Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2002 Two veterans who care about the marriage of naturalized people

Chapter 2002 Two veterans who care about the marriage of the naturalized people ([-])
"Hmm, what then? Where is the source of the woman?"

"You see, what you said is very incorrect. When you read it in the Senate for the first time, you will be criticized by the female elders." Wang Jun said, "Don't be so straightforward, let alone mention gender issues." Wife of naturalized civilian workers ' should be replaced by 'spouse of naturalized civilian workers' - both spouses can refer to men and women, female elders don't sound so harsh, and this proposal doesn't just serve male workers, does it?"

Du Yibin thought to himself that I can't handle this detour. It seems that it is serious to go home to raise chickens and pangolins in the future.

"As for the source of the spouse you mentioned: Don't worry about the female prisoner. Once you go to the Senate to discuss it, you have to tear it up, and it might take several months; Qingjieyuan is a reliable source, but the number of people is not large; Importing women from abroad, you can say that India and Vietnam are all right, but this matter needs to be approved by five people - it will cost money."

"It's difficult to say that..." Du Yibin suddenly became depressed. The last few issues of Morning Star have been full of articles about financial problems - "difficulties" in short.

"So we need to base ourselves locally!" Wang Jun took the opportunity to sell his plan, "Guangzhou has a population of several 10, and the absolute number of single women of the right age is not small. Let's have a few more group blind dates, won't it be enough? Let alone small Zhang, even Liu Xiang and the elders of the Senate can't say 'no'. You see, we have independent marriage, change customs, and solve the difficulties of workers' lives..."

"But what do disabled naturalized people do?" Du Yibin hurriedly stopped him, "Can blind date women fall in love with them?"

"Boss! The concept of marriage in this era is 'marry a man, marry a man, wear clothes and eat food'. For most middle- and lower-class women, choosing a spouse mainly considers the man's economic ability, not the young meat. The two love each other, and the man is talented and the woman is beautiful. Only a lady who is full of food can consider it." Wang Jun said, "As long as the disabled naturalized people have a suitable income, there will naturally be women who are willing to marry him——Cai Jinkou didn't reply that he can marry disabled naturalized people Is there a special subsidy?"

"Okay," Du Yibin was persuaded, "but who is willing to come? We can't go to the street to attract women for a blind date, right?"

"That's why you're staring at those female prisoners, isn't it?"


"The idea of ​​female prisoners is good, but it is unrealistic. I think you have overlooked a more realistic resource."



"Prostitutes?" Du Yibin never dreamed that Wang Jun would make such a suggestion, and he immediately shook his head disapprovingly, "You are unrealistic - all prostitutes are lazy, and their living standards: wear gold and silver, and be popular Drink spicy food, and there are maids and mothers serving the princes, and I also like to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, let alone disabled naturalized people, even veterans like us may not like them."

"You can't take high-class prostitutes like Dong Xiaowan as all prostitutes," Wang Jun smiled. "Most prostitutes are still living in dire straits. Have you watched "Venus" a few days ago?"

"I didn't see it, what?"

"There is a report on "Guangzhou's rectification of the weather industry", which has done a very detailed research, especially when we say that although we now allow prostitutes to 'operate on their own', crack down on evil forces in brothels, and rectify the business environment, there are still some local prostitutes. More than [-]% of them expressed their hope to be good, and the rest were planning to continue working as prostitutes. Many of them were born in Lehu or Danhu and had no other means of livelihood. Probably less than [-]% want to do this business.”

"Such a high percentage?"

"That's right," Wang Jun nodded, "I look at the statistics, there are probably more than 500 prostitutes in Guangzhou currently holding yellow tickets. Even if 1000% of the prostitutes intend to become good, there are at least [-] of them."

"This... I think it's a bit..." Du Yibin said, "Would the naturalized people be willing to marry a prostitute? This is the 17th century!"

"I don't know about this time and space, but in the old time and space, brothels were banned in the 50s, and most of the prostitutes formed families after liberation. No matter what time and space, the concept of chastity only has a market in the upper-middle class, ordinary workers It’s good to be able to marry a wife, it’s not that particular.”

After reaching a consensus, the two parties divided the work, and Wang Jun was responsible for persuading relevant leaders in Guangzhou to "give the green light" to the blind date event.Whether it is a blind date or a marriage, it needs to invest in venues and materials, and it must have the support of the local real power.Wang Jun is actually not a person who can speak well, but he works in the industrial sector and is responsible for the maintenance of steam engines. He is a tough "technical cadre". Local elders are generally more polite in line with the principle of "being useful at critical times". of.

As for Du Yibin, he was in charge of persuading the women in the shelter to "voluntarily choose" the disabled naturalized people.

