Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1911 Civil Service Exam

Chapter 1911 Civil Service Examination ([-])

"Yuan Shu's name is not good." Yuan Shuzhi shook his head and said, "Many people know my name. If I change it rashly, others will be suspicious. Fortunately, most people only know how to pronounce it, but they don't know how to write these three characters. That's right. I'll change the word with the same pronunciation and different characters today." He thought for a while and said, "I'll be called Yuan Shuzhi." He picked up the pen and ink, and wrote three big characters in ink on the rough-edged paper.

Zeng Juan thought to himself that this is really an old fox!
On the second day, I went to the police station to register with this name.A certificate of household registration and a certificate of no criminal record were issued from this.It was the Public Security Department of the Municipal Bureau that dealt with Yuan Shuzhi's theft. According to the rules, the criminal records of those who had been dealt with had to be copied to the police station where their household registration was located.However, Yuan Shuzhi had no household registration in the past, so his case was left in the file room of the city bureau.Naturally, the police station could not find his criminal record.It was easily passed by him.

Finally came the day to register for the civil service exam.Yuan Shuzhi dyed his hair the night before and put some rouge on his face because of his old complexion and gray hair, to make himself look "radiant".

Article [-] The two came to the registration site together.The registration place is in the former Guangzhou government school, which used to be inaccessible to the old and the young.

The prefectural school has now been accepted by the education department, and preparations are underway for the first secondary school in Guangzhou.In the past few days, it has been lent to the municipal government as a place to register as a civil servant.

The courtyard was already full of people who came to sign up. Unlike the police test, almost all of them were "clothed people". Regardless of whether they were dressed well or not, at least everyone was in long gowns, and there was absolutely no "short-clothes gang".

There are large bulletin boards standing around the yard, which list the departments, positions and related requirements for recruiting civil servants.The content is exactly the same as the content on the "Yangcheng Express" public examination account.Zeng Juan and the others will naturally not look at it again, but for many people, this is the first time they have seen all the recruitment information, and the densely packed positions and requirements are confusing.

"Be sure to subscribe to the newspaper!" Many people in the crowded crowd vowed secretly.

After reading it, many people still don't know what the relevant positions are, and they flock to the consultation office to ask what the specific job responsibilities are.More than a dozen naturalized civilian cadres were overwhelmed.

Zeng Juan and Yuan Shuzhi were very determined, and calmly took the household registration booklet and supporting materials to the registration office.

At this time, Zeng Juan saw a scholar with "hair cut" but wearing a blue cloth shirt that was washed white.Take a closer look, isn't this the beard Ming who cut off his bun in public at the public trial a few days ago!

After Hu Ziming cut his hair in public, he instantly became a "celebrity" in Guangzhou, and even appeared in the "Yangcheng Express".Although many people were relieved by his actions, many people privately ridiculed him for "fishing for fame", and even called him "quite an official who wants to go crazy".Of course, many people think that no matter whether he is a speculator or not, the Australians must reward him as an official.

However, half a month after the public trial, Hu Ziming was still a poor scholar, and no Australian came to seek him to be an official.Hu Ziming still wears his "haircut" and goes to Wenlan Academy every day to give advice.People on the street couldn't help pointing at him.None of the classmates in the academy made fun of him - they had been oppressed and exploited by Mo Rongxin for many years, and he stepped forward, somewhat giving everyone a sigh of relief.Hu Ziming was unwilling to be lonely, and immediately made another "feat" in the academy.

After Mo Rongxin, Zhong Aijiao and others were arrested, there were still a few gentry on the board of directors of the courtyard, and the servants, stewards, doormen, cooks, and various people in the courtyard were still the same as before.As soon as Hu Ziming arrived at the academy, he contacted some scholars and set up an attack, expelling all the relatives and relatives who had been stuffed in by the gods from all walks of life in the academy.Those who were dissatisfied were beaten up and bloodied by the scholars on the spot.Where did the surviving directors dare to fight with him, they all pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Afterwards, they contacted all the scholars to jointly submit a form to Liu Xiang, requesting the city government to "take over the academy".Liu Xiang had always been eyeing Wenlan Academy, but Hu Ziming rebelled. This was the golden opportunity he could only wish for.Immediately agreed to take Wenlan Academy over.

Hu Ziming also wrote a letter saying: Mo Rongxing and others have controlled the academy for many years, and all the handymen, cooks, stewards, and accountants in the academy are all citing private individuals.

Liu Xiang thinks it is true, the so-called tiger swatter, the accumulation of flies is not necessarily less.Immediately ordered the police station to arrest all the members of the academy and asked them to "voluntarily return the stolen goods". It is said that tens of thousands of dollars in silver, dozens of real estate properties, and nothing in the fields were obtained with ease.Hu Ziming made another contribution to the Senate.

Liu Xiang naturally did not want to let such an activist go, and deliberately recruited him into the system.But Lin Baiguang reminded him that this was inconsistent with the cadre recruitment procedures.Since Guangzhou already has a civil servant examination system, he should be allowed to come in this way.

