Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1906 Public Trial Assembly

Chapter 1906 Public Trial Assembly
Liu Xiang didn't speak for a long while, but when he heard the unprofessional term "curse puja", he probably knew what Shen Ruiming was going to say.He spent so much energy on "not talking about witchcraft" and "not using witchcraft as a crime", and he himself participated in so much anti-feudal superstition work, why did he bring up such an idea now?Is this going to dig a hole for me?Liu Xiang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It's not that he thinks there's anything wrong with Shen's suggestion, but that as an administrative official, he doesn't want to be regarded as a typical example of "not asking the common people and asking the ghosts and gods". He doesn't want to use religious weapons at all to resolve matters that can be resolved by administrative means. of.

What's more, the new Taoism is currently on the cusp of the storm, if you do something like this yourself, you will be drowned alive by the saliva of the Lingao elders.

It took him a long time before he said, "Xiao Shen, we can discuss whether or not torture is going to happen, but the government can't organize such activities by itself!"

"Of course it's not the government that steps in. Can the New Taoism come forward—for example, Master Gao Ju..."

Of course, this is also a way, but there is still a bit of concealment.Who doesn't know that Gao Ju is the number one lackey of the Senate.

A little "public opinion" is missing, yes, it is "public opinion"!
Seeing that Liu Xiang didn't speak, Shen Ruiming turned his eyes to Cui Hantang. He thought that the fat man would raise his hands and enthusiastically support his suggestion, but he didn't expect to see him slipping out against the wall, so he couldn't help but yelled:
"Old Cui, where are you going?"

"I can't hold my urine anymore, I'm going to drain the water."

"Damn, you just went there 10 minutes ago, and now you go again, you have a kidney deficiency!"

"It's really a little bit, frequent urination, unclean urine, I have to find Liu San's pulse..." Cui Hantang responded indiscriminately and was about to walk out.

"Don't slip away, talk about serious business!"

Seeing that he couldn't get away, Cui Hantang had no choice but to come back to the meeting.Seeing that Liu Xiang wanted to say that he "discussed his views", he could only cough with a sad face and said:
"After the last public sacrifice, the incense in our Temple of the Five Immortals has flourished a lot. No matter if you are a wealthy gentry or a commoner, you can come to burn incense-although our new Taoism does not approve of burning incense, but everyone wants to be auspicious. It is inconvenient to object, and the flourishing of incense shows that our religious activities are promising! Everyone knows the deeds of Daoist Zhang in Shandong, which shows that the expansion of New Taoism has effectively curbed crimes and the social stability has increased significantly."

"Okay, let's get down to business, what do you think about this?" Liu Xiang asked directly, impatient with Zuo Gulin's remarks.

"Well, my new Taoism is an upright sect of Taoism. Although it also practices talismans, it is also to subdue demons and subdue demons-we can't do this kind of spells that cast curses..."

He rolled his eyes a few times, and said, "There are still ways to say it...but it can't be called that..."

Liu Xiang said, "Let's talk and listen."

Cui Hantang knew Liu Xiang's thoughts very well: he wanted to eat mutton and was afraid of causing trouble.Shen Ruiming firmly disagreed with the torture, and Liu Xiang wanted to take this opportunity to "educate" the masses, so the ball came to him.

But Cui Hantang himself is not very willing to accept one thing. Why? Firstly, his [-]-day praying ceremony was very thin. Even though he had old people from the Temple of Five Immortals and Daosheng to drive him, he still lost a lot of weight. Two or three catties, I don't want to find another errand for myself; secondly, the new Taoism has been criticized wildly since it came to Guangzhou.If this matter is not good, it is "propagating feudal superstition".

After much deliberation, Cui Hantang came up with an idea: After all the prisoners on death row are executed, the corpses can be used as fertilizer.Then spread rumors, saying that the place where the prisoners were executed was weird, that children were injured or missing, and that there were sayings like 'ghosts harm people'.Based on the current general perception of the public, it must be panic.Then spread rumors that the new Taoism has a branch of the Dharma Association, which specializes in suppressing evil spirits and warding off evil spirits, and can disperse the evil things into the original qi of heaven and earth, but in this way, killing souls is like killing people, and the reciprocation of these living souls is eliminated. Taoism is contrary to the avenue of heaven, earth, and life. Therefore, in the new Taoism, only the law is taught, and the deeds are seldom practiced.Hearing these words to those sufferers, they must be furious, and they spontaneously went to Cui Hantang to fight "according to the general requirements of the broad masses of the people".In the whole process, apart from controlling the direction of public opinion, the government has completely removed other aspects, and all parties are happy.

"...What kind of spells, I really don't know how to do it! Just fool around."

Liu Xiang's eyes lit up, that's right: there is a basis of public opinion!However, he immediately thought of the second question: Since there are such legends about ghosts, as the mayor of Guangzhou, he does not adhere to the principle of materialism and proactively destroy feudal superstitions, but even if the people leave the problem to religious organizations, what is this? It seems that I can't tell...

"I don't think it's impossible to do this, but first, we must define the private and civil nature; not only the elders are not allowed to come forward, but even the 'our people' who exalt such 'us' should not show up to preside over it. The most ideal is to let the sufferers come forward." Liu Xiang said.

