Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1995 Visit

Chapter 1995 Visit
Wang Qiyi swayed gently with the bumps in the sedan chair, thinking about his income forecast for the third quarter.I have been in Guangzhou for more than a year, and the tax system has basically turned around, and the construction of the financial system has also been promoted step by step, but it is a bit unreasonable that I did not take any action when I heard Guangzhou from Lingao to "beat the local tyrants".

"It seems that the 'forfeited income' on the third quarter report will look good." Wang Qiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and squinted at Li Fulai, the inspection office on the opposite side, and turned over all the files again.

"What, Director Li? Forgot to bring something?" Li Fulai is seven or eight years younger than Wang Qiyi, and is the largest among the naturalized cadres of the "Hainan Gang" of the Guangzhou Finance and Taxation Bureau. Tell others to call him "Xiao Li".Without him, this Li Fulai is the "basic team" brought by Ai Zhixin from Qiongshan.Originally, he was an inconspicuous small accountant in Qiongzhou Prefecture. Soon after the Senate took Qiongshan, he "sent to vote".

It's not that he has a high level of consciousness and wide knowledge, and he can see that the Senate is "the general trend", and if he doesn't vote, he will have nothing to eat-to put it bluntly, he has no choice.The so-called "poor as hell".

Li Fulai is a Cantonese. He has studied for several years and studied as an apprentice.He also worked as an accounting room for others.He is literate and understands account books, and he is also very clever.It didn't take long to stand out among the naturalized cadres of the Grain Collection Bureau, and within a few years he became the person in charge of the Qiongshan County Grain Collection Bureau.Even Liu Xiang, then director of the Qiongshan County Office, praised him.In the county office meeting, as long as it involves financial and tax matters, he must be called to participate.Several children are studying in Qiongshan Primary School, and his wife has also entered the county quilt factory run by Liu Xiang to work. The whole family can be regarded as a standard root.When the Guangzhou Municipal Finance and Taxation Bureau first opened, Ai Zhixin intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the working ability of several naturalized cadres and their "loyalty" to the Senate. Li Fulai and Wang Qiyi heard the most.As a cadre who has been employed in the old time and space, he still has political acumen, not to mention that Wang Qiyi observed that Li Fulai did have two brushes, so the "basic team" was paired with the "basic plate", and Li Fulai was naturally accepted. Appointed as Director of Audit Office.

"No." Li Fulai immediately put the file away and straightened his body, "Director Wang, I think it's more practical to take another look. I don't know what will happen in a while. Didn't you say that if you grind your guns before the battle, you will be naked."

"Haha, that's right. But Director Li should be no stranger to the gentlemen of the Liang family, right?"

"Yes, Director Wang, I know a thing or two about this kind of family." With Li Fulai's shrewdness, it was easy to hear that this was referring to his work as a bookkeeper in Haishu Zuhai's house.But he didn't take it seriously, he was not the only one who abandoned his employer and ran away. "I was working at Master Hai's house in Qiongshan at that time. Later, it was rumored that Master Hai's big ship was robbed. Not only did he lose his capital, but he also owed a lot. The accountant didn't even count as one and naturally dispersed."

In fact, after leaving the Hai family hastily, Li Fulai never found a next home. He was living a tight life. Later, he heard that the Hai family was prosperous again, so he asked his acquaintances to go to Guan several times to tell him that he planned to go back.Unexpectedly, Master Hai would "reject and never accept" all these servants who could not "share weal and woe".Watching the Hai family climb up the flames of the Australian relationship, the flowers are blooming, and the family is so down and down that it almost sells its wife and children, not to mention, and is pointed at behind its back and scolded as "betrayal of the master" and "deserving it" .

Therefore, after Li Fu came to the financial and taxation front, his combat effectiveness was particularly strong and his stand was particularly firm. He had always been "merciless" and ruthless when dealing with big gentry and the like.This has something to do with his unbearable past.

"That's right, it's human nature. You have to find something to eat for your wife and children. Since you are familiar with the ways of these gentry, how can you tell us how they will deal with us?"

"I don't think you need to worry about this, Director Wang."


"The methods of these rich gentry are really clever when it comes to cleverness. If we count them one by one, I'm afraid we won't be able to say a half of them, but this cleverness is only cleverness under the old system..." Li Fulai slightly After a while, "It's a coincidence that the so-called great work is under the governance of our Senate, and the chiefs can defeat all their methods by saying "the law must be followed". Our Great Song Senate is the best at teaching and understanding the law..."

Hehe, Wang Qiyi thought in his heart that this flattering skill is good enough.There are nearly [-] households in the first draft you edited, but now there are only seven or eight households left. Is it "lawful", you Li Fulai, who opened his eyes and said that the Senate "must obey the law", really didn't count?

Although I know the nonsense of flattering, I still feel good about it.

"Director Wang, the Liang family is here."

The guards outside the car opened the car door, and Wang Qiyi stepped down the car ladder unhurriedly, stomped his feet seemingly casually, and then pretended to dust off his uniform sleeves.What he is wearing today is the inventory he brought from the old time and space, not only tailor-made but also epaulets and badges.However, because of the conflict with the existing CI design, the above epaulettes and badges were removed and replaced with customized products from Lingao No. 82 shop.Although they are all real money and carefully crafted, they are somewhat inconsistent with the uniforms of this old time and space.

