Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1941 Boiling paint

Chapter 1941 Boiling paint
Although Feng Nuo was not satisfied with the fact that the machinery factory only sent a new worker who had just graduated from a vocational school to the factory, it was better than nothing.To actually trial-produce relays, the trivial work is much more than the "design" that was discussed before, and these things do not require skilled technicians. Having a layman can free up a lot of energy.He was thinking about the schedule in his mind, and he didn't notice that the teenager in front of him would occasionally glance in the direction of his office.

For the past two days, Feng Nuo has spent sleepless nights studying several enameled wire manufacturing materials given by Faraday.Generally speaking, Faraday also trial-produced enameled wires, and the route was quite complicated. There were modified tung oil and modified raw lacquer. No matter which one was used, the wear resistance of the paint film was very poor, and cotton yarn must be wound. reinforcement.It can be barely used on motors-the disadvantage is that it will naturally affect the service life.

"It doesn't look too difficult." Feng Nuo read the information and felt that he was sure to do it.

Dianlikou also generously distributed a part of silicon steel sheets that are said to be of good quality to him, which can be regarded as stepping into the pit of relay manufacturing.Hearing that he was interested in this cause, Dianlikou and veterans who were interested in electronics all wrote and called to offer advice. For a while, Feng Nuo's residence and office were crowded with people, and his motivation also increased a little.

As soon as he started the project, he realized that there are still people in Lingao who are working on enameled wires, but that is another research direction. The project name is "Electronic Component Development Group", and the host is his colleague Xiu Yuxuan.

Xiu Yuxuan was originally a communications engineer. Since he landed, his main job has been to maintain the computer room of Lingao Telecom.Although the place of work is different, the job is basically the same.

Seeing that there was no future for the maintenance work in this computer room, Xiu Yuxuan followed Zhong Lishi's path and entered the "Institute of Electronics" under the Ministry of Science and Technology, where he served as the director—of course, the polished commander.

Xiu Yuxuan is busy "restoring" various electronic components in the Electronics Institute - the manufacture of electronic components is not difficult, but the difficulty is that the raw materials are heavily dependent on fine chemicals, so Director Xiu's work is not smooth.

Now I heard that someone wants to gnaw on the bone of the relay. Director Xiu not only came to visit in person, exchanged experience in running the project and maintaining the computer room, but finally sent a set of technical materials he specially collected from the large library.

After sending Xiu Yuxuan away, he casually opened the folder Xiu Yuxuan sent, the first booklet was mimeographed "Easy Manufacturing Method of Enameled Wire".There is another line below: Internal reading materials of the Ministry of Science and Technology, pay attention to preservation.

Looking at the title of the pamphlet, Feng Nuo murmured in his heart.Opening the preface, although a lot of modern vocabulary was removed, the familiar style of writing made Feng Nuo immediately understand that this is a so-called "made by local method" pamphlet.

Feng Nuo's eyelids twitched again. In the past two years, the Manufacturing Director Department and the Planning Institute have sent documents to various departments many times, specifically requesting the technical research and development teams of the industrial department, the scientific and technological department, and the military industry department to use the "indigenous and simple methods" carefully.Pay attention to standardization issues and eliminate outdated technologies.In particular, it is pointed out that the use of such indigenous methods must be tested in small batches first, and large-scale production cannot be blindly put into production.

But for a [-]% layman like him, this kind of booklet is easier to understand and experiment.

"Forget it, if it's simple, it's simple. We didn't start with the imitation of the native methods of Lingao. Why should our project be in line with the old time and space standards from the beginning?" Feng Nuo thought.

"The whole production process of enameled wire includes several processes of wire drawing, painting, baking and winding. Apply special enameled wire coating to clean bare copper wire, and after baking at a high temperature of 300-400 degrees Celsius, the coating will be polymerized tightly. The ground is wrapped on the wire, and then cooled to become an enameled wire. This is a continuous production process. During the production process of a whole enameled wire, each part goes through each process one by one without stopping. "

This book seems to be quite reliable, it is written quite clearly, and I honestly tell who I consulted and which factories' processes I referred to. A table in the book also records the number of paint layers and paint layers under each wire diameter. Thickness and room temperature resistivity are extracted from the industrial data of the former Soviet Union.

According to the records of this simple method, the equipment for making insulating varnish is extremely simple: basically a stove and a pot. Of course, this pot is specially made. , the stirring rod can be extended through a small door on the lid.Grignard tubes are used to measure paint viscosity, the smaller the wire diameter, the lower the paint viscosity should be.

He looked at the equipment and tools listed in the pamphlet, and there seemed to be nothing Lingao couldn't make.

