Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1966

Chapter 1966

Guangzhou in spring is warm and bright. Even in the early morning of the Little Ice Age, Zhang Xiaoqi didn't feel the coldness of spring in his hometown.She is currently strolling behind the window counter in the tax collection hall of the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau with a rag in her hand.The navy blue uniform was well-fitting, with the metal tax badge shining on the chest.The neat desk and stacks of tax bills placed in place, everything in front of Zhang Xiaoqi felt as if he had returned to the hall in the old time and space where he had worked for more than ten years, and he couldn't help being in a daze.Outside the window are the girls who are mopping the floor, to be more precise, they are the tax cadres in the tax collection hall of the Guangzhou Special City Finance and Taxation Bureau of Australia and Song Dynasty.The entire hall had been thoroughly cleaned last night, and this morning it was just a routine, but the girls still cleaned every corner and corner very carefully.The gate has been opened, the glass on it is as if there is nothing, and the "tax guide desk" facing the gate is also spotless.

Well, today must be a good day for the opening.Zhang Xiaoqi looked out the door with confidence, and there were already "tax activists" standing outside the iron railing under the steps outside.Originally, Ai Zhixin planned to conduct a "tax payment mobilization" for the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce through the municipal government, and mobilize several large households to take the lead in paying taxes, so as to stimulate the atmosphere.Unexpectedly, as soon as the news came out, a group of veterans in the Federation of Industry and Commerce would "actively participate".It is said that a few wealthy businessmen fought over who could get the first Australian and Song tax invoices, and even privately invited people to plead their favors, but Ai Zhixin hid them.

If the entrustment failed, I sent my close and smart family members to bring the accountant master to line up early in the morning to "report carefully".Now these people consciously surrounded the city in a semicircle not far away, pointing at the girls who were mopping the floor on the steps.

It is not the first time that a new Australian government office has been opened. It is not uncommon for Australian female cadres in the Nvshu Office to be found in Guangzhou. You have seen quite a few female police officers.It’s just that this place is a bit strange today. Everyone knows that the “Finance and Taxation Bureau” is nothing more than the Taxation Department in the past. It’s strange because I heard that the Australian taxation department is full of young women. There are dozens of people in a house without a man, and even the leader is an Australian woman!It is wildly rumored that all the women who come from the Australian side, no matter how human or ghost they are when they go, as long as they have been trained by the Australians, they will turn out to be first-class beauties.Now that there are so many Australian-style women to watch, many idlers in the city also join the crowd to watch the diorama.

But seeing these girls who are busy on the steps, all of them have bright eyes and bright teeth, and their clothes are tightly stretched on their bodies, making them look exquisite and slim. Messy, and some simply cut their hair short - adding a neat taste.It's really a different Australian flavor.

Hearing the sound of tsk-tsk getting louder, Zhang Xiaoqi frowned and walked out, wondering how this group of Daming natives are as virtuous as Lingao rough roughs?Girls today are all wearing long-sleeved trousers, which can be regarded as tightly wrapped, instead of short skirts and suspenders. Why are they tsk-tsk?After standing at the door and following the gazes of several men with bright eyes, Zhang Xiaoqi realized that he had overlooked a big problem.Before, I only wanted to guard against Ai Zhixin's nasty thoughts of changing long skirts into short skirts, but I forgot that compared to the women's pleated skirts used by the military and police system, these well-cut trousers worn by my subordinates are more suitable for the natives of Ming Dynasty. lure.Now those men's eyes are constantly wandering around the waist and hips of the girls who are mopping the floor...

Women in this time and space, even working women, did not go to the streets in just trousers—even peasant women had to wear a short "skirt" around their waists when they went to the fields.Take off the skirt and only wear trousers, which is only worn in the boudoir.For the people of this time and space, the scene in front of them is no less than the "underpants day" of the old time and space.

never mind!This can be regarded as the first of its kind, Zhang Xiaoqi put his mind to it, it is better than letting Ai Zhixin show his thighs in a short skirt in a few years.

A few days ago, she "taught Nan Wan'er carefully and kindly", but did not find any "unruly" behavior by Ai Zhixin.However, with her feminine intuition, she was sure that Ai Zhixin had plans for Nan Wan'er.

Originally, this was not her business, not to mention Ai Zhixin, in Wudaokou, male elders colluded with female clerks from time to time, she just sneered when she heard it, and at most she paid more attention to Wang Qiyi's education work at night.