"Of course the sufferers are willing! Just give them a hint!" Shen Ruiming is very enthusiastic about his own ideas.

"Well, don't engage in the legends of monsters and ghosts. The key is to calm people's hearts right now. Now that people's hearts are initially settled, there is no need to do something to make the people feel uneasy."

Shen Ruiming and Cui Hantang looked at Liu Xiang, wondering what new tricks Mayor Liu has?

Liu Xiang's plan is relatively simple. It is roughly that the sufferer will submit documents to the major religions in the city: requesting all religions to jointly curse the death row criminals from being reborn forever, falling into hell forever, etc...

In this way, not only has nothing to do with the city government, but the new Taoism is not so eye-catching.After all, there are old-school Taoism, Buddhist sects, and Catholicism in the city.And they may not all be willing to take on this kind of thing.

"Most of the sufferers are ordinary people, and they don't have a lot of money. Those big temples and palaces all have eyes growing on the top of their heads. How can they agree to these things? What's more, this curse technique is not available in ordinary orthodox sects." ..."

"This has nothing to do with us." Liu Xiang said, "No matter whether there is a religious sect or not, as long as this public opinion is aroused, the social reaction will be very strong-in any case, there is no such thing as a curse."

The next day was the day of the public trial meeting, Zeng Juan got up early as usual, and took some dry food to occupy a place outside Zhenhai Gate.When he went, the city gate had just opened, and the sea was already full of people.Even the city wall of Zhenhaimen, which was quite a distance from the stage of the public trial, was full of people.

The place where the stage was set up was in front of the original Maojia Inn. After the shantytowns outside Zhenhai Gate were demolished, only this thatched cottage was left untouched. It is said that it will be burned to comfort the dead after the public trial and referendum is over.At this moment, a large circle has been blocked by the national army and the prosecutor.Outside the circle are the people who are three feet from the inside and three floors away.

Along the river embankment, there are five or six long door frame-shaped shelves newly erected, and more than a dozen rope loops are hung on each shelf-this thing Guangzhou citizens are already familiar with: this is an Australian The "gallows" of the "Gallows", who committed a capital crime, stepped onto the platform, with a noose around his neck, and when the trap below was opened, the person was immediately hanged.

The people raced to guess the number of prisoners to be executed today from the number of gallows.There are also some ordinary people, wearing filial piety, holding a rope pot - these are all blood feuds with the prisoner, and they are ready to tear a piece of meat and take a pot of blood to sacrifice their relatives after they are sentenced...

Zeng Juan came early and managed to occupy a good position on a mound, barely able to see the situation inside the circle.

There are more than 200 people waiting for trial in the circle.Zeng Juan took a look and found some he knew, some he knew, and some he didn't know... He probably understood that most of these people were "big bone" figures with "heads and faces" among the people of Guandi Temple. All of them are "sitting tigers".There are also many well-known bachelors and "broken boots" on the ground, which is really a nest of snakes and rats.These city foxes and rats have been killed and arrested in the security purge after entering the city, and the rest are some belongings in the family, which are worthy of being honored as "Master X" because they are well versed in bachelors. The golden rule of not fighting power, restraining minions in time, and obediently dormant in his cave, was not blown away by the first wave of strong wind.But now it was copied by "Gua Man" in the case of the fake inn.Many people even called them "wronged" when they were arrested-many of them really had nothing to do with the fake inn case.

But Zeng Juan knew that there was no good person here.All of them are "plague gods" that the citizens avoid walking on the street.During this period, how many families have been ruined, how many people have been harmed, how much money has been robbed by cunning and tyranny...they are too many to count.

The most famous of them was Gao Lingquan, the only one among the three Gao brothers who was arrested.He has a long, thin face with a pointed bottom.The skin is very fair, with a pair of wine-colored eyes with puffy eyes.He looks like a son of a rich family - he can't connect with the word "beggar gang".

This Gao Lingquan is a well-known dude in Guangzhou—of course he is not "unpopular", because he is rich and has the father of Gao Tianshi, who has always been known in the city for his rampant behavior and absurd behavior.It is called "Gao Tai Sui".

The tea house of Zeng Juan’s brother-in-law’s house was also harmed by Gao Taisui—this guy got a Mongolian horse from somewhere, the weather in Guangzhou is actually not suitable for raising horses, and the horse will become sick when the weather is hot. I can't get up.Gao Taisui rode past Wan Shenglu one day, took the horse to the shop, and asked Zeng Juan's brother-in-law to serve herbal tea to the horse.

Naturally, Gao Taisui dared not offend anyone, he drank more than 100 bowls, causing a mess in the shop.In the end, he walked away, making a lot of horse manure, kicking down and smashing many tea bowls, tables and chairs.I didn't do business for a whole morning.

Gao Lingquan bullied men and women in Guangzhou and did many bad things.Although Gao Lingquan didn't have any blood debts in his hands, he had always been lustful and had raped and humiliated countless women, causing great public outrage.

Lingao Qiming Book Fan Base

braggart's news board;
Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;
In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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