Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1910 Civil Service Exam

Chapter 1910 Civil Service Examination ([-])

Immediately said to Yuan Shuzhi: "Old Yuan, since this is the case, we will be companions and take the exam together, but we must stagger the positions when registering, so as not to end up killing each other. Now that you have no fixed place to go, why don't you just stay here at tea?" Working in the center, firstly, we can get along day and night and learn from each other; secondly, you can also earn a few pennies to spend, and have a livelihood..."

Yuan Shuzhi shook his head and said, "I still have some money. I am already grateful that you don't want my tuition fees. Helping your tea house is also my due duty as a disciple."

"That's good." Zeng Juan said, "That's it. Besides, don't call people in the Ming Dynasty, hypocrisy is hypocrisy, and the head of Australia is the head of Australia. Since you want to be an official of the Song Dynasty, you have to change the title first. Come here, this year I heard that there will be an interview, don't say that you are used to the bald mouth, and you may lose your life if you mess up the outline!" Yuan Shuzhi hurriedly returned: "What brother Zeng Xian taught is that a certain person should keep in mind that the exam He's a hunk—no! It's an Australian Jinshi!"

So Yuan Shuzhi paid the Zeng family's rent and partner money with the money left over from seeing a doctor, and lived in the Zeng family behind Wanshengju—in fact, this was not Zeng Juan's house, but the house of his former brother-in-law Cao Xueguang.Huang Ping was arrested. After his brother-in-law passed away, his mother moved in grandiosely under the pretext of "taking care of her grandson".But his father is busy selling candles and still lives in the original home.Although the Cao family had several distant relatives in the clan, no one dared to come because Zeng Juan had Li Ziyu as a backer.

The residence of the Cao family is much more luxurious than that of the Zeng family.There are also many houses.So he rented an abandoned building for Yuan Shuzhi.

During the day, Yuan Shuzhi kept accounts for the tea house and wrote water signs, and at night, he studied and discussed with Zeng Juan.Write an argument according to the content in the learning materials, memorize common sense, and do mathematics.Ever since he entered Zeng Juan's house, he didn't leave the door, didn't walk through the second door, and forgot to eat and sleep to prepare for the civil service exam.

The content of the civil service examination in Australia and Song Dynasty is extremely complex, but it is not without rules to find, especially in speech comprehension, logical reasoning, quantitative relationship and data analysis. , Reviewing it is nothing more than using more allusions and viewpoints that Australians like.

The first time he looked at the textbooks of the Australians, he got dizzy. This does not take into account the Confucian classics of the Four Books and Five Classics. As for the economics, science, etc., they are all things of the Mohist school. Of course, there are not only Mohist schools, but also many legalist views, such as this "what Australian sages thought about it so hard" Freedom is not unlimited freedom, but freedom is the right to do whatever the law permits." This is obviously something from the Legalist school, and there are even some things from the Strategists and Farmers in it, but it only touches on Confucianism. There are very few, it seems that this Australian has a lot of opinions on Master Sheng!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shuzhi set the first keynote for the Australians' "Kao Gong": "It is not a Confucianist who doubts the ancients."

Yuan Shuzhi hadn’t felt so alive for a long time. Since he had a goal, he seemed to be alive again. It seems that the power of this belief should not be underestimated. Yuan Shuzhi’s desk had two words written by himself to encourage himself: "Where there is something to do, things will come true. When the boat is broken, the hundred and three Qinguan will eventually belong to Chu. People who work hard, the heavens will live up to it, and they will eat their courage. Three thousand armors can swallow Wu." Zeng Juan was also infected by the enthusiasm of this old scholar, and secretly Compete with Yuan Shuzhi.Zeng Juan's mother was also very happy to see such an atmosphere in her home. They prepared meals on time every day and sent them to the room for two. You will really immerse yourself in it when you forget yourself!

The only fun they had while studying was to play with Ming Nu. Since Ming Nu was rescued, the court arrested Ming Nu's stepmother and sent her to Jeju Island, and changed the guardian from Cao Xueguang to Zeng Juan's parents. ——Cao Xueguang pays living expenses on a monthly basis.Cao Xueguang clamored for a lawsuit, but he died when the plague came.Now even the houses and shops have been taken over by the Zeng family.Naturally, the Zeng family's family situation has improved a lot.

The second elder of the Zeng family and uncle Zeng Juan naturally gave their best treasures to the three nephews.At the same time, both Li Ziyu and Zhang Yu doted on them, buying clothes or food, raising the three children as pink, mellow and cute.

