Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1934 Zhu Qiujing

Chapter 1934 Zhu Qiujing

The team leader is 20 years old this year, but he is just a "widow".

Zhu Qiujing is from the suburbs of Guangzhou. He married at the age of 15 and became the He Zhu family. Became a mother at the age of 16. At the age of 17, her son died first and then her husband also died.Became a "widow".

Her experience is not too rare among women in this time and space.

Zhu Qiujing lost her husband, and her in-laws and her mother's family were planning her remarriage.Widowhood is actually not a common thing among ordinary people—a moral role model needs a considerable financial foundation, otherwise life will be unsustainable, not to mention that her husband has not left her any children.No matter from the point of view of her natal family or her husband's family, a young woman is obviously a good asset, and it would be a waste not to make use of it.

Her in-laws and her family fought fiercely over the issue of her ownership. In the end, Zhu Qiujing's father, an old boy who did not go to school when he was old, insisted on taking away his daughter's ownership by relying on the influence of his "classmates" when he was studying. back.After changing hands, she married her second husband.

Although Zhu Qiujing may not have much affection for her first husband, she is absolutely unwilling to her new husband.Because this man is a well-known bachelor in the neighboring village, he does everything from eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, the advantage is that he has a lot of money on hand, his family has a lot of land, and there are no parents-in-law.

But she didn't have a say in the matter--it was nothing but a beating--not even her mother dared to say "no".Zhu Qiujing's father was greedy for a large gift, so he "sold" his snatched daughter again.So Zhu Qiujing changed from He Zhu's family to Wang Zhu's family.

For Wang Zhushi in the following days, it gradually turned into a nightmare.The husband who doesn't stay home for two or three days, the creditor who keeps coming to take everything away, plus all kinds of thieves rampant in the countryside and the increasingly stringent taxes and all kinds of bonuses, she can only live in hiding.

Finally one day, when she found out that she had become the target of her creditors' door-to-door demands, this girl who had always been honest and responsible made the biggest determination in her life: She rolled up the little money and food in the family, and took the widowed husband with her. His mother fled to Guangzhou city.

Of course, Guangzhou City is not a paradise for the elderly and the young. Within two days, the old lady fell ill.The entangled reality, the various risks of being a woman outside, and the temptation of the legendary magic medicine combined together finally pushed Wang Zhushi, who had nowhere to go, to the door of Cihui Hall. A whole new world.

Benefiting from her father's professors back then, the Wang Zhu clan obtained a Class B diploma shortly after passing the purification, and became a very small number of educated women among the naturalized women.And after the political trial, he embarked on the road of "serving the Senate and the people".It was assigned to the Data and Computing Center of the Planning Institute.

It is said that people are most likely to find faith in the face of great changes in the environment. This sentence must be applicable to Wang Zhushi.For her and many of the converts, the Senate had become a god.The Senate opened a door, a door to a world she had never dreamed of.In this new world, she is no longer just a Wang Zhushi who doesn't even have a name, and no longer needs to endure her fate silently. She can become an independent person who can rely on her own efforts to make a living.

In a lecture held by the Senate for female naturalized citizens, a short-haired female veteran told the story of Qiu Jin, a heroine of the Australian and Song Dynasties, which had a great influence on her.Although the Newspeak spoken by the female senator was still half-understood at that time, the gist of the whole story was understood.A married woman like her can throw away her family and children and even shed her blood in order to resist the tyranny of the eight-foot traitor. This seemingly rebellious behavior has become the "Sword Lake Woman" praised by everyone in Australia and Song Dynasty. ".To commemorate this sage who gave her a new concept of life, she changed her name to Qiu Jing.

As one of the earliest qualified employees in the data center, after several years of hard work, she has not only become the team leader who manages more than a dozen girls, but also got her own small apartment with one bedroom and one living room as a technical backbone. Myself and my mother.Although the house is very small and has a mortgage that needs to be repaid for ten years, it is her own paradise for her.There are bright glass windows, a convenient briquette stove, clean corridors and rooms, and IKEA-style furniture influenced by the living habits of the elders.Even though the old lady was still rambling about hoping that she would remarry soon, for Zhu Qiujing now, getting married was no longer the core of her life, she already had her own life.

Because she was married and had children, although she is young, she has matured a lot in terms of self-positioning.Zhu Qiujing never wears make-up, and her clothes are very simple—in fact, her appearance and body are all excellent. It is a pity that she is so deliberately simple and never participates in "organized" blind dates.Some people say that she is keeping festivals for men.Zhu Qiujing always scoffed at this statement.

