Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1973 Special Tax

Chapter 1973 Special Tax

It was almost midnight after the meeting of elders, and the trio was about to get up when Liu Xiang, who was the landlord of the meeting, stopped them.

"I still have a few small questions, and it's inconvenient to say more at the meeting. I want to consult you."

The trio exchanged looks, thinking what kind of medicine is he selling?

Liu Xiang was also asking about taxes, but they were some "guiding" taxes.

It is not uncommon to use taxation to guide the industrial structure and regulate social behavior. This is not uncommon in economic work. Although many types of taxes have been complained about as "tax increases with clever names", this is actually the case, but it is undeniable that economic measures are useful. Time is more effective than 100 million publicity and encouragement.

The most typical guide tax implemented by the Senate is the "slave tax". After leaving the nationality, although many servants still stay at home to perform various services in the name of "free employment", after all, they have taken a big step forward in personal attachment.This has always been the boast of the elders of the Civil Affairs Department.

Liu Xiang, as a senior veteran of the Civil Affairs Department, naturally couldn't forget this, so he brought this up specially this time.He wanted to levy some special forms of tax: petty foot tax, concubine tax and clan tax.

"...Our slave tax collection has been very successful, and it has been gradually launched in Guangzhou. Can these three taxes also be promoted on a pilot basis?" Liu Xiang said, "My original intention is not for a few taxes, but mainly to take advantage of this Guide public opinion and transform social atmosphere."

Ai Zhixin thought to himself that Liu Dafu was indeed known as the "King of Tossing", with various tricks.In fact, he mentioned several taxes, including some similar taxes, which were often nonsense topics in the Senate in the past.However, people engaged in taxation are not keen on these types of taxes: except for a few types of taxes, most types of taxes are characterized by difficult tax base investigations, trivial collection, and low tax amounts, which are high-cost and low-yield taxes.Therefore, Cai Jinkou "needs long-term research" for similar proposals.

The slavery tax is entirely because it is easier to investigate the few rich households who have the ability to hold slaves than to investigate the number of small feet. Moreover, the slavery itself needs to sign a contract document, and the fiscal and taxation department uses the "contract decal registration" to re-confirm the rights. The basic situation of the local slaves.

Ai Zhixin thought for a moment and said: "Mayor Liu, the taxes you proposed, the concubine tax and the clan tax, can be regarded as property taxes. We can investigate how to implement them, but the petty foot tax is not enforceable..."

Liu Xiang was a little disappointed - he originally planned to use this as his breakthrough point for "changing customs".

The "anti-footbinding" movement in Hainan Island and other places mainly relied on administrative orders and engaged in "movement-style" governance. Of course, there were some effects, but there were also many scenes of power-for-money transactions and crying father and mother.Since then, Liu Xiang has been thinking about using economic means to carry out the "anti-binding feet".

There are quite a few women with their feet bound in Guangzhou. Whether it is the proportion of the female population or the absolute number, it is more than the old ruling areas of the Senate. "If it goes on, then his achievements in "governing the local area" will be greatly increased.

"Is there any difficulty?" He asked, "Is it too extensive and the collection cost is high..."

"Not only that, it can be said that there is no way to collect it at all." Before Ai Zhixin said anything, Zhang Xiaoqi had already stepped in and fired directly, "This tax is easy to say, but it is not feasible to implement it. The first Our tax base is huge. About half of the women in Guangzhou have their feet bound. How can we confirm the registration one by one? Second, what should we do with the collection? Do we go door-to-door asking them to take out the money, or set up cards at the city gates to see their feet? Thirdly, since it is a guiding taxation, some people will naturally let their feet go because of this—the feet will not grow back after they are let go, is this considered to be bound feet or not?"

As soon as these three items were said, Liu Xiang was speechless and his face was very embarrassed.

Wang Qiyi complained secretly, and hurried out to smooth things over: "Mayor Liu, this small foot tax is indeed very difficult. Even if the Guangzhou Taxation Bureau in the 21st century is moved here, including people and equipment, this tax will not be able to collect... Besides, the small feet of women in this time and space It can also be regarded as sexual...private parts, it doesn't seem appropriate for us to ask people to show them so nakedly."

Liu Xiang smiled to himself: "It seems that I thought rashly..."

"No, no, you are an administrative leader, you are thinking about the general direction, and we are considering the details," Ai Zhixin went on to say, "This idea is correct-economic means are more effective than administrative means. Our fiscal and taxation The bureau can use this as an idea to study and discuss.”

As a result, the discussion on the clan tax and concubine tax did not continue. The trio from the Finance and Taxation Bureau came out of the city hall and went straight to the Finance and Taxation Bureau to hold a closed-door meeting instead of going home.

