Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1990 New Tricks for Australians

Chapter 1990 New Tricks for Australians

"Well," Wang Qiyi turned the book forward again, "I went to Pei Xiuli to ask about this after Liu Xiang said the special tax was imposed that day, you are really right, that Su Ai is really talented. Look at the brothel, it's still different from the brothel we thought..."

"Say the point, say the point."

"Oh," Wang Qiyi was not annoyed when he was interrupted, and continued to draw a pen on the notebook slowly, "The industry of brothel cannot be simply defined as a brothel. It seems more accurate to define it as a high-end club. But in fact In the old time and space, I really can’t think of any industry and academy that can match the standard——not at all.”

In the courtyards of the Ming Dynasty, "***" was only a part of the business, more similar to the "entertainment industry". The high-ranking officials, the rich and the big households feasted and entertained here on weekdays, listened to music, watched operas, played Shuanglu, Playing Go... Not only does the courtyard keep a "small class" who can sing opera, but also raises "chess for chess", "Yuanshe" and other helpers for the leisure and entertainment of the gentlemen.

In order to support the entertainment industry, Daxingyuan also has its own logistics department. Not only are there chefs who are excellent at cooking and tea, but also tailors who can design and tailor the best clothes, and craftsmen who make all kinds of jewelry and toys. ...

This "small but comprehensive" business model has caused some controversy over the tax types and tax rates of the Institute.However, Wang Qiyi feels that instead of arguing about these differences in operations, it is better to start directly from the operating income.

"...After our investigation, the income of the institute can be basically divided into three categories. One is the income from prostitution, which is not much to say; the other is service income: such as playing and singing, providing banquets and so on; the third is income from selling goods— ―The ready-made clothes, jewelry, and food quality marks sold in the courtyard are expensive and have a good reputation in the market. As for long-term maintenance, they are also included in the prostitution. In addition to that, there is the kind of combing income, but Now this belongs to buying and selling people, and if caught, they will be severely punished, which is basically gone. I don’t think we need to classify them in such a detailed manner, and directly divide them into two categories, those with income and those without income.”

"Old Wang, I understand what you mean a little bit. Those who have sex can directly use the yellow ticket to transfer the cost from bottom to top to the hospital, and reduce her profit."

"Yes, and compared to our investigation of the academy or the academy's self-report, starting with yellow tickets can be said to be a precise strike."

"What about the academy? Don't tell me." Ai Zhixin propped his head and raised a hand to stop Wang Qiyi, "Is the academy managed as a normal enterprise? Add some heavy taxes to it, but it doesn't have to be ridiculously high, after all Service revenue and sales revenue are considered normal operations.”

"Ai Ju, that's right. I think the same as you. We should also give the Academy a chance to transform theoretically." Wang Qiyi thought it could be over, "The Academy itself doesn't just sell its body to make a living..."

"Okay, do you want to go back and complete this special tax plan?"

"It's okay, I'm idle anyway..."

"Hahahaha, old Wang, you two really have dedicated your time to the Senate."

"Haha, Ai Bureau, you should take care of your health." Wang Qiyi pretended to look in Ai Xinyi's direction, "But the special tax that Liu Xiang said is too ugly, it's like being a thief."

"Is it called flower donation?" Ai Zhixin still has lingering fears about the painful experience of the tax package system being sprayed.

"In my opinion, the tax collected when reviewing yellow tickets is also included in the stamp duty, but the tax item is the license of the custom industry. At that time, there will be special stickers on the yellow tickets to facilitate inspection. Yes, the entertainment industry tax item under the circulation tax, the old time and space is 20%, we will give him 30%. In this way, the entire custom industry is collected, and there is no point in the tax category that people may see that we are collecting skinny money. Anyway, according to The resolutions of the three congresses only require the approval of the general assembly of elders for taxes, and tax items only need to be approved by the State Council and the Standing Committee."

"A master, really a master!" Ai Zhixin sincerely admired Wang Qiyi this time. It's different after working at the grassroots level. He has a set of skills to fool the leaders, and he is not leaking. "But if you say that, Our tax reform should also be put on the agenda."

"Should be, no, let's use this opportunity to push it away. And then get the deed tax, how about giving Liu Xiang a little bit of happiness?"

"Hahaha, fine. Just do as my brother said. But in this way, it is too inappropriate for the tax collected by the court to be called a circulation tax. I think it should be called the business tax in the old time and space. As long as the business is open Pay taxes, no matter what you do, it is very suitable and covers a wide range.”

"This would be the best," Wang Qiyi thought, brother, you may have found a problem with the name of the circulation tax.

The summer in Guangzhou during the Little Ice Age was still unbearably hot.Even though she had changed into a short-sleeved summer dress, Li Ziyu was still sweating profusely.Looking at the laborers waiting for work with their chests open and palm-leaf fans under the shade of the street, Li Ziyu felt that the uniform was sticking to her body even more uncomfortable.

