Lin Gao Qiming

Tax Bill No. 1967 Chapter 1

Chapter 1967 Tax Bill No. [-]

When he and Master Xu came to the window with the "01" sign, Steward Yan felt very bad.Although he is used to being a servant, he is used to bowing his knees and looking up at people - but that is facing his boss.Now a young woman sat behind a high table and looked straight at herself, but she had to raise her head slightly when she was sitting on the stool, and she forgot to speak for a moment.Not to mention how beautiful this woman is and how gentle her smile is, just this kind of eye contact makes Butler Yan curse in his heart that Australians have no rules.

Nan Wan'er behind the window didn't think so much. Today, Teacher Zhang Xiaoqi personally sat in the hall and sent herself, the "director", to window No. 1 in order to make the first business go smoothly. After half a year of hard work, she couldn't let herself be hurt. hand.Seeing that Yan Xiaomao and the two were silent, she asked with a smile, "Are you two here to pay taxes? Have you brought your certificates and receipts?"

Hearing Nan Wan'er's words, Yan Xiaomao and the master hurriedly took out the registration certificates, approval notices and other paper cards in the worship box and piled them all on the counter as if they woke up suddenly.Nan Wan'er said wait a moment and put them all into the window, turned around and began to organize and review on her desk.

The collection is actually quite simple in terms of data preparation. After the hard work of the tax assessment office and the management office in the early stage, each taxpayer has received a tax notice indicating the tax payable for the current period. Today they only need to follow the tax notice on the list. Just pay the amount.But Zhang Xiaoqi believes that the cultivation of tax payment habits should start from the first day, so Nan Wan'er has an extra job to guide taxpayers to fill out tax returns.This pre-training was also done during the visit of the management office in the early stage, but because most of the management office are newcomers with mediocre professional skills, the final work is still carried out by the window staff for the time being.

Seeing Nan Wan'er turn around again, Steward Yan quickly closed his eyes and sat up straight, but saw that there was an extra page of documents in her hand.

"I have checked the certificates and notices brought by the two of you. There is no problem. But you need to fill this out before paying the tax. There are pens and 'filling demonstration' on the table. If you are unclear, you can ask me."

"I know, I know, Comrade Huang who came to my house before said it." Yan Butler took over the declaration form and the returned materials while expressing his unusual relationship with the Australians in Newspeak.

Expand the declaration form, which is already overprinted, and the blank space should be the part that needs to be filled in.In the middle of the top, there are five big characters "Tax Return" written in bold and black Song typeface, and there are six small characters "for general declaration" enclosed in brackets below.

Although Steward Yan didn't quite understand it, he felt that the small characters were just some explanations.Looking down, it is a big table with many small rows and columns inside.The first one is the taxpayer number, which he knows. He also went to listen to it when Huang Ping was doing pre-training in Gaoju. It is the Dashi number on the registration certificate.Next is the name of the taxpayer, which is easy to say.Further down are the collection items (*), collection items (*), the start (end) of the tax period, the tax period, the declaration period, the payment period, the taxable amount, the tax rate, the tax payable, and the actual tax payment ...

Looking at the questions line by line, Steward Yan couldn't help but lament in his heart that Australians are really careful. The things to be filled in these grids are all interlocking. If you fill in wrongly or cheat, you can tell at a glance. It's not like in the past as long as there are numbers That's it.

He turned his head and looked at Mr. Xu beside him, but saw that he was staring at the blank space at the bottom, where there was such a sentence written: "The taxpayer or agent declares: This tax return is in accordance with the national tax laws and regulations of the Song Dynasty. Filled in, I am sure it is true, reliable, and complete." Next to it is the signature.

This, this, this... Butler Yan and Master Xu combined it up and still couldn't figure out what this sentence meant. There was nothing wrong with reading it, it just meant that there was no falsehood or omission, which is what it should mean.To say something similar, it is similar to the "Great knot" he has dealt with: tenants who owe rent and tenants write a document when they cannot pay the rent. How to punish.

Thinking that I have to write a happy knot on this document on behalf of my boss, and I have to sign a seal and draw a pledge, so I feel creepy and inferior.

"This... aunt... Comrade, I have something small." Butler Yan still couldn't get used to this way of talking to young women with his head up.

"That's what you said, but there's something you don't understand?" Nan Wan'er was quite generous.

"There are other places on the notice, but here—" Butler Yan pointed to the place where the final statement was signed, "It's all Australian Newspeak, and the little ones don't understand it very well."

"You are taxpayers, and we are not usurpers, just match you and me." Nan Wan'er smiled sweetly. Housekeeper Yan is fine, but Master Xu behind him has already lost half of his body.

"This passage means that there are no omissions or deceptions in the declaration form you filled out, and it has no other meaning. I think there should be no omissions or deceptions in Master Gao's place."

