Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1991 New Tricks for Australians Continued

Chapter 1991 New Tricks for Australians Continued
"That's natural. Team leader Chen who led the team yesterday said that the stickers are divided into three levels, from low to high, which are white, green, and blue. The white is a sign of paying taxes once in accordance with the regulations. It was the first time I paid the tax in a month, so it was naturally white. The green was paid twice in a row according to the regulations. As for the blue, it had to be paid four times in a row, that is, there was no problem in paying taxes for a year. Shopkeeper Tong across the street paid the first batch of taxes at the beginning of the year. In this street, he is the only two with green stickers, and he is very proud these days."

"Haha, shopkeeper Tong, that iron cock is still happy to pay taxes? The methods of the chiefs are really amazing."

"Brother Yu, this is why you don't understand. Iron cocks are no match for the steel pincers of Australians..." Dong Mingdang didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Yu's heart skipped a beat, "Look at what's next to this sticker."

"I recognize the Dashi number, it's one, it's red."

"This is another way. This 1 means that my shop is considered to be level 1, which is the level with the least turnover. Red means that the business is not bad. If it is a black 1, it means that the business is average. What about level 1? The tax of 1 tael per year is less than 3 yuan per season. That is 2 cents in new currency. The shopkeeper Tong opposite is at level 2, so the tax is much higher, and the fixed amount is 4 yuan per quarter. Of course, the tax can be It’s not just overpayment, it’s going to have a big effect. Besides, Delong, you’ve heard of it. In the past, Delong only lent money to big businesses, and the interest rate was much lower than that of his peers on the street. Recently, it’s been rumored that Delong Long plans to lend money to Xiaohu as well..."

"So what?" Li Ziyu couldn't figure out what the relationship between Delong's loan and the sticker from the Finance and Taxation Bureau was.

"If you want to apply with Delong, you must first be at this level. If you are at level 2 or above, you can pay taxes according to the regulations for a year, that is, change the sticker to blue. Shopkeeper Tong is already at level 2. As long as you pay taxes in the second half of the year, you will be fine. , You can apply for Delong’s loan by changing the sticker to blue. This is what he is happy about. Anyone who opens the door to do business will not accept it. When money is short, applying for Delong’s loan interest can save a lot Cut. Besides, we all know that Delong is the business of the chiefs. Borrowing money from Delong means that the chiefs have bought a share. If the money is not paid, the shopkeeper will go to the head and cry, they can't bear it."

"Miao, this is really wonderful, but I'm afraid that the chief executives have not thought of this last level. If you say that, wouldn't it be a level 3 for Master Gaogao?"

"Master Gao? Master Gao is a real wealthy businessman, how can he mix with us small households." Dong Mingpeng smiled at himself and served Li Ziyuman with tea, "I heard from Shopkeeper Tong that this The first and second grades are used by those of us, um... small households who pay a fixed amount of tax. What is the "account collection" for a wealthy businessman like Mr. Gao? The sticker is a yellow copper coin with auspicious clouds, not only big but also It looks good, and it is framed with a glass frame... The key is that there is a row of thick and black big food numbers under the copper coin, which marks all the taxes he paid."

"Why did he put the tax he paid on it?"

"This is troublesome. Brother Yu, you don't have a business at home..."

"No, but I have friends who are doing business."

"That's it, you can ask him back. The first thing you need to do when you open a business is to have a scene. In the city of Guangzhou, green woolen sedan chairs that used to be usurped are everywhere; there are thousands of famous prostitutes. Tens of thousands of expenses. Why? People don’t know how much you earn and how little you earn. You can only judge whether you are capable by looking at your appearance. Only when the appearance is big will others trust your strength and people will be willing to do business with you It doesn’t matter to small households like us, we all rely on the word of mouth neighbors to take care of them. Big households like Mr. Gao attach great importance to this scene.” Dong Mingpeng took a sip of tea and continued, “This is Guangzhou’s restoration. Over the years, everyone has seen the behavior of Australians. They never hesitate to ask for what they want, and they never ask for more than they should. , I just want to tell you how the tax is calculated with my fingers, which is completely different from the muddled tax in the previous Ming Dynasty. So when this sticker is hung, it is equivalent to telling everyone that the tax can be paid so much, I will do it Of course, it’s a business that makes a lot of money, who can trust you? This is much better than buying a few sedan chairs with green baize windows..."

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu!" Li Ziyu was about to ask Dong Mingdang where the clothes on his body came from after talking about the matter on the wall. , it looks like I'm looking for you."

"Ah Juan?" Li Ziyu was a little puzzled, he knew that the area Zeng Juan was in charge of was not in his area, so why did it come during working hours?

"Brother Yu... I knew you must be at Miss Dong's place..." Zeng Juan drew a long tone and looked at the two of them maliciously.

