Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1903 Public Trial

Chapter 1903 Public Trial
When these words came out, Shen Ruiming was really a little dazed, he really didn't expect this: in his impression, when the summary court was just established and there was a maid case, the elders were sent to defend.In addition, the defendant basically defended himself.Although the Senate allowed the defendant to find a lawyer by himself, very few people had the money to hire them, and even the lords of the gentry knew about this system.

Shen Ruiming pondered for a while, and said: "The veterans in Guangzhou are basically very busy. I have communicated with you before: only veteran Xiao Zhang can come to help. Or I can do the procuratorial work alone, and leave the defense to the elder Zhang. .”

Liu Xiang thought for a while: "Can Xiao Zhang do it? This case is as bloody as a Thai horror movie. Let alone that she has no experience in legal practice, can a little girl stand this?"

"Well, we can wait until I meet with Xiao Zhang to discuss. In essence, this trial is a big drama we put on for the natives of Guangzhou. Without a main actor, this drama is very ugly."

"In this case, let's hold a meeting tomorrow." Liu Xiang thought for a while, and felt that the feeling of "educating the common people" just by the public sacrifice was a little bit worse, and another large-scale public trial would obviously

Early the next morning, Shen Ruiming washed up, took his briefcase and headed to the Guangzhou Municipal Government.

Originally, he thought that the veterans would relax after they occupied Guangzhou, but he didn't expect that he was the last one in the meeting room. Shen Ruiming's face was slightly hot, and he greeted several veterans. Seeing that Zhang Yunmi had also arrived, he said hello to her. nodded.

"How? Are you mentally prepared?"

"Oh, in fact, I was just a primary school student in the old time and space - I mainly learned foreign languages ​​in Fangcaodi, but I didn't know anything about laws..."

"Haven't you been helping me sort out the case files recently? It can be regarded as the legal aid of a law firm," Shen Ruiming waved his hand, signaling Zhang Yunmi not to interrupt in a hurry, "I know you want to say that you have no experience. It's okay, who isn't Came from a blank piece of paper? I think it was the first time I went to court with my master..."

Seeing that Shen Ruiming began to indulge in self-promotion, Zhang Yunmi hurriedly brought back the topic: "Is legal work more professional? I have never been exposed to this kind of knowledge. It would be bad if the work of a defense lawyer is messed up——" This group of wolf-hearted non-humans, I really can't get up to defend myself."

"Actually, it's not as difficult as you think, and you don't need to write a defense statement. In fact, this trial is only on the surface, and its essence is just a big show for the aboriginals." There were no aboriginals present at the meeting, He is not afraid of being heard: "Of course the 'big drama' here is not a derogatory term, but it is a modern legal education class for the people of Guangzhou. Your appearance as a defense lawyer is an important part of our judicial trials. It is an integral part of the law. Using this as a template to tell the people how to file a lawsuit correctly will not only benefit the people, but also reduce our own workload.”

Shen Ruiming also explained the focus of this trial, that is, public trial, public judgment and public verdict, to strengthen the sense of participation of the indigenous people.Although adopting the "jury" system of the law of the sea seems to be more conducive to "mass participation", considering social and public conditions, this is tantamount to giving the local gentry a green light to intervene in the judiciary.

"You are a woman—in the traditional concept, women are always associated with benevolence and compassion, and you are also a veteran. It is perfect for you to come out as a defense lawyer."

"To be honest, I really don't want to be a defense lawyer for this group of beasts - I feel sick after reading the materials!" Zhang Yunmi still has some psychological shadows.

Shen Ruiming said a few words of encouragement, and Liu Xiang and Liang Xinhu also encouraged her, which stabilized her mood.

Today's meeting is actually a "director's meeting", which is to deliberate on the trial process of tomorrow's public trial of the thirteen main criminals.Make sure you get the best results.

All legal documents, including the opening statement, the indictment, the defense statement... even the confession and witness testimony have been meticulously revised.Shen Ruiming's request is: "No loopholes, no logical problems, and complete details."

The first two are easy to say, after all, they have real evidence, and they are not creating unjust, false and wrongly decided cases out of thin air, but the words "complete with details" are difficult, and they will inevitably make the prisoners suffer countless hardships, tortured to death, just for them to recall Come up with a certain detail.

The prisoners all accepted the agreement in private: plead guilty and follow the trial process.In exchange for this, Shen Ruiming guaranteed that they would not be "cut to death" first, and second, that their bodies would not be handed over to Cui Hantang after death.Compared with the former, the latter seems to scare these murderous devils even more.

Despite this, Shen Ruiming still asked for a good plan, especially the collection of various witness and material evidence.In case the prisoner suddenly retracts the confession or the confession is wrong and there is no match.

