Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1968 The first day was basically smooth

Chapter 1968 The first day was basically smooth

Then he saw the woman scribbling and drawing on the paper with a very sharp dip pen, then got up and put the paper on an iron table, pressed it fiercely and handed it to him.

"That's all right. This is the original tax registration certificate, which needs to be hung in a prominent place in the business premises." The female cadre in the window said and handed out a small book, "This is a copy, you have to keep it well, and you will be able to handle a lot in the future." It will be used in tax business."

Steward Yan took it over and opened it for a look, and found that this small book was very delicately made. It used standard Song typeface to transcribe all kinds of words and sentences that he could not understand. "The Bureau of Finance and Taxation Bureau of Guangzhou Special City, the Senate of the Great Song Dynasty".What is going on here?Butler Yan felt that the twists and turns of the Australians were sometimes beyond human comprehension.

After collecting the new registration certificate, Steward Yan and Master Xu checked all the documents again, and walked out of the gate when they felt that there was nothing missing. Unexpectedly, they were surrounded by a group of people with square boxes hanging around their necks before going down the steps.

"May I ask if the tax payment went well this time?"

"Smooth, smooth." Butler Yan knew that this was an Australian "reporter", and what he wrote was to be published in the newspaper. This "interview" was also a proper meaning, and he had to cooperate well.So immediately put on a happy face.

"What do you two think is the difference between the Taxation Bureau of Australia and Song Dynasty and the usurped Taxation Department?"

"Based on a student's contempt: the Song Dynasty collected taxes, one is clear and clear, here and here." Yan Guanshi knew that Australians like to "contrast the old and the new" to show their "advanced nature".So I prepared an article in my stomach in an instant.Immediately took out the tax stamp and raised it.

"What did you receive, when did you receive it, and how much you received is all black and white. The second is to be upright and honest. I don't want to hide it from you guys. I have prepared all kinds of rules and packets today." Butler Yan actually knows the Senate very well. He didn't bring any extra money with him today, but since he met a reporter, he naturally wanted to praise him, "But it's useless at all, no matter whether it's floating money or straw sandal money. It really is the Senate that cares about our common people!"

"Then can you two stand like this with the tax stamp and registration certificate?"

"Okay, okay." Steward Yan and Master Xu immediately held the tax stamps up high, their faces full of spring breeze, and then put on a pose that the spring breeze is not as good as you.

After flashing the flash, even Steward Yan, who had seen this "camera" before, felt his legs go weak. He tried his best to squeeze out of the crowd, not to mention Master Xu who was already scared to death.

The tax collection work on the first day was on track after more than an hour, and each window began to "digest" the flow of people at a similar speed.After a short break at noon, as of 13:43 in the afternoon, the last taxpayer left, and the collection hall directly under the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau handled a total of 64 registration transactions and 63 collection transactions.The extra registration was because Zhang Yu's family got the news from nowhere, and registered the old store in the city and the new store in Dashijie as independent enterprises for tax registration.

According to the standards of this time and space, Zhang Yu's "separation" was very thorough.Zhang Xiaoqi was a little surprised looking at the records on the tax registration stub list. Apart from the industry, the two stores not only had different names, venues, business scopes, etc., but also had different legal representatives.This is the only one of all the big households that has done so.At present, the Senate and the Finance and Taxation Bureau do not have any clear direction for the future tax policies of group enterprises and affiliated enterprises, nor do they have any plans to support small enterprises and new enterprises.Of course, based on Zhang Xiaoqi's common sense of taxation and years of experience, she can guess that these things will come sooner or later, and the tax categories and items cannot continue to be so extensive. inevitable.But this Zhang Yu is doing this now, and he already has some reasonable tax avoidance demeanor in the old time and space. Could it be that he came up with this idea himself?No, this must be someone who is familiar with the tax system, and it can only be thought of by someone who is familiar with the tax system of the old time and space.Zhang Yikun, Zhang Xiaoqi couldn't help but think of this person—Ai Zhixin "informally" reported this matter in an internal meeting—could there be Zhang Yikun in the Finance and Taxation Bureau "pointing" behind his back?
She immediately thought of Ai Zhixin—could this person be "guarding himself"?From his attempt to Nan Wan'er, it can be seen that he is not an honest person.But Ai Zhixin didn't have a woman surnamed Zhang... This made her secretly puzzled.

The tax has not been calculated today, and now all the windows are closing, and the abacus in the hall is crackling.To be honest, there are only a few taxpayers coming to each window today, and even the fastest window No. 1 of Nanwan'er only has 5 households. In Zhang Xiaoqi's opinion, the efficiency is simply ridiculously low.Some of these girls have already started reconciliation for the second time, for fear of making a mistake, but fortunately, most of them received Delong checks filled out according to the amount, which saved a lot of trouble of counting cash.It seems that the "daily entry of business funds" and "cashless payment" in the previous stage have been quite effective.