"Go, go, tell me outside." Seeing this, Li Ziyu rushed forward and dragged Zeng Juan to the street, "What's the matter?"

"Here you are, accompany me to Ayu's house."

"A Yu's family?" Li Ziyu opened the letter Zeng Juan handed over, and saw that it read:

Guangzhou Police Department:

Comrade Zeng Juan from our bureau needs to go to Zhangji Father and Son Food Company to deal with a tax-related case due to business. I hope your bureau will coordinate the police force to accompany you.

Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau
Nov. 1636, 8

In the blank space on the second half of the page is the signature of the director: Agree, transfer to the relevant area --- Mu Min.Immediately following the second line is the opinion of the section chief of the bureau: it is decided to be accompanied by comrades Li Ziyu and Zhao Gui--Lian Nishang.

"Isn't Ayu in the big world?"

"He's been in the old store for the past few days. He's gone. There's nothing to do. It's just a process."

Li Ziyu didn't care about accompanying him to deal with the case, anyway, he would have to walk on the street anyway, and he felt much better after chatting with Ms. Dong just now.

"A Juan, are you going to arrest A Yu?" Li Ziyu joked.

"No, there's nothing wrong with Ayu. Do you still remember that he said before about buying land?"

"Remember, remember."

"There is a problem with the contract. The bureau decided to let him cancel the contract and re-sign it, and pay back the taxes. He is not responsible."

"Oh, that's good. As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a big problem." Li Ziyu turned to look behind Zeng Juan, "Are you the only one doing the mission?"

Ziyu is now considered an old man in the Australian yamen, and he is becoming more and more familiar with the Australian style of doing things. For example, there are usually at least two people on missions.

"And Comrade Xu, I'll let him go directly to wait for us. If it weren't for the signatures of you and Agui on the receipt of this letter, I wouldn't bother looking for you."


"Nonsense." Zeng Juan was puzzled by Li Ziyu's question.

"Then why was there an extra woman in Comrade Li's group who managed this street last week? He said that every group has one."

"Oh, you're talking about this. This is a new method of our bureau. It uses work as a substitute for training and cultivates a multi-skilled talent. Director Zhang arranged for the tax collection hall to be fully enriched after the collection period, except for two to three people on duty. Go to the front line and learn the practice. The report will be finished in two days, and the girls from the taxation and statistics office of the agency will also come to the front line. The street you manage is not a key area, so only one person is arranged. Each group in the key area can strengthen up to three people. individually."

"Three people... Juan, you are so lucky..."

"How lucky, I'm just a tax collector." Zeng Juan smacked his lips regretfully, "Everyone goes to the tax assessment office. They don't pay attention to us newbies."

"Tax verification office?" Li Ziyu suddenly remembered Dong's shop, "By the way, Juan, just now I saw stickers on the wall at Miss Dong's place. Listen to what she said, your finance and taxation bureau has a lot of twists and turns... ..."

"It's all the idea of ​​the three chiefs. After posting this, I will inevitably trouble you, the police."

"What does this thing have to do with us?"

"No big deal. Just did you notice the colored Dashi numbers on each sticker?"

"Miss Dong told me that you can tell whether a business is good or bad by looking at the color."

"It's not about the color of the business, it's about the color of the business. The chiefs said that we have a small number of tax collectors and tax assessment offices, and it is impossible to register every day, so the business of these shops on the street is good. It’s not necessarily worse than you patrolling police.”

"This is really..." Li Ziyu thought for a while, and he could really tell the truth about who was doing well and who was not doing well in the area he was patrolling. Aunt Ba and Auntie's inquiry is almost the same.

"So, the first thing is that if you see that the business has been good for several days but still has a black food number, you must inform our Finance and Taxation Bureau, and we will naturally send someone to check to see if it is necessary to raise his level. .Secondly, whether the store has hung and posted the certificates and signs according to the regulations, and those who clearly have no tax payment stickers on the business wall should also pay attention to it..."

"Here we go again! We really treat our police as dogs on the street. We have to keep an eye on whether the road is easy to walk, whether there are refugees and beggars, and whether the sanitation is clean or not. Now we are here again. set……"

"Don't, don't, brother Yu, listen to me. Our bureau chief said, this is called comprehensive taxation, do you understand? It's okay if you don't understand, anyway, you know that you can help us and keep an eye on it. There is not much money allocated to subsidize you, it is about seven or eight cents per person per month."


"That's natural. Our Finance and Taxation Bureau can still count on the money. The heads of several units have already signed the documents, and our Finance and Taxation Bureau has received notifications. I guess you will soon. How is it? It's just helping Let's see if we can earn two more days' wages for nothing, is it still justified?"
Next update: Volume 106 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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