the sun. It is a suitable place for holding mass activities.

The laborers used big stone rollers to flatten and compact the ground, and then spread a layer of sand and gravel, and the carpenters rushed to build the platform in the open space.

Although the public sacrifice site is a temporary facility, a small requiem monument was built with reinforced concrete and granite stones at the original Maojia Inn where the crime occurred: this is to commemorate the "6.5 Maojia Inn Extra Large" of the victims of the homicide.

Because this was the first large-scale public event since entering the city, Liu Xiang was particularly concerned and told the Municipal Bureau to maintain the scene well to avoid stampede accidents.Also because of the worry that there would be too many people watching the excitement, the public trial, public judgment and public execution were omitted.

"The objects of the public sacrifice are not only the victims of the Maojia Inn, but most of them are the victims of the plague and those who died in the line of duty. The execution is somewhat off-topic," said Fang Fei, who was in charge of planning the event from Lingao.

Liu Xiang glanced over the scene with satisfied eyes - really good!Although the stand is all made of wood, the outside is hung with black and white cloth, which is solemn and generous.I temporarily rented thousands of pots of chrysanthemums from flower farmers near Guangzhou, and the decorations are magnificent.

In the middle is the sacrificial altar. Incense burners and wreaths are placed on the temporary altar. Generally speaking, it is necessary to implement Liu Xiang’s guiding spirit of "simplicity", "grandness" and "no feudal superstition". , but no scented wax, only the meaning.In the middle, chrysanthemums and black and white ribbons are used to form a big "Dian" character. Behind the word "Dian", there are three long banners hanging from the soul, and ink calligraphy on white ground, which read: the victims of the plague in Guangzhou, the victims of the fight against the plague, and the victims of the Maojia Inn case.

On both sides of the altar, there are three "Dharma altars" to display Dharma instruments.They are Neo-Taoism, Catholicism and Buddhism.Cui Hantang struggled several times, and the platform of New Taoism was larger than that of the other two religions.

As soon as Liu Xiang came out of the gate of Zhenhaimen, he was startled: so many people came!

He originally thought that there would not be many people coming to observe the public sacrifice, so he specially instructed Mu Min to ask the chiefs to mobilize the people to participate.

"This mobilization is too much." Seeing the crowd on both sides of the street being blocked by the sweaty national army, he muttered to himself.

In fact, Liu Xiang underestimated how people in this time and space watched the excitement.In this time and space, there is a serious lack of public cultural and entertainment activities, so no matter street fights, government trials, or public executions, there will always be crowds watching the fun.As soon as the news spread that the municipal government wanted a public sacrifice, the whole city was a sensation, and there was no need for anyone to mobilize, and all the old and young came to "watch the ceremony".Mu Min had no choice but to call the navy to maintain order.

The sedan chair was carried under the rostrum, and he stepped onto the stage proudly.On the stage were the veterans of the Guangzhou Municipal Government: Lin Baiguang, Director of the Municipal Comprehensive Management Office, Mu Min, Director of the Municipal Police, Wu Mu, Director of the Municipal Security Bureau, Meng Xian, Director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Ai Zhixin, Director of the Taxation Bureau, Zheng Shangjie, Director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Judge Liang Xinhu, etc.
There are officials, and the "sages of society" are indispensable. The leader is the high-ranking official. He is wearing a blue Taoist robe today, very clean.The representatives of the Guangzhou City Federation of Industry and Commerce followed behind.Because Zhang Yu's father was the representative, he also came to participate "at his best".

The big gentry, even though they all sent people after receiving the notice, they all appeared on the scene from the offshoots of their own families or the bastards.None of the hosts showed up.But Liu Xiang found a very good change, that is, none of the families who received the notice dared not send someone to come - this has never happened in the past.

"You know how powerful we are." Liu Xiang thought to himself, "After sorting out all your black materials, I will slaughter you fat sheep one by one!"

When the hands of the watch pointed to nine o'clock, a burst of drums sounded like a rainstorm.Mu Min, who was sleepy and full of resentment, resisted the urge to yawn and walked slowly towards the rostrum—she had already been sleep deprived for a long time and had to stay up all night to prepare for this event at the request of the sick and hyperactive Elder Liu Yuan. When passing by Liu Xiang, she glanced at that excited and slightly nervous little face, wishing she could slap her in the face.

