Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1942 Li Ganai's Secret

Chapter 1942 Li Ganai's Secret
To make matters worse, her official job situation is also very bad: graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences mainly do confidential, accounting, and secretarial work, and Li Jianai is no exception. After being assigned to Tiandihui, she entered the The "big customer department" is not responsible for specific agricultural technology services, but is responsible for contacting customers who "whole package" the land under their name to Tiandihui, and providing them with services such as reports, accounting and sales promotion.

Li Jianai has been sent to Zhangjiazhuang near Dongmen City for the past few months.Serving some big customers in Zhangjiazhuang and nearby.This temporary dispatch is carried out in small groups.The working team will be stationed in the farm of the big client and work continuously for several months until the busy farming season is over and the accounts of both parties are settled.

She knew that Zhangjiazhuang had a veteran background.There was an elder Lu Yuan who lived in Zhuangzi for a long time.Every day in and out by horse-drawn carriage.

Although she has served the "organization" for a long time, no matter how reliable the "organization" is, it is not as good as being a "waiter" directly next to the head. For girls from the maid school, this is the most natural and mainstream concept.Although Li Jianai knew that his situation was special, he probably would not be selected by the chief, and there were very few students who were selected away in the past two years, so it was inevitable that he still had girlish fantasies in his heart.At the beginning, she was a little afraid of being "picked up" by the chief, thinking that breaking contact with the "organization" might be a sign.

The reason why I feel scared is because there are some legends in the maid school. Although they are all "rumors", Li Ganai has served the Political Security Bureau for many years and can distinguish which are "rumors" and which are "rumors with ulterior motives".Within a few days of coming to Zhangjiazhuang, she felt that the atmosphere here was particularly depressing.

First of all, there is a difference between inside and outside.As a staff member of the Tiandihui sent by Li Jianai, together with the agricultural technicians and mechanics of the Tiandihui sent at the same time, they all live in a specially built private courtyard, and usually have no contact with people in Zhuangzi.The people who came to contact us for work always kept short stories and left without even taking a sip of water.The conversation was only about business and nothing else.

This kind of style is very similar to the people in the Political Security Bureau.But Li Jianai knew that things were not that simple.Working as a "hidden cadre" for many years has made her extremely good at observing people's words and deeds.She quickly saw what was in the eyes and expressions of these people.That is a strong sense of alertness.

Could it be that they knew that I was "secretly doing something" and that's why they were so wary?
The second is that she realized that the chief did not trust people like them from the Tiandihui.Never call them into the house, nor speak a word to them.All work is arranged through the housekeeper.

However, her worry seemed unnecessary. The chief didn't show the slightest interest in her. Not only did he not see her, he didn't even speak to her once.This may have avoided the worst situation, but it was clear that he was unpopular with the chief, and of course this situation was not a good thing.

Contrary to Li Jianai's self-feeling: Lu Xuan is extremely interested in her—just a vigilant interest.

When Li Jianai came to Zhangjiazhuang to report at the beginning of the year, Lu Xuan felt uncomfortable.He had always disliked naturalized people from maid schools.I feel that they have been raised to be too familiar with the elders, lacking a sense of distance and awe.However, now he has become more cautious and easily keeps his head out.Except for the old people in Zhuangzi, no one will enter, nor will they support the naturalized students.He also greatly reduced contact with those former "students" to avoid being caught.

The land in Zhangjiazhuang was contracted to the Tiandihui, and it was only natural that the Tiandihui would send people to provide service.What's more, now that the maid school has been changed into a liberal arts college, and the teaching content is mainly accounting, secretarial and other professional skills, he has no reason to object to this girl being sent to work with him by the Heaven and Earth Association—to say that he directly exercised the elder's right to refuse Of course, it is also possible, but this is too eye-catching.

He could only avoid her contact with people and things in Zhuangzi as much as possible without showing any traces, shorten the time she spent wandering here, and send her away from Zhuangzi and his people.

Fortunately, a few years ago, he considered the problem of Tiandihui's door-to-door service personnel, and specially built a private courtyard for them to live in. When the Tiandihui's people are not coming, some work that needs to be in contact with outsiders is also done there. .Minimize contact between people inside the house and people outside.

On the third day after Li Jianai reported for duty, he found an opportunity to go to the key customer department of Tiandihui, found the person in charge Dugu to propose marriage, and asked to check Li Jianai's personal file.

A veteran wanted to consult the files of a naturalized man who had a close working relationship with him, especially that this naturalized man would also work in the veteran's residence. Li Jianai's file was handed over to Lu Xuan.

The file has a common seal, and the yellow kraft paper file bag is very thin, and there is nothing special about it.

