Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2001 Two veterans who care about the marriage of naturalized people

Chapter 2001 Two veterans who care about the marriage of the naturalized people ([-])
With a population of several 10, Guangzhou was the largest city in southern China in the 17th century, and there must have been a lot of women of the right age.Wang Jun calculated that there was no need to focus on the "female prisoner" or "thief"-there were only a few of them.

Then he was worried again. There are indeed many single women of the right age in Guangzhou, but they can't rely on themselves to match each other.If we talk about setting up a dating agency, there is no such precedent in this time and space, but there are official matchmakers who sell marriage matches-because most of the official matchmakers sell female criminals with minor crimes, this kind of thing is not common.

The marriage status of civilians in Guangzhou is roughly still "the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker". There are extravagant and simple weddings, but the process is basically the same-even for people on the water like Danhu.

Wang Jun seriously considered the possibility of a matchmaking agency being established in Guangzhou in the 17th century, and felt that it was a bit difficult.And it's not his field of expertise -- he's never been a labor union activist, and he doesn't have a good relationship with the "mother and matchmaker" in the company, so he doesn't have relevant knowledge in this area.After searching for a long time, I couldn't figure out what to do with a dating agency.

He felt a headache when he thought of this, and he couldn't help muttering: "MD, this is more laborious than blind dates every day back then!"

However, this sentence immediately aroused his inspiration. He remembered the past when he was forced by his parents to go on a blind date. The dating agency not only introduced the target individually, but also often held "blind date parties", where the conditions were almost the same. The men and women gathered together for barbecue, self-driving and so on. During this period, they successfully hooked up with many people.

"That's a good idea!" Wang Jun seemed to have discovered a new continent.Of course road trips and barbecues couldn't be done in the 17th century, but other types of blind dates could be done too.

He searched his brains for a long time, and thought of holding a dance party—but ballroom dancing is only learned by girls from the Women's Liberal Arts College in Lingao, and not many veterans know it.Besides, men and women hugging each other is no problem in Lingao and other places. In Guangzhou, a place with serious "feudal remnants", it is obviously too shocking. Once the news is announced, it will probably scare the local single women. run.

No matter how much he thinks about it, he really can't think of any new form. If he wants to, just hold the simplest "drumming and passing flowers" blind date, just "choose each other"-he has also participated in this kind of blind date, and he also gave it to Lingao. It has been run by naturalized civilians, but most of the people who can enjoy this kind of treatment are military officers, cadres and skilled workers among naturalized civilians.

Thinking of this, he immediately wrote an "enthusiastic" letter to this old man, Du Yuan, whom he had never met, expressing his support for his idea and his willingness to discuss "solving the marriage issue of naturalized people" with him.

Here Du Yuan's "female prisoners plan" was not approved, so he went directly to Liu Xiang - Liu Xiang heard that he was here to discuss the issue of "marriage of naturalized people", so he directly reasoned that he was not free and asked Zhang Yunmi to receive him.

Du Yibin didn't expect to meet Zhang Yunmi—in fact, he didn't know Zhang Yunmi, but the name of Zhang's father and daughter spread throughout the Senate after the "violent concubine" case, and Zhang Yunmi's coming to Guangzhou to work Government Gazette.

It's been 6 years. Although Du Yibin is nearly thirty years old, he is still the same college student as before. Thanks to the welfare of the life secretary in the general office and the meticulous care of his parents who came with him, he is still in the face of the female veteran. With the youthful feeling of a college student, suddenly facing a young, beautiful, lively and lovely young girl, the specific introduction of the plan became hesitant.

After Zhang Yunmi listened to his plan, he flipped through the documents again.frowned.

"Promoting monogamy is one of the articles of the New Life Movement of the Senate. How can we take the lead in violating it? Even if they are disabled soldiers, they cannot be specialized. Besides, although female prisoners have committed crimes, they are also women and have the freedom to marry. Right! Your proposal to assign them as things is contrary to the spirit of equality between men and women advocated by the Senate..."

"Well, this, it doesn't really matter, I don't want to have two wives anymore... Well, I don't want to deal with female prisoners. I mainly want to find some women to marry disabled naturalized people to take care of their lives, build a family, and carry on the family line. So I consider Could it be among the chaste women in the Qingjieyuan..."

"It's right to take care of their lives, but why do you have to marry them?!" Zhang Yunmi couldn't figure it out, "Of course the disabled naturalized people are very pitiful, and they have contributed to the Senate. But this is two different things from feelings, okay! Marriage is free Marriage independence, isn’t this what we are promoting every day? It’s very disrespectful to women to organize this kind of organization now. Just because we liberated Guangzhou and liberated those poor festival women, we can’t call ourselves benefactors and interfere with other people’s private life casually .”

Zhang Yunmi is young, and has been influenced by popular novels in the 21st century, so he still has a somewhat "love first" concept.The "arranged marriage" of the Senate was originally very resistant.

