Lin Gao Qiming

Stamp Duty Case Chapter 1984

Stamp Duty Case Chapter 1984
Or is it a group company?Affiliated enterprises?Zeng Juan tried his best to recall the past events in Australia that he accidentally mentioned during the training of the two directors Zhang and Wang.He vaguely understood that this group of companies seemed to be the head office and the semicolon, but what was the associated company.Zeng Juan is a scholar, even if he voted for Australians, he still has the habit of reading in his bones, but even if he rummaged through several Australian taxation books in the library of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, he did not see a single word mentioning this.How stupid!Zeng Juan scolded himself. Before that, he thought that the idea of ​​setting up two stores for Zhang Yu was very Australian, but he didn't expect to fall into the hole he dug so soon.

"Admit it." Zeng Juan spread his hands, "Ayu, you remember to pay the tax according to the normal selling price. The collection period has just ended, so there shouldn't be much late fees and fines... By the way!" Zeng Juan suddenly remembered, In the collection and management regulations, the Finance and Taxation Bureau clarified that the transaction behavior is implemented on a cash basis, "Have you delivered the goods?!"

"No, the order is not so easy to arrange. The regular customers in front of the order will not be delivered until the end of this month." Zhang Yu was still immersed in the blow of "tax payment", listless.

"Okay, okay, hahaha, Ayu, don't worry about it." Zeng Juan couldn't help but clapped and laughed when he heard that the delivery would be next month, "Let me tell you, remember not to deliver—— Find a reason to prevaricate the customer first, and never deliver the goods! The rule of the chiefs is that if there is a transaction, the money is collected before it is considered income. As long as you don’t supply the goods, it means that there is no transaction, so naturally you will not be re-checked Income is taxable."

"Is that true?" Zhang Yu had an expression of "why is there such a coquettish operation" on his face.

"Seriously. I don't think there is any major problem on your side. The problem is on Master Luo's side." Seeing that he can completely leave his good brother's responsibility behind, Zeng Juan feels better, "I will write tomorrow Report it to the office. There are still ten days until the end of the month, which is enough. You just need to actively cooperate with their investigation at that time. In addition, you may be asked to pay part of the stamp duty.”

"It's no problem." Zhang Yu hurriedly patted his chest.However, the delay in delivery is not a small loss to him, especially the damage to his reputation-this can only be compensated by giving customers some discounts afterwards.

"By the way, and you have to think about how to abolish these supply contracts of the old store."

"Hehe," Zhang Yu felt relieved because he was no longer worried about offending the Senate, and shook the cup in his hand, "This is not a problem. Your Finance and Taxation Bureau has investigated the gathering of nobles, and now they are only afraid of getting caught and being implicated. How dare you Are you so ignorant to get involved with Luo Zhixiang?"

The next day, Zeng Juan came to the Finance and Taxation Bureau early to sign in with dark circles under his eyes, and then he typed the information request letter and went straight to the Guangzhou Municipal Government.Zeng Juan was originally a cautious person, but since he entered the Finance and Taxation Bureau, he has become more cautious when dealing with numbers every day.Although what Zhang Yu inquired about last night should be the same, but he thinks it is better to go to the city hall to check the first asset liquidation of the nobles in Guangzhou (that is, the activity of renewing the city's new lease after the liberation of Guangzhou). It is better to confirm the information registered at the time and the archived copy of the title deed.

Regarding the report of this household survey, Zeng Juan was thinking about how to write after he came out of Zhang Yu's house last night, and he didn't close his eyes almost all night.I also typed a few drafts.

The matter is already clear, but the reasons have to be carefully considered. If you choose Zhang Yu, you will be unscathed.

Not only do we have to take the responsibility of the buddies as much as possible and get rid of the blame, but we also have to stand firm and speak loudly.Zeng Juan racked his brains to recall all the taxation knowledge he had learned, and flipped through the "study materials" sent to them.

How to characterize the contract of nobles gathering this cheaply transferred land?First of all, yin and yang contracts are definitely not acceptable.The subtext of this kind of contract is that both the buyer and the seller know about it and reach a consensus, which is tantamount to getting Zhang Yu involved.This is a big right and wrong, and Zhang Yu must be cleaned up.

From Zhang Yu's point of view, he believes that signing two contracts is a normal transaction, but one of them is to supply goods at cost price to offset payment.Moreover, Zhang Yu took the initiative to apply for the decals in a timely manner. It can be considered that there was no intention to deceive the Senate in terms of subjective intentions, but that there were technical problems in the contract concluded because of ignorance of the laws of the Senate.

As for the gathering of nobles, if Zhang Yu is to be chosen cleanly, then he must be the one to blame, not to mention that the draft of the contract is all handled by Master Liao, and there is no way to escape subjectively.