Mu Min first made a brief review of the witchcraft case. As the voice of the microphone spread throughout the venue, the emotions of the citizens who watched the excitement were gradually mobilized. There was a slight commotion in the crowd, and some even started to shout angrily.The Nationalist Army who maintained order and the spies mixed in the crowd also became tense, and the policemen kept running back and forth and yelled loudly to maintain order.

At the end of Mu Min's speech, Lin Motian gave a speech on the recent plague prevention and control work. Compared with Mu Min's somewhat "routine" speech, Lin Motian's feelings were much richer, especially when it came to the prevention and control work The personnel who died in the line of duty choked up many times and could not speak idioms.There was a lot of mourning on and off the stage, and those who lost relatives and friends in the plague were also weeping uncontrollably at this moment.

After the speech, Liu Xiang announced the start of the public sacrifice ceremony.The dense drumbeat sounded again, followed by the "Requiem" played by the bugle, with a long and solemn tone-the Fubo Army's Requiem used the tune of the lights out. used in memorial ceremonies
The first thing that appeared in people's sights were two rows of Fubo Army soldiers. They were dressed in gray military uniforms, wide-brimmed hats, light blue leggings, long spears on their shoulders, and shining bayonets. Walk out from behind the rostrum.

Amidst the music, the team passed the rostrum at a slow pace. Liu Xiang stood up first, and then all the staff stood up.The team marched to the altar, and the soldiers followed the command of the officer, and the three of them spread out in a straight line.When the team is scheduled, only listen to the officer's order: "Get ready! — Let go!"

I saw three soldiers on the easternmost side holding their guns, holding the butt of the guns, leaning their left feet half a foot forward to the left, raising their guns at 70 degrees to the sky, aiming and pulling the trigger.In the same voice of the password, the other soldiers completed all the actions in turn and left the field in line.

Gunshots roared and smoke filled the air.Bugle starts to cry

After presenting the flower basket, Wen Desi, Liu Xiang, Lin Baiguang, Mu Min, Wu Mu, Meng Xian, Ai Zhixin, Zheng Shangjie, Liang Xinhu, Chen Ce, Zhang Yikun, etc. stepped forward slowly, stopped and stared in front of the flower basket, and carefully arranged the flowers on the flower basket. ribbon.Afterwards, all the people participating in the activity bowed deeply three times to the soul-calling flags of the martyrs, commemorating the great achievements of the martyrs

At the same time, the members of the leading group of the Guangdong Region, the leaders of the Guangzhou Municipal Government and representatives from all walks of life expressed their deep condolences to the victims of the "extraordinary homicide" and the people who died in the epidemic in the city, and extended cordial condolences to the relatives of the victims .And there was a 3-minute silence for all.However, the silent mourning was not over yet. Earth-shattering cries sounded from the onlookers. Some family members of the deceased fell to the ground and cried loudly, while others rushed forward excitedly.

After the mourning event, Mayor Liu delivered a speech calling on the people of all ethnic groups in the city to turn their grief into strength, strive to promote the reform and development of Guangzhou, and work hard to build Guangzhou into the first city in Guangnan.

Then Liu Xiang announced the end of the public sacrifice activities, and then announced: In view of the rampant witchcraft and beggars in Guangzhou, the harvesting and cutting off harm the harmony of heaven; The district government specially invites "virtuous people" from the three religions in the city to perform a ritual here to save the dead people in Guangzhou City and pray for the living people in Guangzhou City.

Watching monks and priests chanting scriptures was a popular recreational activity for common people in medieval society, and even monks and priests chanting scriptures included considerable performance and entertainment.The crowds who watched were divided into three parts immediately, and the water was not able to flow around the Dharma platform of the three religions.

The most onlookers are of course New Taoism.Taoism, especially the ceremonies and ceremonies of the Taoism of Heavenly Masters, are known for being gorgeous and complicated. The Taoist robes and instruments are bright and gorgeous, and the Taoist music is rich and beautiful.If you meet a Taoist priest who is handsome and sings beautifully, then those who watch the Taoist priest praying and chanting scriptures will have to break through the threshold.

(End of this chapter)

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