Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1945 The first date

Chapter 1945 The First Date

During this period of time, although she was in a state of constant anxiety when she lost contact with the organization, a door called "freedom" was opened in her heart over time, and she experienced the joy of being free from pressure and tasks.This is not to say that the work is easy, in fact the work is very tiring, Feng Nuo used her as an adult male worker.It was a change of mood: she began to have the opportunity to think about what she would do after get off work tomorrow, what new products the cooperative society would release next month, and whether the new graduates could ask Chief Feng to formally transfer her from the Tiandihui after the new graduates arrived next year... Also, what do you want to buy after the salary is paid?
"Well, I'll just buy a pair of shoes for that idiot Qian Yuzhi, and treat him to a meal in Dongmen City. It's a little compensation for my careless use of him during this time, and I also thank him for introducing me here."

Qian Yuzhi didn't quite understand why the two of them suddenly wanted to go to Dongmen City for dinner today, even though as long as Li Jianai came to work, they would usually eat together and then go home together.

According to Qian Yuzhi's life experience in the "old society", if a young woman is willing to do this, she basically intends to marry him.But in the "new society", it just means that the other party has some good feelings for you.If you want to get married, there is no way to get married—not to mention "senatorial students" like Li Ganai who came from a liberal arts school, they are ordinary young women who graduated from junior high school and work as workers or clerks in farms, factories or institutions , It is not within the reach of apprentices like Qian Yuzhi who have just entered the factory. At least they have to wait until they have been evaluated to a certain level and their salary has reached a certain level before they will be considered by the other party.

However, going to Dongmen City for dinner this time was a bit grand, and he secretly wondered what the other party was thinking, and who was the "cleaner" for this meal-his salary was a bit low, and the rent paid by Li Jianai was not enough for him. Don't dare to spend it casually. In the future, it will cost me both when my sister gets married and when I ask for a wife.

However, facing the girl's invitation with shining eyes, he couldn't help but agree.Although he had gotten used to Li Ganai's command these days, he still vaguely felt that it was different, and he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster.

Li Jianai seemed to be in a good mood. She had heard from her classmates in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences that there was a shop dedicated to drinking in Dongmen City. She had always been very curious. Today, she happened to go to have a look with Qian Yuzhi.

The shop is small and dimly lit.A long counter, where the shopkeeper pours wine and cooks. The outer edge of the counter is a long table top with a few round stools. Against the wall is a small table with a high back, a bit like a seat on a small train. - Li Jianai said that this is called a "card seat".When all the seats are full, there can only be about [-] people.

This is a husband and wife shop, and the proprietress who sells wine is said to be the waiter of the original Nanhai Cafe, and the man works in Dongmen Restaurant.Both husband and wife were influenced by "Australian food and beverage". After they got married, they both quit their jobs and opened this small street shop that sells both food and wine.

Although the store is small, the decoration appliances are completely "Australian style". Everything is fresh, but it is beautiful and easy to use, and the decoration is very comfortable.At night, when the lights come on, the light from the gas lamp inside shines through the bamboo curtains. Not to mention eating and drinking, just going in and sitting down feels comfortable.

It sells "Australian-style" food and drinks, which are not expensive. The customers are mainly naturalized people working in the enterprises and institutions of the Senate.Especially young people who are not tired from home, come here to eat a set meal on the way home from get off work, and then drink a cup of kvass or a drink, which becomes a rare relaxation after a tiring day.

It was not too late at this time, and the shop was very deserted, so the two found a round table in the corner and sat down, ordered two set meals and two bottles of kvass.They are used to eating together in the cafeteria. At this time, while eating, they chat casually about work and life. Qian Yuzhi feels that chatting in this environment is really good. It is estimated that ninety-nine percent of the news came from the chiefs. Australian tune.

The portion of the set meal is large, but it is not worth mentioning to those who work all day long. Qian Yuzhi ordered a large fried fish cake set meal.Two large pieces of golden-yellow fried fish patties are placed on shredded cabbage—this kind of vegetable was not available in Hainan in the past, but was brought by the chiefs. It was first planted in the Nanhai Demonstration Farm, and everyone called it "Kun cabbage" ", Australians call it cabbage.

The fish steak is poured with a layer of thick sauce, with a pungent spicy smell, which stimulates people's appetite.Served with a large bowl of white rice and oyster mushroom vegetable soup.

Li Jianai is from a liberal arts college. Although the workload is not small, he knows the importance of "healthy diet" and "keeping in shape", so he should eat lighter: stir-fried sea shrimp with vegetables and rice with seafood consommé.

