Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2006 List

Chapter 2006 List
Mao Xiuyu's words can be said to be reasonable, and Lu Cheng and Lu Weijia couldn't help nodding.

Usually they looked down on Mao Xiuyu, thinking that if he hadn't been "familiar with the local conditions", he would be useful to some extent, and it was simply a decoration.

It couldn't be seen that he thought about it in detail. Although he usually held meetings without saying a word to gather the number of people, but at critical moments, he spoke clearly and logically, which made the two of them admire each other.

This is what Mao Xiuyu wanted, he thought to himself: I have been here for more than 20 years, how could I have been here for so long without any skills?

After such a conversation, the thoughts of the three were cleared up. Disabled naturalized people were found among single women, and then the trainees were assigned to ordinary naturalized people who were in good health and urgently needed wives.

The three of them had the same idea, and immediately checked everyone's information with their subordinates, a group of single women, and a group of students, and then screened out those who did not meet the requirements.

All the personnel in the shelter have made population cards, but the mechanical computer is not yet their turn to use, but the card index system has been introduced. Lu Cheng has been trained in this area, and first uses the elimination method to remove the "attitude problem" ""Historical stains","disease"... and other unsuitable people are excluded, and then the rest are manually screened.

After picking and choosing, daubing and smearing for a long time, I made two lists.

At this time, they discovered another problem: some widows have children, and they want to get married, but also hope that their new husband can accept their children.But with such a "oil bottle", whether the naturalized people are willing to accept it is another question... It is related to the family harmony of the husband and wife, and they hesitated again.

"I think there may be more problems in it. If they marry disabled naturalized people, they will definitely have more scruples. Because besides the children, there are men to take care of. The family is more burdened. And will the man not because of The family licked their mouths and had opinions, I am afraid it is also a problem..."

"We still have to follow the principle of voluntariness. I think we can talk to these single women first to see what they are worried about. We will try our best to solve it. If it exceeds our scope of responsibility, we will hand it over to the chief." Lu Cheng said in a temporary It was said at the meeting that based on years of experience with the chief, one problem was discovered, which meant that there were at least two or three potential problems that had not been discovered, and the other two said that there was no problem.

The three first led their subordinates to do the work of those single women, and then gathered those "students" who performed well to talk and ask them what they thought.

That is, in the afternoon of that day, all the single women who met the regulations were gathered together. They were not stupid. Since the chief inspector left, the staff here began to be busy. It must have something to do with themselves. What the future looks like, they also do not know.

Seeing that everyone was here, Lu Weijia roughly explained the reasons for calling them, including blind dates for disabled naturalized people.

"...This is the basic situation. Of course, we still uphold the principle of voluntariness. If you are willing to marry and start a new life, the Senate will try its best to help you arrange your life and work. If you are willing to marry a disabled naturalized worker, the elder The Senate will also issue appropriate subsidies; if you don’t want to marry, you can stay here and wait for the Senate to arrange work for you in the future.”

After listening to this, they were both happy and worried. The happy thing is that the chief really thought of a way out for them. Life in the future will not be worry-free, at least it will be much better than it is now.What worries me is that my future husband is a disabled person, so it is not a problem for me to serve him with limited mobility, but if I am not in good health, I will definitely not be able to make more money. Is the family's expenses sufficient?Those with children are worried about what to do with their children, whether their new husband would like to be a stepfather first, those without children are worried about how to take care of the family when they become pregnant after work, and some are afraid that if they marry, their husbands will be disabled and "inhumane" so what?No heirs, what can I do when I am old?

Seeing the expressions of the people below, Lu Weijia knew that they were right, and everyone really had a lot of questions.Comparing my heart to my heart, if I were these widows below, I couldn't help but think too much!After so many years of suffering, I finally have some hope, and I can't jump into the sea of ​​suffering again to suffer.

"If you have any concerns, let's open up and say, we know the policy, try to give a clear answer—we don't know anything, after summarizing, ask the chief for instructions, in short, we will give everyone a clear answer."

With these words, the atmosphere below suddenly became heated. Lu Cheng told the staff to divide them into groups, and record their various problems and concerns one by one.Lu Cheng himself joined a group.

Speaking at a small meeting is much more open than speaking at a large meeting. Single women have many problems, from housing, work to monthly income, and in-laws.Because he was born as a widow, will he be rejected by the other party; whether a man's temper is good or bad-"I heard people say that people with disabilities have a particularly strong temper, will they be beaten often"; Willing to raise...