Nearly half a month after returning from Lingao, neither the bureau nor the head announced his appointment for promotion, although more than one person said that his "appointment letter" was guarded by the personnel department of the bureau.But up to now, the legendary "Deputy Director's Appointment Letter" has not been read to him.

He is still an ordinary member of the security department.A part-time patrol job every other morning and afternoon made him feel a faint breath stuck in his chest.But the work still needs to be done, the streets still need to be patrolled, and now the entire police station is full of holes, so there is no chance for you to be lazy.They could only talk nonsense with Zhao Gui who was following him listlessly.

"Brother Yu, is there a big ship from the Senate in Xiangshan O now?"

"Maybe there is. The place used to be very desolate, just a few Danhus. Later, I heard that the chiefs built a pier there."

"I heard from Mama Wu that her useless son is now going to Xiangshanao as a naval student..."

"Oh..." Li Ziyu didn't care at all. There are too many people who join the army to ask for food these days, not to mention that the senate pay is much higher, and they never default on it.

"Mother Wu said that her son is paid at least 2 yuan a month..."

"How many?!!!!"

"Two yuan, two yuan..." Zhao Gui was startled by Li Ziyu.

two dollars?Two yuan a month in silver!Why did this group of illiterate Qiu Ba get so much money?I am a dignified clerk in the police station, I can read and write, I am as tired as a dog from dawn to dusk every day, and my salary is only two yuan a month.Do you need to feed these Dan people who are begging on the water with silver?How blind the Senate is!Li Ziyu thought angrily.

"Ah Gui! Don't grab me any more!" Seeing that Zhao Gui's hand was about to reach his crotch again, Li Ziyu picked up his baton and hit it with a very standard backhand.

"Brother Yu, don't hit it." Zhao Gui hurriedly took his hand back fearing the pain, "Brother Yu, the Dong's shop is in front of us, let's go wandering around all morning, let's go rest."

Forget it, Li Ziyu looked at the big sun above his head and thought, it would be a good idea to visit Miss Dong in this hot weather.

The Dong’s shop is no longer what it used to be like selling Shandong pancakes on the street in two huts. Since Dong Mingdang reopened the shop under the guidance of Zhang Xiaoqi and introduced a few new dishes, the business is booming day by day. There were more and more naturalized people in the city, so Dong Mingdang simply hired two more female workers at one go, and sold a store next door to expand the business area.

The house was just cleaned up yesterday. According to Australians, it was "renovated". Ms. Dong was sorting out the accounts behind the counter, waiting for the health police to come and inspect.As soon as he looked up, he saw Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui walking towards this side, and hurried to the door of the store to greet them.

For Dong Mingdang, Li Ziyu found it difficult to describe his feelings in one sentence.At first he looked down on it a bit, after all, it was too indecent for a daughter's family who had not left the court to show up in the street to do business.Later, as I got in touch, I felt that Miss Dong was a unique and strange woman, and I began to have some other thoughts in my heart.But now, this Miss Dong is not only the "model" hand-picked by Chief Zheng, but also has a friendship with Chief Zhang of the Finance and Taxation Bureau. Compared with myself, a small policeman, I don't know how tall she is. Seeing her, I feel discouraged. Why are some people so lucky.

Today, Dong Mingpeng wore a standard Australian attire --- a blue and white one-piece dress, with his forearms as white as lotus roots completely exposed.For Li Ziyu who has seen the world in Lingao, this is not unusual at all, but, just why do you want to swallow when you see Miss Dong dressed like this?Li Ziyu quickly withdrew his mind and moved his eyes to the wall of the shop.But besides the previous sanitation permit and tax registration certificate, there was another sticker like a copper coin on the wall.

"This was posted by the Finance and Taxation Bureau the day before yesterday." Dong Mingdang's eyesight was excellent, seeing Li Ziyu's doubts, he took the initiative to explain, "This seems to be the chief's idea, saying that he can tell whether he has paid taxes or not. "

This is quite rare, so Li Ziyu leaned forward to take a closer look. That's right, the hidden flowers on this sticker can only be made by the chiefs.

"Pay the tax and then take this back and paste it?"

"How could it be so simple." Dong Mingdang greeted Li Ziyu and the others to sit down while there was no one in the restaurant, and arranged for Lan Er to pour tea. They are posted door-to-door, and they are posted in all the shops that pay taxes in the first half of the year, but the few nearby are different..."

"How is it different?" Li Ziyu suddenly became interested. When he was studying, he liked to see these Australians play big tricks in inconspicuous places.

"Look at my house, it's white." Dong Mingdang pointed to the wall and then across the street, "The shopkeeper Tong's house over there is green."

"Is there any explanation here?" The Senate has the best system, and it can often hit the key points of management.So Li Ziyu knew that this new trick must have some kind of new move.

Next update: Volume 105 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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