The formula of the insulating varnish is 17% phenolic resin, 43% raw tung oil, 0.35% lead oxide, 0.1% cobalt desiccant, and 40% kerosene for lamps.Seeing this, Feng Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, Lingao can produce all these raw materials by itself.He doesn't know if he has phenolic resin, but in the middle school chemistry class, synthesizing phenolic resin was the simplest organic experiment.As for the raw material phenol and formaldehyde, the chemical factories in Lingao both manufacture them; needless to say, tung oil is a traditional bulk export commodity in China, and it is widely used by the people, even in the industrial system of the Senate, it also plays an important role. Role; lead oxide has existed since ancient times, that is, the so-called Amitabha monk.This is a by-product of alchemy, and it is the product of the bottom of the furnace deposited when the sulfide-like galena group mineral galena is refining silver and lead.It is a very important Chinese medicinal material, and ancient cosmetics also used this as a whitening agent.It is not difficult to prepare directly; kerosene is of course available; only cobalt desiccant is left, and the preparation method is also introduced in the data, and it is mentioned that manganese desiccant made of manganese dioxide can also be substituted. The Senate controls manganese ore. Not a problem either...

Feng Nuo thinks that this information is good, and the basic design of the enamelling machine is also available, some of which are replaced by local methods, such as replacing the steel of the frame with brick/wood, replacing the paint wheel with multi-groove ceramic separators, and making the oven from waste materials. And so on, there is no need to do the same in Lingao, all steel equipment and necessary ceramic components can be produced by ourselves.

More importantly, the empirical data in the data is relatively complete, such as the boiling temperature range, drying temperature range, distance between the wire rod and the furnace wall, the amount of desiccant, the line speed of the painting process, and the amount of felt used for polishing. The thickness has empirical value.Even ventilation equipment, copper wire drawing and the preparation of acid and alkali used in cleaning equipment are also introduced, but Feng Nuo does not need to consider these, at least he intends to completely rely on the standard parts factory for wire materials, and the basic facilities of the factory are also ready-made. The acid and alkali are directly withdrawn from the warehouse of the Planning Institute.

Finally, Feng Nuo wrote down the finished product specifications and quality inspection methods recorded in the materials. Since it is going to be done, the specifications and quality that can be achieved by the local methods of the *** period are the minimum requirements.

In the next few days, Qian Yuzhi was sent around by Feng Nuozhi, not to mention carrying all kinds of raw materials, and had to try to boil insulating paint according to the formula every day without any protective measures.

Although the pot for cooking lacquer has already been ordered, because it is a special product, there must be a certain manufacturing cycle.So what Feng Nuo gave him was really an ordinary iron pot, not even as good as the pot with a flue and a stirring port on the lid in the booklet.

The cooking temperature is as high as 200 degrees, and the drying temperature is 300-400 degrees. The smell is even more touching.Naturally, he does not have gas masks, nor 3M masks. The only labor protection Qian Yuzhi can get is a 24-layer gauze mask made by Lingao and a pair of bulky safety glasses.

In order to prevent burns, he wore thick work clothes when boiling the paint. After a few hours, the clothes looked like they had been fished out of the water.

Because the pot is heated directly, temperature control is very difficult.Overheating often occurs. Once the raw materials are scrapped, not only the hours of hard work will be wasted, but the face of the head will also become very ugly.

Qian Yuzhi was sweating profusely from the heat and dizzy from the smoke every day. When he got home, he collapsed on the bed like a dead dog, completely forgetting that there was still a beautiful girl in the uniform of the College of Arts and Sciences living in the attic.

Listening to Qian Yuzhi's snoring downstairs, Li Jianai couldn't fall asleep at all.It's not because of his snoring - she has something on her mind.

In the dark, she stared at the girders under the roof with her eyes wide open—she had lost contact with the "organization" for several months.

This was something she had never experienced since she entered the Lingao quarantine camp three years ago. It seemed that a heavy rock was pressing on her heart, and it seemed that there was a cold gap in her heart.She couldn't help shivering, shrank her body to the corner of the wall again, and wrapped the blanket tightly around her body.

When she was in the quarantine camp, she was an orphan and was born thin. She was developed into a "monitor" by the quarantine camp and spent several extra periods of quarantine. She didn't come out until a year later when her body accelerated.Due to her good performance in surveillance work and her good body and appearance, she was then assigned to a maid school, and was formally developed into a "hidden cadre" of the State Administration of Political Security. During the two years, she successively accepted many secrets. Training, continue to do internal security in the maid school and the reformed liberal arts college.

When she graduated, the "organization" informed her that a new "superior" would assign her tasks when she was assigned a job.

However, that was her last contact with "The Organization".

As time went by, Li Jianai became more and more nervous. During the training, the instructor said that he would be given clear instructions for long-term lurking or retirement.But since she joined Tiandihui for several months, no one has contacted her. According to discipline, she can't take the initiative to contact her previous contacts.Now I don't know what's wrong with this situation. The loneliness of being "abandoned" by the organization and the panic of being "handled" by the organization are gradually eroding her spirit.

Next update Volume 46 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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