"How could there be, how could there be. Of course not. Master Xu will trouble you." Steward Yan hurriedly dragged Master Xu to the stool and began to fill in the declaration form according to the "Filling Demonstration" posted on the table .

"There is one more thing to inform you two," Nan Wan'er said to Yan Xiaomao when she saw that Yan Xiaomao was fine, "According to the regulations of the Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau, you are unit taxpayers, so the declaration and payment of taxes must be done by a fixed person. Next time, remember to report your name for registration. We will conduct declaration training for him, and after a while, you will not issue a notice every time you pay tax, but you will declare it yourself.”

What?Declare by yourself?Butler Yan was taken aback, did this Australian trust him so much?Aren't the imperial grain and national taxes all over the world to be paid as much as the government says, and there is also a reason why you can pay as much as you say?
Seeing that he was silent, Nan Wan'er probably guessed his thoughts, and then said: "You have to report truthfully according to your income, and we will also train you on how to calculate taxes. Don't think about other things, we have special inspections It is inspected by personnel. It is necessary to collect taxes according to law and pay taxes according to law.”

"Small, I understand, I understand." Steward Yan didn't understand anything else, but he couldn't understand the word "law".Since the opening of Guangzhou, as long as Australians mention "law", they will either demolish houses and break roads, or kill people and play on swings. It doesn't matter whether you are a refugee beggar or a wealthy gentry.Mr. Gao can't make this chicken for monkeys.

Seeing that Master Xu had already filled out the declaration form compared to the notice, Nan Wan'er took it over for verification.At this time, the hall was full of people. Considering that the personnel's business proficiency was not high, in order to seek stability, Ai Zhixin did not ask the management office to notify too many taxpayers on the first day. The big households who have more contact with Ausong and Ausong did not expect that even at the beginning, there will still be a backlog of people.

Zhang Xiaoqi has activated the emergency window, and temporarily canceled all the "individual taxpayer" windows. When it took too long for a single link in the window, I immediately went to help solve it, and finally stabilized the situation.Ai Zhixin, who was inspecting in the lobby, was a little surprised to see that Zhang Xiaoqi could accurately tell almost all the information such as the name of the taxpayer, the tax category, the tax amount, and so on, just by looking at the registration certificate at each window.

"My wife is amazing." Wang Qiyi was very proud. "It turns out that there are more than 3000 households in their hall. Not to mention the basic things, she can remember the license plate under the name of each household. People and people cannot compare."

"That's right, sister-in-law's business is really not mentioned - a treasure of our taxation bureau." Now whenever someone mentions Zhang Xiaoqi, Ai Zhixin will praise her like a flower.In various meetings, Director Ai always said, "I'm not bragging. What's so good about our Finance and Taxation Bureau? The good thing is that there is a united team. Everyone is really hardworking and wants to improve the tax and financial work. Unity, Unity is the magic weapon for us to do a good job in the fiscal and taxation work in Guangzhou and Guangdong." Wang Qiyi is not used to this kind of high profile, not only not used to it, but also worried.

The noisy crowd did not affect Steward Yan and Master Xu at all.After Nan Wan'er checked that the declaration form was correct and said that the tax could be paid, they handed in a completed Delong check.There was a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang in the window, and a piece of paper about the size of a Cambodian was quickly handed out. At a glance, it was written on Australian "carbon paper". The seal of the collection hall directly under the Finance and Taxation Bureau" (*).

"This is the tax payment certificate. Please check it. If there is no problem, the tax payment will be completed this time. For the other two, please take this registration certificate to windows 17 and 18 to get a new version of the tax registration certificate."

After putting away the list, the two thanked each other and squeezed through the crowd to window 17.Butler Yan couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was queuing here—the feeling of queuing is really uncomfortable.

The renewal of the registration certificate seemed very simple. After the female cadre at the window took her original registration certificate, she sat on the stool and waited without saying a word.Steward Yan stood up and looked into the window when he had nothing else to do, and saw that the woman had a pile of large and small stamps by her hand, picking one out from time to time and stamping it on a piece of crisp and thick paper that had already been overprinted.The head of the paper is bright red, with the words tax registration certificate written on it.Unlike the previous window, the seals here are all square.This Australian is really strange, he likes to print everything, even the number of big food has to be dialed on the seal before printing, is it just to save a few words?

Next update: Volume 82 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

 Note: Collection Items Collection items are often referred to as tax types and tax items.Referring to the old space-time system, the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau is not a taxpayer management agency and cannot be the main body of collection and management. It must be set up by the collection and management agencies, namely the collection hall and the management bureau, to carry out collection and management work.This is why the No.16 taxation department has to set up a collection office (hall) and a management office separately even if it is merged with the collection and management office in the agency.

(End of this chapter)

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