The gate of the Liang Mansion has been guarded by the police, the gate is open, and several servants are standing there with their hands down.Just as Wang Qiyi got off the sedan chair, before he could climb up the steps, an old man rushed forward from the door, and when they met, he gave a deep bow, which shocked Wang Qiyi a lot.

"Old Liang Wendao, I have met Director Wang."

"Don't... why does Mr. Liang need to do such a great gift?" Seeing such an old man who was a generation older than himself bowing in front of him, Wang Qiyi still failed to overcome the psychological barrier brought by the old time and space, and supported Liang Wendao.When he stood up straight, Wang Qiyi carefully sized up this Jinshi who was said to have been the prefect twice.I saw him with a thin body in green robes and plain clothes, with three clear beards under his chin, a smile in his eyes but not condescending, he looked like he didn't care about the world and cultivated the truth, he was taller than Fatty Cui.

"Since the old man returned to his hometown for leisure, he has been suffering from old illnesses, and his movements are very inconvenient. The dog is not up to date, and he was not able to visit him in person. I still hope that Director Wang will be gracious."

"Master Liang doesn't have to be like this. When the Cihuitang helped the poor and usurped the Ming Dynasty to start the war, the property of the Senate in Guangzhou City was also very hard for the Liang family. If I say it, I should be the first to visit Master Liang."

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, it's really frustrating. Director Wang, please."


A big family like Liang's family with Jinshi for two generations is the first-class gentry in Guangzhou. Not only is there a flagpole at the door, but after entering the door, you can see the heavy eaves, which looks round and round.

Liang Wendao invited them to the main hall to "serve tea". After Wang Qiyi sat down, he looked around. The furnishings in the room were sparse and elegant.From the calligraphy and paintings on the wall to the antique ornaments on several cases, all reveal the "scholarly elegance" of this family.

The host and guest sit down, and there will be a while of tea and greetings.It took nearly half an hour for Wang Qiyi to get to the point.

"Master Liang, today's visit is also a routine. One is to listen to the opinions of our taxpayers on our taxation bureau; the other is to see if the current account books are complete. It just so happens that I am in this group, you don't have to worry about anything else. mean."

"Where is it?" Liang Wendao cupped his hands towards Wang Qiyi with a smile in the corner of his eyes, "Director Wang is serious, but if there are any requests, the old man and his family will definitely respond to them. It's just..."

Wang Qiyi's eyelids twitched, is this about to make a move?

"Master Liang, if you have any difficulties, just tell me."

"Ah——" Liang Wendao patted the armrest and sighed deeply, "Director Wang doesn't know something. This old man has become more and more exhausted these years, and all the affairs of the family have been handed over to his son-in-law to take care of them. To tell you the truth, the old man only got it when he was over [-] years old. This son has been spoiled too much since he was a child, which made him often willful and willful. Now I am afraid that he will not handle things well and violate the rules of the Song Dynasty."

"Master Liang is referring to Liang Cunhou, Mr. Liang?"

"It's that unworthy son."

"Haha, Mr. Liang, you are worrying too much. Mr. Liang is anxious for justice. I have heard it since I was in Lingao. Since he is mostly in charge of the family, please trouble Mr. Liang to call him here. I can also Let's get to know each other well." Wang Qiyi was awkward in half-literate words, and Liang Wendao was also awkward in hearing it, but at least he understood the meaning.Immediately said that Liang Cunhou was in the study, and immediately sent someone to call.

The teacup on the desk was not moved at all, Liang Cunhou kicked out the servants who came to refill water and change tea several times.Just as Lin Zunxiu was sent away, he got the news that Kunren was coming to check the account books, which made Liang Cunhou feel worried.This time, Zhen Kun went out personally, it seems that my Liang family still has a little weight.Liang Cunhou couldn't help a wry smile, and the folding fan in his hand opened and closed according to his thoughts.In the month when the people and horses in Guandi Temple disappeared, my father had several long conversations with him by candlelight, and the words were still in my ears.

"Son, these years I don't care about ordinary things, and I leave it to you to take care of the big and small household affairs. I saw that you and the Australians jointly opened a charity hall and became friends. Since the Australians burned Wuyangyi City, the big households have fawned on you. , and the Australians are becoming increasingly alienated. During this near and far, your father knows your thoughts..."


"Father, I know that my Liang family has been favored by the emperor, so I shouldn't live like this due to emotion and reason. It's only natural that you have resentment in your chest..."


"My son, have you read the old stories of Zhidu?" Liang Wendao put his hands on his knees and said in a deep voice, "Father, I know that you are worried that this Australian is not only taking the way of changing the dynasty, but also digging out famous teachers." The foundation. However, the world is full of great power, and those who obey will prosper and those who oppose will perish. The Australians have already said it clearly. As a father, I fear that the days will not be long. In the future, you will be the head of the family. Whether your life is more important or not, you have to weigh it clearly."

Closing the folding fan in his hand with a "snap", Liang Cunhou's eyes were bright, as if he had made up his mind, he straightened his clothes, and walked towards the main hall with his hands behind his back.

Next update: Volume 110 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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