Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1933 The naturalized people of the data center

Chapter 1933 The naturalized people of the data center
The Secretary of State and the Minister of Planning hope that in this way, the current consumption of computer time can be reduced, and statistical analysis capabilities that do not rely on computers can be cultivated, so that they can maintain a certain ability to manage government affairs through data in the future without computers.On this basis, the Planning Institute plans to merge some relevant departments, further expand on the existing basis, and uniformly use the signboard of "National Data and Computing Center" externally.

According to this policy, the computing and data processing departments of various departments are unified into the data and computing center and implement vertical management.The calculation and data departments of each department are handled as dispatched agencies.At the same time, a comprehensive cleanup was carried out on the equipment and personnel of each department, and the equipment that was not used efficiently and improperly was collected and disposed of.The relevant operators will be uniformly "trained in batches by rotation" by the computing and data centers.

In this way, the size of Xu Laowu's team has expanded a lot.All the received equipment was brought by Feng Nuo to maintain and refurbish, and all the operators were trained intensively—Xu Laowu was not satisfied with the received operators. Because these people worked scattered, they had not received overall training, and a considerable number of them used them. Bad habits.There are quite a few "relationship households" in it. Those who rely on various connections to enter the agency to work as operators will inevitably have the habit of "I have a background", especially those who come in through the way of the veteran's life secretary.Xu Lao Wu decided to give them a killing stick first, to show them off.They specially recruited a few ruthless aunts from the quarantine camp to give them "broad training".

"Let you know how powerful the data and computing center is!" Xu Laowu thought to himself.

He looked at the huge quartz clock on the wall—this quartz clock was made of the movement brought by the old time and space, the battery made by Dr. Zhong, and the shell made by the naturalized craftsman.

The timing requirements of the data and computing center are relatively high, so all of them are equipped with quartz clocks brought by the old time and space.

The clock was already pointing to five thirty.The staff in the middle shift began to sort out the work at hand and prepare for the handover.Because the center does not have such a high-intensity task of population statistics recently, today's work has actually begun to draw to a close.According to the regulations of the center, the deadline for reporting data today is [-]:[-].Generally, at this time, various departments will not submit documents.The frequency of folder movement has also been significantly reduced.The reception counter at the front end has already begun to fill in today's work log for filing.The reporting team in the central area also began to clean up their desktops and prepare to leave work; even the background input team, which is still under heavy workload, is also handing over the middle and evening shifts.From time to time, girls who are off work can be seen leaving the work area and going to the staff rest area at the back to change clothes and get off work.

The working environment in the Computing and Data Center is about the best of all the Senate institutions in Lingao.The rest area is divided into several rooms of different sizes. In addition to the closets and independent dressing rooms arranged against the wall, each room also has two rows of long tables and corresponding stools. There is a self-service drink table at the end of the table. Drinks and snacks are provided.There are three thermos barrels on the table for hot water, black tea and coffee.Different from the practice of some powerful departments providing a large number of so-called "energy potions", Mr. Xu Yuan insisted not to let such things that kill chickens and eggs enter the market, and advocated the use of reasonable scheduling and management systems to restrain them.

There were quite a few girls sitting on the stools by the table, some of them were arranging their personal belongings, some of them took a break to drink a glass of water, and some of them gathered together to discuss various topics that girls cared about.Seeing the elder come in, they stood up at the same time and dispersed immediately.As the end of get off work was approaching, Xu Yuan simply nodded, asked them to sit down and walked over.Due to the nature of the work, the front desk and data entry team of the data center are dominated by girls. For a long time, Mr. Xu was the object of envy and hatred by all kinds of otaku soy sauce.But the conscience of heaven and earth, for a long period of time, this place was basically dominated by all kinds of dinosaurs.Elder Xu Yuan felt that he had begun to understand Hong Changqing. Faced with such a good looks, it was normal for him to have no thoughts.

However, this has recently begun to change.With the completion of the new office building, the office conditions and treatment of the data center have gained a bit of fame, especially for graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences.After all, the office is located in Bairen City where the veterans gather together. The working environment is good, the salary is good, and you can learn some real skills.Elder Xu Yuan found that this place has become a typical white-collar job in this time and space.Especially after the maid school was abolished, many of the students transferred to work here, and the appearance level of the corresponding employees increased rapidly, and the students of the College of Arts and Sciences also led the fashion trend of this time and space, even those who originally worked here Girls also began to pay attention to clothing, makeup, makeup and so on.As the saying goes, "there are no ugly women, only lazy ones", the dinosaurs of the past have also changed a lot recently.Correspondingly, the number of inspections and contact work by various veterans has also increased exponentially recently.Xu Laowu had to issue an announcement: "Non-business contacts are not allowed to visit and inspect."

