Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1985 Economic Crime Bureau

Chapter 1985 Economic Crime Bureau
"Our expropriation work has been started for less than two quarters, and the loss is not large, so we must kill this kind of thing in the cradle, and we must not condone adultery." Ai Zhixin slapped the table, "Let these people Let's see if the Finance and Taxation Bureau of the Senate has a good mouth, and dares to play tricks. You go to investigate freely, remember, don't be afraid of getting involved, don't be afraid of offending others, I believe in your ability!"

"Serve the Senate and the people!" The four naturalized cadres present stood up in unison.

"Okay, then I announce the establishment of the 712 Luo Family Stamp Duty Special Team of the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau. The director Wang Qiyi is the team leader, and the municipal management office has been involved in one of the team leaders. Xu Zhewei from the municipal taxation and statistics office and Chu from the municipal tax verification office have been transferred. Xiao Ran is the team member and is responsible for checking the account books; Yao Yulan, the investigator of the Economic Investigation Division of the Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau, is the captain of the second team, and Huang Ping, the investigator of the Municipal Economic Crime Investigation Division, is the team member and is responsible for the investigation. I hope that you will work together and use your expertise to successfully complete this task A task to give the Senate and the people a satisfactory answer."

"People who did not show up after the meeting will be notified by the Office of the Municipal Bureau. The task force will work in Room 114 of the Municipal Bureau." Wang Qiyi added.

ECIS?Zeng rolled his eyelids.What unit is this?How come I have never heard of it.

As early as the period of the "grain collection bureau" in Lingao, Ai Zhixin and other Wudaokou veterans aspired to establish a departmental armed force similar to the tax police group of Uncle Song.Of course, not only them, but all the elders who have a "long" are planning to recruit troops for the department: such as the health law enforcement team, the industrial and commercial law enforcement team, the communication security team, the agricultural reclamation armored division... and so on. The entire Senate set off a wave of armed construction departments.For a while, the elders argued openly and secretly connected.At the request of the elders, the great library searched and printed various pamphlets to demonstrate the "necessity", "reasonability" and "conformity with international practice" of these institutions.

Of course, these ideas were all shot down by the infallible Executive Committee.So far, the only thing that has succeeded is the health gate, which has obtained a department with "business guidance" in the police system: the health police.

Even so, the princes of Wudaokou, including Ai Zhixin, still dream of setting up a violent law enforcement force completely controlled by themselves.After the establishment of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, it was temporarily stationed in the Guangzhou office. Because it was far away from Lingao, he thought it was an excellent opportunity to make a breakthrough, so he spared no effort to sell his views to Wang Qiyi and his wife.But Wang Qiyi and his wife didn't get involved in the beginning. An important reason was that they were old and wanted stability and safety in everything, and they didn't like fighting and killing, let alone asking for guns.From the point of view of the couple, at least those who hold guns in the Finance and Taxation Bureau have a high cost and low output compared to those who turn over accounts. They are all golden bumps who have mastered theories hundreds of years ahead, it is a pity to run to use guns and knives.

Back to more than three months ago, when preparing for the collection in the first quarter, Ai Zhixin took out an important material in a secret meeting in the small conference room.

This material was not concocted by Ai Zhixin, but a compilation of various economic situations obtained by various departments in their daily work after the Senate entered Guangzhou. confession.Most of these materials are very fragmentary, but they are enough to give them a glimpse of the quality of the No. [-] commercial port in southern China and the various luxury merchants in it. The two people's views on Ai Zhixin have gradually changed from "things can't be done" to "you might as well give it a try." ".

After a secret discussion, Ai Zhixin drew up a plan, reported it to Wudaokou, and then submitted it to the Government Affairs Council through Chengdong for more than half a month.For a long time, people in "Wudaokou" have been giving a lot of results in private blowing. Combining the collected responses from the former executive committee members to the soy sauce veterans, they determined the strategy of "advance two and retreat one".

The so-called "advance two and retreat one", among which the "one" of retreat is to no longer insist on copying the old space-time tax police team model, abandon or reduce the violent nature; the "two" of advancement is to take advantage of the current power and responsibility boundaries of various departments Unclear, for the stalls where social management measures are lacking, the focus is on the scope of supervision and law enforcement authority.

