Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1963 Adjustment

Chapter 1963 Adjustment
Wang Qiyi knew that the so-called non-tax income was "grafting of family wealth" - the witchcraft case, the cleanup of Guandi temple personnel and the crackdown on tooth dealers implicated many big gentry families in Guangzhou, so the Planning Institute and Wudaokou made a fortune.

Because Guangzhou will gradually become the new capital of the Senate, it will not only build a new urban area on Henan Island, but also renovate the old urban area accordingly. Therefore, the Government Administration Council appears to be relatively generous in the construction funds. This "windfall" is a lot of money Most of it was allocated to the Guangzhou Municipal Government.

This made Liu Xiang really happy, but everyone in Wudaokou knew that this kind of windfall was unsustainable.And there is a very bad consequence that the sudden wealth after "beating the local tyrants" will make the administrative leaders lose the correct assessment of financial capabilities, starting from large-scale paving the way--it is likely to cause a break in the capital chain...

As a result, the pressure on the financial and taxation gaps is even heavier-not only to manage the money well, but also to get as much money as possible, so that the construction work in Guangzhou can continue.

"As a local leader, it is understandable to have the urge to build infrastructure." Wang Qiyi sat down on a rattan easy chair, and here Ai Yixin brought tea and cigars.

Because Wang Qiyi didn't smoke, Ai Zhixin didn't light a cigar either, and both chose tea.

While waiting for the cook to deliver dinner, Ai Zhixin asked Zhang Xiaoqi when he would come to Guangzhou.

"Hurry up, it will be here in about fifteen days. The last training course, we will leave after the class."

"Then it's inconvenient for you to live here alone, I'll arrange a maid for you..."

"Hey, no need, no need..."

"I see you are in a hurry," Ai Zhixin smiled, "The maid I said is a maid, there is no other meaning. You live alone, you can eat in the cafeteria, and you can clean up the room and do the laundry yourself. ?”

Wang Qiyi thought that this was indeed a realistic need, and it would be unreasonable for him to refuse blindly, so he expressed his gratitude immediately.

Serve dinner, the two eat together, talk while eating, it is considered a "work meal".

Wang Qiyi asked about the current development of the work of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, especially about taxation, because he felt that since he was engaged in taxation, it was best not to get involved in finance.Although at present, due to the shortage of manpower, the same system is used for income and expenditure-this is very inappropriate from a procedural point of view.

In the long run, finance and taxation are bound to be separated.Ai Zhixin is also from the taxation background. He would not be ignorant of the relationship between the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance in the original time and space. High rise".This person is very ambitious, and Cheng Dong will not always stay in the position of finance director, which is similar to finance minister.Australia Song's plate is getting bigger and bigger, and now the leaders of various ministries are the worst, and in the future they will be able to get into the "deputy state-level" who will not be on the Standing Committee, so this ministerial-level leader will be vacant.Even if the future General Administration of Taxation of the Australia-Song Empire and the Ministry of Finance are really at the same level, Ai Zhixin will most likely choose the Ministry of Finance.Without him, it can be seen from the fact that Ai Zhixin changed the name of the Taxation Bureau to the "Finance and Taxation Bureau". It still belongs to the financial system, and it is very logical to take the position of Minister of Finance in the future.In this case, if the tax system becomes independent one day, and I and my wife are not very old, the position of the State Taxation Bureau is probably my own.After all, there are not many veterans who do taxation.

It is conceivable that the tax work in Guangzhou and the subsequent Guangdong must be terrible.

Wang Qiyi is not afraid of work, but this means that in the next few years, he will run around, stay up late and work overtime, and spend less and less time with his wife and children... This makes Wang Qiyi, who is naturally extremely family-friendly, a headache.

Ai Zhixin briefly introduced the current situation of the Finance and Taxation Bureau. At present, the finance and taxation work is basically operating on the basis of the old system. Firstly, there is a shortage of people, and secondly, it has to wait for the final plan approval of Wudaokou.However, after the establishment of some professional wholesale markets after the abolishment of tooth shops, at least the circulation tax on grain, charcoal, vegetables... these daily bulk commodities has begun to be collected.

"Did you bring the revenue stamp this time?" Ai Zhixin suddenly remembered and asked.

"It's been printed," Wang Qiyi didn't know why he was so concerned about this matter, "According to your suggestion, the printing house made a new engraving this time, and the paper was upgraded. The proofs are in the briefcase, and they will be ready tomorrow." delivered to your table."

Stamp duty has actually started to be implemented now, but the old invoices used in Lingao were used in the early days. Ai Zhixin felt that the old invoices were too rough and lacked "authority", so he specially ordered new tax invoices.

"What does Wudaokou think of the plan I sent up?" Ai Zhiqi finally turned to the topic.