Seeing that everything around is normal, Elder Xu is going to go downstairs and inspect the computer room, the treasure of the Senate.But when he turned around, through the window by the stairs, he saw several Venus Zeros parked in the parking lot outside the lawn.Although with the gradual opening of the new administrative center in the original county, the original Bairen City's entry and exit controls have been relaxed, but not all cats, cats and dogs can enter.Needless to say, there was a patriarch behind every vehicle, and every vehicle was waiting for one or more girls in the house.

"Damn, it's become a concentration camp for mistresses." Elder Xu Yuan shook his head, trying to get rid of the sour feeling in his heart, and walked down the stairs.

He changed into the operator's coat, shoes and hat in the dedicated locker room, and washed his hands before entering the dedicated corridor.At the end of the corridor, push the thick soundproof door wrapped with kapok at the door of the computer room, and you will enter the top secret part of the data center of the Planning Institute-the input center and the computer room.A chill hit his face, making Xu Yuan feel like walking into the refrigerator for a moment.In fact, it is true to say that it is a refrigerator. The original design here is similar to the mobile gas cold storage that performed prominently in the Pearl River Delta invasion.The walls around the room contain insulation interlayers on the periphery, which are filled with multiple layers of diatomaceous earth and kapok, and even the doors are composite doors with insulation layers sandwiched between them.Except that the cooling itself mainly uses ground-source air-conditioning, and there is also a ventilation fan, it is almost the same as a cold storage.

Extremely strict temperature and humidity control is implemented here, no less than Feng Nuo's computer room.The temperature and humidity meter brought from another time and space strictly monitors the indoor temperature and humidity to ensure that the equipment operates at the best temperature and humidity.Professional personnel will inspect the temperature and humidity meters in various places every 15 minutes. Once the pointer exceeds the corresponding area, measures will be taken immediately to adjust.

The reason for adopting such a frenzied design in Xu Yuan’s opinion is a big discussion among code farmers on the BBS in the early years.For the various industrialists in the Senate, the code farmers seem to have the least hope of future. In the end, no one expects to be able to make electronic products at the level of the 21st century in their lifetime.Although someone proposed a plan that a simple [-]-bit computer could be built in the future, Mr. Xu Yuan estimated that he would be thankful to be able to make a Lingao version of the ENIAC.In this way, how to maintain the performance and service life of precision electronic products represented by computers as much as possible has become a coder who is willing to stay in the industry, and has a special preference for data management based on computer databases. A big problem for the planning institute.

In order to ensure that the life of the equipment can be extended as much as possible, after the material conditions are permitted, the new building of the data center is fully considered in the design.Although the current Senate cannot make a complete anti-static floor, there is indeed a copper grid laid on an iron frame under the floor of the computer room, and there are wires directly grounded.In order to ensure safety, the computer room itself does not have any windows and relies entirely on electric lighting and mechanical ventilation.In order to reduce costs and realize temperature and humidity control with high efficiency and energy saving, the designer basically copied the design concept and material technology of the gas cold storage, and finally formed what we see now: more than a dozen computers are arranged on both sides of the room, and in the middle is a The relatively wide channel, the forms that need to be input are handed in through the small door at one end, and sent out directly through the small door at the other end after completion. The girls in charge of the input wear half-padded clothes similar to the uniforms of the Shandong detachment. Enter data on the screen.

Although after discovering the legend of the fox fairy, Xu Yuan asked to replace Foxpro's fox pattern with the national emblem of Star Fist, but it is not clear whether they will still worship.After all, Elder Xu Yuan didn't go out of his way to dig girls' chests every day.However, to a certain extent, these girls should indeed be grateful for the artifact in front of them.Thanks to the scarcity of their skills, their work levels have all reached the "technician" level assessed by the Senate, and several leading team leaders were even rated as "associate technicians". In addition, the working meals and staff originally provided by the data center In the dormitory, these girls definitely have a very good life in Lingao.Since most of them came from refugees imported at the beginning, and some of them did not even have fathers, brothers and relatives, the monthly salary suddenly became quite considerable.These girls have high incomes and have opened their eyes, so it is inevitable that they will be picky about the man.As a result, in Lingao where the ratio of men to women is so disparate, the phenomenon of leftover women actually appeared.The team leader who was facing Xu Yuan was one of them.

Next update: Volume 38: Mainland China - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Section [-]


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braggart's news board;
Introduce and sort out important people and event information;
Demonstrate the demeanor of the Lingao community, tour exhibition of outstanding colleagues and data works;
Organize online or offline gatherings of elders from time to time;

In a word, Senatus Populusque Magnus
(End of this chapter)

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