Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1905 Judgment

Chapter 1905 Judgment
Mass burial pits that have been dug up; half-decomposed corpses stacked neatly; corpses of children whose facial features and internal organs have been dug up; mud and sand mixed with corpse fragments, and the pots and stoves used to cook corpses...

Although they are all black-and-white glass plate photos with limited resolution, the vivid details still make many people dare not look directly at the screen.

"This is physical evidence No. 291: the gourd of living soul," with the voice of Shen Ruiming, a panoramic and close-up picture of the gourd flashed on the screen; "this is No. 292, the 'corpse pill' found in the gourd. According to the suspect Wu Zhi Qi’s confession: Corpse Pill is refined from the victim’s body fat mixed with other substances..."

There was a dead silence in the auditorium, but Shen Ruiming knew that the horror, fear and anger caused by it were fermenting in the crowd.He was secretly proud.

"...This is physical evidence No. 778, the 'big medicine'. According to the confession of the suspect Fu Wen, he used the victim's corpse to mix medicinal materials to make the so-called 'aphrodisiac'. The members of his gang took the aphrodisiac at two The price of two silver is sold in Guangzhou..."

When he said this, Shen Ruiming keenly noticed that the face of a master in the special auditorium suddenly twisted, as if he had just eaten a pile of shit.

It seems that he is one of the drug users.Shen Ruiming thought to himself.

Although the display of physical evidence was less than one-tenth of the actual content, the amount was astonishing, and it was already after three o'clock in the afternoon when all the evidence was displayed.

Then Liang Xinhu started to ask the defendant: "Defendant Wu Zhiqi, did you hear clearly what the prosecutor said just now?" Hearing Wu Zhiqi's agreement, Liang Xinhu said again: "Tell the facts." Wu Zhi Qi had already given up hope of being able to survive, feared by Cui Hantang's "spells", he had long ago agreed to explain everything, only wishing to keep his three souls and six souls after death.Fu Wen knew that he had committed a heinous crime and had absolutely no reason to survive—not to mention that he was almost living in an endless hell these days, and now he only wanted to die quickly, and he would never hold back any sophistry.On the contrary, a few accomplices, who admit that their culpability is limited and have a fluke mentality, are evasive and flickering when they confess.

Shen Ruiming didn't take it seriously, he had a lot of evidence, and this little trick was useless.After all the suspects had finished their confessions, he looked at Liang Xinhu, who expressed his understanding with his eyes, and said, "Defense lawyer, please speak."

Zhang Yunmi was a little nervous when she first sat in the courtroom, but now it was her turn to speak, she calmed down.Standing up, he first saluted Liang Xinhu, and then he began to talk freely. The defense was discussed with Shen Ruiming, Cui Hantang and others in advance.The crimes committed by Wu Zhiqi and others are undeniable, and the defense must proceed from their starting point, that is, their motives.Zhang Yunmi explained emphatically that the actions of the defendants in this case were based on superstition and ignorance, and their idea was naive and ridiculous-to denounce it as evil, and not to kill all religious practices, but it took Cui Hantang a lot of effort-to eliminate witches Many defendants other than Zhiqi and Fuwen are in a subordinate position and should be given a lighter punishment.

These words are well-founded, not only effectively defending the defendant, but also taking good care of the emotions of the onlookers. Both the elders present and the common people inside and outside the court showed their approval.

After all the procedures, it was already dark.If this case was in the original time and space, it would take at least three days to finish the trial. In order to achieve the social effect of the trial and avoid putting too much pressure on the police station to maintain the order of group activities, Shen Ruiming and Liang Xinhu deliberately accelerated the process.

After Liang Xinhu announced the adjournment for 10 minutes, he walked back to the presiding seat from the courtroom, and sentenced the defendant Wu Zhiqi in court for intentional homicide, kidnapping... and other 21 counts. He was sentenced to death for multiple crimes; Defendant Fu Wen was convicted of 23 crimes including intentional homicide and kidnapping. He was punished for several crimes and sentenced to death.It was subsequently announced that a public trial meeting would be held tomorrow to deal with other relevant persons involved in the case.

After Liang Xinhu read out all the verdicts "in the name of the Senate and the people", he shouted: "Detain!"

Immediately, dozens of remaining police officers—now they are all police officers—came here with shackles in hand, and shackled the thirteen criminals in court to escort them down.

