Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1974 The Mystery of Finance

Chapter 1974 The Mystery of Finance

This means that we should not discuss the issue of "flower donation" today.Ai Zhixin had participated in the rectification meeting of the custom industry, and knew a little about the complex situation of Guangzhou's custom industry.Discussions that started without a detailed investigation were clearly air-to-air.Nod now.

"Did you find a problem today?" Wang Qiyi recalled the process of today's meeting, and was a little worried about the performance of other veterans.


"I said at the meeting that too many people regard themselves as members of the Guangzhou Municipal Government."

"There's no way around it." Ai Zhixin was quite open about it. Unlike Wang Qiyi and his wife, who were only in charge of specific business, he needed to coordinate all aspects of things, so he thought more about the problem.

"To do a good job in Guangzhou, we first need Liu Xiang's support, then the police, business, and publicity. Although we have a brand with the General Administration, the specific things are still with the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau. It is impossible to bypass Liu Xiang. Level, can not top."

"Have you forgotten why our Finance and Taxation Bureau approved the Zhili Central Government Affairs Council? Our system is not like the old time and space, where all regions belong to each region, with hierarchical management, and the superiors are only responsible for business guidance. It is vertical leadership. Qingming gave it to us. Authority: The personnel organization is in our own hands, and our salary does not go to Guangzhou finance.” Wang Qiyi tapped his teacup and said slowly, “Isn’t it that we are an independent system?”

"So the central government positions us as checks and balances." Ai Zhixin had thought about this issue a long time ago. During this period of time, he was so oppressed by income that he forgot. We, Deron, and the reserve row with only one sign are vertical."

"Yes, when we were with Delong, we firmly held their money. We are in charge of the local government's financial accounts. Without a letter from the Finance and Taxation Bureau, not only can they not touch the money in the treasury, even their own local financial accounts The money in the government cannot be moved. And all the money goes through Delong’s treasury, and their ins and outs cannot escape the eyes of the central government. Governments at all levels have their own authority to appoint personnel and establish institutions, so the central government can only control them through money gone."

Because Wang Qiyi has worked in grassroots departments, he is very aware of how useful the so-called functional departments such as the public security law, culture, entertainment and education are to the local government. In some places, some people even jokingly call the public security law the "Families"—because they dare not listen to the instructions of the local government, they will soon face the embarrassment of being stuck with money. Funds and land are just common means, and they even play the trick of directly cutting off water and electricity in office buildings and family areas Come.

Elders are not saints, and when they sit in the position of local officials, they naturally have buttocks.Therefore, from the very beginning, the Government Affairs Council must grasp the lifeline of the locality and stifle any possibility of hilltopism.

Now that the Senate has established an independent system of finance and taxation through the Finance and Taxation Bureau, then local functional departments that have no worries about the future may not buy the local government's account in this way.It is not only a functional department, but also avoids the internal government operating space brought about by the local management of the Finance Bureau in the old time and space.

The internal control of local governments and various departments under the Senate started very early, and this awareness is reflected in everything from the establishment of the Cheka to the separation of the military, political and military order systems.Take the Finance and Taxation Bureau itself as an example. Since its establishment, only internally, a sum of tax has to go through the tax verification department, the hall collection post, the hall accounting post, and the agency tax accountant at least four posts. Accepted by Delong Economics, this cross-position and cross-departmental restraint mechanism greatly increases the difficulty of fraud from the system.

"Institutional internal control and checks and balances are the embodiment of modern government management." Ai Zhixin concluded that he suddenly felt that the burden on him was much heavier.

"By the way, if the plan of tax sharing and grading is passed, we should report to Mr. Cheng." Zhang Xiaoqi found that both her husband and Ai Zhixin had forgotten an important question, "The central treasury should be separated from the local treasury. Local taxes, or taxes, can’t be used directly as fiscal revenue! You were talking nonsense at the meeting. You should ask Delong to open another municipal treasury account for Guangzhou City, and the tax revenue will go here, and then Only after we send out the letter can the money be transferred to Guangzhou’s own financial account.”

"Sister Zhang, wait for me to sort it out. It is assuming that 100 yuan of property tax is collected, and the division is divided into June and 40th by the local central government. Then after we release the tax to Delong, they deposit 60 yuan into the central treasury, and then The 60 yuan was deposited into the Guangzhou treasury. This money is still unusable. Can they transfer the [-] yuan to the Guangzhou financial account after we issue the appropriation notice to Delong?"

"Yes, but it doesn't necessarily have to be allocated to the Guangzhou fiscal account. What if there are other non-fiscal expenditures in Guangzhou? You forgot the centrally-directed enterprises and institutions? Right."

"So Guangzhou can't have extra-fiscal income? For example, central transfer payments?"

