Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1994 Liang House

Chapter 1994 Liang House
Liang Cunhou frowned lightly, holding the already cold teacup in his hand, sitting in the study quietly lost in thought, a ray of breeze slowly blowing in from outside the window, gently opened the newly engraved poetry collection by the table, making a rattling noise The soft sound made today's wind seem extraordinarily noisy.

The yard was quiet, not a single cough could be heard.It is still the same as it was many years ago: green mossy rockery, verdant ancient trees, a pool of clear water, and dozens of pots of orchids that he loves most...

How long can this quiet comfort last?Liang Cunhou secretly asked himself.

The gathering of the nobles seems to have calmed down, but Liang Cunhou, who is familiar with the kun thief's routine, still smells that the rain is about to come.There seems to be an invisible hand slowly tightening in the open and in the dark, making Mr. Liang feel that breathing is gradually becoming difficult and disturbed, but he can't grab anything, making him full of vain insecurity of being unreliable feel.

The servant girl outside the door whispered: "Mr. Lin Zunxiu is here..." Liang Cunhou seemed to wake up suddenly, put down the teacup, and said with a sigh of relief: "Quickly please. You don't need to go to the flower hall, please come directly to the inner study."

Not long after, Lin Zunxiu hurried in, and when they met, he put a newspaper on his desk and said bluntly: "Brother Liang, please read, this is the new article "Crime and Punishment of Finance and Taxation" published in the daily newspaper the day before yesterday. The younger brother read it carefully. The article is about the so-called precedents and disadvantages of taxation in Australia and Song Dynasty. According to the laws of Australians, the secret door transactions we participated in are all illegal businesses, and they are all included in the crackdown on taxation. , Fines and confiscations, it’s just how you and I can bear the turmoil between the villages, but without this large flow of water, how can we deal with the Kunren.”

Liang Cunhou stared out of the window in a daze, and said after a long time, "Yesterday Zhao Juren came."

Lin Zunxiu was startled, and asked, "What's the purpose of his coming?"

Liang Cun said kindly: "The Zhao family and my Liang family have always had a good relationship, and there were many exchanges of money, but yesterday they settled the accounts, and their words flickered. I am afraid that they will not communicate with the Liang family again in a while."

Lin Zunxiu said: "Why?"

Liang Cunhou said: "Zhao Juren said that since Director Zheng asked him to abide by the law a few days ago, he has resubmitted his family's property and business to the Finance and Taxation Bureau, and accepted the punishment. Yesterday Ritter came to plead guilty. Take care of the Liang family so that they can take care of themselves. I'm afraid the Kun people will be at a disadvantage with us."

Lin Zunxiu said angrily: "This soft-boned old man, this young man has not done anything wrong yet, yet he frightened him so much!"

After hesitating for a while, Lin Zunxiu said again: "Isn't that the end of the story? The Kun people pride themselves on benevolence, the Liang family has helped the Kun people many times, and they have jointly established philanthropic halls. When the king's governor attacked Qiong, he was more convenient with the Kun people. Yu Kun is a kind person, so this kind of behavior will not make the gentry's teeth cold, how will they win the hearts of the people and recruit talents in the future? How can they win the world without the hearts of the people?"

Liang Cunhou sighed softly: "The heart of the Kun people lies in the small people and not in the scholars. He punishes harshly and treats the scholars harshly, but he is good at all kinds of crafts, good at farming, good at businessmen, and prospering false studies. Most of the foolish people are greedy for small profits and don't know Great righteousness does not depend on size, so it is often confused by the Kun people. Although they cannot win the hearts of scholars all over the world, the Kun people have the best soldiers and armor—the Son of Heaven, who has been doing it since ancient times. What can a few scholars do? Australians have Your own scholars don't need us! Kun people are like midges, and they may be able to smell Huaxia even if they only rely on bows and horses."

Lin Zunxiu lowered his head and thought, it is true.Although the "civil service examination" was conducted after the Australians occupied Guangzhou, many people thought it was the "Australian imperial examination", but anyone who knows a little bit knows that this is not an imperial examination at all-the imperial examination is for the selection of officials. "Actually, it's just recruiting officials.Not only are the conditions loose, but the admissions are all-encompassing.To be serious, I didn't take the scholars seriously at all.

After a short pause, Liang Cunhou picked up the newspaper again, slapped the newspaper he was pointing at, and said, "Brother Lin Xian, I have read this article too, Kun's heart is sinister. What is the glory of paying taxes? Everyone is equal before the tax law. It is necessary for scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen to pay taxes and pay taxes together. There is no respect for scholars. Yesterday, I made such a fuss. It is clear that it is about how to punish those who violate the tax laws and regulations. In fact, it is determined first. Stand on the heels of the orthodox, make it clear and publicize it, and you will be punished if you don’t teach. Yesterday, I heard some tax propagandists went door-to-door to explain doubts. What is it? This is the confession in the Juri court! If you commit crimes knowingly and defy the law, you will harm the country and the people. It is clear that the official punishment is clear, and if you catch a few monkeys in the future, I am afraid that the official punishment will be imposed-look, they are not even willing to take the blame of "punishing without teaching" and insist on Every step is logical!" After finishing speaking, Liang Cunhou gave a self-conscious smile and threw the newspaper on the desk with a snap.

