Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1920 Kun Hair

Chapter 1920 Kun Hair
Next, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Lin Motian replaced all the doctors who examined the indigenous cadres with men, but they froze again during the surgical stripping examination, saying it was degrading.Zeng Juan and Yuan Shuzhi were the first to take off and finished the inspection. They had no choice but to follow suit. Who told them to "follow the thieves".

Lin Motian went to the little nurse and asked, "How is the physical examination going?"

"It's not optimistic. You see, more than half of these 10 people have various problems: malnutrition, severe athlete's foot, skin ringworm... One of them has tuberculosis, and I can only persuade him to leave."

"As long as we have the ability to treat him, we will give him a medical examination—it's not easy to recruit people." Lin Motian instructed.

While the two were talking, the examination room inside became noisy again, many people were discussing loudly there, and some were impassioned.

It turned out that the "purification" procedure caused the riots.According to the policy of the Senate, it is not mandatory for everyone in the ruling area of ​​the Senate to adopt the uniform of short hair and short clothes, but as long as they become naturalized people, they must go through the "purification" procedure.Including public school students, cadres, soldiers, workers.In other words, as long as they are under the direct leadership of the Senate and those who receive "financial support", they must "make hair easy to wear".

This is not only to maintain the "inherent image" of "Girl Thief", but mainly for hygiene reasons.Of course, it is very easy to apply this measure to refugees and contract slaves. After all, they are all "benevolent", and they have no right to say anything against them.But it is a bit difficult to use it on civil servants who were ordinary people not long ago.In particular, these people are different from the police recruited earlier. Most of them are from the background of old scholars, and this aspect is very particular.As soon as they heard that they were going to "beautiful hair", they immediately started clamoring, and some even made the gesture of putting on their crowns and leaving, saying loudly: "Being a bird official, how can this body, hair and skin be damaged by parents! We wait for you!" I came here to show off my ambitions, not to suffer this crime, since Ausong is disrespectful to a corporal, then I have no choice but to leave." He said as if he was about to leave, but he never moved a step.

Zeng Juan didn't care about getting his hair cut, but the crowd in front of him was so aggressive that he didn't dare go up and get his hair cut by himself.At this moment Yuan Shuzhi broke the stalemate, he came out scratching his scalp and said: "The scalp is very itchy, come and shave it for me first!" Then he said: "Eguanbo's belt is a bad habit in the old country. Australia's hair is really good. It is the elegant government of the new dynasty!" This statement, everyone understands, this shaving of the head is considered a complete surrender, it is like a vote of honor, that's all, that's all, just treat it as Qingxiu, cut off the three Don't worry about it!So they all shaved their hair.

After cutting their hair, they all went to the bathhouse to take a bath. The scrubbers had already prepared to scrub all the "civil servants" from head to toe.The old dirt of many of them was rubbed off, and there were rivers of mud on the tiled floor.

After Yuan Shuzhi took a shower and washed it with hot water, he felt comfortable all over.When I came out, I had already prepared clean clothes from inside to outside. When I put them on, I was wearing "Australian clothes". They were all made of cotton cloth, and they were comfortable to wear, except that the sizes were a bit too big.It is also suitable for those old literati who are used to wearing loose clothes in the past.

These quasi-civil servants looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed.If the hair is changed and the clothes are changed, they will be regarded as a complete "change of dynasty".Daming is in the past tense, and now they are all officials of the Song Dynasty Senate.As for whether the official is big or small, at least a share of money and food is guaranteed.In the future, the Senate will conquer the world, and the emperor of the Song Dynasty will return to the court. There must be rewards, and everyone will have a future with their wives and sons.Thinking of this, the new civil servants who were originally depressed because they were forced to lose their hair also thought about it.The labels are much more active.

In addition to the clothes on their bodies, each person was also issued a canvas handbag, which contained another set of replacement clothes and some toilet sundries. Each person was also issued a canvas satchel with a row of red letters embroidered on it: "Serve the Senate and the people." ".Inside are stationery such as notebooks and pencils.

Zeng Juan flipped through it, and he couldn't help but admire in his heart: Australians really consider everything in detail.

"Report to the cadre training school next Monday!" said the cadre who distributed the supplies, "I don't know what date it is, go back and look at the calendar!"

Freshly baked "fake hair" appeared on the streets in twos and threes.A few felt a little embarrassed, lowered their heads, and hurried away with their bags.There were also a few of them, wearing short Australian clothes and carrying bags, but they still walked home with unhurried square steps.The common people on the street knew that this was probably a new "cadre" when they saw them.

Yuan Shuzhi, who had shaved his hair, put on the 4-pocket "official uniform" issued by Australia and Song Dynasty, and felt that he was extraordinarily energetic.I also feel quite proud of walking on the street.It's a pity that the officials of the Great Song Dynasty didn't have official sedan chairs to sit in. Most of the officials went out to do errands, and whether they went to work or not, they would walk in a car.

But for Yuan Shuzhi today, this walk is also a special flavor.I don’t know how many people looked at him sideways on the road, and he felt very relieved. Now that he has an official status, it’s different. He changed his name and took some time to go back to the countryside to repair the graves of his parents, and then kowtow a few more. Ring your head and tell the two elders that I am considered a glorious ancestor now.

