Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1992 The New Tricks of the Australians Continue

Chapter 1992 The New Tricks of the Australians Continue

"Okay, okay, of course it makes sense. The God of Wealth really is much better than the Health Commission who is stingy and has many problems."

"It's not just your family. It is said that Chief Zheng, you know, is the one in charge of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, as well as the customs in Guangzhou and Xiangshan Ao Wharf, and the Health Commission..."

Zhang Xiaoqi's earliest planned collection and payment/entrusted collection plan successfully freed the Finance and Taxation Bureau from the plight of the tax package system, but then there was no follow-up, and it was not gradually implemented until the second quarter.This is of course because the plan needs to be refined, but more importantly, they found that the actual situation in Guangzhou was worse than they originally imagined.After considering the quantity and quality of their planned civilian cadres, the three members of the Finance and Taxation Bureau decided on the idea of ​​"grasping the big ones and grasping the whole ones is easy".

The so-called "grasp the big ones" means to take the large households in the city as the main targets of collection; "grasp the whole" means to directly collect taxes on bulk goods by means of the newly formed wholesale market organized by the government after the abolition of dental shops. The collection of this part of the tax is entrusted to the Zheng Shangjie’s Federation of Industry and Commerce does it. The Finance and Taxation Bureau of each market sends two people to take turns to manage and supervise and accept reports. Similarly, the customs will collect taxes on exported goods.At the end of the year, the Finance and Taxation Bureau allocates 5% of the total amount of tax collection as a service fee from its own office expenses to each collection agency.

For the taxpayers who pay fixed-rate taxes, they are classified into two categories according to the idea of ​​"grasping easy". Among them, the second-level fixed-rate taxpayers are basically the middle class between large households and small households. They are relatively simple, and the overall strength is far from that of real large households. They have no or low ability to build independent accounts, but generally have relatively stable operating income and fixed assets of high value.In response to this situation, Wang Qiyi believes that the business tax and property tax should be assessed separately, and they are required to go to the lobby to declare and pay taxes to facilitate the daily management of the Finance and Taxation Bureau.

Tier 1 taxpayers can be said to be the bottom of the business circle. Most of their operating income is limited to subsistence, and their fixed assets are not worth mentioning, but they are huge.Similar to the self-employed in later generations, "husband and wife shop".The operating conditions of such stores are uncertain, and they open and stop frequently. Not to mention the specific operating conditions, it is difficult to accurately grasp the quantity.

In Wang Qiyi's eyes, these little flies are used to solve social problems, and the cost of taxing these people is far higher than the benefits.

However, most of the veterans, including Liu Xiang, believed that taxation is not only a matter of money but also represents the ruling power of a country. Paying Taxes.

According to the decision made by several members of the Finance and Taxation Bureau: the tax rate should be so low that the burden is negligible, so as to encourage taxpayers to pay taxes voluntarily and reduce the tax department's inspection and collection costs.

The tax quota is one-size-fits-all for each industry. Each industry approves a total quota that includes all types of taxes (in fact, only business tax and property tax). All first-level merchants in this industry pay taxes according to the quota.The quota is determined according to the principle that the average revenue and total assets of the industry are slightly lower (for example, the catering industry such as Dongjiapu has a quota of 1 yuan per year, which is equivalent to the basic monthly salary of Guangzhou civil servants).Then the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Finance and Taxation Bureau will come forward, and each industry will designate a collection and payment taxpayer to be responsible for tax collection according to the division of industries.

For fixed-rate taxpayers who have paid taxes in the wholesale market, tax credits are allowed.The basic principle is that if the turnover in the wholesale segment does not exceed the upper limit of the current grading turnover, it will follow the first-collection-return model, and after paying the current fixed tax, provide the tax collection and payment certificate issued by the Wholesale Market Management Office to the Finance and Taxation Bureau. Apply for a tax credit.Considering the high lending interest of New Space-Time, Zhang Xiaoqi stipulated that the tax collection hall of the Finance and Taxation Bureau should complete the review of tax refund within three days (not three working days) after receiving the application, or offset the next tax payment with the taxpayer's consent.For taxpayers whose turnover in the wholesale link exceeds the upper limit of the current grading turnover, the Tax Verification Office and the Management Office will conduct joint on-site inspections. If they exceed the upper limit for two consecutive reporting periods, their grading level will be raised or the collection method will be changed.

Li Ziyu listened to Zeng Juan's chattering introduction with a smile on his face, but a chill rose from the soles of his feet.Since he joined the police, from patrolling the streets to solving crimes, and then going to study in Lingao, his deepest impression is the "omnipotence" of the Senate. This omnipotence is not only reflected in their "uncanny skills" ——This is nothing, more of their strong desire to control everything.The point is, not only do they have this desire, but they also have endless "strategies" - in front of the Senate, there seems to be no difficult situation to deal with.

