Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1986 Economic Crime Investigation Division

Chapter 1986 Economic Crime Investigation Division

"Think about it, Sarina is a professional. In the past, because she was a foreigner, she was not reused. She has always played the role of a consultant and instructor. The so-called General Security Bureau is just a security guard. Now she has to be entrusted with important tasks. Can Why don't you make good use of her ability? The job of guarding the elders is too weak. We propose that she take up the job of investigating economic crimes to give full play to her strengths? And with the pissing nature of the Senate, maybe the two functions will be combined One—isn’t the Yankee’s Secret Service also a law enforcement unit of the Ministry of Finance? Let’s also set up a Secret Service of the Ministry of Finance, and this law enforcement power will be appropriate.”

Zhang Xiaoqi said: "Have you forgotten someone? Will he have any ideas if he is not listed as a candidate?"


"National police, you really don't know?"

"Hehe." Wang Qiyi knew that his wife was referring to Pan Jiexin, who is currently in charge of police training in Guangzhou. He is the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police.However, when dealing with him, Wang Qiyi can always feel that this person has a good understanding of economic issues.But what does it matter?Wang Qiyi felt that his wife was worrying too much, "We don't care what he did before, so what if we even assume that he is from a background in economic investigation? After coming to New Time and Space for so many years, he didn't mention his past job change at all, obviously intending to keep it a secret. Naturally Nor will it jump out and hinder our plan."

"What about Selina? Do you think she will be willing to come?" Wang Qiyi was a little worried.

"It's hard to say, but I think she should prefer our Economic Crime Investigation Division compared to her current idle state in the General Security Bureau. After all, it is very similar to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Federal Taxation Bureau." Zhang Xiaoqi said.

"I was worried that we would spread too much at one time." Ai Zhixin always felt that it was difficult for the soy sauce crowd who had no sense of superiority to agree to this plan.

"How should I put it?" Wang Qiyi wrung his hands, "To be reasonable, what we apply for is what no one is doing now, and there is no problem of robbing other departments of power. Otherwise, we have to wait for something to happen and get caught blind? Of course, in fact... "

"Actually, you're not particularly confident, are you?" Zhang Xiaoqi smiled as he picked up his teacup, "I've seen it since the time of the tax package system. Even if I don't understand these people, I won't learn from them, and I don't have any solutions. , Anyway, it’s scolding. He can’t talk to you about the technical details, so he goes online to talk about the big principles, and if the big ideas can’t talk to you, he just plays a rogue, saying that I’m a veteran anyway, if it’s not for doing what I want and waiting for generations, whoever comes here Broken place."

"The Donglin Party is acting like a faction!" Ai Zhixin said bitterly.

"So what do you think? There's no way this is reality." Wang Qiyi obviously doesn't like this topic.

"I think our article is too official. It's okay for those in the Government Affairs Council to understand it. Others may object even if they don't even read it." Zhang Xiaoqi said.

"Could it be that……"

"When I was in the hall before, they also ordered Xiaoxiao's shopping card during the New Year's holidays. It's not too much, and it's not asking you to do anything illegal, but I hope he can file taxes smoothly. A little flaw can be taken care of..." Zhang Xiaoqi rolled her husband's eyes, "Are you not Chinese after time travelling?"

Regarding the matter of running the Ministry, they all understand that the system of the Senate is that the central government grasps everything, and any project must be applied to the "central government". Therefore, starting with the establishment of the Central Government Affairs Council and the Planning Institute, the running department has become a project to be carried out. The only way for the patriarchs.

"The matter this time is a bit big. The establishment of the organization is not a matter of a department," Wang Qiyi touched his chin. "There are many departments to go to, and it also involves the attitudes of many veterans. This is probably not a matter of hundreds of shopping cards." something happened..."

The three of them all understood the doorway inside, but it was really taboo to say this right now.In the previous stage, the Senate had just passed the anti-corruption document at the second plenary meeting, so the Cheka was very busy. Although the Political Security Bureau was not humming, it also had a lot of black material in its hands-of course, everyone knew that the Political Security Bureau The bureau does not engage in "veteran reconnaissance" or "reconnaissance".But monitoring the "loyalty" of the naturalized civilian cadres is its main job.But if the elders want to take action, the naturalized cadres around them will always be messed with. As long as a case is filed for investigation, the elders will also have to make a fuss.

"This matter, I think it can only be a few hundred shopping cards..." Ai Zhixin was silent for a long time, and said, "It's too much investment, it's not worthwhile."

Ai Zhixin set the tone, and Wang Qiyi and his wife didn't say much, and even secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

More than ten days later, Ai Zhixin brought back the official approval from the Government Council from Lingao.The plan was changed in sevens and eights, and Wang Qiyi had already known about it from Ai Zhixin's telegram.Fortunately, Cheng Dong had coordinated with the two key police officers and legal officers, Ran Yao vest, to meet the two's requirements for revising some authority, and he also got support from Wu De, who had a good relationship. The aspect of strengthening social management is quite right for the secretary of state, and the revised plan was passed without any risk.