Under the eyes of everyone who were envious, jealous or disdainful, Yuan Shuzhi and Zeng Juan walked back vigorously all the way.Because of tossing and tossing for a long time, seeing that the sun has passed the mid-heaven, and the two of them haven't had lunch yet, their stomachs are growling.So I looked where I could buy some food to satisfy my hunger.

But seeing that he had already arrived at Liurong Street, Zeng Juan remembered that there was a "Dong's shop" here. Li Ziyu took him there. The pancakes and snacks there were unique. He said: "Let's go to the Dong's shop in front and have a light meal."

Yuan Shu knew that there was nothing wrong with it, so he came to the Dong's shop. Because the business was good, the Dong's shop hired a few workers to help.Now the person who spreads the pancakes in front of the door is an apprentice. Although he speaks a difficult Teochew dialect, he spreads the pancakes unambiguously.

The clerks in front of the door were freshmen, probably newcomers, when they saw them coming to the door, they were busy picking up the curtains to welcome the guests.

Dong Mingdang was greeting the guests. She was doing the accounts while dealing with the greetings of the regular customers. She was so busy that she saw Zeng Juan coming in wearing four bags of cadre uniforms, so she knew that he must have passed the civil service examination a few days ago.Zeng Juan is Li Ziyu's best friend, and he has also become an official of the Australians. From then on, his family has another backer, so he hurriedly came out of the counter to greet him warmly:
"Juan, I haven't seen you for some time. Judging by your appearance, you must have become an Australian official."

"Where is Sister Dong, she is just an ordinary clerk, just making ends meet."

"You, you're just too modest. Let's stop talking. You haven't eaten lunch, have you? I don't have anything good here, only a little rough. Sister Fengxia just made wontons and it's delicious! This old man looks strange. , it seems that you are also a cadre of the Senate, you are from Lingao, right?"

"Miss Dong, please be polite, don't let the old man down, someone is a local, just like Brother Zeng, he just won the Australian civil servant."

"Ha, it turns out that's the case. I think your age is about a round older than my mother's. It's not easy to win at such an age. Come and sit inside, and the wontons will be ready in a while!"

In addition to pancakes and porridge and side dishes, Dong's shop now sells wontons, sesame cakes, and fried dough sticks. Now the business is booming. The back yard has been turned into a private room, and Dong Mingdang let the two of them into the back single room.I personally greeted and ordered two bowls of wontons and two pancakes, both with meat added.

While waiting for the wontons, the two chatted about their ideals in life.To be honest, they have no knowledge of the work they are going to do, and can only think according to their own guesses.It is inevitable that there will be a burst of ideal spirit that will make a big difference.

At this time, due to lack of manpower, Aunt Jiang came up to help bring up the wontons. Yuan Shuzhi was busy eating cakes with his head down, savoring the aroma of sesame seeds. Just as he opened his eyes, he saw Aunt Jiang carrying the wontons in front of him. Yuan Shuzhi was caught in front of him. The middle-aged lady's demeanor was fascinated, and she stared straight at her, which made Aunt Jiang very embarrassed. It wasn't until Zeng Juan kicked Yuan Shuzhi that Yuan Shuzhi came back to his senses.Seeing that the beautiful woman has gone, I can't help feeling lost.

Zeng Juan chuckled and said, "Old Yuan, you don't have a crush on her, do you? She is Miss Dong's mother, Aunt Jiang. The little wife of the late false magistrate."

"Ah!!!" Yuan Shuzhi shouted, expressing surprise.

Zeng Juan laughed and said, "I see you have peach blossoms on your face. Could it be that you have both official luck and peach blossom luck? Double happiness."

Yuan Shuzhi quickly waved his hands and said: "If you don't be a son of man, if you don't be a son of man, you are already a half-dead man. It is a great blessing to be able to contribute to the Senate in the current situation. How dare you think about these sons and daughters' private affairs?" .”

Back to Zeng Juan's house.Everyone congratulated again.They took out all the clothes and objects issued by the public to "see the scenery of Australia", and even took out the "three zero big panties" to be seen by the neighbors.

The two lived idle for a few more days. Yuan Shuzhi took the money he saved from working for Wanshenglu Teahouse, went to the store where he had paid on credit in the past, paid off one by one, and bought a few gifts to the temple where he lived. I went to thank the monk.In the end, he gave the rest of the money to Zeng Juan's mother:
"Xian lives here for ten months, the money is not enough to count as rent and food, it is a little thank you."

Zeng Juan's mother knew that although others were unconventional and often acted in a funny and abrupt manner, they actually had a lot of self-esteem in their hearts, but they had been poor all their lives, so they could only use self-deprecating to cover it up.So he didn't refuse, just told him to "continue to live".

On the day of reporting, the two woke up early in the morning, washed up, put on brand new "cadre uniforms", and headed all the way to the Gongyuan - Guangzhou Cadre Training School.

Volume 25 will be updated tomorrow - Chapter [-] of Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders

braggart's news board;
Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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