As a minion of the Senate, he is always proud of this system, but he is often involuntarily frightened.

Things in Zhang Yu's company are "routine".Therefore, Zhang Yu was very careful about the arrival of these two "old friends". From the beginning to the end, there was no such thing as "brother" or "old friend". A private word - it should be said, I said it a few days ago, Zhang Yu now has the bottom line in his heart, so naturally he is not afraid.He followed Zeng Juan's instructions, asked and answered, and told the truth.The procedures will be completed soon.

In the end, he originally wanted to ask: "What about the land contract?" This matter was his heart disease. If the transaction was completely invalidated, he would have to search for land again—this cannot be done in three or two days!But the machine ordered in Lingao does not wait for anyone, let alone the machine needs to be installed and debugged, and the workers have to be trained.

If there is a delay in any link, he may lose his fortune.However, after hesitating again and again, he still didn't ask - Juan hadn't explained this matter to him before, and he probably already had an arrangement, and if he asked more, he might cause some trouble.Anyway, with Ah Juan taking care of him, he can trust it!
The lights in the office of the deputy director of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau are brightly lit. Wang Qiyi is reading the survey report on the basic situation of the "custom industry" just delivered, preparing for the next collection of "flower donations".


"Come in!...Oh, Captain Zeng."

"Report to Director Wang, the matter you arranged has been dealt with. Zhang Ji agreed to annul the contract and pay the tax after re-signing the contract. The supplementary contract signed by Zhang's old store and other merchants was also notified to be annulled."

"Oh, they're not emotional?"

Although Zhang Yu's family is not a naturalized citizen in the system, it is Hong Yuan's key support. The Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce is a typical "cooperator". In terms of specific implementation, Director Wang still needs to pay attention to methods and methods.

"No, Zhang Yu and his father are very cooperative and fully support the work of our Finance and Taxation Bureau. It's just that they want to know when they can re-sign the contract. Zhang Ji has ordered a large number of equipment and machines from Lingao. Without land, the construction of the plant cannot be started. .And they also received a large number of orders from Joint Logistics..."

"This question is very reasonable. He should have put a lot of money on it, and the interest on the loan is enough for him. But don't worry, the nobles will not move for the time being. Captain Yao will issue an order today. Give him a few days to rest after finishing the punishment decision notice, we should hunt for a big fish. You tell Zhang Ji to hurry up and re-sign the contract in the next few days to make up the tax payment. The land transaction is still valid."


"Okay, you go back, remember to write today's events in a diary."



"please come in"

"Reporting to the chief, the issue of the punishment notice to the nobles has been successfully completed today, without encountering any obstacles, and the parties involved are very cooperative. The report is over!"

"Ahem...Captain Yao, don't put on airs all the time, relax."



"Chief Wang, there is one more thing I think I should report."

"you say"

"On the way back today, Team Tian from the police station that I went with said that his family and the shopkeeper Luo who gathered with this nobleman are relatives who turned around the corner. He said that this nobleman's gathering is actually not the Luo family at all. This Mr. Luo is still alive He joined the Liang family when he was young, and now this Luo Zhixiang is simply a dude. The nobleman's ability to gather up to this day is all taken care of by Mr. Liao."

"So Master Liao is a loyal person."

"This is the reason why Master Liao is not an old man gathered by noble people, but a few years ago, after Mr. Luo passed away, he suddenly came to Luo's house, and as soon as he entered Luo's house, he became an indisputable corner, said to be the real shopkeeper. Not too much."

"Interesting, interesting." Wang Qiyi stood up from behind the desk and casually walked to Yao Yulan's side.

"I think this Master Liao, he, he has a lot to offer." Wang Qiyi stood so close that Yao Yulan seemed to be able to hear his heartbeat. It just landed on Wang Qiyi's neckline, and for some reason, his face became hot, and his speech became awkward.

"Well, as a political and security cadre, your judgment is very professional. Let's wait and see." Wang Qiyi walked away from Yao Yulan while talking indifferently.Just when Yao Yulan was about to let out a long sigh of relief, she suddenly felt that someone patted her shoulder three times.

"My eldest daughter's matter, thank you for your help. But in the future, I still have to do my job well." Wang Qiyi leaned down from behind abruptly, and whispered into Yao Yulan's ear.

"Yes! For the elders... yes! Chief Wang!"

"Okay, you can go back. Remember to write the work log."

After sending Yao Yulan away, Wang Qiyi slowly walked back behind the desk and lay down in the chair.He raised his left hand to the sun, clenched his fist, let it go, clenched it again, let it go again.Suddenly, he slammed his left hand on the table three times violently. "Shoot, pat, pat your head."


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