Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1922 Artifacts

Chapter 1922 Artifacts
January 1636, early morning.

It has been more than half a year since the Senate regained Guangzhou in March 1635. In the past ten months, the city of Guangzhou seemed to have experienced some turbulent waves. Registration, the "New Life Movement", the witchcraft case that broke out, the rectification of the custom industry, the forced shelter of refugees and beggars, and the outbreak of the plague that only subsided not long ago... one after another, it caused the people and the people in the city to suffer. The elders left an indelible impression.

Fortunately, the end of the year in 1635 ended with a happy event, and the Senate's first public recruitment for civil servants ended smoothly.This re-enactment of the civil service examination in the old time and space looks like a three-pointer, which fully reflects the determination of the Senate to "start anew" and is even more symbolic.

Accompanied by the bitter north wind of the Little Ice Age, a H800 transport ship belonging to the Navy was towed by a tugboat, and slowly docked at the VIP Wharf of Guangzhou Great World.This place is different from other docks that are already full of supplies and equipment. It is clean and deserted, as if no one has ever used it.

This is the inner wharf of the Great World, which is exclusively for veterans and naturalized cadres to enter and exit.With the sound of a short bugle from the ship, a small group of guards came out from the inside and set up defenses along the pier.Everyone knows that another veteran has arrived in Guangzhou.

After the initial stabilization of Guangzhou, many veterans who had been "hibernating" in Lingao for many years "woke up" one after another, like flies that had seen blood, and swarmed towards Guangzhou.There will be a few on almost every ship that comes to Guangzhou. Most of them are not wearing the hats of Guangdong/Guangzhou XX department directors, directors, and bureau chiefs, or they have "inspectors" and "special commissioners" , "Commissioner" and other titles - the latter is more prudent, and is not in a hurry to leave the comfort zone of Lingao, and first go to Guangzhou to see the situation and "investigate".

However, today's situation is different, because the elders who came to greet him unexpectedly appeared on the pier.

When Guangzhou was just recovered, Liu Xiang adhered to the principle of "no one is blamed for being courteous" and "everyone who comes is to help himself". Someone from the leadership of the government came to the dock to say hello.

As the work became more and more onerous, more and more elders came, and this etiquette came to an end.Now that the elders came to Guangzhou again, apart from the staff from the General Affairs Section of the Guangzhou Municipal Government to receive them, Mayor Liu, Director Lin and Xiao Zhang were no longer seen.Only the veterans of the corresponding departments sometimes greet them.

The veteran who came to the pier today to greet him is Ai Zhixin, the financial and tax commissioner of Guangdong Region and the director of Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau.

In fact, the veteran who came with the boat was not from Cai Jinkou, and it could even be said that he had nothing to do with Cai Jinkou.But they are crucial to Caijingkou's next step.

In the morning, the cold wind blowing on the surface of the river felt bitter.

"Is this Guangdong?"

While muttering, Ai Zhixin couldn't help wrapping his wool coat tightly around his body. If he hadn't had to ask them for advice, he wouldn't be bothered to come to welcome guests early in the morning.

"Obviously the municipal and police departments also have needs, so why do I have to accept the errand..." He secretly complained, looking at the sailors who were tying the cables and setting up the springboard, "These people's movements are too slow!"

Seeing a group of men coming down from the deck surrounded by a few men with their chests and belly folded, Ai Zhixin knew that the person walking in the middle with his hands behind his back was a veteran without seeing his face clearly. Smile: "Welcome to Guangzhou! Comrades..."

Halfway through the conversation, Ai Zhixin suddenly realized that something was wrong: the elders who came to meet him were educated!

In Lingao, it is not uncommon for veterans not to know each other. After all, there are more than 500 people, some of whom are away for a long time, and some basically do not participate in public activities. Most departments have to deal with them.

I saw Yuan Ziguang as the leader, followed by Dong Yizhi.Ai Zhixin remembered the appointment announcement in the latest issue of "Weekly News": Yuan Ziguang is the "Chairman of the Guangzhou Education People's Committee".

Unexpectedly, he also came with this boat, and the action was fast enough!

Yuan Ziguang also found him, and the two immediately "tightly shook hands", and Ai Zhixin couldn't help but greet him a few words.

"Director Ai, this time Dong Yi and I have come to Guangzhou directly to run education. There are few people and little money. You, the God of Wealth in Guangzhou, need a lot of help." Yuan Ziguang was thinking on the boat. snare," he said hastily.

The most annoying thing about Ai Zhixin is that others call him the "God of Wealth". In the past six months, he has lost dozens of hairs just to straighten out the fiscal and taxation system, let alone the messy fiscal and taxation system.