Speaking of it, it is no more difficult for "disabled naturalized citizens" to solve marriage problems than it was for civil affairs departments to "find wives" for disabled volunteers. The public medical level of the Senate is very backward, and there is a serious shortage of supplies. The wounded basically did not survive.Therefore, few of the disabled naturalized people are so serious that they cannot take care of themselves. Most of them are physically disabled, and the difficulty is relatively not too great.

What is more difficult is the chemical burn victims, which is a large group among the disabled naturalized people in the industrial area.Many people with chemical burns have facial scars and deformities, and some are "similar to Quasimodo". In fact, for Du Yibin, who has been in contact with many disabled naturalized people, the legendary Quasimodo can be regarded as beautiful compared with them. man.

Although cosmetic surgery is not a problem with the medical level of the Senate, limited by the lack of a series of technical support such as antibiotics, facial cosmetic surgery is rarely carried out.Du Yibin felt that they were the most difficult group of people to deal with.

No matter how you talk about the "spiritual beauty" or "good people" or "self-motivation" that you value, in the end it is always a visual animal.Du Yibin sighed: "It wouldn't be possible without organizational arrangements..."

Du Yibin went to Huanghua Temple - this used to be the "Puji Hall" in Guangzhou, but now it has been changed into a "Guangdong Province Temporary Shelter", which is used to house all kinds of "homeless" people as before.

The place has been repaired and cleaned up, and the dilapidated and barren scene in the past has been swept away. Although the repairs were rather hasty and sloppy, it is a far cry from the tragic situation when Liu San came to inspect it.

The director and deputy director of the department were already "waiting" for Du Yibin's arrival in front of the door, followed by dozens of old and young women and children, all wearing short jackets made of woolen blue cloth.Wash your hands and face to "welcome the chief inspector".

When he got off the sedan chair, the director came up to meet him, and said with a smile on his face: "Hello, Chief Du! I am the director here, and my name is Lu Weijia. You can call me Xiaolu."

Du Yibin saw that "Little Lu" was full of beards and deep wrinkles, so he was not "small", so he joked, "I think it's almost like calling you 'Old Lu'."

"Yes, yes, old Lu can do it too." Lu Weijia nodded repeatedly.

Du Yibin saw that he was wearing an old military uniform that had been washed white and had the collar and cap badge removed. He probably knew that he was a veteran—the few veterans under the Senate like to wear this to show their different "beginnings".Then he deliberately asked: "What year are you in the army?"

"Report to the chief! I enlisted in the army in Zhejiang in 1632—it was only the national army. Later, I was injured during the security campaign in Kaohsiung, and my legs and feet were not flexible, so I was discharged..."

"It turned out to be a war-wounded soldier, what level was it rated?"

"Level eight, I can't walk very well now."

"Do you have a wife?"

Lu Weijia was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yes... I married a wife before I joined the army, and I stayed in Lingao with my children..."

Du Yibin didn't care about this, and when he heard that he had a wife, he let it go.Seeing a stooped "cadre" next to him, smiling at him with a flattering face, he felt a little disgusted, and asked:
"This is……"

"This is Deputy Director Mao, who was originally retained here."

Mao Xiuyu, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried up and said, "Little Mao Xiuyu is the deputy director here, today the chief came to inspect..."

"Okay, okay, don't be polite." Du Yibin said impatiently, "Let's go in and talk."

"Yes, yes. Please."

The news that Du Yibin was coming to "inspect" had been notified to the shelter one day in advance, Director Lu mobilized his staff to clean the whole camp overnight, and there was not even a single fallen leaf on the roads.

However, Du Yibin didn't come here for inspection, so he didn't care about these meticulous preparations at all.Then I asked about the current situation of the personnel in the containment.

Lu Weijia said that because the conditions in Huanghua Temple are relatively poor, and far less complete than the "Cihui Hall" run by the Senate itself, most of the people sheltered here belong to "special shelter".At present, it mainly accommodates the disabled, the elderly, orphans and some special groups.The prostitutes who were rescued in the rectification operation were also housed here, but they were managed by a separate department: "Jiliangsuo".

"Where are the widows?"

"It's also here. It's placed on the other side of the original Qingjie courtyard. Because of the large number of people coming, a courtyard has been added."

After being collected and distributed from various Qingjie courtyards, the "festival wives" in the courtyard can return to their natal homes or visit relatives and friends to pay travel expenses or send escorts home according to the principle of "freedom to come and go"; they are also allowed to choose their own spouses marry.

Some have a good relationship before marriage, and ask someone to "lead the person" in order to "renew the relationship".Some of the "first loves" who were called "leaders" were ecstatic and grateful to the Senate after they came; Go home and "take her as Teng's concubine".In the chaos, there were lawbreakers who took the opportunity to abduct women, so this matter was stopped.


Next update: Volume 117 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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