Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2007 List

Chapter 2007 List
The list was slowly formed in the gossip in Jiliang Institute.The trio figured out what the elders were thinking, and the first batch must be highly demanding and serve as a benchmark.So the selection of people is also very strict.Mao Weijia said that it would be better to have fewer people than to cause any problems.

In this way, the candidates were greatly narrowed down, and all kinds of gossip were flying all over the office.Lu Cheng couldn't take care of all this, and talked to the candidates one by one day and night to ensure that everyone's situation was "in place".

In the end, only 50 people were selected in Jiliang Institute.As usual, the list was posted on the bulletin board for "public announcement", and there was inevitably another private discussion, with envy, blessings and bitter words flying everywhere.

At this time, the work efficiency of the workshop suddenly improved significantly. "Having hope" is more effective than doing "ideological work". In the past, cadres just told them to "work hard" and "reform their minds".Now that there is a way out suddenly, even if I don't get selected in the first batch, as long as I work hard, I will always get my turn later.

Bian Cuibao immediately seemed isolated. Lu Cheng and the cadres kept reminding everyone, explicitly or implicitly, that "ideological issues" should be considered when being included in the list, and "unqualified" students "wouldn't consider it." , but as long as everyone "works hard to make progress", "the superiors will definitely see it", "some people were confused in the past and followed suit, as long as they draw a clear line, the superiors will let the past go and give them a chance"...

There are often such people among the masses who, for various reasons, become "stabs" who resist the authority of their superiors. Although their small resistance will secretly gain the support and sympathy of the masses, they can still do so under the condition that "the law does not rule the masses". They are applauded, but once the masses discover that abandoning them can gain more benefits, the "public opinion" of the thorns will collapse instantly.The few "personages" who were originally "respectable" in Jiliang Institute will suddenly become "abandoned shoes" that no one cares about.Even her best friends and sisters dare not speak to her publicly, and those who are more active simply "draw the line".During the weekly "democratic life meeting", Bian Cuibao, the "king of quarrels" that no one dared to provoke in the past, was criticized by several people so that he dared not speak out.Even at work, I am often reprimanded by activists.

"After the chief's plan was put forward, the Jiliang Institute has a completely new look." Lu Cheng was very happy. This change was completely unexpected, which surprised and delighted her.

The asylum was devoting itself to the matter of the list, and Du Yibin was not idle after returning, and immediately went to the shipyard to meet Wang Jun to discuss the specific list of naturalized people and the mode of the blind date meeting.

"Things are not too easy," Wang Jun sighed after seeing him, and took out a thick booklet, "There are too many monks and too little porridge."

The booklet on the table is the list and general introduction of the disabled and naturalized people that Wang Jun asked from the Civil Affairs Office.

The disability system of the Senate refers to the old time and space, and is divided into ten levels.This blind date event only solves the marriage problems of moderately and severely disabled persons of level 7 and above.

Du Yibin took a look and found that the materials were quite complete, not only with photos, but also detailed information on the specific disability, sequelae, rehabilitation plan, and approximate cost.There are also detailed records on the current working conditions, income and benefits, housing and family conditions of the disabled.The work of the Civil Affairs Office is well done.

Wang Jun said: "I originally thought there were not many people, but now it seems that my estimate was wrong. I am afraid it is far from enough."

"There are more men than women, it's hard to tell." Du Yibin began to scratch his head.

Be it Wang Jun or Du Yibin, they still underestimated the number of single, disabled and naturalized citizens. Even if all the activists in the Jiliang Institute were counted, it might not be enough.

"There is a second troublesome thing. As soon as our plan was reported, various departments have now sent memos, and there are still people who want to invite dinner. If we are in Lingao now, it is estimated that 'Feiyun Club', 'South Sea Cafe' 'These places have to hurry to go to the banquet, and eat at least four or five meals a day."

"Dinner, please?" Du Yibin was puzzled.

"It's nothing more than tilting these single women to their department," Wang Jun said with a wry smile.

Du Yibin thought for a while: "No one can be offended in this matter. I see it this way: since we can't tell the difference, whether it's a disabled person or an ordinary naturalized citizen, we will uphold two principles: one is that the woman is voluntary; the other is that the man depends on his seniority. And merit, whoever has the most seniority and meritorious service will be prioritized on the candidate list. The disabled and naturalized are old and have made great contributions. They also have some influence in their own units, can speak well, and their seniority salary is also high. Some, it can be regarded as compensation for those widows."

