Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1944 The Original Relay

Chapter 1944 The Original Relay
"Feng Shan, let's continue to calculate the design of the two schemes of inhalation and rotation."

Feng Nuo has now become an electrician again, and began to review electrical formulas with difficulty.In line with the principle of starting from the simple, and because of the consideration of the power supply problem, he chose to trial-produce the simplest DC relay first, but after all, he is not a major, and the circuit and college physics courses he learned in his freshman year have long been returned to the teacher. Not to mention high school.

Xiu Yuxuan provided him with some texts of the trial production materials he had made at the beginning, as well as some scrapped trial production samples.It can be seen that the chief repairman's understanding of relays is no better than his own.

In the past two days, Feng Nuo has been thinking about the relationship between the suction force of the relay and the parameters of the power supply and coil, and the progress can be described as difficult.Feng Nuo has read a lot of relay books, but there are few and very brief books on this formula.You can only figure it out on your own.

The relays in the original time and space only need to control the working circuit, and they don't care much about the suction force; instead, they use the suction force of the relay to drive the mechanical structure.From this perspective, what he built was not a relay at all, but a simple electromagnet.

Feng Nuo was a little frustrated by his new discovery, and the long-term calculation was a headache, so he pushed a pile of draft paper in front of Feng Shan and said, "First check what I have calculated before, and then design it, There are a few key points."

"First, based on our self-made enameled wire with a wire diameter of 0.3mm, don't forget to ask Kana to send enameled wire samples to the central laboratory to measure the thickness of the paint layer;"

"Okay, no problem, teacher." Feng Shan replied, took the pad and pencil, and began to record the main points.

"Second, to limit the total power, first consider that the turn-on time of each inspection hole is 0.1s, at least ensure that the 24V/20mAh battery of the clock head can support the inspection holes of 000 cards, and it is best to check holes 2 More than ten thousand."

According to Feng Nuo's rough estimate, if 5 sheets of holes are to be inspected, and each sheet is calculated based on the usual situation of 160 holes, the power-on time will be more than 200 hours, and the power of each coil must be kept at about 2 watts. Under the circumstances, it is not easy to ensure that the suction is not too small.


"Third, the suction power should preferably be above 5 Newtons."

Existing mechanical materials may not be able to guarantee a very light mechanical control mechanism, and it may be difficult to drive if the suction force is too small.

"it is good."

"Well... If you have more spare energy, let's consider the influence of temperature rise and magnetic flux leakage on the coil. I haven't considered this part now, and I can experiment slowly later."


"Oh, also, many materials say that in order to reduce the influence of residual magnetism, copper or brass pins or washers should be added to the top of the armature. Don't forget to take the thickness into account."


"Different from theoretical scientific research, the most important thing in the development of applied technology is to be based on existing conditions. With these constraints, we can move towards solving problems instead of talking aimlessly. As long as the road works Now, problems such as slow speed, low efficiency, poor quality, and high energy consumption can all be overcome by concentrating on one by one.”

After Feng Nuo threw out the bunch of headaches that caused him a lot of headaches, he gave a theory in a high-sounding manner—of course, this is also an experience talk.Feng Nuo's laboratory in the original space-time can be regarded as a problem solver.After finishing speaking, he walked towards the bed in the corner of the workshop and fell headfirst on it.Feng Shan was used to Feng Nuo's nagging and exhortations, so she silently took the pile of crooked acting papers and began to flip through them.

Feng Nuo was very tired, but he still felt very excited. He tried his best to stop his thinking and let his mind rest.It was dinner time at this time, Qian Yuzhi and Li Jianai both went to the cafeteria, and brought back lunch by the way.The roar of the server could be faintly heard from the next door, the rustling of Feng Shan's calculations and writing in the room, and the occasional sounds of horns and metal crashes from the workshop of the machinery factory in the distance made his tense nerves slowly relax.Feng Nuo liked this feeling very much. Gradually, these voices became farther and farther away from him... At some point, he fell asleep.


When he woke up, it was already dark outside, and only a small lamp on the workbench was lit in the room. Feng Shan was reading a book by the dim light. A blank sheet of paper filled with neat and standardized formulas and derivations - she has completed the design plan.

Feng Nuo walked over to pick up the plan and looked at it. He felt that there was nothing wrong with it. He estimated that the amount of copper used in this plan was not small, and the iron core material also needed to be reprocessed.Fortunately, Qian Yuzhi was a ready-made laborer—he was a mechanic by profession.

In the next few days, Feng Nuo applied to the machinery factory for the processing hours of the machine tool, and asked Qian Yuzhi to process the silicon steel material into the shape and size of the designed suction/rotation schemes.Some more complicated tasks are done by old workers.He personally led Qian Yuzhi and Feng Shan to start the winding machine to make a few samples.

