Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1964 Examination

Chapter 1964 Examination
"Is there a separate financial revenue account?" Wang Qiyi understood right away, that's right, there is no financial entity, and he, Ai Zhixin, is just a small official who uploads and distributes. There is very little room to maneuver.

"Yes, and the last notice from the Government Affairs Council said that we need to establish and improve the financial system at all levels. In our current model in Hainan, each locality is not considered a financial entity at all, but can only be regarded as an agency of the central government. When I went to Guangdong, the local taxation is so low. Big, and it’s so far away from Lingao, it’s impossible to receive all of them from Lingao and return them to the Guangdong government according to the application.”

In fact, there are many problems in this area between Guangzhou and the central government of Lingao. Because of the lack of cadres, the Senate has to follow the extreme model of "better troops and simpler administration".Many departments of the Guangdong Region and the Guangzhou Municipal Government share the same team, and the disadvantages are self-evident.Among them, there are many places where "the name is not right and the words are not right", and there are actually no clear regulations on how to divide the collected taxes and how to use them.The Ministry of Finance and Finance has been fooled up to now by the method of "financial return".

"Don't be in a hurry..." Wang Qiyi suddenly realized that if he continued to say this, it was not just about financial matters.Financial power, administrative power, and organizational power are the core powers of a government. Controlling these three basics can control a level of government.Now neither the Senate nor the Government Council has a clear statement on the position of authority at all levels of government. If you get involved rashly, if you stand on the wrong team, even under the banner of "pure technical discussion", there will be no good fruit.

He thought for a while and said: "Ai Bureau, I think it is possible to set up financial revenue accounts at all levels, but don't say so much, just say that it is enough for the convenience of budgeting for future financial cost calculations. You go to make a report with Mr. Cheng When we can make it clear, he will definitely understand, let him help with the cover, and limit the scope of this matter to our financial mouth."

"You are too cautious..." Ai Zhixin shook his head and said, "Sounding the financial system is one of the national policies determined at the government affairs meeting, and there is nothing to shy away from publishing the full text to all veterans and senior naturalized cadres. "

"It's better." Wang Qiyi shook his head and took out a document from his briefcase.

The plan revised by Wang Qiyi and his wife was not questioned, and Ai Zhixin basically agreed with their approach.On the one hand, it is because after all, the two have been in the old time and space for a long time and have rich experience in tax collection and management. On the other hand, as the head of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, Ai Zhixin has too many things to consider comprehensively when the department just opened. The location, office expenses, internal system and the need to coordinate with other departments and Liu Dafu's side have made him so tired that he hasn't touched Ai Yixin for almost half a month.Anyway, I have already decided on the general direction, and Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi have no objections, so I will leave the specific work to them.

"Leaders must know how to delegate power."

The next day, after the appointment of Deputy Director Wang and his specific duties were announced at the cadre meeting, Wang Qiyi officially took office.He didn't delay, the first thing he did when he took over the job was to read the overall personnel files.

In addition to the students brought by Ai Zhixin and Wang Qiyi from the Fangcaodi Finance and Jinkou training class brought from Hainan, the Finance and Taxation Bureau also has a considerable number of personnel: the most trusted and reused by the elders are naturally the cadres from naturalized people. The cadres of the Northward Detachment are the main ones; the other part is similar to the "White Area Party", that is, the original Guangzhou Station personnel-mainly naturalized civilian personnel of the "Wansheng Rent Store" charged with "reasonable burdens"; The two parts, and the students brought by Hexin from Hainan, are the most trusted by the veterans and the group of people with the highest professional quality.

Then there is the retention of personnel.There are many, many ingredients.After several months of elimination and cleaning, there are still many people left.Although Ai Zhixin doesn't trust them, considering that they are familiar with the local conditions and there is a serious shortage of business cadres at the moment, he can only continue to appoint them.

Finally, there are "civil servants" who both Ai Zhixin and Wang Qiyi think are useless.This group of people was recruited for the first time in the Guangzhou Civil Service Examination.Although they have gone through a stage of "basic civil servant training", they have no professional knowledge or experience to use, and they are completely "blank paper".

Wang Qiyi decided to give these people a "one-pot solution" and organize a business exam first.

The test papers were compiled and printed by Wang Qiyi before he came to Guangzhou.In order to find an examination room that can accommodate hundreds of people, he even applied to Liu Xiang to borrow the Guangzhou cadre training school that is under construction.

Examination materials are not released, nor is the scope of the exam explained, but everyone is asked to take the exam on time.Although everyone has "different opinions" on the chief's whim, it is obviously impossible not to go-the so-called stretching the head and shrinking the head is also a knife, let's go to the test and then talk.