Lin Zunxiu's heart was cold, she was silent for a while, and suddenly said angrily: "Then, so what? No one in Guangzhou knows that Mr. Liang is very kind to the Kun people. If there is something really unbearable in the future, let the world see the coolness of the Kun thief. Bo! Let’s see who in the world is willing to be the bow of a bird! Besides, although the scholars and gentry in Guangzhou are frightened by the evil power of the thieves, but there are so many people who are loyal to the court, how can the loyal, filial and righteous people sit by and watch!"

Liang Cunhou shook his head lightly, and said: "Brother Lin Xian, what you look at is love, what others look at is power. Although love is sympathetic, power is irreversible. Since ancient times, those who are loyal, filial, righteous and defeated by villains are invincible! Today The ground of Guangfu is already an enemy country. With the prosperity of the bandit soldiers and the fragility of the country, I am afraid that the imperial court will not have a strategy to restore it for a while. The most important thing for the nobles is the wind, and even a whiff of wind can smell the five flavors. My Liang The family and the thieves are becoming more and more alienated, and you and I have been very concerned in our actions a few days ago, and the good and the bad have been brought in. Some of them even took false positions, so that the families are more aware of my resistance to the Kun. If this matter In Daming, it is the crime of treason, although everyone's heart desires, but the honor and disgrace of a family is tied to this, so I will never involve myself in this matter, and I am afraid that there will be people who sell their friends and seek glory in the future." Speaking of this, Liang Cunhou couldn't help thinking of the past when Liang's family passed a famous card on the ground in Guangfu, which was nothing but bad, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness.

The world has changed!
He sighed softly, and said again: "In the past, when you and I discussed the doctrine behind closed doors, we only felt that Kunren was vulgar and uneducated. It's been a long time. Today I know that the Kun people have another way to manage affairs. And the power is in the center, how convenient it is to pinch people, but we can only let people rub them flat and round them. , quickly level all accounts and withdraw shares, even if you lose some money, you must tear up the secret business, and you must never talk about the anti-kun thing, and the person in charge will also be sent out of the Canton Mansion. All letters should be burned, and the witnesses must not be seized. If the incident happens, the tax evasion can only be killed, and other things should not be involved. If you want to pay a fine, you will give money. Even if you want to break your family, you have to go through this catastrophe. Now that I think about it, the worst thing to do is to cut off contact with the Kun people. Instead of being hypocritical and perfunctory, there will be a lot more room for communication and harmony, and you can test the Kun people's wishes. , but now they can only advance and cannot retreat, and they are forced into a dead end, Dongzhu Guo is transferred back to Lingao, and there is no one to dredge his cheeks in a hurry."

Lin Zunxiu panicked and said: "Then, then let the gangsters wreak havoc, I can only sit and watch the dry bank, and let him slaughter me."

Liang Cunhou's face twitched twice, he gritted his teeth lightly and said, "If we fight with trapped beasts and act recklessly, the Kunren will only grab their painful feet, but now we have to stay calm and stay low. Temporarily confiscating minions means losing business goods. My Liang family still has good fields and fields, and there are hundreds of children in the family, but the Liang family has not moved at all. Kuang Guang Mansion is a place of wealth and taxation in the world. How can the court sit back and watch the loss of land for a long time? And the Kun thief wants to dig out the foundation of my famous religion, if the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached, you and I, scholars, will not share the sun and the moon with the Kun thief, and wait until the day when the heavenly soldiers arrive, you and I will donate our family and do righteousness, Shi The pen is like iron, it should cast a loyal soul for you and my brother!"

Sending off Lin Xiuzun, Liang Cunhou seemed to have vented the last trace of his spirit.

"Brother, I'm sorry for my brother."

Room 114, Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau.

Wang Qiyi stood at the top, his eyes swept over everyone's faces.Compared to Yao Yulan's cold face, Zeng Juan and Huang Ping's cheeks were flushed and their noses fluttered slightly, "Do you understand their respective missions?"

"Understood!" The uniform answers and standard stance of the five naturalized cadres made Wang Qiyi suddenly think that he was in the army.

"Want fighting, not martial fighting..."

"Jingle Bell……"

"Hello? Oh, Bureau Mu... um, um, ok, I'll let them go directly and meet the taxpayers. I'll take care of this, thank you!" After hooking up the phone, Wang Qiyi put his hands on the table, Shen Sheng said: "The police station is already in place to cooperate with our police force. Let me emphasize again that the pistols currently distributed to tax officials are for self-defense. If you encounter danger, evacuate immediately and don't make any entanglements. Use knives and guns." The police will handle it, but the violent law enforcement power of our investigation bureau has not yet been approved—be careful when enforcing the law! The use of guns must be based on ‘self-defense’—then let’s go.”


Watching the team members of his task force come out, Wang Qiyi also walked quickly back to his office, opened the second drawer on the right side of the desk, took out a GLOCK17, and then dug out the maintenance manual under it, and compared it with instructions. He carefully and carefully maintained the pistol.After that, he glanced at the newly delivered Lingao wall clock on the wall.

"Xiao Li, go prepare the sedan chair and ask Xiao Hu to inform Director Li Fulai that we will go to Liang's house."
Next update: Volume 109 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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