The core content of the whole application is divided into two parts.The first part mainly expounds the background, meaning and necessity of establishing the Economic Crime Investigation Office.Not long after the liberation of Guangdong Province, except for Guangzhou and the important towns in the province, the Senate regime basically remained at the level of existence. Considering the serious shortage of security forces such as naturalized civilian cadres and the National Army, it can be determined that for a long time, The government's control power will be in a state that lacks both depth and breadth.For example, even in Guangzhou, a prefecture that the Senate focused on "caring for", economic management across all social levels was blank.Faced with the large amount of funds needed for Guangzhou’s old city renovation, new city construction, and social governance, the Senate lacked an effective economic supervision and management system, and each department was not very clear about the economic affairs within its purview. There are almost no economic talents in other departments of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and it is impossible to fully mobilize the economic power of the entire Guangzhou for my use.And there is another more important reason. This is not the old time and space. There is no unified, centralized, and strong social security environment created by the red regime. On the contrary, it is more like the United States when it was first established.In this case, it is obviously unrealistic to still cling to the purely clerical post setting in the old time and space.

As the only economic management agency of the Senate, the Finance and Taxation Bureau should assume the responsibility of managing the social economy and make up for the absence of government functions.In accordance with the three principles of overall planning, unified construction, and professional division of labor, it is recommended that the Senate establish a politically reliable, flexible, and professional compound talent team as a sharp knife for social and economic management, change from passive to active, and use thunderous means to enhance people's awareness of The degree of compliance with the law ensures that the will of the Senate is 100% implemented, ensuring the long-term stability of the society and the orderly stability of the economy.

The second part of the article puts forward the reference suggestions of the three-person group of the Finance and Taxation Bureau on the organizational structure, responsibilities, and personnel assignments of the Economic Crime Investigation Division.In line with Cheng Dong's instruction of "as long as possible, with as little influence as possible", the first is that the Economic Crime Investigation Division is low-key designated as a secondary unit directly under the Finance and Taxation Bureau and is only set up at the provincial (city) level.It is under the command of the directors of the Finance and Taxation Bureau of each region.

Second, the scope of duties of the Economic Crime Investigation Division is no longer limited to tax-related cases, but is responsible for supervising and inspecting the entire social and economic order including the financial market, focusing on cracking down on disrupting economic management order, financial fraud, endangering tax collection and management, Making and selling counterfeit currency, smuggling, hindering the normal management of companies and other serious illegal activities.

In terms of authority, you can carry weapons and have mandatory powers such as summoning suspects and witnesses, arresting criminal suspects, and searching and tracking; in order to avoid the loss of valid evidence and assets, the Economic Crime Investigation Office can also take pre-settlement of relevant materials and assets Freezing and other security measures.At the same time, in view of the general weak legal awareness of indigenous peoples in this time and space, violent resistance to the law occurs from time to time, and it is not uncommon to use force as a protection to carry out illegal activities. Effective deterrence, to facilitate the smooth development of investigation and inspection work.

In terms of implementation, the Economic Crime Investigation Division can independently prosecute criminal suspects in addition to seizure and auction of assets according to law.The above authority adopts the system of first instance on one case. Except for the sealing and freezing, which requires the signature and consent of the responsible comrades of the fiscal and taxation organs at or above the county (district) level (including the county and district level), all others must be in charge of the fiscal and taxation organs at or above the provincial (city) level (including provincial and municipal levels) Comrades must sign and agree to take effect.

The third is that in view of the fact that the naturalized civilian military and political cadres under the Senate are generally not of high cultural quality, and the Economic Serious Cases Investigation Bureau has no need for heavy-handed law enforcement, it is recommended to select business cadres with excellent physical fitness from the Audit Office of the Finance and Taxation Bureau and other departments to go to Lingao Receive armed law enforcement training.At the same time, considering that some of the functions of the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives that Elder Selina worked in the old time and space highly overlap with the Economic Crime Investigation Division, and that Elder Selina not only has rich front-line law enforcement experience and considerable accounting knowledge, It is recommended that the Organization Department solicit his personal opinion as the head of the Economic Crime Investigation Division.

There is also a postscript at the end of the main text of the document, which is a related explanatory document.According to their experience, in addition to the real power bosses who have their own ghosts in the Lingao Senate, there are also a large number of soy sauce people who "vote against everything I don't understand".The postscript on this page tells them in the most "rough" language that there are no departments to manage various economic problems such as financial fraud and tax evasion in society. The Finance and Taxation Bureau, as the counterpart department, should establish a management and supervision system. , especially severely crack down on those who violate the laws of the Senate even in vain.In the old time and space, the finance and taxation departments were all purely civilian because the country provided a ubiquitous security environment. The chaos of the grassroots society in this plane is well known. There are still necessary self-defense measures for the safety of subordinates.

Wang Qiyi said: "Sarina is already preparing to be the director of the Veteran Security Bureau. It is unlikely that she will come to this new department."

"Isn't it better like this?" Ai Zhixin said with confidence, "What do the bosses hate the most? Waste. The chief of the Security Bureau is essentially a big guard. There is already a big guard Wu Yayang in Lingao, why bother?" add one?"
Next update: Volume 100 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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