She reported to Xu Yicheng the work of the input team today. Once the input team is familiar with the work, it is not difficult. The focus is on speed and error rate
The input speed is easy to say, this is mainly a matter of proficiency.Pay attention to hand-eye coordination.The error rate is much tighter—no matter how powerful the computer is, if the original input data is wrong, there must be problems in the conclusions drawn.

If it is just a simple numerical error, the problem is not too big. If the decimal point is wrong or one more digit is written, one less digit is written.The final calculated conclusion is a thousand miles away.

Human attention and energy are limited, and inputting data in a bad state will inevitably have a large error rate.In order to ensure that the importer can work in a good state to the greatest extent, not only is the work of the importer strictly limited to eight hours per shift, but also a 15-minute break for every two hours of work.Work meals are also specially provided, with a balanced mix of fish, meat and vegetables, and more protein, vitamins and trace elements.Therefore, the input clerk of the computing data center is a very good job.

However, this is only a material guarantee. It is necessary to ensure that the input error rate is maintained at an acceptable level, and continuous supervision is required.Therefore, in the input group, "error checking" has always been the focus. Not only must special "accuracy" education be carried out every moment, but also review is required.In addition to having a special reviewer for each input work, regular and irregular spot checks are also adopted to assess the input error rate of each inputter.

"This is today's spot check review." Zhu Qiujing handed him a report, "The error rate has dropped slightly compared to last time, but..."

Xu Yicheng knew that there were other things behind the "but", and there were too many people in the lounge, so naturally it was inconvenient to say more, so he called her to the small lounge next to him.

"...there are a few people whose error rate has remained high." Zhu Qiujing's expression hesitated to speak, needless to say Xu Laowu also knew that most of them were "Four Heavenly Kings" again.

These four heavenly kings are the four high error rate members known in the entire computing center.They come from different backgrounds, and the common feature is that they are all inextricably linked with the elders.Some elder sisters are the "life secretary" of the elders, and some have been "enjoyed" by the elders themselves.There are also families that have business contacts with companies in the Senate - they are important "partners".

It is not uncommon for female input staff of similar origin to be in the data computing center, but their error rate and input speed can at least reach the passing level.And these four, whether it is the error rate or the input speed, have never reached a tolerable state.

Xu Lao Wu had already "lended the net" to the four heavenly kings, and did not follow the normal process to eliminate them and change guards, and organized special training many times-it didn't look like the effect was very good.

He looked at today's spot check list, and sure enough, these four were at the top again. According to the monthly average error rate calculated next to them, their average error rate was 2.7 times that of ordinary input staff.

The input is slow and the error rate is high.No wonder Zhu Qiujing's expression grew when he mentioned this matter.

But Xu Lao Wu was a little embarrassed.Because some of the four related elders have greeted me, and some have a good relationship with me.This face is somewhat indelible.

But it's not good to indulge like this-if people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.Especially Zhu Qiujing, her serious and responsible attitude towards work made her especially unable to tolerate such things.My own "openness" to the Four Heavenly Kings actually caused a very bad influence inside the computing data center

He considered for a moment and said:
"I'll get rid of Fang Qi, who has the highest error rate first. I hope this can impress others a little bit. If it doesn't improve, we'll get rid of one a week from next month."

Zhu Qiujing didn't say anything, just nodded.Judging from her expression, she was obviously dissatisfied with Xu Lao Wu's handling plan.Zhu Qiujing is very serious about his work, he respects the rules of the Senate, and has always had objections to these obvious protections.And she also talked to Old Fifth Xu about these things many times.

Ever since she was selected by Du Wen to participate in the women's cadre training class, Xu Laowu found that her assertiveness became more and more assertive, and the expression of her conversation became much clearer. different.

What Zhu Qiujing didn't know was that her name appeared as a typical example in the "Instructions on Strengthening the Training of Women Cadres" issued by Queen Du in the name of the Government Affairs Council.This part of the copy of the report on women’s work during the War of Liberation in Old Time and Space pointed out: “We have the responsibility to train a large number of outstanding female cadres to support the long-term war and various work in the rear. Training classes, participating in reception work teams, advanced and continuous mentoring of apprentices, etc., to train women cadres."As Queen Du's favorite student and a native of Guangzhou herself, she has already entered the sight of the Senate.

Next update: Volume 39: Mainland China - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Section [-]


(End of this chapter)

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