Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1921 History of the Senate

Chapter 1921 History of the Senate

Guangzhou Administration School is located in Gongyuan.In addition to the examination sheds in the Gongyuan, to the north of the "Tiankai Wenyun" archway is the "Gongtang District" of the Gongyuan. There are Zhigongtang, Jieshen Hall, and Jukui Hall as the axis. There is a large area of ​​buildings that can be used.

In order to facilitate access, the gate of Guangzhou Administration School uses the north gate of the original Gongyuan.Because Yuan Shu knew that they had reached the threshold only after following the signposts and making a circle.

Although the buildings in the Gong Yuan occupy a large area, they are not used for many purposes: the history of the buildings is more than a hundred years old, the roof leaks, the walls are moldy everywhere, and many buildings are suspected of being "dangerous".According to the standards of the Senate, it can only be regarded as barely making do.

The matter of training has already been established when the police training school was established, so this time it is not troublesome, just divide the administrative service team of Guangzhou Police School into one-third as the backbone, and copy the various rules and regulations. Just add changes.Zhang Yunmi turned into a ready-made shopkeeper.

This time, 1899 people took the civil service examination, and 501 people entered the interview. Because it was the time of employment, the standards were loose, so a few people were not eliminated in the interview stage, and some people were eliminated in the final political review and physical examination stage, and finally went to the school. A total of 456 people registered for school.

The 456 people can be called old and young. Yuan Shuzhi, who is in his early fifties, is not the oldest, and there are still people who are older than him—it is said that they are proficient in astronomy and calendar calculations.

Although it emphasizes physical training and militarized management, most of these people are from ordinary citizens in cities. Unlike the recruited policemen, many of them are old and not in good health, so they did not engage in militarized training at the beginning. Do not do any exercises, first group.

This grouping is also particular. First of all, according to the results of the physical examination, the diseases that need to be treated are divided into several groups according to the types of diseases. Among them, scabies infection is the main one; there are also various diseases caused by various trace elements and vitamin deficiencies. All were given shock treatment.

According to Lin Motian's experience in practicing medicine in Guangzhou, many diseases in this time and space come from poor sanitation and malnutrition, so the first step is to cure their diseases and cultivate good hygiene habits.At the same time, raise their food standards to keep their bodies in good shape, otherwise there will be nothing to talk about in the next step.

Therefore, the training is still closed, and the meals are provided by the school. According to the nutritional standards set by Chen Sigen, meals are provided regularly and quantitatively according to age and physical condition.Meat, eggs, fish, vegetables... are fully guaranteed.

"This kind of treatment is probably rare among the naturalized people." Zhang Yunmi felt rare when he saw this arrangement.In terms of eating nutritious meals, the refugees taken in by the engine operation also have this treatment, but those are the hungry people who have struggled back from the death line, and they are not the same as this group of poor people.

"If you don't take good care of your body, let alone running, you might have to doze off even in class." Lin Motian said, "They are not the same as farmers or ordinary urban civilians. I have not been tempered by hard work, but reading has ruined my body..."

The cadre trainees who have no health problems will follow the predetermined teaching plan, firstly conduct military training and implement "militarized management", firstly to build up their sense of obedience and team spirit, secondly, to fully exercise their bodies, and ensure a healthy body for supply. Driven by the Senate - the civil servants of the Senate do not have a nine-to-five working system. It is common to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week.

The teaching materials for civil servant training are compiled by each department. The guiding ideology is to focus on work practice and not to talk about theory. Procedures and document formats.The elders who were civil servants in the Senate agreed that the key for grassroots civil servants is to be able to "follow the rules."As for decision-making and management, that is something that only mid- and senior-level cadres need to consider.

There are also unified teaching materials, that is, basic cultural courses, general knowledge courses, and ideological and political education courses.

The basic culture class is actually to use simplified Chinese characters and vernacular Chinese to replace the writing habits that these old scholars are accustomed to. Since the Senate strongly advocates these two, its own cadres must of course practice them.In particular, the vernacular of the Ming Dynasty is very different from the modern vernacular, and re-education is necessary.

Needless to say, the general knowledge courses are nothing more than simple natural science principles and common sense of hygiene. This can be regarded as a long-term project in the training.

Ideological and political education is much more complicated, and there are many disputes within the Senate.In particular, it is necessary to clearly explain to the civil servants the "state system", "origin", "purpose of founding the country", etc. This set of things has been revised for many years by the Office of Truth, and the basic draft has been finalized after many quarrels in the Senate.

Since this involves the national system, the upper echelon of the Senate gave instructions on this set of materials, especially the origin and history of "The Great Song Dynasty in Australia", etc., "should be coarse rather than fine", so as to avoid loopholes that are difficult to repair in the future.

