Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1904 Shen Ruiming's Indictment

Chapter 1904 Shen Ruiming's Indictment

The buzzing sound of this discussion reached Zhang Yunmi's ears, which made her a little nervous when she appeared in such a large public place for the first time—especially since she can still understand a few words of Cantonese, and she can hear the words in it. The frivolous teasing meaning, his face became more and more rosy.

Fortunately, she has been in Guangzhou for a long time, and she has also given lessons to the cadres of the Guihuamin. She has already developed a considerable immunity in the public and under the watchful eyes of the public.At this moment, I just pretended I didn't hear it, and sorted out the documents in my hand.

The courtroom was packed, and Zeng Juan came to line up before dawn, and he got his wish and squeezed to the front—speaking of which, the case was triggered by the disappearance of his niece Mingnu.He thought of this from time to time, and he was really scared and thankful, and even a little proud: If he hadn't asked Li Ziyu for help at the beginning, it would have taken a long time before this case was discovered.

Zeng Juan has been preparing for the civil service exam. However, the plague in Guangzhou a few months ago made the exam naturally stop.Zeng Juan and his family hid at home and did not go out easily.Father's business is very good--the more people die, the better the incense business will be.So this plague did not help the Zeng family.

During the plague period, no one in the Zeng family had any accidents. On the contrary, Zeng Juan's brother-in-law, because he ran a tea house business and had a wide range of contacts, contracted the plague and died.His wife's fate is tough, but because she was implicated in the witchcraft case, she was also arrested and sent to the detention center.According to Gao Chongjiu's acquaintances in the police station, at least he should be sentenced to exile on Jeju Island or Taiwan.

The fate of the "dog man and woman" made Zeng Juan heave a sigh of relief.But the brother-in-law died and the three nephews became orphans. Now they are all taken care of by Zeng Juan's parents, and the daily expenses are quite a lot.However, the family lives in harmony and comfort, and it is also very happy.

After the epidemic was lifted, the tea house left by Zeng Juan's brother-in-law was also allowed to open.However, there is no abbot to take care of the store, according to Zeng Juan's father, he wants Zeng Juan to be the shopkeeper.As an uncle, he manages the tea house and raises his nephew as an adult. Outsiders will never be able to pick Li Lai.Although this Wanshenglu tea house is not big, the business is still decent.Moreover, the Qitang and cooks in the store also had this idea, and they also asked the Zeng family to hope that Zeng Juan would come out to host.

However, Zeng Juan had the heart of wanting to be a civil servant--it's too boring to be a shopkeeper of a tea house!So he was not willing to "take over the plate", which made his father furious, saying that he "will not eat the meat in the ready-made pot, but insist on eating the big cake on the painting".And burn his reference books.It was Zeng Juan's mother who was wise enough to scold his father: "Although you can eat the meat in this pot now, this pot belongs to Andy Cheng Tsai after all—they don't have the surname Zeng! Will they have to return it to others in the future? What will Ah Juan do by then?"

After hearing this, Zeng Juan's father couldn't say anything to refute it. It took him a long time to hold back a sentence: "He may not be reliable in the civil servant exam now, and the tea house has some income! This big family can't rely on him for a few words." Empty talk!"

In the end, the two parties compromised, and Zeng Juan could go to the civil service exam, but before he passed the exam, he was given a tea house to be the shopkeeper.Fortunately, the kitchen staff, cooks, and buyers in the tea house are all familiar with it, and Zeng Juan is just a sitter.

Just in this way, he has much less time to review.Zeng Juan has been dejected for the past few days.

Even so, he still worked hard to study for the exam.Hearing that there was going to be a public trial of the Maojia Inn case this time, he got up early and hurried to the trial.Because the company examination direction he set himself is tax and the other is judicial.According to the reference book, these two categories have a great relationship with Australian laws.It may be helpful for the exam to come to the hearing by yourself.

On the other side of the iron fence is the court, and the special auditorium is separated on both sides.Zeng Juan didn't know any of the "masters" who were tall, short, fat and thin, and he wasn't interested.It was the Australian woman sitting behind the "Defender" sign that caught his attention.

Liang Xinhu hit the gavel several times in a row, shouting for silence.But it didn't work. It was the slaves in the prefecture's yamen who were retained to maintain order at the scene and shouted their authority in unison to suppress the noisy voice.

"Bring the suspect to court!"

As the order to bring the suspects was communicated, the soldiers of the White Horse Team brought the prisoners in through the side door one by one.Ask them to stand in a line behind the defendant's fence.

Prisoners did not wear shackles, nor were they asked to kneel down, but just stood.This is not uncommon. Guangzhou citizens who have seen a lot of Australians questioning cases know that Australians have always tried cases like this.It's just that these villains full of crimes are not called "criminals" but "suspects", which puzzles the onlookers.