But what she said was full of truth, which made Du Yibin speechless.But his plan has to be supported by the Guangzhou Municipal Government—now there are hundreds of homeless women in the Cihui Hall who have taken in hundreds of homeless women from Qingjie Yuans and Jiefu Halls from all over Guangdong.Unfortunately, Zhang Yunmi is also the secretary of the municipal government and the deputy director of comprehensive management. Since Liu Xiang is unwilling to manage this matter, he has to go through her.

"It's right to marry independently, but the conditions we give are not bad. Wudaokou has already promised me: if she agrees to marry disabled naturalized people, these disabled people will pay extra on top of their original wages." Give 1.5 times the family allowance home..."

"This is a business marriage, is it good or bad." Zhang Yunmi shook her head even more.


Du Yibin was at a loss for words, he really couldn't think of any other reason to persuade the other party, and it took him a long time to say: "These people were disabled because of the Senate, some were injured at work and some were injured on the battlefield... If we don't help them solve life-long issues, They will never have a family in this life. They were all healthy people..."

Zhang Yunmi was a little moved by this slightly sad statement, she was a little embarrassed, and said: "I can't make up my mind about this matter. After all, it is a woman's lifelong matter, and it still has to be voluntary. If they want to marry, I have no objection——Liu The mayor will not object."

Elder Du Yuan returned to the guest house, a little discouraged.I didn't even go to the cafeteria for dinner, feeling like a failure.Lying on the bed, he was thinking about how to convince Song Yingsheng thoroughly—this was his biggest "harvest" after going to Enping, and he even felt like a rare commodity to live in.

Song Yingsheng's name is unknown, and he is only recorded in local chronicles, but he is the elder brother of Song Yingxing, a "contemporary figure" who is highly regarded in the Senate.

Song Yingxing was in his prime at this time, and it was time for him to study and teach in Fenyi County and devote himself to writing.Not only one of the elders in the Senate had the intention of recruiting this Ming Dynasty scientist, even the Yangtze River Task Force sent by the Intelligence Bureau also carried out some related activities.

Although he has not been recruited for the time being, catching his elder brother is also a gain.Du Yibin specially took care of the captain of the national army who was going to accept Enping: the county magistrate of Enping must be captured alive.

Although Song Yingsheng was not a celebrity, he had a strong temperament. After the fall of Nanming, he committed suicide by taking poison and died for the country, which shows his loyalty to Ming Dynasty.So it took some effort to capture him alive. Before breaking through the city, Du Yibin passed the inside line of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau in Enping, and finally captured him alive before he committed suicide.

After Song Yingsheng was captured, he was put under house arrest in the county government office, enjoying the "preferential treatment" that made him puzzled.Originally, captured local officials like him had to be sent to Guangzhou for screening, but they were kept in the county because of Du Yibin's special request.

It's a pity that Du Yibin's persuasion skills are limited. Although Song Yingsheng has no intention of "martyrdom" and is very polite to him, although he has tried his best, he still refuses to "surrender Song".This time he deliberately brought him to Guangzhou to show him the "new look".

"This old man is also stubborn!" He complained secretly.Thinking that everything went wrong after coming to the mainland, I couldn't help but think of my parents and life secretary who stayed in Lingao.

While bored, his eyes fell on the desk, which was piled with some letters.He read one by one, and suddenly saw a "private memo", the sender was an elder he didn't know.

"Who is Wang Jun?" Du Yibin opened the envelope angrily.

Two days later, Du Yibin met Wang Jun in the Great World branch of Nanhai Cafe.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, they immediately had a lively discussion on the "marriage issue of naturalized people".Du Yibin talked about the result of his meeting with Zhang Yunmi.

"This girl is full of great truths, I can't say no to her." Du Yibin was a little frustrated, "I'm stupid."

Wang Jun thinks that your proposal is of course nothing in the past, but the influence of political correctness left in the Senate in the 21st century is still not small.Many of the terms here are simply "incorrect".

"It's best to rewrite this proposal." Wang Jun thought for a while and said, "Equality between men and women is one of the pillar policies of the Senate. What you write about 'sending a wife' and 'sending two wives' are not related to the Senate. What is the policy against? Besides, what do those female veterans think?"

"I know this, tell me, what to do!"

"I think it's written like this. As for the proposal, just write about solving the marriage problems of naturalized civilian cadres and workers, and don't specifically write about 'disabled naturalized civilian workers'. This way the audience will be wider. And it will avoid disabilities—in fact, everyone knows it well, normal Under such circumstances, how can a healthy woman intend to marry a disabled person? It is nothing more than relying on spiritual and material stimulation, coupled with some administrative coercion—this is why you started beating the attention of female prisoners. The idea is good, but it is all hidden Well, it can’t be written clearly.”

Next update: Volume 116 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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