Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2000 Two veterans who care about the marriage of naturalized people

Chapter 2000 Two veterans who care about the marriage of the naturalized people

"Well, there are so many prisoners in Fuyoudi, there must be a suitable one." Du Yibin asked unwillingly.

"If you say you want to look for it, there will definitely be someone who meets your requirements, but I'm afraid this number is far from enough—especially according to your plan: each person will have two... or even three wives..." Seeing this truth Said that Ran Yao was quite surprised.

In terms of the sex ratio of the manpower currently under the control of the Senate, let alone two wives, monogamy cannot be achieved.This old man Du Yuan is generous, he will give two at once!Not to mention that there are not so many "qualified female prisoners" in the prison, even if there are, it is impossible to arrange this way.

"There are two other ways. Get the Portuguese to go to Goa to buy Indian women. The status of Indian women is very low in the 21st century, let alone the 17th century. At worst, spend more money!"

Going overseas to "buy wives" for the naturalized people has been proposed on different occasions by different veterans. As for the purchase location, it has been proposed from close neighbors such as Vietnam, Japan, and North Korea, to Southeast Asia, and India.Others suggest buying from Europe and the Middle East...

But these "human completion plans" were not passed because of the huge cost.Some have carried out small-scale experiments, but once they really started to implement, the planning institute found that compared with the required population, the transport capacity they had mastered was really insignificant.The most critical issue is that in order to traffic people, agents must be arranged locally.When the Europeans were selling black slaves, they had to rely on local slave traders to supply the "source of goods". Since there were "agents", they had to set aside huge profits for the agents, otherwise no one would do this Hard work and risky work.

In addition to these miscellaneous economic reasons, some people think that this is artificially creating "mixed blood", which will cause the second generation of naturalized people to become impure "Chinese Miao descendants"-in short, it is very controversial.

"...The other thing is the widows in Qingjietang in Guangzhou—widowhood is a great waste of resources! Thinking about it, there must be a lot of such widows in Guangdong, and they must be mobilized to marry. I believe they are definitely willing. "

Although Ran Yao is not sure whether "Jian Fu" is "definitely willing", but "widows remarrying" has always been a policy advocated by the Senate, and it is not wrong for him to have this idea.

Ran Yao frowned and said, "Many naturalized people don't have wives now, so if you match these disabled people with two or three wives at once, the impact is not very positive."

"So I hope that it will be a small-scale private wedding, and even newspapers don't need to report it. At most, it will be enough to find a wife for the disabled veterans of the Fubo Army. It is very inconvenient for them to live in daily life after being disabled. Having children doesn't make those women tired and sick. Arranging two to three wives for them also means helping each other. Or that sentence, when we are fighting for the world, this special situation needs to be handled specially, and those small details are not used. Don't worry about it, otherwise those cadres in the countryside who do simple things to eliminate violence will go to the labor camps. Although they don't need a marriage certificate, a few seniors will be the officiant witnesses. They won't get divorced easily. I will care about the so-called status. Similarly, whether it is the Fubo Army, the National Army or the police, they can hold several group weddings, and the elders they belong to will go to a few more witnesses to host the wedding. What will they think of the aboriginals in Hainan and Guangdong? Controlling food and drinking, and helping to find a wife, the rate of willingness to become naturalized people will increase exponentially. In Lingao, there are still many aborigines who do not want to shave their heads. I think the only thing that is not happy is the matchmaker, who earns less money. gone."

Du Yibin's nonsensical words made Ran Yao laugh. He felt that the young man in front of him was courageous and determined to do things, but his consideration was too ideal.

"You are so generous, the Planning Institute will definitely eat you up—not to mention that your fellow family member, Ms. Zongdu, will definitely call you." Ran Yao shook his head and said, "Well, finding a wife for a disabled soldier is a matter of 50 The civil affairs department did it in the [-]s. It was done for the disabled soldiers of the volunteer army—basically the severely disabled people who received the disability living allowance and couldn’t take care of themselves. At that time, the civil affairs department was looking for wives for them in the countryside. In fact, they are lifelong caregivers. They did not give each of them two wives. If you do this, it is equivalent to doubling the current disability subsidy. If the Planning Institute wants to eat you, Wudaokou will have to skin you.

"Well, the times are different - it doesn't matter how many wives. In short, if the number of female prisoners is not enough, I plan to file a case with the Senate and put the matter of importing female slaves on the agenda. But the women in the Qingjie Court will be given priority to me... "

"You write the proposal, remove the clause of two wives per person--too surreal, and the impact is not good. It is a 'virtuous government' to solve the spouse problem for disabled naturalized people. If you do it like this, it will become sneaky It's a problem. It doesn't play a role in publicity, but it also gives people a sense of reality—we are advocating 'monogamy'."

"The other one can be regarded as the life secretary - the nanny..."