In this way, since the reminder I got from Director Nan was only the report of the abnormal meeting of nobles, and the investigation led by the team was only the land sales contract, then it is better to simply follow the plan and never mention the Zhang family's old shop in the report. a contract thing.Let's talk about the facts, only that it was found that Luo Zhixiang's nobles sold the land at a price that was significantly lower than the fair market price, and was suspected of tax evasion.As for the second contract that will be brought out by the follow-up inspection, Zeng Juan also helped Zhang Yu figure out a way out. There are two ways in total. One is to ask Zhang Yu to sign a commissioned supply agreement with the old store in the city immediately in the name of the Great World Store. , the content of the agreement can basically be copied from the contracts of old stores and other stores, and there is no need to be particularly formal, but it must be indicated that the supply is based on the market price, and an additional clause must be added stating that the agreement is for repaying the profits of the Dashijie store's land sales. The second is to add a special withholding tax account to the accounts of the old store, and indicate the payable circulation tax calculated according to the market price for the first batch of goods that need to be supplied.Of course, these are all to show that Zhang Yu did not deceive the loyalty of the Senate by paying taxes in accordance with the law. Anyway, the real transaction will definitely be terminated after the Finance and Taxation Bureau starts investigation, so Zhang Yu himself will not have any substantial losses.

In Daming, the store is both a family and a store. Even if they are registered separately, it is only natural for me to pay back the money for my son. If you want to come to the leaders of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, you will know it.This practice seems to be called general contracting and subcontracting in Australia and Song Dynasty?Regardless of him, Zeng Juan rubbed his dark circles, as long as Zhang Yu can pass the test smoothly this time, he will be worthy of his hard work these two days.

Zeng Juan is confident that as long as he reports the issue of the land transaction price of Lizhu Chen Guirenju, the most likely choice for the Finance and Taxation Bureau is to re-approve the land transaction price, require the two parties to re-sign the contract and pay taxes, and at the same time abolish the old store contract.Zhang Yu is the passive party, and he "withholds" the tax on the accounts in accordance with the contract of the old store, so he should not be punished due to circumstances and reasons.

He quickly found the relevant archives in the city government - no different from what Zhang Yu provided.In this way, Zeng Juan was basically at ease.He returned to the office and immediately started working on the report, which he finished by the end of the afternoon.Specially marked the report as urgent-warning, signed by all of their team, and sent it to the management office.The next thing is not something he can worry about.

A week later, Zeng Juan was told to go to the small conference room on the second floor for a meeting at [-]:[-] a.m. as soon as he went to work, and asked him to prepare materials about the gathering of nobles in advance.Hearing that a leader wanted to "talk" with him about the Luo family, Zeng Juan broke out in a cold sweat. An hour before the meeting, he basically did nothing but read the materials of the noble gathering and the household survey report he wrote. After drinking three full cups and running to the toilet non-stop, my colleagues looked sideways.

It was finally [-]:[-], and Zeng Juan went upstairs to the conference room ahead of time, took a few deep breaths from the Australian book to calm down, and then knocked on the door tremblingly.

"Come in!" It was Director Ai's voice, I'm afraid this matter is not small!Otherwise, the director would not have asked me to talk to me in person.Zeng Juan's heart suddenly snapped up.

Although he racked his brains, searched through various regulations and documents, and carefully wrote the report that was "seamless" to him, he was very clear: the rules were set by the Australians, and the elders and heads , They are all "sword and pen old officials", and their familiarity and understanding of this set of things is not known to be many times higher than their own.If they found out some big loophole, neither he nor Zhang Yu would end well.

Pushing the door open, there were not many people in the conference room, only Director Ai, Director Wang, Li Fulai from the Inspection Office, and... Huang Ping, Yao Yulan?Zeng Juan didn't see the way, so he yelled a report and sat down at a seat near the door under Wang Qiyi's signal.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's not talk nonsense." Ai Zhixin cut to the chase, "Today's small meeting is nothing else, it is about the abnormal gathering of nobles reported by the team leader last week to declare stamp duty. Next, the Audit Office Director Li Fulai will introduce the case."

Li Fulai distributed the file at hand to everyone in the conference room, and then began to state the results of the four-day investigation.Contrary to Zeng Juan's expectations, this noble gathering is not a shop that simply buys and sells goods from the north and the south.It has few assets under its name, but its shares are very complicated, and it is basically involved with big households in the city, especially Lin Zunxiu's family.

"Here, let me explain: Lin Zunxiu is on the Political Security Bureau's 'Guangzhou Key Watch List'. In addition, some reactionary gentry we eliminated in the witchcraft case are also reflected in the business history of this firm, although Not a shareholder, but clearly involved."

He went on to say that the accounts of Guirenju are very confusing. Not only has no formal Australian-style bookkeeping method been established, but even the traditional four-pillar settlement method accounts are also vague.In addition to large amounts of receivables, there are many transactions that are contrary to common sense. Although there is no conclusive evidence for the time being, according to the inferences of the chiefs, there should still be a large amount of IOUs, off-the-book accounts, and even oral accounts. According to Director Wang’s statement It is said that this is a "white glove" shop, and the tax evasion through it is far greater than its total capital.

Li Fulai's words came slowly, not in a hurry.However, Zeng Juan immediately became nervous.The director's words are actually qualitative, and this opening statement is obviously the rhythm of a big case!
Next update: Volume 99 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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