"This is our legal education for Guangzhou and the entire Ming people in the judicial field. Success is not enough. Our requirement is 'flawless'!" Shen Ruiming said.

The day of the public trial is coming soon, and several streets outside the Guangzhou City Court are besieged.

The "Yangcheng Express" extra-issue serialization about the "Maojia Inn Case" has been going on for many days, and every time the extra-issue is sold out, and within two or three hours, there is a rough pirated version printed with clay movable type and ink Appearance - this is what the people of the local Yindi newspaper did in the past.

And the majority of public opinion personnel also spared no effort to tell all kinds of "secrets" on the materials they received in teahouses, restaurants, and wells in front of and behind houses.

Therefore, although the case has not yet been tried, public opinion among the people has been fully mobilized.

At this moment, there was a huge crowd of people outside the Guangzhou City Court, and the National Army and police who came to maintain order had to cordon off the perimeter to prohibit people from entering the streets around the City Court.Many people simply climbed to the roof, looking at it as the only way to satisfy their curiosity.

Vendors squeezed through the crowd, loudly selling cigarettes, sunflower seeds and Australian candy, stewed chicken feet and duck necks and heads, as well as rough brochures - "Yangcheng Express" collected pirated copies.

"Sir, it's almost time."

The secretary reminded Liang Xinhu who was resting on the wicker chair with his eyes closed.Today he is neatly dressed: a black robe, and the badge on his chest is a balance scale under the morning star-a bit like a Ming and Qing patch.

Liang Xinhu nodded and got up, the secretary hurriedly put on a Song-style black gauze long-winged hat for him, and handed him a thick "Imperial Law Code" book model - the reason why it is a model is naturally because the code has not yet been compiled.After finishing the compilation, it cannot be accommodated by the size of a thick dictionary.It's just a prop.

Most of this attire can be called a combination of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, which fully reflects the advanced nature of the Senate in the field of law.

Liang Xinhu walked into the Guangzhou City Court with a calm expression and a solemn demeanor.In the auditorium, many elders and many gentry from Guangzhou have already come.Liu Xiang did not attend today, replaced by Lin Baiguang.Naturally, Gao Ju among the local gentry would not refuse, but he can only be regarded as a businessman.But there were quite a few distinguished gentry who came - not the housekeepers, nor the collateral members of the family.

The court was originally converted from a public hall, which accommodated no more than fifty or sixty hearing personnel.Today, in order to expand its influence, all the chairs were removed except for the special auditorium.Now it is already full of people, and the luckiest ones have squeezed all the way to the iron fence of the trial area.

Soldiers from the White Horse team maintained order in the courthouse.Although the common people were scrambling to get to the front to watch the case, and there were a lot of people, but with the shiny bayonet in front, the crowd always maintained a basic order.

Seeing the judge's appearance, the crowd immediately caused a commotion, and the commotion quickly spread from the court to the surrounding streets like ripples.

"The judge is here, everyone stand up!"

The sudden sound made everyone tremble, but fortunately, the narrator who was arranged in the crowd with a propaganda port told the people: This is a loudspeaker specially arranged by the Senate, so that people who cannot enter to sit and listen to the trial can also The first time to know what happened in the hospital.

The noisy sound in the speaker lasted for a while, but it soon quieted down, and the crowd outside seemed to sense something, and gradually quieted down.

Liang Xinhu strode towards the judge department, sat down on the high-backed chair, picked up the gavel and knocked three times:
"Now for court!"

Liang Xinhu's secretary acted as the clerk of the trial. After reading the court discipline, Shen Ruiming also walked in through the passage.Sit upright on the prosecutor's seat.

Zhang Yunmi's appearance caused a commotion among the crowd.First of all, everyone is not familiar with the concept of "defender". Although there are so-called "litigators" in Guangzhou, they generally do not appear in court—and most of the litigators are involved in civil cases. Such major criminal cases are generally avoided by people. , how could there be anyone who took the initiative to get involved!What's more, the case of the Maojia Inn can be described as frenzied. How can there be any reason to "defend" it?Secondly, naturally the identity of this "female elder" caused a commotion.

There are female elders among the Australians, which is not new in Guangzhou.But the female veteran in front of him is not only beautiful, but also young.It is a bit shocking to come out to be a "litigator".

"Could it be that this Australian has lost his mind? What defense do such sinners have?"

"Pull it out and chop it up. It's cheaper for them to feed the meat and five internal organs to pigs and dogs!"

"And get a pink and beautiful girl to be a lawyer—this Australian is really ingenious..."

"It's too tall... and the feet are too big..."

Lingao Qiming Book Fan Base

braggart's news board;
Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time (the content is temporarily kept secret);

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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