As for the venue, it was naturally Guangzhou—it would be too expensive to transport students and single women back to Lingao, not to mention that thanks to the large number of imported people, the ratio of men to women in Lingao itself has become normal.Since the invasion of the mainland, more than [-] cadres and soldiers have been dispatched from Lingao and other places, and there are a large number of Wang Laowu among these people.They left Lingao, the "little paradise on earth", to work in the new area with difficult conditions, and it is only natural that they should be properly inclined in marriage.

"As for the location of the blind date, Mayor Liu is very supportive of us. We can choose all kinds of local buildings, but there is a problem. There are very few disabled naturalized people in Guangzhou," Wang Jun said. Stop having a blind date."

Disabled naturalized people are now mostly arranged to work in Lingao, and some counties in Hainan have also been resettled. Only a small number of naturalized people with Grade 7 disabilities work in Guangzhou.If you want to hold a blind date meeting, it will be very troublesome to gather these people together, not to mention taking a boat.

Du Yibin also thought about it: "They have limited mobility, so don't bother. Use photos to choose in both directions. After you choose, just send the woman to her—for fear that the woman will regret it."

"There's nothing we can do to repent. We can't force this kind of thing. At most, she earned a one-way ticket—her life-long event still has to be arranged by the Senate, so it's not a loss." Wang Jun said.

"Ordinary naturalized citizens are collectively sent to the Jiliang Institute to have a face-to-face blind date with them. This can be regarded as on-site education. Tell those backward elements that the Senate keeps its word, and it can also make the rest of the students change their minds." Du Yibin Said, Wang Jun said no problem.

At the moment, the two divided the work and sorted out the relevant list and materials.First, the list of disabled naturalized citizens sent was sorted out from top to bottom according to seniority, and then Wang Jun's life secretary copied and sorted out the relevant materials.

For the specific form of the blind date meeting, Wang Jun has already drawn up a plan. Mr. Du Yuan has never been worried about this kind of thing. Just hit it off."

"You let me be the planner or the host?" Wang Jun asked while drinking kvass.

"Of course, I'll just be in charge of the behind-the-scenes and the layout. I don't want to worry about so much, so it's decided. Anyway, this is what you think." Du Yibin drank kvass, "Just don't make it a blind date show."

"A dating show is a variety show, not a real blind date."

"All right, all right, hurry up and set things up—I don't think there is any need for food, get me some melon seeds, tea, etc..."

"What about the money? I have to go to Director Wang to approve the budget." The two found that there was still a lot to do. Wang Jun paid for it by himself, and took people to the tea shop to buy things first, while Du Yibin chatted with Director Wang. Go: This budget has been changed many times, and if he disagrees with it, he will post a post on the BBS and slam him as "grandfather".

Three days later, Du Yibin, who successfully got the budget cut by [-] or [-] knives, came to the shelter again, and the three of them reported the list and the problems they encountered to Du Yibin.

Du Yibin was not interested in the list - he didn't know anyone.But I read the list of various questions raised several times.

Some of the items mentioned on this list of questions have been thought of by him, some have been arranged by the Civil Affairs Office, and many others have not been thought of by anyone.No wonder Duke Ma said that civil affairs work best embodies the word "difficulty".Sure enough.Most of these issues are trivial, but they are actually related to their lives and cannot be said to be insignificant.

If it is to be solved, it can be solved regardless of the cost, but the current financial situation of the Senate cannot spend money lavishly. A very euphemistic reminder: Although the special fee is a separate item, it is essentially a pot of soup, and there is no second pot.

Therefore, the actual special funds allocated are very small. Liu Muzhou reminded him many times in the memo to him that he should "calculate the cost" and that "in principle" no subsidies will be given to the marriages of non-disabled naturalized citizens.As for Mayor Liu, although he expressed "strong support", he also imposed conditions. First, Guangzhou City can only provide support in terms of space and manpower, and as for money, it does not have a penny.

So when he speaks now, he can only be more cautious:

"Their concerns are understandable, and I can't make many promises at the moment. First of all, the regulations issued by the Civil Affairs Office now stipulate that after marrying a disabled naturalized citizen, each family will be provided with an independent house. Population calculation. There will also be certain discounts on purchases and mortgages; the second is for families with severe disabilities and a large number of dependents. Housekeeping subsidy coupons will be issued every month according to the number of disabilities, which are used to invite housekeepers to come Assisting with housework is mainly heavy physical labor; Needless to say, disability subsidies and allowances are available for disabled people. If they are moderately or below disabled people who can take care of themselves, they will be arranged for appropriate jobs; Those who take care of themselves will not be arranged to work, and will be paid the minimum living allowance in addition.”
Next update: Volume 122 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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