These dishes were all brought by Australians. If the chief executives hadn’t come to Lingao and established a small piece of the world here, then Qian Yuzhi would never have eaten such delicious fish steaks in Daming—not to mention If he wanted to use delicious food, it was a great pleasure for him to be able to eat a meal of fine grains a few years ago.

This is fate, Qian Yuzhi was in a daze for a moment, everything around him seemed extremely strange, like a dream.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in a daze?"

Li Kanai interrupted his trance.

"It's nothing, I think it's really good here." He said as he smeared the shredded cabbage, wiped off the sauce and fish cake crumbs stuck to the plate, and ate it with big mouthfuls of rice.

"You have a really good appetite." Li Jianai said with an admiring expression, "This is an Australian-style restaurant——I chose a good place..."

Suddenly she saw a figure flashing at the door, she seemed to have glanced inside, and left quickly.

The professionalism made her immediately realize that the figure just now was someone she was familiar with.

Who is it?
"Not bad." Qian Yuzhi nodded, not knowing what she had discovered.Although I admit that this place is "nice", I don't understand why the girl suddenly invites him to eat here.

Could it be that she is really interested in herself?Qian Yuzhi thought wildly.

"Of course the place I chose won't be bad, it will open your eyes..." Li Jianai said casually, she already knew it in her heart: it was Feng Shan who just flashed past.

She also came to Dongmen City?Li Jianai was a little strange.Because Feng Shan's life is basically two points and one line, and she is called a life secretary, and she rarely works as a life secretary.More students like Chief Feng.

But her curiosity ended there.After all, Dongmen City is not a secret place.Her attention returned to Qian Yuzhi.

Kvass was slightly alcoholic, and after one bottle, the two of them naturally talked more.From the politeness at the beginning, they gradually talked about their own life experiences, and they began to drink the second and third bottles without knowing it.

Qian Yuzhi babbled on about his childhood, about his father's sacrifice and the encouragement of the head of the family to condolences, and proudly bragging about how beautiful his younger sister is and how excellent her grades are...

Speaking of his younger sister, he was silent for a while, and then he continued to say that he must take the first-class diploma and then a technician, but he was too stupid, and he made the master angry. Fortunately, he can now serve the chief...and why he doesn't live in the dormitory , How much money can I save every month by living at home, how much can I earn by renting a house, how much I earn and spend every month... If I want to marry my wife, I have to prepare a large gift, and when my sister gets married, I have to spend money on errands; when I have children I still have to go to Fangcaodi National School - if I can't get into the selection group, I can't get a scholarship, and if I go to a higher school, I have to raise tuition fees...

When Li Jianai saw him say "marry a wife", he unconsciously took a sneak peek at himself, thinking it was funny.However, these "idiots talking about dreams" like drunk ravings are full of longing and hope.It moved her a little bit.

She remembered what she said to the head of the training when she was in the training class of the Political Security Bureau: "You will be lonely and you will sacrifice, but your task is extraordinary. It is to protect the safety and property of the Senate and the people, to protect the The future and hope of the Senate and the people."

This big clumsy boy turned out to be the object of his protection.

Li Jianai suddenly felt very funny, but his eyes were sore.

It was a strange feeling, she thought, because Kvass must have had too much to drink.

The two stayed late in the small shop, drank a table full of empty kvass bottles, and finally forgot about buying shoes for Qian Yuzhi.

That night Qian Yuzhi had a very strange dream. He dreamed that he ate a lot of snacks called "small cakes" sold in that shop. They were soft, fragrant, and sweet, with a A cherry is also sweet and sour.He ate one after another, as if he could never get enough... Suddenly, a large amount of kvass seemed to leak from the ceiling and poured on his head.

He woke up and saw Li Jianai standing in front of the bed holding a cup with a frosty face, his face was covered with water.

"Hurry up and go to work! Check what time it is!" After she said this, she turned her head and walked out of the room.

Qian Yuzhi scratched his head and sat up. His head was still hurting. He seemed to have dreamed of something delicious just now, but the delicious taste he had experienced repeatedly in the dream faded away as his mind became clearer. The more blurred, until I can no longer remember.

The days that followed remained the same, and Qian Yuzhi was still doing all kinds of chores, such as a transporter, a manual worker, a mechanic, and a painter.Slowly but also tempered the craft.Jia Ben occasionally nodded when he saw that he was doing a good job.Feng Nuo frequently held meetings and discussions with the veterans of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Electric Power Port and Mechanical Port, and was compiling materials in his free time; Feng Shan was busy with her study and work again, and could only come to help at night; Li Jianai still It is to spend two or three days a week doing Tiandihui's work, and come to work the rest of the time.


Next update Volume 50 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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