But Zeng Juan knew that according to Australian law, before a court finds guilty, he is called a suspect, not a qualitative "prisoner".Although he himself observes the specific judicial practice of Australians: the distinction between "suspect" and "prisoner" and "criminal" is not particularly clear, but in court and documents, he pays close attention to words.

Today, Wu Zhiqi, Fu Wen and several other main culprits in the case of cutting off living beings are being tried, and there are two white horse team members standing beside each of them.

"Da Song's Australian tour is in the Guangzhou Municipal Court. The kidnapping and murder case of 13 defendants including Wu Zhiqi and Fu Wen will be heard in open court according to law." After Liang Xinhu announced the opening of the court, he first asked several defendants to state their names and other information. The crowd outside also heard the news that the prisoner had gone to court through the loudspeaker, and immediately became commotion.In particular, a group of family members of the victims, all dressed in filial piety, gathered outside the arena, crying on the ground at this moment.The invited monks and priests were chanting scriptures outside again, and the scene was very lively.

The police and the national army have been notified: the family members of the victim are allowed to stay outside the court as long as they do not disturb the order, but they are not allowed to attack the court.In court trials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were often incidents of "the crowd beat the prisoner to death on the spot".Not to mention that once the murderer is beaten to death, legal issues will inevitably be involved, and if there are so many people at the scene, chaos will inevitably result in a stampede accident.Therefore, the soldiers of the National Army surrounded them tightly to prevent them from taking any drastic actions.

Liang Xinhu read out the rights and obligations enjoyed by the defendant.Shen Ruimin and Liang Xinhu met each other's eyes, stood up, straightened his back, with a sense of righteousness, he picked up the document and read it aloud: "The prosecutor's office specially sent by Dasong Australia to Guangzhou City, the defendant Wu Zhiqi, Fu Wen and other 13 people committed kidnapping, abduction, murder, tomb robbery, insulting corpses, intentional injury causing death, fraud, illegal medical practice, manufacturing of counterfeit medicines... A case was prosecuted. The defendant Wu Zhiqi was in... Fu Wen... kidnapped the victim Fan Mou near Xiaoshi Village outside Guangzhou on a certain day in 1635; on a certain day in 1635..."

The crimes of this group of people are too numerous to list. There are as many as dozens of charges for the prosecution alone, and the indictment is as thick as hundreds of pages.It took more than two hours just to read the entire indictment.

Although it took a long time, the case was too horrifying and terrifying. Although many people had obtained information about the case from various sources, whether it was veterans such as Liu Xiang in the auditorium, or naturalized citizens and ordinary people inside and outside the court, most of them This is the first time I have heard the full picture of the case.Anger spread through the crowd.If it weren't for the strict prohibition of bringing any throwable objects into the court, the meeting of the thirteen suspects would have been smashed to pieces.

"The evidence is presented below."

In order to complete the "iron case", it fully embodies the judicial thinking of "confirming the case with evidence".During the presentation of evidence in court, the entire trial team put a lot of thought into it. In addition to summoning 19 key witnesses, they also read the testimony of about [-] people on the spot.It took a whole morning just to question the witnesses and read the testimony.Although it was December weather, Shen Ruiming's clothes under his robes were completely soaked in sweat after several hours of preaching in a crowded room.

However, such a smooth prosecution was a very rare experience for Shen Ruiming.He was even a little intoxicated in his performance.He walks around the courtroom, sometimes impassioned, sometimes depressed, sometimes bursting out with righteous anger and directly denouncing the suspect, and sometimes giving a long inner monologue about law and justice.The crowd below were mesmerized, and applause and cheers broke out from time to time.Liang Xinhu secretly wondered: Could it be that Shen Ruiming was born in drama?
It was long after lunch time that the witness testimonial session ended, Liang Xinhu announced an adjournment, and the court session will continue at [-] pm.

Although the court was adjourned, the audience was not willing to leave—who knows if they will be able to squeeze in later?It's cheaper than a group of hawkers, selling all kinds of snacks and refreshments.

Back in the lounge, I saw that Shen Ruiming was stripped naked, leaving only a pair of underpants - even the back of the underpants was already soaked, Liang Xinhu said: "You are working hard! This is a betrayal for playing the Kane ship!"

Shen Ruiming was still immersed in the pleasure brought by the speech. While enjoying the maid rubbing his back, he said: "This is a great opportunity for us to popularize the law!"

He got up and put on a nightgown, took a sip from Kvass, his tone and expression were very excited, "What is the modern legal system and what is feudal superstition, I just want to take this opportunity to show everyone."

At the beginning of the trial in the afternoon, there was an evidence display session. With the special approval of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, a projector was specially used to show the scene photos in court.

For the vast majority of people, even though they have heard many details, and even though cruel scenes are commonplace in this time and space, the real crime scene photos still make many people feel chilled, coupled with Shen Ruiming's gloomy tone, it is like a gust of cold wind scrape the court

braggart's news board;
Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time (the content is temporarily kept secret);

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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