This Yuan Shuzhi loved to play with children the most, and whenever he was out in the yard, he would always play with Ming Nu, Hua Zai, and Cheng Zai.Regardless of his age, Yuan Shuzhi was still a child, playing various small games with Ming women.Ming women called Yuan Shuzhi "Grandfather".The two of them looked like grandparents from a distance. Once Mingnu said, "Grandfather, give me a horse to ride..." Yuan Shuzhi lay on the ground and crawled all over the yard with Mingnu on his back. Because he was angry, he was about to beat Mingnu when he came over, Yuan Shuzhi hurriedly held Mingnu behind him and said out of breath, "No, no, no, little girl. I am teasing her myself. Don't blame me." Sometimes Yuan Shuzhi also To teach Mingnu to read, he said, "Little girl, you have read books now,... I will test you. How do you write the characters of fennel?" Mingnu racked her brains, and Yuan Shuzhi After waiting for a long time, she said earnestly, "Can't you write it?... I will teach you, remember! These words should be memorized, and you will need to use them when you become a daughter-in-law to buy vegetables and keep accounts." Finally, Mingnu thought of it happily. Asked, "Is it a back and forth character under Caotou?" Yuan Shuzhi looked very happy, tapped the long nails of two fingers on the table, nodded and said, "Yes, yes! ... There are actually four kinds of Hui characters Write, you know what..."

On this day, "Yangcheng Express" published the civil servant recruitment number. After being involved in the main Wanshenglu teahouse, I subscribed to "Yangcheng Express". It is also an important means of attracting tea drinkers; secondly, it can also keep abreast of Australians' governance trends.People like Zeng Juan have begun to realize the importance of information.

Getting this account was once like a treasure.Because the above not only listed all the departments, positions and application requirements for the recruitment in detail, but also explained in detail.For those who want to take the public examination, it is nothing more than a "guideline for applying for the examination".

Yuan Shuzhi and Zeng Juan carefully studied the newspaper at night, carefully looking for positions that met their application requirements.There are quite a few recruits for this position.He first saw the recruitment of the police: the conditions are still very low, but it is too disadvantageous to think that he and those rough embryos will fight their bodies.It seems that I still feel that the position of the tax bureau is the most suitable for me: he has been doing business with his parents since he was a child, and he is good at abacus. The newspaper said that those who can make calculations are preferred, and Li Ziyu said that the tax bureau is the most important job in the Senate. Several strong departments, good salary and good salary are probably promising units.So I secretly decided to apply for the post of tax administrator of the tax bureau.

But Yuan Shuzhi was in a difficult situation. He was confused by so many positions. He was literate, and Australians still valued this very much.It's just that some positions are not suitable for me when I am a little older.So he pulled Zeng Juan to help analyze, and Zeng Juan looked at it and asked him to choose between civil affairs or environmental sanitation.Yuan Shuzhi thought for a while, this civil affairs department is naturally the department that manages people's health and death, and has great power, but it is not easy to test, and he has no advantage in competing with those young people.This Environmental Sanitation Bureau is equivalent to the cleaning room in the palace. It is in charge of some messy things, but after all, it is an official, and you don't have to do it yourself if you want to. You just need to direct your subordinates to do it. I am afraid that the boss is not a problem, and those applicants may not be willing to apply for this low-level labor position, which happens to be cheaper for him, so Yuan Shuzhi decided to apply for the inspector of the Environmental Sanitation Bureau.

Looking at the application requirements again, this recruitment is different from the previous recruitment for the police, with the requirement of "academic ability".Those who have Ming Dynasty fame, no matter what kind, are regarded as "same as the academic ability of the second type of diploma".

This "same C diploma academic ability" roughly meets the application requirements for most positions.Both Zeng Juan and Yuan Shuzhi passed this threshold.

In addition to the requirements for "academic ability", a certificate must be issued by the Baojia where the household registration is located, confirming that the person is a permanent resident of Benbao Benjia, and then go to the local police station to get a stamp, but Baojia is not required.Yuan Shuzhi has not been able to register for household registration because he has no fixed address.

"It's not a problem," Zeng Juan said, "I will register you under the employee collective account of Wanshenglu Tea Set according to the "employment" regulations tomorrow."

The household registration problem was solved, but it was difficult to go to the police station to apply for a certificate.Why, because the application requirements clearly stipulate: "No criminal record."This Yuan Shuzhi was dealt with for theft not long ago.This no criminal record is considered to be a direct blow to him.

Yuan Shuzhi sighed, he didn't even have the energy to read.Zeng Juan also felt very disappointed, and was thinking about how to comfort him, when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Old Yuan! Did you register your household registration when you were dealt with by the police station?"

"At that time, I had no fixed place to live. Where did I get my household registration? I only applied for a temporary household registration in the temple where I was staying when I first opened my household registration. Later, the monk kicked me out, and it was gone."

"That's easy!" Zeng Juan said, "Since you didn't register at the time, you just got a baseless criminal record against Yuan Shuzhi. You can change your name when you register tomorrow, and call it Yuan Shubian." yes."

This is a way.Yuan Shuzhi hesitated and said, "But there are many people who know what I committed. There are many people in the teahouse."

"You don't understand this. The first thing the government does is to look at the documents. As long as the name on the documents does not match, who can say that you are Yuan Shuzhi? You are Yuan Shu!"

(End of this chapter)

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