However, in the formal approval document, the scope of the Economic Crime Investigation Division’s powers has been narrowed to focus on cracking down on disrupting economic management order, financial fraud, endangering tax collection and management, and hindering the normal management of companies and enterprises. The two tasks of combating counterfeit money and smuggling have been changed to cooperate with the police , Customs work.

In terms of authority, the investigation department has all the powers of tax administrative investigation and tax criminal investigation, and has the right to exercise all investigative powers.However, in terms of mandatory power, the original ability to summon suspects and witnesses and arrest criminal suspects has been changed to the right to summon and interrogate within 24 hours.Both Ran Yao and Ma Jia, the right to arrest, insisted that they belonged only to the police.Of course, due to the backwardness of communication on this plane and the shortage of manpower, the police station at the county/city level where the investigation office is located will temporarily issue a blank arrest document with a serial number for use by the investigation office at any time, but it must be reported to the police station at the same level.When the time is ripe, we will adopt the method of one application for one case.

As for the execution power, the Investigation Office has the right to decide to search, seize, and seal up movable and immovable properties such as houses, goods, and means of transportation involved in the case, but has no right to dispose of confiscated or auctioned movable or immovable properties;

Cases that require judicial investigation must be handed over to the procuratorate for handling.Considering that there is only Shen Ruiming, a veteran of the Procuratorate, it is suggested that the Finance and Taxation Bureau send business cadres to the Procuratorate to deal with economic cases.

"The authority has been reduced, but we have a small number of people. I'm afraid we won't be able to handle counterfeit currency and smuggling cases in a short time. It's better to be a consultant."

In any case, the institution was finally established.Ai Zhixin encouraged everyone to look forward and pay attention to the way of working.This time the plan was passed largely because of their low-key confinement of the Economic Crime Investigation Division to the internal organization of the second-level unit of the Finance and Taxation Bureau.As a department with independent personnel organization rights, the Finance and Taxation Bureau established a secondary unit in accordance with the resolutions of the third general meeting of elders. They only need to file with the Government Affairs Council. This time, Cheng Dong came to the Council to apply for approval. (After all, filing and approval will be much less effective in dealing with it in the future), and there is no need to go to the conference and fight with the soy sauce crowd.

"This is not the key point. Now that the Government Council has approved it, it doesn't mean that no one will tear you apart in the future. The Government Council will listen to the Senate after all. We will continue to brief everyone on this issue. Cheng Xiang told me before I left , We have to quickly take out the plan of the Elders’ Foundation that we talked about before, and let those guys know that they have already opened the back door and left enough immunity. They always feel that a regulatory agency is targeting him.” Ai Zhi New said.

"That's easy to say, what about the director?"

"I talked to Ming Lang from the organization department, and he said that there is no longer any position restriction on Sarina, as long as she wants to take the position. He will help us hand over the relevant documents to Selina herself for confirmation."

"Do you think she will accept it?"

"Why not?" Ai Zhixin asked confidently, "She has been idle for so many years, and now she has a serious job that can display her talents, are you happy?"

"It's hard to say, my Director Ai." Wang Qiyi shook his head, "Why did you promote her to be the director of the General Security Bureau? To put it bluntly, isn't she unreliable? Everyone can rest assured. She is gone, who will be the security guard? ? Even if she wants to come, the higher-ups may not agree."

Ai Zhixin was stunned for a while, then said: "Let's talk about this matter later, anyway, I have already mentioned the candidate, if they disagree, then find another one, someone must be selected."

Sure enough, there was nothing more to report about Sarina's appointment, so Wang Qiyi had to be in charge of the investigation department for the time being.The glorious task of the biggest tax case in Guangzhou also fell on his shoulders.

Although in terms of Wang Qiyi's morality, the case is probably not that complicated.However, his years of cultivation told him that things would not be so simple.

Since ancient times, it has been a consistent method to use major cases to attack dissidents.The Senate is naturally not exempt from customs.At the beginning, he used the fake family case to hit a large number of big families in and out of the city.Now that the nobles are gathering in this case, judging from the information already obtained, many gentry in and out of Guangzhou may be involved.

In the end, if he is just doing business, or if he is involved in a wide range of things.It depends on Liu Dafu's "temple calculation".Wang Qiyi thought over and over again, and decided to meet with Liu Xiang first, and fully listen to his opinion.

"Help me make an appointment with Mayor Liu, Director Lin, and Director Mu." He said to the office secretary, "By the way, there is also Director Wu."

Next update: Volume 101 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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