"Yes, anyway, we must insist that the treasury and finance are two lines. The treasury belongs to Delong, and the finance belongs to us. Whether the transfer payment is transferred from the treasury or the financial appropriation is decided by the Government Affairs Council."

"I think Meng Xian and Liu Xiang will scold you to death if they know about this. Hahaha!"

Guangzhou, Haopan Street.

The flat and solid stone road under the feet, the well-ordered shops on the roadside, the hawkers selling stalls, and the large and small boats in the river... It makes Zeng Juan, who has walked here countless times since he was a child, always feel as if he has passed away.

One year, just one year.A year ago, I and my friends were still here, waiting for new comics and new Australian movies, discussing Guan Gong and Hua Xiong.It seems that in the blink of an eye, the city of Guangzhou was destroyed, the Australians established a government, the plague, the Guandi Temple was cleaned up, and the civil service examination... Until now, it seems that this year has passed his whole life, and everything has been turned upside down.

Among my friends, Chen Shixin has already gone to Lingao, and it is said that he studied painting under the tutelage of real Australian veterans; Li Ziyu is also on the rise in the police station, and has been awarded for his meritorious service. Now he is sent to Lingao for training, and it is certain that he will return to Gaosheng As for Zhang Yu, needless to say, a serious rising star in Guangzhou's industrial and commercial circles, even if he sees such a high-ranking figure, he will shake hands in an Australian style and add a few nice words.Only myself, half a year ago, I was still reading newspapers and chatting about Australian affairs in teahouses, fortunately, fortunately...

Zeng Juu pulled the hem of his tax coat to make it look more straight.Unconsciously, he glanced at the serial number on his chest and the epaulets on his shoulders.This uniform is said to be designed by Director Ai in accordance with the Australian style. The almost black navy blue makes people look very solemn after wearing it. Although there is no armed belt and big cap, it is quite similar to Li Ziyu's police uniform.But it's much stiffer than police uniforms - police uniforms are made of cotton.

The tax uniform of the Senate version is basically formed on the basis of the old space-time tax uniform by combining the Chinese tunic suit and the 07 police uniform style, eliminating the troublesome tie and collar flower, and the personnel number and tax badge on the left chest badge, canceling the shoulder badge .Originally, Ai Zhixin planned to use thin woolen fabrics for winter clothes, but he succumbed to the strong suggestion of the Ministry of Light Industry and the actual inspection of imported Dutch linen fabrics.Fortunately, compared with the police, political security and other departments, the Finance and Taxation Bureau has relatively fewer personnel, and most of them are engaged in paperwork. This is the closest set of uniforms to the old time and space.

This uniform is crisp and strong, and the uniforms of the Taxation Bureau are more elegantly cut than the uniforms of the military and police. They fit better, and they have a majestic feeling when walking on the road.

According to Deputy Commissioner Wang, this is because the Finance and Taxation Bureau of mine is the same as Li Ziyu's police station. "If the police are dogs that bite people, then we are hawks. Percentage, the claws must be ruthless, not letting go."

Zeng Juan felt that these Australians, using Lingao's new terminology, had very strange brain circuits. "Hawk Dog" is not a good idea at all, I didn't expect them to use it on me so confidently and quite proudly.This is probably the simple and vigorous true temperament that Li Ziyu mentioned.But having said that, regardless of whether it is a falcon or not, since putting on this tax suit, the waist has become stiff, and the walking has become windy. Even people who see old acquaintances on the road can't help feeling disdainful.What's more, compared to Li Ziyu's shapeless and crumpled police uniform, this suit is not known how much higher. The fabric is crisp and thick, and it fits well... Zeng Juan accidentally "again" wanted to come with him a few days ago The tax hall girls at the meeting.

Head up, chest out, abdomen in, stride forward, arms straight.Zeng curled up his thoughts and silently recited the "habit" that the instructor taught him with a stick in the Guangzhou cadre training school, and hurried to catch up with his partner and team leader Huang Ping.

The last place to go today is Gaojujia, Ausong's "closest partner" in Guangzhou.These tax collectors are not like patrolmen like Li Ziyu, who walk around the streets on weekdays.The Finance and Taxation Bureau stipulates that there is no need to enter the household without tasks. Usually, they mainly collect and sort out the data files of the taxpayers transferred from the hall and taxpayers under their jurisdiction in the office.

Deputy Director Wang has set very high standards for this work. Every quarter, some taxpayer files are randomly checked and shown to non-jurisdictional tax administrators. Qualified, not only the work will have to be redone, but the entire group bonus will be lost.After today's visit, if there are no emergencies this week, they should not come out of the Finance and Taxation Bureau anymore.Team leader Huang has already received a transfer order and will go to the Audit Office next week.So according to Team Leader Huang, this visit is the last time he will be the team leader.

Next update: Volume 89 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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