Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2005 Selected Objects

Chapter 2005 Selected Objects

She turned her head and said to Lu Weijia: "Send correspondents to the Municipal Political Security Bureau, saying that there are reactionary elements here conducting propaganda!"

Mao Xiuyu is a retained employee, so he doesn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but Lu Weijia and Du Yibin, who is watching coldly, know that this girl is planning to do something wrong.

Lu Weijia wanted to persuade a few words——When you get to the Political Security Bureau, you won't be able to deal with it with a cane. Even if you find "no evidence" in the final investigation, you will have to shed a layer of skin.But Lu Cheng is the director of the Municipal Women's Federation, and she only "stayed" at Jiliang Institute, and she is far behind her in terms of administrative level.

What's more, he has experienced Bian Cuibao's aggressiveness in his daily life.He thought it would be good to teach this woman a lesson.He didn't speak either.

Mao Xiuyu is a retained employee who behaves with his tail between his legs, so naturally he only has the part of "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes".

The policemen from the two police stations came over and twisted one of Bian Cuibao's arms back and forth, causing her to scream in pain.The two police officers were former members of the fast squad. Kidnapping is a family tradition, so they tied up Bian Cuibao like a rice dumpling and dragged him out.The workshop was suddenly quiet, not even a cough was heard.

Du Yibin frowned, feeling that it was too much.Bian Cuibao's behavior should indeed be severely punished, but it is not appropriate to charge her with such an "unnecessary" major crime.

He wanted to stop it, but on second thought, he had to stand by Lu Cheng's side at this moment, and he had to frighten these female students who hadn't changed their minds.If you stop it yourself, then these prostitutes in the past will be even more unscrupulous. Let alone saying that they are not qualified to marry Guihuamin, even if they marry Guihuamin, no matter whether they are disabled or not, they will not be bullied to death by them. At that time, Guihuamin You must blame the elders and the senate, and you must not take the blame for this.

After coming out of the workshop, Du Yibin said, "You've done a good job, but don't alert the Political Security Bureau about this matter."

Lu Cheng originally intended to use this to handle a case, brand Bian Cuibao as a "reactionary element", and ruthlessly kill the unhealthy tendencies in the Jiliang Institute, but the chief said so, and she naturally couldn't refute, so she said: "I'm also trying to scare them—it's unreasonable to bother Comrade Scout with this matter."

"You're right," Du Yibin said, "We still focus on curing diseases and saving lives. She is shameless and has never done anything that endangers society. Besides, it is useful to keep her. You can lock her up, but you can't tie her up." Lock her up for ten days, half a day is almost enough - if the time is too long, accidents will happen..."

"They all know this," Lu Cheng said to this old man Du Yuan really like a mother-in-law, "The few policemen in the station are old men's affairs, so tie her up first and make her suffer later, so that she won't think that our implementation of humanitarianism is wrong. Very bullying."

Du Yibin felt that the atmosphere in Jiliang Institute was very bad, so he couldn't help hesitating about the next step.But the obvious thing is that the "students" here are the marriage resources most likely to be used at present.If you give up at this point, everything that follows will be useless.

"What do you think of people like Bian Cuibao in the Chiliang Institute... um..."

"Female bachelor." Seeing that he couldn't think of an adjective for a while, Mao Xiuyu hurried to add.

"Yes, female bachelor, this type of prostitute... Are there many students?"

"Actually, there are not many." Lu Cheng said, "But these people have a great influence among the students. We have also set up some pacesetters who have made rapid progress, but their influence is not as good as people like Bian Cuibao! These female bachelors Very prestigious in the institute!"

Du Yibin asked again: "What about the general public?"

"Most of the students are mainly worried about the future." Lu Cheng said, "If you want to say that they are poor, they are really a group of poor people. Almost all of them were sold here. Their parents and family members either died or disappeared. They got mixed up in a brothel. For so many years, I have been beaten and humiliated, and I don't have much savings in my hands. So the most worrying thing is 'what will happen in the future'. But this matter..." Lu Cheng originally had objections to the arrangement of the prostitute's career.Because until now, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has only very general requirements for Jiliang Institute: "Reform the body and mind, cultivate appropriate labor skills, and prepare for returning to a normal society."How to install it but didn't mention a word.

In this way, Lu Cheng and other cadres who work in Jiliang Institute are very passive. The "students" who are prostitutes are different from those "chaste women". The hall is not closed, there is always a bite to eat.There is no need to consider the "outlet" issue; but since the students are no longer prostitutes and have no family to rely on, they have to support themselves in the future, and Minzhengkou didn't even mention the direction of the outlet, and they didn't even "paint a big cake" French painting.This is also one of the reasons why the atmosphere in Jiliang Institute has always been bad.