Ran Yao thinks that your slap in the face is too fast, and you will directly embarrass the Senate. If this proposal cannot be discussed in the assembly, it will have to be shot.He originally wanted to send him away with a few perfunctory words, but thinking that he also kindly wanted to solve the problem for the disabled naturalized people, he said patiently:

"What about the fee? That's a lot of money!" Ran Yao said, "Whether it's a female prisoner or a female slave, they are all ordinary women, regardless of relationship issues, who would like to spend their whole life with a disabled man? Now The wages of disabled naturalized people are enough to feed and clothe themselves, but it is difficult to support their families. This kind of economic situation simply cannot keep a wife! Everyone has legs. When the time comes, I will give you a walk, you Where can I find them? Not to mention two wives, just one wife will have to give a considerable financial subsidy to keep them. Civil affairs and finances are impossible.”

"This is something that unites the hearts of the people..."

"There is also a cost to unite people's hearts." Ran Yao smiled, "As for the proposal to buy women from India or anywhere to solve the marriage problems of naturalized people, I agree, and I also agree to give priority to solving marriage problems for disabled naturalized people. Your proposal If so, I can sign it." Ran Yao smiled, thinking he was cute, "You don't have to think about the female prisoner, it's useless. As for the women in the Qingjieyuan - I have no objection to this matter, but I can't make the decision. You can go to Liu Xiang Let's discuss."

"There are quite a lot of IT ideas here. The idea of ​​beating female prisoners is to save money." Ran Yao watched him leave, shook his head, and smoked the Chuqing cigar, which is a limited edition. Du Yibin doesn't smoke— ―It seems that it was specially bought for "public relations".

Du Yibin traveled around Guangzhou for a few days, met many veterans, and sent memos to various parties to seek support.Definite responses were few and far between.Finding wives for disabled naturalized people is considered to be supported by everyone, but when it comes to how to find wives, it is obvious that all parties are unwilling to invest resources.In the end, only one elder named Wang Jun responded to his proposal of "solving marriage problems for the naturalized people".

This Wang Yuan was one of the soy sauce veterans sent to Guangzhou in the Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders. As usual, he had a bunch of titles, the most important of which was "Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Machinery Industry"-this is for engineering veterans who do not hold administrative positions dedicated title.

Mr. Wang Yuan's presence in Lingao is very low. After leaving the Ministry of Machinery Industry, almost no one knows him, and he has no administrative positions.It's not that he is self-indulgent or that his ability is too low. In fact, his major is too out of touch with the current productivity.

His specialty is: automotive electronics construction and maintenance.There is no business for him in the steam engine stall, and he can do nothing to help in the vehicle factory-because he is actually engaged in electronics.The people at the power outlet stood by him and wanted him to help, but he is a low-voltage electrician, and he doesn't understand high-voltage electric farts.This secondment today, the secondment tomorrow, I have done everything, but I am not good at anything.He has also become an important figure in the mechanical panacea style.The current main job is to take a few naturalized people to maintain the tractors, vehicles and engineering equipment brought over when they crossed, and at the same time learn to repair the steam engine.

After the start of the Guangdong-Guangzhou Raiders, a large number of inland river motor vessels were invested—the maintenance of the steam engines, gearboxes, and boilers used by these vessels became a heavy burden.Wang Yuanlao was sent to Guangzhou to do mechanical maintenance work in a temporary ship repair yard on Henan Island.

This work is heavy and important. Mr. Wang Yuan has been busy for several months and has hardly been in Guangzhou.The work is heavy, but he always feels that he is staying in a "forgotten corner", wondering whether to build a "project" to show his presence in Guangdong.

Just thinking about this problem, Du Yibin's memorandum on "Marriage Issues of Disabled Naturalized Citizens" was sent to him--Elder Du Yuan distributed a copy to all the elders in Guangdong regardless of March 21 or [-].

Wang Yuanlao, like other elders, "has always attached great importance" to solving the marriage problem of Guihuamin, but he is not very interested in Du Yuanlao's specific solution.

"Female prisoner, female prisoner, where are there so many female prisoners? It's too exaggerated to have one wife with two wives!" Wang Jun thought, "It's more realistic to buy foreign women."

He has always wondered why Quark Poor's slave trade in Southeast Asia is limited to men, and it is obvious that some women can also be installed.Women are also a good labor force. Whether it is agriculture or industry, a large number of female populations are needed to solve the marriage problem for the naturalized people and kill two birds with one stone.

As for the language barrier, Wang Jun thinks that this is not a problem. You can get married first, and then develop a relationship. In the 21st century, there is still a business of mail-order brides.

Suddenly he remembered that when he met the workers in the ship repair yard, the workers said that the local aborigines were very interested in the naturalized migrant workers and would often come to inquire about their income and marital status.

"By the way, do we still have to settle locally!"

Next update: Volume 115 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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