Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2008 Choice

Chapter 2008 Choice
According to Du Yibin's own opinion, this salary is simply "outrageously low", but right now this is the greatest support that the Senate can provide, and he reluctantly agreed to the housekeeping service voucher after fighting for several rounds of civil affairs eloquence .He has already thought about it, he can learn from the volunteers of later generations, let soldiers in the army, students in Fangcaodi, and colleagues in the work unit organize a group of people to help with housework every week or half a month, at a low cost as much as possible Reduce the burden on families with disabilities.

"As for those who are generally worried about being abused by their husbands and in-laws, we have also said that we will protect their legal rights in the system. In addition, we will arrange jobs for them so that they can have income, so even if they cannot go out to work, For women who marry severely disabled naturalized citizens, we also provide a minimum living allowance. With their own disposable income, their status in the family is different. The status of women is ultimately an economic issue.”

Lu Cheng had heard this tune many times in Du Wen's class, so she nodded silently.

"They have such an income, no matter whether they are husbands or in-laws, they dare not underestimate them, and the probability of abuse and other things happening is much smaller. In addition, when we arrange housing, we will try to arrange them in the same place as possible." Neighboring places - we can help each other. Don't there be more people, so you will be more courageous?"

Lu Cheng couldn't help but said: "The Senate is too thoughtful!"

This is her admiration from the bottom of her heart, which is not unusual for Du Yibin, he has been thinking about these things for many days.

"As for those who have children, it depends on whether they are willing to accept them. The children who are willing to accept them can follow their surnames." Du Yibin said, "In fact, some disabled naturalized people have lost their fertility. We suggest that women with children can Consider them—it will be more receptive."

"Chief, let me see if we have an on-site meeting, and you will also get off on the spot. It will be more convincing." Lu Cheng said.

Lu Cheng gathered all the candidates on the list, and answered their concerns one by one in public. Because Du Yibin was also present, it was equivalent to directly endorsing Lu Cheng. Everyone's concerns were quickly dispelled. Finally, Lu Cheng If they were asked to sign up voluntarily, more than 200 people were willing to marry, which greatly exceeded Du Yibin's expectations.I was very happy in my heart, and I nodded again and again, and then delivered a "passionate" speech, encouraging everyone to "have the courage to open up a new life."

After Du Yibin finished speaking, he distributed relevant materials to "single women" who were willing to marry.

This batch of materials was carefully produced by Minzhengkou, and each disabled naturalized citizen has one copy. In addition to the head portrait, there are also full-body photos-this is to give them a chance to actually evaluate the other person's physical disability status.The information is very detailed. It can be said that everything the woman cares about is listed above.

The "single women" read carefully—there are more than 200 candidate materials, and it takes a long time to read all of them, and they are almost illiterate. Although they have undergone literacy training, they can read the materials Very laborious.So most people just look at the photos.

If you find a match, you can write down the number on the slip of paper and put it in the basket. If you don't think it is suitable, you don't have to choose it.

Soon, the room was filled with the sound of chattering, talking, laughing and exclamation.Sitting on it, Du Yibin felt very satisfied.It can be seen that they are looking through the materials with expectations.He originally thought that many people would give up as soon as he opened the materials, but unexpectedly, many people were looking at the photos repeatedly, and from time to time, some people begged the cadres next to him to read the materials and explain the terms on them.Most people don't understand the monetary unit of the Senate, and they also want to know "how much" the listed income figures are worth; , are nothing more than craftsmen, peasant women, businessmen, and clerks, and the types of jobs inscribed on this material are dazzling, and many of them can't understand.Someone has to explain.

Although I know that my dating partners are all disabled people, but everyone always wants to find a "better" one, so they have to pick and choose. Some people will blush.They don't have the haggard, heart-ashamed "fair women" appearance not long ago, but they look like rejuvenated young girls.

In this way, this photo blind date event becomes very lengthy.Du Yibin couldn't sit still when he was young, so he walked out quietly.He took a deep breath, thinking

Lu Cheng also hurriedly followed.


"It's nothing, I feel a little stuffy, come out to get some air." Du Yibin said, "How is the situation with the students?"

"Everything is ready." Lu Cheng said, "Everyone's emotions are very high. Those who are not shortlisted are waiting for the next time. Who doesn't want to have a good family, a man and a child, and live an ordinary life Woolen cloth?"