The test results were not announced, and no one lost their jobs or received punishment because of this, but this still caused quite a stir among the staff of the Finance and Taxation Bureau.No one knows what kind of medicine is sold in the chief gourd.

The repercussions among the naturalized people were relatively small. It turned out that under the rule of the Senate, everything had to be tested, and they were no strangers.But it is different for the old officials retained in Guangzhou.Collecting taxes, they are all old people; although the rules and regulations of the new "chiefs" are written in Newspeak, they can understand it after thinking about it. A few days ago, Chief Ai told them that they should Put down the burden and work hard.I thought that since I can still wear this body and hold this bowl of rice, it is a great luck, so I must work hard and "serve the Senate and the people".But now the new Chief Wang is going to take the "school exam" when he comes up. He neither intends to get fame nor is he a Qiu Ba. Why do he have to take the exam for a person who does whatever job he does?As for the newly released civil servants, it was a "complete failure". Many of them either handed in blank papers, or they didn't know what they said.Therefore, it is their group who feel the most uneasy.I am afraid that I will be "retired" if I fail the exam.

In fact, Wang Qiyi's purpose is not to "test" but to find out.There is not a lot of modern tax law knowledge on the paper, but a lot of simple cases are used to assess the examinee's familiarity with taxation business.The so-called constant change is different from the "black technology" of industrial science and technology. Taxation, no matter how you wear clothes for thousands of years, is the core thing.

Through the examination, it can be seen that some of the retained old officials are actually higher than the naturalized people in terms of overall level. They have clear thinking and few corrections. The time is separated, and Wang Qiyi will suspect that they are cheating.On the other hand, Guihuamin's correct rate is lower than that of the old officials, but basically everyone can analyze and solve problems according to the steps taught in the basic course. Each case has a step-by-step explanation, calculation formula, result, and conclusion. I made a mistake in the end, but this step-by-step way of doing things is also very important.

He expected that most of the new civil servants handed in blank papers, but there were a few who left a deep impression on him.Because some of the exam questions involve macro-finance, taxation, and monopoly, they can more or less speak out, obviously having read books on this topic.

Field taxation, salt affairs, water transportation, and river engineering all belong to "practical affairs". Although the "policy theory" involved in this part is not paid much attention to in the imperial examination, those who are interested in official careers still need to study it.It’s just that very few of these civil servants are born as scholars, and most of them are low-level scholars and children of small businessmen who are still struggling at the child’s level. They can’t even write stereotyped essays, and their financial ability is generally low. Of course I don't know much about it.

If you have confidence in your hands, you will know in your heart.Wang Qiyi decided to change the thinking of these people, especially the old officials who came to work.As for how to transfer, Wang Qiyi had an idea long before he came here, that is to study.

Learning is not only learning the knowledge of taxation, but also learning the process of tax collection; after understanding the process, these people also understand the rules-the rules of the Senate.Once you understand the rules and have knowledge, you will truly understand the taxation of the Senate.A person who understands why and how every penny of tax is collected, Wang Qiyi believes that he will consciously abandon all old habits and become a qualified Dasong tax worker.Yes, we don't expect him to be loyal to us from the bottom of his heart, but as long as he can become a qualified tax cadre, it is enough.

Subsequently, the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau issued Document No. 1635 in 1 based on Wang Qiyi's suggestion.In the eyes of Wang Qiyi, this document is commonplace, but it will become one of the basic systems of the fiscal and taxation system in the days to come. No matter how the slogan and purpose of the system change over time, "learning" always ranks first.What Wang Qiyi didn't expect was that he was honored as the No.1 of "creating a learning-oriented government" by some scholars in later generations.

The basic learning materials are the "Interim Regulations on Tax Collection and Administration of the National Fiscal and Taxation System" and "Taxation Work Manual" written by Wang Qiyi and Zhang Xiaoqi in the future, based on the implementation rules of the old time and space collection and management law, combined with the reality of this time and space.According to the classification of items, this specification lists the policy basis in daily tax work one by one in a simple and clear way, clarifies the method path, reminds precautions, provides reference for law enforcement, and standardizes tax collection and management behaviors, positions, responsibilities, processes and standards, which is very suitable for the current The cultural knowledge level of the naturalized people.Wang Qiyi intends to set up a training class during the two and a half hours after get off work every day from 18:30 to 21:00. According to the standard of 40 people per session, all business personnel of the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau will be trained in rotation. Do self-study.
Next update: Volume 70 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

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(End of this chapter)

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