"What kind of God of Wealth am I? I am the accountant of District Chief Wen and Mayor Liu." Ai Zhixin laughed, and then immediately changed the subject, "Why? Are you going to run a girls' high school in Guangzhou?"

As the organizer of the Plaid Skirt Club, Yuan Ziguang is also one of the initiators of the idol group Four Seasons. It is well known in Lingao that he wants to set up a girls' middle school to satisfy his and a group of veterans' bad tastes.Not long before the start of the Guangdong Raiders, he was still active in the Senate and wanted to split Fangcaodi.

Obviously, Hu Qingbai was not interested in splitting Fangcaodi or setting up a girls' middle school, so Hu Qingbai sent Yuan Ziguang far away to Guangzhou City.Let him set up a new stove to toss on his own, save the whole day in Lingao to sway people's hearts, and keep out of sight and out of mind.Purpose You can do whatever you want, as long as you can talk about the project of the Planning Institute.

"The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny." Yuan Ziguang sighed, "It may not be enough to build a few elementary schools with my little capital..."

At the time when Ai Zhixin and Yuan Ziguang were talking to each other, in the "VIP Room" of the H800 transport ship, Feng Nuo and Xu Laowu were sweating profusely looking for something in the cabin.

What they were looking for was not worth mentioning in the old time and space. No matter in terms of popularity or price, a multimeter is obviously not a precious thing.But in this time and space, not to mention a plastic bag in the 21st century also belongs to the planning institute that controls materials. For Feng Nuo and Xu Laowu alone, multimeters and electric soldering irons are their "artifacts". They can't even carry out the most basic work.

Although there are multimeters in stock in the warehouse of the Planning Institute, this daily multimeter was brought by Feng Nuo himself. It has been used for many years. He still uses it to repair computers on the ship. not coming!
The two searched for it, and it took a lot of time. When the multimeter was turned out of the suitcase, Ai Zhixin was the only one left on the pier, stomping his feet.

"If you don't come down, I will freeze to death." Ai Zhixin only felt his nose run out.

"I couldn't find something important just now, it took me a while." Feng Nuo felt a little sorry, "Let's leave quickly."

"Slow, slow, where are the things you brought? Where's the computer?"

"That thing is still in the bilge, there are dozens of boxes." Feng Nuo laughed when he heard it, "The three of us can't carry it. We have to unload it first and then install and debug it. It won't work in ten days and a half month. "

"Alas, I thought I could use it after taking it off." Ai Zhixin couldn't help showing a disappointed expression, "What we urgently need now is data processing capabilities. Without data reports, I am completely blind here."

"Don't worry, although this equipment is not comparable to the equipment in the old time and space, it is still worthy of the word "magic tool" compared with the abacus and the hand-cranked computer. However, this equipment also requires a lot of operators. The old man Xu brought a few girls from the data center here, but it was definitely not enough—the locals had to train themselves.”

"There is no problem with people. The most important thing here is people." Ai Zhixin led them into the inner world of the big world, and sat down in the lounge of the Senate. "But I'm afraid it will take a day or two to train."

"It doesn't matter, we have training experience," Mr. Xu said confidently, "The key is to be careful and patient. Literacy and numeracy are enough."

The man called Xu Laowu's real name is Xu Yicheng, and his job is the director of the Data Center of the Planning Institute.He is a middle-aged man. He once opened an IT company by himself in the past, which can be regarded as a small success in his career.I am also from the Department of Mathematics of 985 University, and the combination of these two points is responsible for the "big data" work of the Senate.

That's when he and Feng Nuo came to Guangzhou together, in fact, to build a computing center in Guangzhou to handle the ever-expanding data.

Naturally, under the condition that the reserves of servers and components are only decreasing but not increasing, it is impossible for the Planning Institute to allocate new equipment and components from the precious reserves to do this work, so this "South China Data Center" and Lingao's Like the "National Data Center", it is a product of a combination of local and foreign.But this time the "indigenous method" is not just a manual calculation, but a mechanical computer newly developed by the IT port.

And Feng Nuo is one of the main developers of this "artifact".He came to Guangzhou, including the three major aspects of assembly, commissioning and maintenance training.

The "mechanical computer" currently lying in the cargo hold of the H800 can only be regarded as a "semi-finished product" in the strict sense. The functions of many early mechanical computers are limited by the blankness of the Senate in the field of electromechanical, and cannot be replicated.Therefore, it is destined to be a bulky and difficult to use thing.

But even if it is cumbersome and difficult to use, its processing efficiency is dozens or even hundreds of times faster than manual calculations. The most important thing is that its indexing and statistical functions make the large amount of data collected by the Senate useful. Not just laying on the statistics table.

(End of this chapter)

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