Lu Cheng told Du Yibin his thoughts one by one, and then said: "...Now they are only said to work, but they are not allowed to move freely. It is almost like prisoners. Those students are homeless, and they don't know what we are going to do. What, everyone is very hesitant. Rumors are flying all over the sky. Some people say that they will be sold to ghosts for money, and some people say that they will be sent to overseas desert islands to open up wasteland and farm... In fact, even if they are said to be sent to Lingao for distribution Workers and soldiers are fine as wives, at least it gives them a desire..."

"Wait, you said they are willing to be soldiers' wives?" Du Yibin suddenly regained his energy and asked.

"Yes," Lu Cheng was a little puzzled, "Actually, not only the soldiers, but also the police and our cadres and workers... They all think it's pretty good, they are well-dressed, clean and tidy. They can also make money, and they all say they can marry It would be nice to be a wife to such a man.”

"That's right," Mao Xiuyu chimed in, "Let's say that the members of our Senate are all dignified and able to earn money to support their families, not to mention a few prostitutes—students, even 'frugal wives' won't move Heart!"

Du Yibin was a little worried when he heard that the prostitute students "love leisure and hate work", thinking that these people have high spirits and don't want to marry the naturalized people, but they didn't expect that their requirements are actually not high.He remembered what Wang Jun said, "Marry a man, marry a man, eat and dress", and he didn't feel dumb, and he replaced the standard of the 21st century.

"Actually, I came here today to solve this problem." Du Yibin felt much better now, "Come on, let's go to the office to talk."

In the office, Du Yibin gave a rough talk on the "solution to the marriage plan of naturalized people".Only then did the three of them understand why Chief Du didn't look at anything when he arrived at the shelter, only looking at the woman.It turns out that there is such an article!
Lu Cheng and the others were happy, but Mao Xiuyu felt warm: Australians are really good people!Even widows, widows and disabled people have to be taken into account!He hurriedly said: "Chief, this is a great thing, not to mention these students, even single women are grateful..."

"I've already told everyone about the matter, but there are still some problems here." Du Yibin said, "Because the main purpose of this plan is to solve the marriage problem between disabled naturalized soldiers and employees. Therefore, we must be careful in the selection of candidates-they all They are people who sacrificed for the Senate, and they are inconvenient, and the Senate cannot forgive them. Therefore, we must find some careful, kind and capable women for them."

"Yes, we must choose carefully." Lu Cheng immediately promised.

"You first select a group of former students and widows, and make a list for me. I will give you three days. The specific conditions are, under the age of 40, in good health, hardworking and capable. Only such people are eligible to marry Gui Huamin," Du Yibin said, "as for people like Bian Cuibao, let her rehabilitate for a few more years. As for other swaying elements, you can hold a meeting to decide whether to add them.

"We understand, we must accomplish anything!"

Du Yibin left after issuing the instructions, but Lu Cheng and the others took on a burden, and everyone was a little worried.It is naturally excellent to give naturalized democratically elected wives.But if the wrong person is selected and troubles arise after the marriage, those who are in charge of drawing up the list will be ruined.

The three of them brought over the entire list, and instructed others to bring in the reward and punishment files and work logs as well.Students plus single women, there are a total of 800 people, and no one has such a good memory to remember the specific situation of each person.

"In my opinion, the election of wives for the disabled and naturalized people cannot be selected from among the students... all of them should be selected from the widows." Mao Xiuyu took the initiative to propose a suggestion, contrary to the past practice of not asking questions and not talking about matters.


"Didn't the chief just say that? The disabled and naturalized people all suffer for the Senate, and the Senate can't let them down. This is a serious word, and we can't make any mistakes in the selection." Mao Xiuyu said calmly, "The students are all from prostitutes in low-class brothels—the two probably don't know that those who can get in this kind of place are not ordinary people..."

Both Lu Cheng and Lu Weijia felt the same way.

"...Although the two directors have worked hard to teach them to 'self-reliance and a new life' in the past few months, how can it be so easy to get rid of their problems after so many years? If it is an ordinary man, maybe They can still control them, and the disabled are not at their mercy? What's more, marrying a disabled person, how can anyone be willing, and then he will regret it in his heart, and it will be terrible to be a demon, and it may cause people's lives!"

"You're right." Lu Weijia was a soldier, and he knew that many of the disabled and retired soldiers had mutilated limbs, and they could only take care of themselves. "This kind of woman is not acceptable!"

"Besides, the disabled and naturalized people have made meritorious service for the chief. Even though they are disabled, they can't get a wife who was born as a prostitute. The goodness of the Senate."

Next update: Volume 120 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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