"Naturally, there will be opportunities for the next time, but she has to work hard, right?" Du Yibin himself is also very emotional. "In the future, we will give more people opportunities so that everyone can live a good life."

"That's right." Lu Cheng felt that the young veteran was overly happy, as if tears were streaming from the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't help but secretly surprised that no matter whether the widow or the disabled naturalized people, none of them were his relatives, he was so happy to do it What?She recalled a past incident Mao Xiuyu mentioned, where Elder Liu Sanyuan picked up a sick child from the pile of corpses with his own hands, and fed him food and medicine. "Parents and mothers are nothing more than that, let alone people who are not relatives or relatives," Mao Xiuyu always added a sentence when he said this, "It can't be like this unless there is great mercy."

This distinguished veteran came all the way to Guangzhou just for such a trivial matter.The so-called "the old, the weak, the widows, the widows, the handicapped and the young, the senate is full of grace", Lu Cheng was very moved in his heart, and said in a low voice: "The chiefs are all people with great compassion, and the common people are all grateful."

Unlike other expatriate veterans, Du Yibin was accustomed to praise, and when he heard this girl's words, he felt a slight heat on his face, and said, "You are too much."

The atmosphere was a little delicate, when suddenly Lu Weijia came in from the outside and greeted: "Chief Du! A batch of goods has arrived, please take a look."

"I'll come right away." Du Yibin knew that most likely it was Wang Jun's blind date meeting, and he walked to the door immediately, only a few naturalized people were pushing the blast cart, which was full of standard boxes.What surprised him was that Wang Jun also came.

"Why are you here? Isn't the blind date meeting tomorrow?"

"It's open tomorrow, so I'm here to set up the venue today." Wang Jun pointed to the driver of the team, "I went to various institutions in Guangzhou for alms, and got a lot of things. Let's go on a blind date in Guangzhou for the first time. , make it more grand." He said and waved his hands, "Everyone move quickly."

The venue for the blind date meeting was set in the auditorium, which was actually a temple in the temple in the past. Because it was well preserved, it was used as an auditorium. There was nothing in it except three tables and dozens of benches.Wang Jun directed the naturalized migrant worker cadre auditorium to be cleaned, decorated with lights, and temporarily moved tables from various places in the shelter, and arranged them in pairs. Snacks and tea were placed on each table.I prepared a lot of paper signs and pencils, and finally, there was a small sheepskin drum that I don't know where.

"My lord, why is it arranged in such a face-to-face manner? It seems like everyone is having a meeting around a conference table." Du Yibin was puzzled. In his concept, everyone should sit at the bottom, and then the man and woman would take turns to introduce Oneself, and then everyone makes a two-way choice, writes out the number of the person you like, and finally makes a match.

"This is called drumming to pass on a fancy blind date," Wang Jun said, "and it's more efficient."

In this blind date mode, a man and a woman sit opposite each other and talk for 5 minutes each time. If the conversation is suitable and can be paired, both parties can get up and leave; Next.

"The civil affairs department has held several blind dates in Lingao. I have seen it. It is probably this model. The success rate of matching is still good. The key is to save time."

"What can we talk about in 5 minutes? The foundation of the relationship is not strong." Du Yibin recalled his love history: the short three months of his predecessors in the past, it was more than a year of growing up and he hadn't reached the point where he was talking about marriage.

"Isn't it more unreliable to look at photos," Wang Jun laughed, "Did you talk about your relationship when you went to buy a life secretary?"

"That is," Du Yibin nodded, "Free love is still a bit of a luxury for this generation, and their next generation may be the mainstream."

Everyone was busy and quickly arranged the venue.Du Yibin remembered that the photo blind date over there was not over yet, so he dragged Wang Jun over to check the situation.

Many people have already selected suitable targets and registered with the cadres.But there are many others who rummage through the folders on the table.The elders took a look, and at least half of them had already found a suitable partner.Wang Jun took a look at the files of the "famous grass and owner" naturalized people. The moderately disabled naturalized people are the most "sought-after", especially those with one side of the body.This kind of physical disability is relatively mild, and they can basically take care of themselves, because they still have the ability to work, and most of them still have jobs.Therefore, it is particularly sought-after among candidates.The second is loss of hearing on one side or all or loss of vision on one side. Because there are no problems with physical labor and self-care, they are also more popular.

In contrast, naturalized residents with severe disabilities such as loss of both lower limbs, half body paralysis, and total vision loss are less popular, and only a few women with children choose.
Next update: Volume 123 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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