However, regarding the history and related policies after D-Day, the Office of Truth has been instructed to "make a special book".In order to fully demonstrate the "political correctness" and "mandate of heaven" of the Senate.The focus is to promote three points: the Senate is the "only representative" of the interests of the Chinese people; With advanced productivity, system and culture, "a holy ship never falls from the sky, eternity is like a long night".

It is clear that the legal system of the Senate comes from the Song Dynasty. Therefore, the return of the Senate is not the rise of a new dynasty, but the return of the king.Therefore, the legal system of the Yuan and Ming after the Song Dynasty was not recognized, and the Mongol and Yuan were degraded as "false", while the Ming regarded it as "usurpation".

However, in the specific publicity and education, it is necessary to clarify the differences between this Song and that Song.This is what the Office of Truth headed by Zhang Haogu painstakingly implemented.

If the legal system of the Song Dynasty is overemphasized, it will inevitably weaken the authority of the Senate and create an "authority" higher than the Senate out of thin air, which will give some ambitious people an opportunity to take advantage of.Therefore, when promoting the "legal system" of the Great Song Dynasty, the Office of Truth compiled the following history:
On March 1279, 3, the Yashan naval battle failed. Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea and died while carrying the little emperor who had just turned 19 years old. The Southern Song Dynasty died.

In September 1279, the remnants of the fugitive regime of the Southern Song Dynasty and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians sailed for 9 months and entered a huge storm vortex in Nanyang. After several days and nights of torment by the storm, they suddenly entered a On the sunny unknown ocean, the lookout saw a large verdant green island on the sea.The frightened fleet then abandoned their ship and landed here, and found the land to be rich in water and soil, with lush vegetation, so they settled here, and named it "Australia" because it is a big island.

On January 1280, 1 (lunar calendar), the exiled regime of the Southern Song Dynasty announced the establishment of the capital here. It was called "Da Song in Australia" in history, referred to as "Ausong" for short, and established another emperor.

Since then, due to chance and coincidence, Dasong has achieved leapfrog development in Australia.After more than a hundred years of development, politics, economy, and military have been greatly improved, but the productivity has been greatly improved, making the contradiction between the emerging national capitalist class and military nobles and the original old landlords and old nobles increasingly intensified and irreconcilable.In the end, the first civil war was formed in Australia. As a result of the civil war, the emperor issued an edict to formally establish the senate system, absorbing industrial and commercial elites and emerging military nobles into the power class.

In the ensuing decades, the contradiction between the old powerful group headed by the emperor and the Senate group became increasingly acute, and finally caused the second civil war.

The Second Civil War ended with the complete defeat of the Emperor's Group.As a result of the second civil war, the title of the Song Dynasty was finally preserved, but the emperor of the Song Dynasty was completely vain. As a preferential treatment, the title of the emperor was kept as usual, but he no longer had imperial power. He only retained the right to worship the ancestors, and the rest of the power Owned by the Senate.From then on, the Australian line of the Song Dynasty entered the period of the rule of the Senate.

While these magnificent histories unfolded, the Australians not only opened up the whole of Australia on land, but also sent fleets to colonize everywhere, and traveled to many islands in this strange ocean.
During this period, there were also expedition ships that intended to return north to their homeland, but these ships were still unable to break through the maelstrom. The ships that tried to forcibly break through the maelstrom were either lost or destroyed, and more often they were forced to turn back.

After the failed attempt to return to their homeland, the Senate continued to rule vigorously in Australia, exploring and discovering more islands and worlds.At the same time, scientists continue to explore and study the maelstrom that isolates them from their homeland, and finally find that the maelstrom can be crossed at certain times.Because every few decades, there will be a shipwreck rushing from the other end of the maelstrom. The passengers on board are of various nationalities. Therefore, among the residents of Australia, there are Franji people, red-haired people, and Dongying people, etc. ―They were all survivors of the shipwreck that year.Some of the latecomers on these shipwrecks brought a variety of technologies and cultures, thus forming Australia's complex and diverse cultural system.

The holy ship is an expedition team sent by the Australian Senate to explore and return to their homeland after discovering this rule, trying to rebuild the Song Dynasty.Considering that once they pass through the vortex, they may not be able to return, so they have prepared sufficient supplies and equipment on board.All the passengers on board were Australian elders or their children.All were given the title of senator before departure.

The reason why the Office of Truth creates a large vortex belt is actually alluding to the wormhole.Although there is an undiscovered continent of Australia in this time and space, there are no remains of civilization on it. It is unreasonable to say that Australia Song once established a country on it.Pulling a maelstrom that does not exist and can be explained arbitrarily will facilitate the work of the future office of truth.

(End of this chapter)

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