"It's good for both us and him, otherwise he will wear the hat of 'resentment' for the rest of his life."

"I actually think we need more 'opportunists'."

"The reason why opportunists are downgraded as 'speculation' is because they lack belief and are purely out of interest." Lin Baiguang said, "Hu Ziming's two actions seemed resolute and decisive, but in fact they contained elements of sensationalism. The limelight is great, and the risk is extremely small. Although it has played a positive role, his motives are questionable. Besides, he has been in Wenlan Academy for many years and has never stood up to fight. We killed Mo Rongxin and he will To come here suddenly, I doubt his motives."

Although Liu Xiang agreed with his point of view, he hesitated: "But we can't chill people's hearts..."

"I have no objection to admitting him into our system, but it's better to let him in through the public examination route."

Liu Xiang instructed someone to communicate with Hu Ziming in private, asking him to take the civil service examination.

Hu Ziming got the chief's signal, so naturally he would not let it go.Today, I came to the examination room eagerly.Hu Ziming is a very thoughtful person and good at inquiring about news.Although the naturalized cadre who came to tell him to take the civil service examination did not specify which position he should take, he still applied for the position of clerk in the comprehensive office of the municipal government.Because he heard that this department is directly commanded by Liu Fuyin and Lin Fuer.

Zeng Juan saw that his face was full of color, probably because he had secretly won the appointment of the chief, and he couldn't help but secretly despise him while envious.

When he arrived at the registration office, Zeng Juan quickly completed the registration, but when he arrived at Yuan Shu, he knew something was wrong.The cadres of Guihuamin saw that Yuan Shuzhi's age was 40 years old on the household registration materials provided by Yuan Shuzhi, but they saw that this guy was at least in his early 50s.There are specific requirements on the age of this recruitment - must be under 40 years of age.

The naturalized citizen clerk at the application office said impatiently to Yuan Shuzhi: "You are already old, what are you thinking about! Go home and take care of your grandson, why don't you join in the fun!"

This made Yuan Shuzhi explode. He was extremely afraid that he would not be able to take the civil servant exam. If he couldn't take the exam, then his hard work in the past few months would have been in vain, and he would have no chance to stand up in the future.He hurriedly yelled: "Contribute to the Great Song Dynasty and divide the old and the young?! A certain person thinks he has some ability and is determined to serve the Senate. Why can't you fulfill our desire to serve the power?! Could it be that the Senate still has a lot of power? Why is it better to pretend? False confession means that the old man can also be scientifically tested, but why does my Senate want to judge people's progress by age?!"

Many scholars around him, especially the older ones, resonated with him and echoed them one after another. Some even made a noise at the registration office. When the policemen on duty came to drive them away, several old men lay on the ground and cried loudly.For a while, the registration office was chaotic.The naturalized civilian clerks were full of sweat—although all of them had their hair dyed and rouged, they were young and virtuous. Wouldn't it damage the prestige of the Senate if they really wanted to make a mess? ?
Seeing that things are about to make a big fuss.Dong Yizhi, the veteran who was in charge of the general administration of Yuanfangcaodi, appeared.He was sent by education officials to Guangzhou to organize educational institutions.Education Port has great ambitions in Guangzhou. Not only does it want to engage in basic education, but it also plans to go to Jianzhong School and so on.Of course, what kind of school to build is another matter. It is serious to first occupy a few geomantic treasures in Guangzhou.

Because he is a veteran of the education department, he had to be asked to help in the matter of presiding over the civil service examination.The public examiner appointed by Liu Xiang is Zhang Yunmi, the principal of Guangzhou Cadre Management School.But Zhang Yunmi knew nothing about how to organize the exam, so he had to ask someone for help.

Naturally, Dong Yizhi's help was not in vain.Liu Xiang promised to provide sufficient "convenience" in terms of land use for the educational entrance.

At this moment, he heard the commotion outside and came out to see what happened.As soon as he came out, the Guihuamin immediately moved out of the way, and the scholars immediately fell silent.

"What happened?" Dong Yizhi asked.

The naturalized cadres of the admissions office quickly explained the situation one by one.

"The statute says that he should be under [-] years old. There is obviously a problem with his age on household registration." The cadre wondered, "I understand their feelings, but this statute has been set..."

Dong Yizhi looked at the old men with dyed black hair and unnaturally flushed faces in front of him, seeing them trembling and going out to take the exam for this civil servant, thinking that they were all poor scholars who had been unhappy all their lives, Coming to take the public examination is probably their last effort to reverse their fate.It's kind of cruel to just take it away like that.

He bowed his head and pondered for a while, then said: "Feng Tangyi is old, Li Guang is difficult to seal. I will make a decision here: since you are willing to contribute to my Senate, as long as you are under 60 years old and in good health, you can apply for the exam, that's it."

This is really Jinkou's decision, Yuan Shuzhi immediately shouted loudly: "Long live the Song Dynasty! Long live the Senate!" Then all the people shouted, and the whole registration office roared like a tsunami, and the sound of long live was one.

(End of this chapter)

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