Li Jianai's files are ordinary, with no special marks.

"Li Jianai, female, born in Ji'an, Jiangxi, born in 1620 (48th year of Wanli/Gengshen, first year of Taichang), date unknown"

"1631.9.6 Guangzhou Station takes care of orphans"

"1631.9-1631.11 Refugees in Canton Refugee Camp"

"Performance During Relief..."

"1631.11-1632.2 Refugees in Lingao Quarantine Camp"

"Purification during performance..."

"1632.10-1635.2 Students of Lingao Women's College of Arts and Sciences"

"Behavior during school..."

"From 1635.2 to today, the staff of the major customer department of the local association"


There were not many materials, so Lu Xuan looked at them one by one.In fact, there is no confidential content in the file, and the content is ordinary: personal resume, previous transfer records, political identification, academic transcripts... But Lu Xuan is an old organization, and he can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with Li Jianai's file of.There was an 8-month gap between the end of the quarantine period and the admission to the maid school. At that time, the maid school was different from the national school. Enrollment was not by semester, but admission could be made at any time!

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan felt the hairs on his back stand on end. Originally, he just wanted to see how Li Ganai performed in the maid school, and whether it would have any bad influence on his lair, and he also wanted to find a flaw. She justifiably drove away her thoughts.But today's discovery made him shudder.This woman obviously has another background!He suppressed his shock, handed the file back to Dugu to propose marriage with his usual face, and after a few polite words in a calm manner, he left the Tiandihui.

On the way back to the big library, Lu Xuan couldn't help secretly thanking himself for being cautious, and isolated Li Jianai for the first time.Then, he began to doubt again: Is Li Jianai a member of the Political Security Bureau? If so, was she sent here on purpose, or was she only targeting other "big customers" in Lingao, after all, big customers Department liaisons are on rotation.But if she was sent, or at least partly on purpose, then...

Lu Xuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, and at this moment he suddenly felt very angry: "You treat your comrades like this, and you simply make a fuss!" Then he thought about it again, "It's not right..." A violent side of his mind Discussed and struggled, and walked into the office absent-mindedly.

After calming down, Lu Xuan felt that it was necessary to check further. Thinking of this, he called Liu Ziming in and told him to find an apprentice he had taken in the big library in the past, and invite him to come home for dinner at night.This apprentice is now working in the Second Bairen Archives.After the third plenary session, the Senate issued severe restrictions on the support of private members among the naturalized people and aborigines, and Lu Xuan restrained himself a lot.But it's probably okay to explain this little thing.

The next day, Lu Xuan got some duty records of the 1633-1634 Women's College of Arts and Sciences guard room excerpted from the archives.The maid school is strictly guarded, and under normal circumstances, the maid candidates rarely go out, not to mention that Li Ganai is an orphan and has nowhere to go.However, the duty record shows that Li Jianai will apply to leave school a few days a month. Although the original document has not been extracted, Lu Xuan's apprentice has indicated that she holds a school leave permit developed by the school's general affairs office every time she leaves school. prove.

"Hmph, Zhao Manxiong is really cautious." Lu Xuan snorted coldly in his heart, this trick couldn't fool him.At this time, he had already decided in his heart that Li Jianai must be a member of the Political Security Bureau.

The next step is how to deal with this matter.Regardless of whether the purpose of Li Ganai's coming here is to target him or not, having such a person around will always make him thorn in the back—especially when they report, no matter how big or small the matter is, they will report in detail, and there is no guarantee that they will report anything Come.

After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to call directly.It's natural to be dark, but this will only cause more trouble for yourself-it's hard to say what will happen if something goes wrong.

Who knows how much black material this Zhao Manxiong has secretly collected for himself!
So he doesn't intend to make a big deal, if it's an unintentional coincidence, then naturally it doesn't matter, if it's an intentional arrangement, let them get out of trouble -- so as not to always think about himself, he hates this kind of "being hung up" number" feeling.

Wu Mu had already gone to Guangzhou, so he called Zhou Botao, the chief of the reconnaissance department, in the afternoon.Zhou Botao was very polite, and the two of them exchanged back and forth on the phone, having a mysterious and vague conversation.In short, Director Zhou firmly denied that there was an "investigation" against the elders, and finally said that he did not know the specific situation and would ask the staff in the department to check.If Elder Lu has any objections to this personnel arrangement, he will come forward to coordinate and make relevant adjustments.As for how he knew Li Ganai's "hidden cadre" status, Lu Xuan of course didn't mention it, and Zhou Botao also tacitly didn't ask.

Next update Volume 47 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]


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