Lu Cheng was embarrassed when he heard this, because they really couldn't answer these questions one by one: Chief Du didn't say so in detail.Besides, many of the problems are different from person to person, and no one can guarantee it.

The three of them were glad that they had asked first, otherwise they would have annoyed the chief if they were silent because they had a lot of concerns, and it would be embarrassing if they didn't say anything about it.

"Don't be afraid of being rejected or beaten. The Senate protects the basic rights of women. Don't we have the Women's Federation to make decisions for everyone! Besides, this marriage is decided by the Senate. Everyone is a member of the Senate. No matter how bad his temper is, he must Let's be courteous!" Lu Cheng thought for a while, and decided to say something reassuring and [-]% correct, "As for work, there will naturally be arrangements, and it must be better than now-a serious naturalized worker. After you get married, your children will also enjoy the treatment of employees’ children—they can go to school, and the fees will be reduced, and we will ask the chief for instructions on the rest of the questions, and we will give you an answer.”

In order to enhance his persuasive power and put some pressure on them, Lu Cheng said again: "We will definitely try our best to give you a clear answer to your concerns. If there are some practical difficulties, we will ask the chief to help solve them as much as possible. But everyone must also Cherish this opportunity. Some sisters are not too young. After passing this village, there will be no such shop in the future. At present, the population under the rule of the Senate is not large, but after the recovery of Guangdong and Guangxi, the population under the rule of the Senate will be several hundred. Wan, I'm afraid there won't be such a good condition."

The next day they called together suitable candidates from among the students and announced the matter.

In fact, most of the students are still willing to marry and return to normal life, but they are far less healthy than the "single women".Most of the single women have nutritional problems. After several months of recuperation, most of them are recovering well, while the practitioners are much worse.

Judging from the nutritional status alone, prostitutes usually have a much better diet than feisty women.However, the middle and lower class prostitutes have been tortured for a long time. Not only many of them have venereal diseases, but also common gynecological diseases.

Severe gynecological diseases, and regardless of whether they can conceive and have children, it is difficult to have a normal married life.So this part can only be removed first.What makes the management team embarrassed is another group of people. Their health problems are acceptable, but because of long-term use of contraceptive "cool medicine" or multiple abortions, they have actually lost their fertility.

It would obviously be unfair to exclude students who have lost their fertility.But if it is put in, what will the male naturalized people think about it, and what problems will arise when they find out that they are infertile...

In the end, Lu Cheng set the tone: as long as the conditions are suitable, they should be put on the candidate list, but they should be noted clearly.This is considered voluntary by both parties, and no one is at fault.

As a result, there are actually less than 100 students who are not included in the list.Unlike the widow's mixed joys and sorrows, the students' reactions were much more positive.They are more anxious about the future of survival, and they are not burdened by their children. If they marry a naturalized person, they will finally not have to suffer here - no one knows what a naturalized person means.

"The chief said that only those of you who perform well and are active in your studies are eligible to become the wives of naturalized people. After you get married, you will be arranged to work and leave here to live a better life." Lu Cheng said, "These few The Senate has seen your performance. You were bullied and suffered in the old society, but you have also acquired a lot of bad habits from the past—some of you haven’t completely got rid of it.” She His eyes swept across the crowd, "So you have to remember, you have to change your mind as soon as possible, no matter in thought or action, you must be in line with a qualified naturalized citizen! Please wait for the announcement of the specific situation."

Less than half an hour after the dissolution, the news spread among these academies, and everyone who was not included in the candidate list looked at them with envy and hatred.The sharp-tongued ones can't help but make sarcastic remarks about "climbing high branches", and some people can't help but say that those who are selected are going to "become official prostitutes and military prostitutes, and send them to various yamen and military camps of Australians to pick up customers." "Naturally, these rumormongers had their ass blooming that night, plus the treatment of a small black house.

But for most people, being selected is naturally a great benefit.When I was a prostitute, what I wanted the most was that there was a benefactor who was willing to pay to redeem me to go out and be a good person, a clean person.Now this opportunity is in front of him, but he has missed it.Many people regretted it—if they were more active at the beginning and could be an activist, wouldn't they be able to leave here like this and become an upright naturalized citizen?

There are also some people, adhering to their experience of being deceived by life for many years, they still have a cold attitude towards this matter: "Congliang? Let's talk about it when we get here."
Next update: Volume 121 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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