Because Zeng Juan was in the courtroom, he was the last one to walk away when he left.At the end of the day, his waist and legs were so numb that he could barely walk. Not only was his lips dry and scorched, but he didn't know where the half piece of glutinous rice chicken he ate at noon was. , Pulled his legs and ran to Wanshenglu Tea House.

In the past, urinating in the streets and alleys would have solved the problem.But now he dare not make a mistake.After finally getting to the tea room, I quickly slipped to the urinal on the back wall and poured some water.

After tying up his clothes, he slowly walked from the back to the shop.The evening business of the tea house was relatively quiet, and sitting at the counter, he not only sorted out the accounts, but also chatted with the guests.

The guests of Wanshenglu Tea House rarely drink alcohol during the day, they only drink tea with snacks, but at night, all the guests who come here will order a pot or two of wine, or drink by themselves, or have a small gathering with friends .After Zeng Juan became the shopkeeper, he bought a few "Australian oil lamps" from Dashijie to brighten up the shop. Although it cost a lot, it was very good for attracting business at night.

Although the current public security in Guangzhou is still not as good as that in central areas such as Lingao, Chengmai, and Qiongshan, after the Guandi Temple was purged, the security and criminal cases in the city dropped by [-]%. For the residents, it is almost an earth-shaking change.After the plague was over, in order to stimulate the "night life" and restore the market in Guangzhou as soon as possible, Liu Xiang delayed the closing time of street gates from the past dark to nine o'clock in the evening.

Zeng Juan sorted out the accounts, and suddenly saw that Yuan Shuzhi's name had been erased from the water board, so he asked, "Old He! Yuan Shuzhi has been here?"

Yuan Shuzhi was a frequent visitor to the tea house, and he could barely be regarded as a scholar.Their backgrounds are similar to those of Zeng Juan, who also came from sociology, but they started taking the boy's exam at the age of 15 and have been taking the exam until they are in their early fifties.

Zeng Juan didn't know what Yuan Shu's home was like, who his parents were, and whether he had any family members.However, ever since he came to his brother-in-law's shop to eat and drink, he could see Yuan Shuzhi from time to time—he was considered a celebrity in Wanshenglu Tea House.

He heard people talking behind his back that Yuan Shuzhi didn't go to school and couldn't make a living; so he became poorer and poorer, and even his family's house was pushed out, and he went to the temple to build a bed with the monk, and it is said that he was "fucked by the monk" ".The guests in the tea house often make fun of him with this.Yuan Shuzhi never said any bad words, he just covered it up with a few dry laughs.

He doesn't know how to make a living, because he didn't go to school, and no one cares about being a teacher.I had no choice but to set up "letter writing agents" on the street, writing letters and contracts for others, and collecting a few small money to live in exchange for a bowl of food.It is conceivable that the life is embarrassing.

Because he was homeless and jobless, Yuan Shuzhi almost made his tea house his home.His face towels and other things are stored in the tea house. Every day when he comes out of the temple, he comes to the tea house to wash up-the water and fire are convenient here, and most of the old tea drinkers on this street are like this.The two meals in the morning and evening are mostly settled in the tea house.Of course, with his income, it is impossible to order a plate of glutinous rice chicken in a serious manner. Most of them want a pot of tea and sesame seed cakes bought on the street.Occasionally, today is a good day, and ordering a bowl of pork red porridge with sesame seed cakes is a tooth-breaking sacrifice.

Even though he was living in a difficult life and had to owe dozens or even hundreds of Wen on credit at the tea house from time to time, his credit was not bad, and the account written on the powder board would definitely be paid off within a month.So his brother-in-law is still kind to him, as long as the business is not particularly busy, he will always let him take a seat.

But this time he spent a lot longer paying the bills, but it was justifiable that there was a plague in the previous stage.After the martial law of the plague was over, he was not seen in the store to wash up and drink tea. Everyone guessed that he was probably dead.The seventy coins owed before the plague were hopeless.

Lao He is the old Qitang here. He has been working as an apprentice for almost 30 years. He said: "He came here this morning. His legs are a little lame, but he is quite energetic. He paid the bill when he went to the store. "

"It's a strange thing that a plague is passed on, but the legs are limped!" A tea guest commented.

Another drinker said: "...he was crippled."

Everyone said "Oh!"