This evening's meeting turned out better than they expected.Although the elders' reaction to the tax was a bit unexpected at the beginning, but the most critical tax revenue distribution was not questioned too much, and everyone calmly accepted the second set of tax sharing. Grading scheme.I don't know if it's because they tried their best to belittle the plan of separating the country and the land, or because the elders have already hated the old time and space.

However, Ai Zhixin's speculation seems to be more reliable: "We put a bunch of theories they don't understand in the meeting, and they don't understand and don't want to show that they don't understand..."

In fact, before the meeting, Wang Qiyi also proposed a supplementary plan, which is to refine the tax items and increase the tax categories.He was going to take it out as a big pie when the second set of plans was stranded.To refine the tax items is to formulate the applicable tax rates and budget levels according to the existing tax categories, such as property tax, which subdivides land, real estate, and means of production, etc.Those that have nothing to do with the central government and settle in local assets, such as land and real estate, will naturally be divided into high places.Because these things are valuable only when the locality is rich, more taxes can be levied. Giving the locality a high share is to give the locality an incentive to develop the economy; as for increasing the types of taxes, it should be more accurate to say that it is to increase the types of taxes and fees. The idea is to imitate the urban construction of the old time and space. Maintenance tax, education surcharges, local education surcharges and water conservancy construction funds.These taxes are added to the main tax (such as value-added tax, business tax, etc. in the old time and space), and are directly collected according to a fixed ratio of the main tax amount.

Now it seems that this supplementary plan can be temporarily used, but Ai Zhixin and the others know that this is an inevitable trend.Today, Liu Xiang proposed a few taxes to change customs, which is actually the same thing in essence.Even if there is no request from the veterans in the future, they will gradually push away after the grassroots management forces are enriched.

"How do you charge the clan tax?" Ai Zhixin promised to "research" and "suppress clans" is the consistent policy of the Senate.Whether it is Liu Xiang or the Government Affairs Council, they have to come up with a plan to deal with it.

"Well, it's nothing more than following your opinion in Ai Bureau, starting with property tax." Wang Qiyi has a plan in mind, "Although I haven't researched the local situation in detail, but combined with the historical situation, the foundation of the existence of the clan is nothing more than the ancestral hall and the ancestral hall. Clan property, especially the latter, as long as we impose a high tax rate on the two, we can effectively combat clan power economically—at least weaken the clan’s economic capacity.”

In Wang Qiyi's view, whether it is ancestral halls or various industries under the name of the clan, it is easy to find out in the basic situation investigation.Whether the house deed or the land deed, the basic situation can be clearly understood through the "decal confirmation" of stamp duty.It is much easier to collect than the so-called petty foot tax.

"Actually, there is no way to collect a small foot tax," Ai Zhixin said. "We impose an additional tax on the embroidered shoes worn by women with bound feet sold locally. It's a pity that most of the women's shoes here are made at home. Not many shoe shops sell embroidered shoes..."

"So it's not enforceable at all." Zhang Xiaoqi said.

"We won't bring up this issue," Ai Zhixin said, "but what about the taxation of the 'custom industry' raised by Mayor Liu today?" This is the second topic Liu Xiang handed over to the Finance and Taxation Bureau.

"What is 'custom business tax', isn't it 'flower donation'!" Wang Qiyi said.

"This collection is not difficult. There is a very mature yellow ticket system in the Senate of Hainan Island," Zhang Xiaoqi pondered. It’s how to assess the specific income here.”

Ai Zhixin shook his head: "No, the situation in Guangzhou is much more complicated. There are individual prostitutes, and there are also large-scale brothels. There are also 'family' and 'guests' in the brothel. The leader of the house. In the previous stage, the police station carried out a rectification of the customs industry, which cracked down on many old bustards and house leaders. Now the situation is a little clearer than before, but we still don’t have enough information about the specific business situation and all the status. And Liu Xiang and the others have very contradictory attitudes towards this industry: They want to limit the development, but also want to squeeze money from it, and they have to guarantee the basic human rights of prostitutes..."

"Basic human rights? This is really the best joke I've heard today," Zhang Xiaoqi blasted unceremoniously, "Since you're all thinking about how to extract money from whores, what kind of archway do you want to build! It's so hypocritical !"

"That's what I said," Ai Zhixin said, "but now that the Senate's family has a big business and their expenses have increased sharply, it's normal to think about open source everywhere..."

Wang Qiyi stopped his wife from continuing to spray with his eyes, and said: "This matter is complicated, let's discuss it slowly."

Next update: Volume 88 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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