Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2003 Ji Liang Institute

Chapter 2003 Ji Liang Institute
However, most women are unable to return home.The women who were sent to Qingjieyuan, no matter they were voluntary or forced, were either from poor families with one less person to eat, or their families were fighting for production, for fear that the orphans and widows would benefit more.Poor women who sincerely want to commit themselves to chastity are only one or two in a hundred.

Although the Qingjie Academy has been dismantled, for them they have lost their livelihood.When it was announced that the Qingjieyuan was disbanded and everyone could go home separately, not only did most people "resist to die", but almost people were killed, which almost made this "virtuous government" feel ashamed.

Later, Liu San specially came to hold several symposiums, and generally understood that the reluctance of festival women to leave was not for "keeping the festival", but for livelihood issues.Therefore, I finally decided to engage in "production self-help" in the shelter.Leave it for later placement.

"I want to see Qingjieyuan." Du Yibin cut to the chase, "There is also Jiliang Institute."

The director and the deputy director looked at each other: the director didn't ask anything when he came, he didn't look at anything, and he just looked at women when he opened his mouth. What kind of way is this?
However, since it is the chief inspector, it is natural for him to see where he wants to go. Lu Weijia hurriedly said: "This is easy, let's arrange it."

"Festival women" still live in the houses of Qingjieyuan in the past, because there are more women from similar institutions from all over the province, the original houses are not enough to live in, and some houses have been repaired and built. Bunk beds and necessary toiletries.Women with young children have specially equipped rooms.The original messy environment was also cleaned up, and public toilets were specially repaired.Both the surrounding environment and living conditions have been greatly improved.

The "thiefy women" are no longer locked in a small courtyard as in the past, but can move freely within the shelter.In the past, spinning and weaving in the dark room was their only job. Now they have to work as "nursery staff" or "waiters" in the asylum, and some undertake "outsourcing processing", mainly sewing various uniforms and make the upper.

Speaking of work, it is not easy.But the working environment is brighter and more hygienic than before, and there are adequate meals and rest. These women, who had become pale and thin due to long-term malnutrition and confinement, regained their healthy complexion, and their skinny bodies became plump.

Although the rules of the shelter are very strict, they cannot withstand the power of hormones.That's why Du Yibin went to the shelter to talk to the person in charge, only to feel that he was one step too late. The naturalized civilians working in the shelter had already "used their power for personal gain" and "get on good terms" with many "thursty women".It is said that several pairs have gone to "register".

"Is there such a thing?!" Du Yibin's head hurts suddenly, I'm still messing around like this.

"Yes, there are about seven or eight couples." Lu Weijia saw that his face was very ugly, and hurriedly said, "This is agreed by the civil affairs department, and it is said to solve the marriage problem of naturalized people..."

"You can solve him as well, how can I solve it?" Du Yibin was quite unhappy, feeling that he had taken his job.Mao Xiuyu, however, got it wrong, thinking that the chief came to the Qingjie Academy for a "beauty pageant", so he went up to him and said, "What's so good about these widows, most of them are mid-40s and [-]s..."

Du Yibin was annoyed at first, but he was even more annoyed when he misrepresented him, cursing: "You know what a fart!"

Mao Xiuyu was startled, and quickly shut up.

"How many 'thiefs' do you have here now?"

"Chief, there was a document last time, asking us not to call them 'sacred wives'..." Lu Weijia said cautiously.

"Oh, that's right," Du Yibin patted his head, "How many widows are there?"

Lu Weijia did not dare to correct the chief's words—the official name is "single women"—and said: "There are currently 23 people, and [-] of them have young children with them. In addition to the city, there are also other places sent by the state capital. of."

"What about age?"

The age composition is relatively favorable, with less than 40 people over the age of 50—life in Qingjieyuan is hard and tiring, and festival women often don't live long.Among all age groups, the proportion in the 40s to [-]s is the highest.

This situation is very different from what he imagined, but there are more than 300 people. Even if half of them really have to observe the festival, the marriage problems of more than 100 naturalized people can be solved.

Seeing that his complexion was cloudy and uncertain, the two directors muttered to themselves sometimes, not knowing what kind of madness this chief had gone into.After a while, he said: "Let's go, go to Jiliang's office and see prostitutes."

"Chief, why don't you watch the Qing Festival Academy..."

"Let's talk later!"

The two dared not disobey, so they had no choice but to take him to the Jiliang Office again.

The Jiliang Institute was located in the back garden that was originally desolate and terrifying. The remaining corpses here have been cleaned up, and several groups of temporary sheds have been built. The damaged walls have also been repaired with bamboo fences. Sentry Box—Although the security outside the city has improved, there are still a small number of sporadic activities of bandits and strongmen, and nighttime robberies, murders and thefts occur from time to time.

The social relations of the middle and lower class prostitutes are complicated, and they have contacts with people from all levels of education. In order to facilitate education and prevent accidents, this place is completely closed management, and students can only move within the Jiliang Institute.