The Ministry of Finance held closed-door discussions on Ai Zhiqi's plan all day long.However, most people in Wudaokou don't know much about taxation. They know more about the macro concepts of finance and taxation, taxation and economy, and they lack understanding of how to collect taxes.

In the end, Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi revised the manuscript according to the original proposal sent by Ai Zhiqi.They refer to the "Law on Collection and Management" and implementation rules in the old time and space, combined with the actual situation in Australia and Song Dynasty, especially the quality of personnel and the level of printing technology, and preliminarily determined the system of double inspection and collection and management assistance.This is tantamount to overturning half of Ai Zhixin's design.Originally, Wang Qiyi thought that after the new plan was proposed, he would have to argue with Ai Zhiqi, but he didn't expect that after listening to Wang Qiyi's grassroots tax analysis, he readily agreed.Be a man of things!Wang Qiyi thought to himself, and heaved a sigh of relief, if both sides are at odds with this kind of top-level design, then don't do the lower work.

The details of the program will then be discussed.

The new plan preliminarily determines that the taxation function of the newly established Finance and Taxation Bureau will be positioned on the basic functions of the taxation department.A series of complex issues such as tax types, tax rates, incentives, taxation scope, taxation subjects, etc. were left to other people in "Wudaokou".

Ai Zhixin was somewhat reluctant about this modification.According to his vision, not to mention the tax policy, even the fiscal policy, he plans to do it together in the Finance and Taxation Bureau.But Wang Qiyi said that his wife made a general assessment: there are only so many naturalized civilian cadres that are barely usable. Although there are carbon paper and special receipts, there is no computer-of course you can make one and use it, but this thing cannot The significance of popularization is not great-the quality of personnel is low, and too many stalls can only lead to high inspection costs and make fraud popular.As for such a professional issue of policy formulation, let alone Guihuamin, she and Wang Qiyi had never done it. Even in the old time and space, this was not something the tax bureau should worry about.

Enrich the most professional personnel into the inspection team as the handle of the tax bureau, and at the same time select female naturalized cadres who are careful, responsible, strong in learning and good at communication to be responsible for the collection and publicity work at the front desk.On this basis, the post of "tax administrator" will be reactivated to be responsible for urging reports and payment and tax publicity, and the new tax administrator will be filled by newcomers.Their job is very simple, that is, to send tax bills to the door to inform taxpayers to pay taxes on time or to call for tax payment when taxpayers are overdue, and to do some publicity work at the same time.

Tax administrators are not allowed to collect taxes directly, and all taxes must be paid by the taxpayer or his agent at the tax hall.Taking into account the level of cash management in the 17th century, it is tentatively decided that the day's tax will be settled by the accountant in the tax hall after get off work, and will be collected and resolved within 48 hours.

Although the "central bank" of the Central Reserve Bank was established, the actual branch of the "central bank" in Guangzhou is Delong's Guangzhou branch with another signboard.The so-called two brands and one team, but the accounts and books have been separated.

The Delong Guangzhou Sub-branch with the central bank’s brand continues to play the role of “the treasury”. It needs to open a separate tax account to be carried forward and an independent treasury account. After the reconciliation of the tax collection date of Delong is correct, the tax should be issued within 24 hours. Receipt to the treasury, and the tax accountant (not the hall accountant) of the Finance and Taxation Bureau will get it back for record keeping.The tax receipts are unified with manual tax payment certificates instead of payment books, so as to facilitate the filling of taxes on a household basis. (Save the old space-time commercial bank and that useless link).As for the tax verification and auditing rights, all collections will be calculated and determined by a special verification and auditing team.This set of procedures can be said to be full of loopholes in the eyes of people with a little tax knowledge.But this is already the limit of what they can do with existing conditions.

"Lack of people, lack of technology, no matter how much you toss, it will be like this." Wang Qiyi said helplessly.There are no high-quality talents, no advanced technology, and it is difficult to collect money... This is really a vicious circle.

"Let's do more inspections at that time, at least set up the platform first." Looking at the final draft that is neither a donkey nor a horse, Ai Zhixin seems to have lost half of his enthusiasm.

"By the way, I have to make a report to Cheng Dong. The practice of the two brands with one team cannot continue like this. Now Delong is both a commercial bank and a treasury. Although it is now a separate ledger account for the central bank, but The actual operation is still the same group of people. If they get mixed up like this, sooner or later there will be problems.” Because Wang Qiyi is in a grassroots unit, he has dealt with the People’s Bank of China and the Bureau of Finance a lot, and knows a lot about the internal management of these two departments.

"This is indeed a problem-but I'm afraid he is powerless about this matter. There is also the problem of our special financial account, which has not been resolved yet. What is the system going to do?"

At present, the fiscal expenditure in Guangzhou is still in the "full appropriation" mode. Both Liu Xiang and Ai Zhiqi feel that things are not going smoothly.
Next update: Volume 69 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

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(End of this chapter)

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