Therefore, it is necessary for Delong to settle in. Even if it is not possible for the time being, he must chase after Meng Xian's ass to get him to agree. Zhang Xiaoqi secretly made up his mind.Just thinking that she saw that some windows actually started the third reconciliation.

"Everyone stop, just reconcile the account twice." Zhang Xiaoqi immediately stopped this behavior. It is good to be careful and responsible for your work, but this cannot be maintained by repeating the account reconciliation over and over again without regard to efficiency. Strive for success once and for all, which was taught to her by the director when she first went to work, and now she wants to instill this awareness in these 17th-century girls.

"I am very happy for your carefulness and responsibility, but you also have to have confidence in your own abilities. It is impossible for us to have so little time every day to reconcile the accounts over and over again, and the next step is to make a summary. So I hope Everyone will strive to complete it in one go. Now those who have reconciled their accounts twice can sort out their taxes and vouchers and send them to the accounting office for a report.”

There are many ways to collect tax. In the old time and space, it can be classified according to taxpayer, tax authority, tax category, treasury, etc.But here Zhang Xiaoqi chose to summarize by tax category.This is naturally because there is only one tax management agency in Guangzhou now, which is the management office directly under the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau, and the treasury is only the central bank represented by Delong.In addition, she has another reason that she didn't say clearly. The two of them privately think that this method is suitable for dealing with the next government request.

Unlike the old time-space hall where there were generally only one or two accountants or even part-time jobs, in Zhang Xiaoqi's hall, the accounting office occupied two rooms, one large and one small, plus a ticket warehouse.The small one is the ticket accounting room, with a total of three people.

According to regulations, the tax invoices received by the window staff every day must first be issued and registered here. This batch of the latest royalty invoices from the Australia-Song Finance and Taxation Bureau has a group of 19 digits in the upper right corner of each tax invoice according to the old time and space standards. Numbering, the numbering is continuous, so when the ticket accountant records the use of window personnel, it is only necessary to register the start and end numbers.After the collection business is over every day, the window staff should sort out the tax invoices that have been issued, unused and invalidated, and then make a daily report at the ticket accountant. The ticket accountant will compare the accounts with the facts, and after confirming that they are correct, register the use of the day. .Those that have not been used can continue to be used by the window staff; for those that have been issued, the first copy of the tax payment certificate (retained by the tax authority) should be properly kept by the window staff after being summarized in the accounting office, and bound into a book every month and handed over to the ticket accounting office for future reference.If the two copies of the voided tax invoices are in good condition, the accounting office will take them back, bind them, save them and register them. If errors are found in the follow-up reconciliation and other business and need to be invalidated, the management office will take back the second copy from the taxpayer (the taxpayer has paid the tax. Voucher) and then save the registration together.Tax receipts are not allowed to be lost, altered or damaged without reason.The staff at the window are not allowed to borrow or misappropriate tax invoices from each other, and the tax invoices must be used sequentially according to the sequence of numbers, and there must be no use of cross-numbers or broken numbers.

Compared with the ticket accounting room, the tax accounting room in the lobby next door is much more lively.This is not to say that there are people chatting enthusiastically, but that the sound of abacus in this room is twice as dense as that at the window where the daily closing was done just now.

This big room is full of twelve people, which almost exceeds the number of people in the window.It seems that the scene is very big, but the actual efficiency is not high.Zhang Xiaoqi is also very helpless about this point. If there is a computer, all these tasks can be done by one person.But now, it takes too much labor to convert the household-based tax invoices sent from the window into a summary invoice based on tax categories.

Although there is a "computing center" in Guangzhou, Ai Zhixin originally had great expectations for this computing center, and also conducted related business consultation with Feng Nuo.But they soon discovered that the electromechanical computer in the computing center was large and cumbersome, and it was really inconvenient for the tax bureau to use-not to mention, the cardization of these forms alone was a huge job, so the tax bureau had been working on it from the very beginning. There is no hope for "computerization", and the preparation is only used when doing data summary and analysis.

The girls in the accounting office first receive the tax invoices and taxes one by one at the window and check whether the total amount is the same, and then pass the tax invoices one by one for each tax type, and register the amount of tax they are responsible for on each tax invoice in the list. Finally, calculate the tax amount and the total amount and then compare it with the total tax.After unanimity, the total amount of the tax categories on the checklist is transcribed into the "tax summary payment book" according to the format of one tax stamp and one tax category to complete the tax summary work.

Next update: Volume 83 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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