"This old Yuan is usually cautious, but this time the plague spread, and the whole city lost its livelihood. He is a man with no tiles on the roof and no space on the ground. He is so hungry that he has no choice but to steal! Stealing is fine. It actually stole into the house of Master Mo Rongxin!"

Everyone gasped.The steward of this academy, Mr. Mo, can be regarded as a tyrant in Guangzhou.Although his arrogance was not as good as before after the Australians came, his prestige still remained after all.

"What happened afterward?"

"What's the matter? First the writing, then the beating. I heard that the rattan sticks were interrupted—this old Yuan is over fifty, and he has never had enough to eat. How can he stand up to such a hard beating? I heard that it was a bone injury. The monks in the temple where he lived were thinking about the old days, and took him to recuperate, which is considered to save his life!"

"Tsk tsk, I think the monk doesn't read 'old', but 'old love'."

There was a burst of laughter in the tea house, and even the air became happy.

"Even if you hurt your leg, why do you have money again?"

"It's just a coincidence," the tea guest relished talking about other people's affairs, "Lao Yuan and Agui are old acquaintances—do you know, Agui?"

"I know! He used to be a part-time worker! He often did chores for Mr. Zhong's family. Later, he heard that he molested the maid of Mr. Zhong's family, so he was kicked out."

Agui, Zeng Juan naturally knew him. Ever since Li Ziyu became a policeman, Agui has become his shadow, inseparable, and even rented his house to live in. Every day when he is free, he does odd jobs for the Li family. The handyman of the Yu family is average.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Zeng pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what he did: Li Ziyu went to Lingao for training, if Agui did something bad, he would be greatly implicated.

"He's become a policeman for the Australians now! Hearing that he has done a good job again, he's shaking..."

"This person is so wimpy, he can't fart for a long time, and he can't even speak coherently."

"You don't have to say that much now, he can't say it all, and he can swing the stick neatly."

"Seriously! What's wrong with him knowing Agui?"

"What's the matter? This Agui is now the follower of Li Ziyu, the number one celebrity in the Guangzhou Police Department! Don't look like he is just a small patrolman, even the high-ranking officials in the past have to be polite when they see him. This Agui is old Yuan was injured, so we have to do this for him..."

"Now Master Mo has entered a hornet's nest."

"Who says it's not!" the man said, spitting, "the people in this yamen are easy to get along with? This ahgui asked Lao Yuan to go to the police station to file a complaint - he listed two charges: Alleging that Mr. Mo was illegally detained , Intentionally hurt. Just these two, no matter which one is true according to Australian laws, Mr. Mo will have to face a lawsuit for several years! Do you think this Agui is very powerful?"

"There are no good people in the public family, this is inevitable!"

"Speaking of it, Mr. Mo is not a good person, but in the past he was a backer of the Emperor's Temple, and his waist was naturally hard, but now he can't. When this old Yuan was instigated by A Gui to report the case, he immediately went for an injury test - it was decided now A slight injury. The police here went straight to the door to send Mr. Mo for questioning. Mr. Mo panicked now. He couldn't even ask the housekeeper to act on his behalf. In the end, he went to the police station to 'accept treatment'. They lost money and were fined. It took some blood to escape prison.”

"No wonder Lao Yuan looked good last time, and his hands were loose! All he took out of his pockets were resounding silver dollars!"

"He has the line of Agui, so he won't be blatant about stealing things in the future."

"That's not true." The speaker said, "Old Yuan also spent fifteen days in prison for stealing things."

"Isn't this a lose-lose situation!"

"I don't think Lao Yuan is hurt at all—he's a bachelor, so what's the point of being in prison for fifteen days? This big pile of silver dollars and banknotes is real!"

"In my opinion, Master Mo has hurt his face, and he has to be found... He is a well-known figure in the city..."

"Pull it down! Master Mo's in-laws, the Guandi Temple Gao family, are completely ruined. What kind of character is he? I don't think he can keep his position as the steward of Wenlan Academy."

"Without the position of steward of Wenlan Academy, Master Mo still feels so distressed?"

"Everyone should feel distressed, just those shop lands, how much rent can I get in a year!"

"There's an old saying: one emperor and one courtier. This Australian sits in the world of Guangzhou. How can Wenlan Academy allow outsiders to touch such a big piece of meat? Let alone Mo Rongxin, even Master Zhong may not be able to keep himself. I think it will be the turn of senior officials to decide Wenlan Academy."

Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;
In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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