Seeing them coming, a young naturalized female cadre greeted them.

"You are……"

"My name is Lu Cheng. I belong to the Guangzhou Women's Federation. I'm in charge of the Jiliang Institute."

"Are you married?" Du Yibin asked suddenly.

"Ah?" Lu Cheng was taken aback, ""

"Why do not you get married?"

Lu Cheng has met many elders, but he has never met anyone who does this. He thought to himself, what is this leader doing? Could it be that he has taken a fancy to himself? "I'm busy with work, I haven't met the right one..."

"Business is not an excuse." Du Yibin thought to himself, there are single female cadres here, but no wives there, "Hurry up and find a cadre and soldier to marry!"

Lu Cheng was baffled, and thought to himself, "This is doing your shit!"But he still said crisply: "Yes! I'll do it as soon as possible!"

Lu Weijia thought to himself what is the way of this chief?When I came to inspect, I should look at it or not, and I should ask questions, so I just stared at "thief" and "prostitute".Mao Xiuyu has another plan. Could it be that the chief came here to find a maidservant and a concubine?But since the chiefs are rich all over the world, why come here to look for them?I really can't figure it out.

Lu Cheng gave a general introduction to the situation of Xia Jiliang Institute. Currently, there are nearly [-] prostitutes who have declared that they are unwilling to continue to engage in the industry during the rectification of the weathering industry. The sources include various states and counties under Guangzhou Prefecture.Most of these prostitutes were middle- and lower-class prostitutes, who were sold from poor families, and most of them had no news from their families.Unaccompanied locally.Because she is a cheap prostitute, she is extremely exploited by the boss's family. She doesn't have any savings around her, and some of them suffer from various diseases.

"... After they came here, they helped them cleanse and heal their illnesses. Now they are carrying out self-help activities in childbirth..."

"What about the whores?"

"The emotions of the female students are still stable." Lu Cheng did not directly correct the chief's words, "Most of them came from very difficult backgrounds, and they were exploited and abused in brothels. They are all grateful to the Senate for being here."

"Is there any problem?"

The previous words were words of the scene. Lu Cheng had attended the political security training class, and knew that the chief's most important thing was "existing problems."

"There are emotions. The main reason is that I am pessimistic about my future life, and I have a tendency to enjoy leisure and not work."

The long-term life of prostitutes made most of them lose their sense of labor, and developed a life habit of being lazy and muddling along.Therefore, although "production self-help" is carried out for them, the production efficiency is not even half of that of "single women"

"Some people are quite resistant to labor." Lu Cheng was full of anger when he said it, "Being frightened like a quail under the hands of the old bustard Gui Nu, I dare not speak; It’s like a monkey with a sharp tongue that can make you feel angry! Look at our kindness, and we are not ambiguous when we break the rules..."

It seems that Lu Cheng suffered a lot from Jiliang Institute.Mao Xiuyu hurriedly echoed: "These bitches... the students are terrible, all of them are hob meat, thick-skinned! The skin on the buttocks is also thick! If they make a mistake, beating vines is useless to them. As soon as I lifted my trousers, I even laughed a few words: What did the old lady kneel down on the iron chain and burnt the chopsticks, these few times are regarded as tickling... I really have no shame!"

"They were tortured in brothels in the past, and our corporal punishment has no deterrent effect on them..." Lu Weijia said, "So I say we should focus on education, not corporal punishment..."

Du Yibin frowned more and more, how could such a woman be Huamin's wife?Disabled and naturalized people don't even need to think about it, and things like "Wu Dalang" might come up when the time comes.Wang Jun is really unreliable!

He already wanted to retreat, but he had already reached the door—he had already stopped going to the Qingjie Hall just now, and it would be too rough not to go this time.

The petition police opened the door, and the flattened mud floor was covered with white lime sand, and seven "longhouses" were built one by one--bamboo poles and wood as bones, bamboo strips and reed mats as walls, covered with a layer of yellow mud, and painted with white lime. , it looks neat and clean.In the gap between the longhouses are rows of laundry poles, full of women's clothes, which look like ten thousand national flags when the wind blows. Although there are no such things as panties, bras, and stockings in this time and space, with Du Yibin's knowledge I know that most of them are women's underwear.Can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Mao Xiuyu thought he felt unlucky, so he said to Lu Cheng in a low voice: "Director Lu, can you tell them to accept it first—it's an eyesore..."

"No need to accept it." Hearing this, Du Yibin became more and more annoyed, and scolded, "What's the matter with drying a few clothes? Make a big deal out of a molehill!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Mao Xiuyu immediately bent over, made a look of "damn the villain", and shrank back.

There were only a few "female students" in the open space, some squatted by the well platform to wash clothes, and some sat on the chairs at the door of the longhouse and took a nap.Lu Cheng said that most people work in factories, and these are sick numbers.

Next update: Volume 118 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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