Only this Nan Wan'er has an indescribable affection for her.I'm always worried that she will be taken over by someone... especially Ai Zhixin, who has a greasy hair and noodles.He obviously already had two or three lovely girls by his side, and he was still thinking about Nan Wan'er!

"Chief, the sanitation has been cleaned, do you want to open the door?" Nan Wan'er came to report.

Zhang Xiaoqi looked at his watch: "There are still a few minutes, don't worry. Just open the door on time. You call everyone together, I have a few words to say."

After a while, the tax collectors gathered around her.

"Today is the first day of our official tax collection," Zhang Xiaoqi glanced at the red-faced female tax collectors, "I have already taught you what I should teach you. There is nothing difficult about paying taxes, as long as you keep it in mind." Just follow the rules' and 'careful as a hair' will suffice!"

The girls nodded together.

"You must always remember that when you collect taxes here, you represent the Senate and the government. You are 'collecting wealth for the country'. No one is allowed to question or deny your decision. You say What, what is it. Got it?"


"Similarly, you must always remember to follow the rules—whether you think the rules are reasonable or not, this is not something you consider. Our work is very serious, and no omissions or sympathy are allowed."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaoqi said: "Open the door!"

"Hiss... This woman is really as white as snow!"

"The eyes are so big and deep, I'm afraid it's not a pervert..."

"Don't talk about it, you're a killer. This is a real Australian chief. Be careful not to speak out!"

Zhang Xiaoqi's appearance in the crowd caused another commotion, and many people stood on the stools and horses to see what this authentic Australian woman looks like
Today, he didn't need to do it himself. In the past, those tax bureaucrats who dared to come, and his subordinates spent a few money to dismiss them all.

He knew what his boss meant: to curry favor with the Australians, he had to cater to their behavior in everything.Now that the Australian wants to win the Central Plains, it is only a matter of whether he wants to or not. Since the Guangzhou Kaicheng owner has become more and more flattering to the Australians, the Australian has lost the attitude of relying on the owner as his backer. Although he is in the Federation of Industry and Commerce The boss gave enough face, but he was just a businessman of his own family - this made the master very disappointed.

This time, Master Gao not only asked him to line up early in the morning to occupy a seat, but also asked Master Xu to follow, just to be safe.This is the first time Yan Xiaomao has seen him pay taxes to the government like this.

Seeing that the "hall" was as square as a box, Steward Yan thought of the coffin for some reason. On the way here just now, Master Xu kept muttering about the women in the room, which made him feel even worse.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a group of soldiers and police running to the front carrying fences and strips of cloth. They erected the small fences one by one on the ground and connected them with strips of cloth in the middle until they reached the gate on the steps.Butler Yan thought about it and immediately figured out why.Australians like to line up and let others line up. I am afraid that this is a channel for everyone to line up because they feel that there are too many people.So he raised his butt and pulled Master Xu, who was still watching the fun, to the middle of the fence.Yan Xiaomao guessed right, just now Ai Zhixin and Wang Qiyi also came outside the hall, and saw that the crowds were getting bigger and bigger, besides the merchants who came to pay taxes today, there were also many idle people watching the excitement, so they immediately coordinated a class of nationals The army and a small team of patrolmen came to maintain order, and a preliminary inspection was set up under the steps to isolate those who came to watch the excitement.

Just after Chen Zheng passed, following the whistle of the police, Steward Yan and Master Xu squeezed each other and walked towards the steps along the passage separated by the fence and cloth strips.The servants were left in place by him to take care of the belongings used in the queue. The Australians said that non-taxpayers were not allowed to enter. Housekeeper Yan, who knew their temperament well, was of course obedient.Fortunately, he was quick to grab the first position at that time, and the aisle was not too long, so it wasn't too uncomfortable to walk.The Jiang family master in the passage on his right was not so lucky, because he brought too many servants and was directly called out to line up again.

Going up the steps and entering the gate, there is a half-person-high table in front of you. It is neatly packed, and there are several stacks of large and small documents, the four treasures of the study, and the "pens" of Australians. It is funny to think of Australians. Obviously this pen is made of bamboo and wood, so I have to call it a "steel" pen-it is said that the nib is made of steel.Sitting behind the table is the female script office with a handsome face, and a pair of autumn water looking forward to the waves is very lovely, but the chilling official uniform on her is really a spoiler, Yan Xiaomao secretly regrets it.The female secretary's office, oh, should tell the female cadre to speak neither humble nor overbearing, but very polite. After checking her ID, she pointed to a window behind her with a big food number hanging on it to let her go to line up.

Next update: Volume 81 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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