The size of the sample is about a circle larger than an adult's fist, which is acceptable in this era when industrial products are generally stupid and thick.After power-on test, the suction force is smaller than the theoretical value, and the coil temperature rise is more obvious.Although in the application of the punched card machine, the energization of the relay is intermittent, but it does not rule out the situation that a certain hole position of many consecutive cards is perforated.It seems that although this Lao Shizi punched card computer has no electronic components, it still has to consider the problem of heat dissipation.Because there is no motor, air cooling is out of the question, should we use water cooling?Use copper tubes to circulate water to dissipate heat, which also requires consideration of the sealing and sequencing of the pipelines - Feng Nuo is a little bit dumbfounded.

But this is considered a success, Feng Nuo is still in a good mood, he sent a report to the Planning Institute, asking for more raw materials, first produce [-] rotary relays and [-] suction relays.

Then he called the standard parts factory and asked when they would have thinner copper wires.Although the relay here is mainly used to drive the mechanical structure, there are also a small number of relays used to control other relays. The suction of this type of relay is not important, and the power consumption is better. If you don’t want to greatly increase the coil length of the relay, you can only use it. The thinner copper wire increases the resistance, reduces the current, and by the way reduces the weight and volume of the relay.

The answer of the standard parts factory is "in the process of testing".As for the progress, it is still "not clear at present", but "there is a lot of progress".

"This will be Model B." Thinking of this, Feng Nuo made a note in the memo. The next step is to sort out the manufacturing process and submit it to the Planning Institute for archiving. He also has to hold a meeting with the veterans of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Electric Power Port to discuss the relay and even the future. Naming and stereotyping of various electronic components.He has been working in the Planning Academy for a long time, and he is very sensitive to such things, and it is also one of his own jobs-there are not many veterans of the IT department working in the Planning Academy.

I heard that Feng Nuo has created a relay that is completely the version of this time and space. Many veterans "come here especially for the name". It seems that this thing is not necessary. Once it is done, the demand has sprung up like mushrooms. Some asked him to develop AC relays, some asked him to develop overload/underload protection relays, and some asked him to develop time-delay relays. , and even let him develop thermal relays and photorelays.

"This has nothing to do with the electromagnetic relay I'm making now, okay?" Feng Nuo complained in his heart, and at the same time had to find other excuses to pat this man who said that he would operate in the Senate and set up an electronic equipment factory for him. The old man coaxed away.Of course, he didn't forget that the main direction at the moment is not the development of relays at all, but to get the tabulation machine done quickly.

"It seems that the development of electronic equipment is also promising in a vast world." Feng Nuo secretly regretted that he must not be able to compare with the veterans of the power port in this respect. Right now, this group of people is not available, so he let himself take the lead. When they react, It is impossible to go to other people's territory to grab food by relying on one's own foundation.It is more reliable to engage in computers honestly.

"However, we can cooperate. In the future, they will have vacuum tubes and transistors, and they will not be able to only build radio and television radar. Electronic computers will be a matter of time. By that time, the power of my current layout will be seen, and no one will be able to bypass myself. Engage in electronic computers." Feng Nuo smiled unconsciously as he thought, causing Li Jianai, who had just entered the workshop, to look at him several times.Feng Shan, on the other hand, has long been used to her head's frequent distractions in broad daylight, and turned a blind eye to it.

Among them, Li Jianai was the last to enter the workshop. She knew neither mechanics nor electricity, let alone computer theory; Feather is stronger.Feng Nuo asked her to help Feng Shan and be responsible for the trial production of several other types of relays.This made her more important than Qian Yuzhi in the workshop, and every day she either sent him to collect raw materials or turn workpieces.Seeing the young man being so busy being directed by him, he was also a little inexplicably happy.

Since coming to Feng Nuo to help, Li Jianai felt that his depressed spirit has eased a lot.Compared with Chief Dugu and Chief Lu, Chief Feng is very approachable. Senior sister Feng Shan is a bit taciturn, but also very gentle and friendly, and there is Qian Yuzhi who is dumbfounded.

Looking back, I have never had such an easy day since I was born.Naturally, I can’t remember things clearly when I was a child, but it was nothing more than being cold and hungry; since the quarantine camp, I have been the screw of the "organization", and the "organization" has no warmth at all; the atmosphere among the students of the maid school It's not good at all, let alone she is still a "hidden person", and she is always emotionally separated from others; as for the assignment after graduation, this is what happened again...

Next update Volume 49 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]


(End of this chapter)

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