Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2009 Blind Date Meeting

Chapter 2009 Blind Date Meeting ([-])

Although the disability is above level 4 and disabled naturalized citizens who cannot take care of themselves, the Civil Affairs Office will issue special nursing fees, plus their disability subsidies, etc., at least to ensure that their income is not lower than the average of naturalized civilian workers. The salary level is even higher for some meritorious service and awards, but for their marriage partners, the words "can't take care of themselves" are enough to make them daunting.

The cadres present repeatedly "mobilized", especially emphasizing their income levels and benefits: the couple can enjoy the same standard of living as most naturalized migrant workers without having to go out to work, and there are additional benefits in terms of benefits.In the end, another group of people chose these disabled workers.Most of them are poor in their own conditions: they are older, have children to support, or are lacking in appearance...

In the end, there were quite a few of these people left.Du Yibin knew that the actual ability of this blind date can only go so far. Fortunately, there are not too many disabled people above level 4, so the problem is not so obvious.

The "single women" who have selected a suitable target register with the cadres, immediately pack their luggage and live in a separate dormitory-within a few days, the civil affairs department will arrange a boat ticket for them and let them go to Lingao. go.Although Du Yibin and Wang Jun said that if they repented, it would be a waste of a boat ticket at most, but in fact they would never leave again when they arrived in Lingao, even if they were asked to leave.

As for those who are not selected, they will stay in the shelter and wait for the next blind date.Although Mao Xiuyu hinted that some "means" could be used to get them to choose, Du Yibin still felt a little unbearable, and decided to let them choose later after consideration.

"We're going to have a blind date tomorrow. Do you want to tell Chief Du to let them participate?" Seeing that there were more than 30 people left, Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when they left.

Lu Weijia has nothing to do, but Mao Xiuyu shook his head again and again: "No, no." He explained: "The rest of them are unwilling to choose disabled and naturalized civilian workers; if they are allowed to participate in blind dates, Married to those naturalized civilian workers with able-bodied bodies, what will the disabled people think? Will this matter be done in the future?"

The two of them felt reasonable after hearing this, and Mao Xiuyu then suggested that it is best to keep those single women, whether they are planning to marry or have not picked a suitable one, all separated far away, and even the news cannot be leaked, so as not to know The students' blind dates stimulated them.

"It has to be like this. Lu Weijia nodded.

"Let's do it separately."

Du Yibin and Wang Jun's blind date meeting was grandly held in the shelter the next day.There were 100 naturalized civilian workers who came to participate in the blind date. They were all dispatched to work in Guangzhou or on business trips in Guangzhou.

When choosing the man, Wang Jun and Du Yibin also took a lot of thought.Difficulty in marrying a wife is a long-standing problem among naturalized migrant workers.This is not only because of the disparity in the ratio of men to women but also because of women's economic advancement.After a large number of female naturalized people had their own income, marriage became less urgent, and their requirements for choosing a spouse were also different.

As a result, in the Lingao marriage market, it becomes difficult for those relatively disadvantaged male naturalized migrant workers to choose a spouse.Firstly, they are older, old bachelors, and lack attractiveness in front of women; secondly, because of their culture and ability, they are at the bottom of the naturalized people system of the Senate, and they are engaged in simple physical tasks. Labor, not only low income, but also no prospect of promotion.Female naturalized migrant workers with a little foresight look down on them.

Since they can't find it in the system, they can only focus on the non-naturalized people - the demonstration effect of the naturalized people in Lingao is too strong, and there are too many single men, the number of which is limited Among the aboriginal people, the vision of the women to be married is not low.As a result, these [-]-year-old naturalized civilian workers can only rely on buying sex to meet their physiological needs.

Although a moment of ecstasy with the "yellow tickets" can solve the physical needs, it will not help the emotional comfort that a person needs.With no family, no children, the shadow of loneliness always hangs over their heads.

In this mainland raid, this batch of lower-level naturalized "veteran workers" were also sent here one after another.Although their abilities are not suitable for leadership positions at all levels, Guangdong also needs a large number of grassroots clerks and workers—at least they can write, count, and speak a decent Mandarin.By the way, I went to Guangdong, where the sex ratio is not so imbalanced, to solve my next personal problem.

From this group of people, Wang Jun selected naturalized civilian workers who had served the Senate for more than three years and were over 35 years old, and picked out some who were obviously inappropriate, and finally formed a list of 100 people. .

Early in the morning, these "old leftover men" who were notified to go on a "blind date" assembled at the city hall according to the notice.In order to show his support for this matter, Liu Xiang specially arranged for several barbers to cut their hair and shave their faces on the spot, and also gave each employee who went on a blind date new clothes.Wang Sangou, deputy chief of the general affairs department of the municipal government, was wearing a brand-new uniform, happily shuttled among a group of bachelors waiting for a haircut and shave, and happily scolded them from time to time.

"Be clean shaved and look younger!"

"Why don't you wash your face well, you have black eyebrows, how can any woman look up to you!"

"Going on a blind date and still frowning, don't want to have a son?!"


The bachelors were also beaming, although they had been greeted beforehand, the blind dates were all rescued prostitutes.But for old bachelors, having a wife is an unexpected joy, and they don't care about their wives' backgrounds.He responded to Wang Sangou's accusations:

"Section Chief Wang, you are also an old bachelor, why don't you go on a blind date?"

"You are a highly respected old man, and you are also the chief of the section. It is not easy to go on a blind date."

"Section Chief Wang, you are an old senior in our bachelor world, don't you want to find a wife and have a son yourself?"

"Just spare Section Chief Wang, he's too old to be able to do anything."

"Haven't you heard of growing old and growing strong? King Wen of Zhou Bashi has a son."

"Using an umbrella as a shotgun and killing a fox, what do you think is the case?"


Wang Sangou smiled, and didn't care about the teasing of the bachelors. He shook his head and said, "I'm already at this age, how many years can I live? Even if I can beat foxes, I won't do it - I will drag down the good girls Yes. You are still young, marry a wife and start a family, life will be more enjoyable as time passes, it is all thanks to the Senate!"

The courtyard was full of joy, and Wang Jun, who was about to preside over the blind date ceremony, was all smiles.After working for so long, he finally managed to achieve such a small result. Although he was doing it to improve his performance, everyone's joy also infected him.

Just following Lehe, Du Yibin also came with a happy face. Besides the guards and secretary, he also brought an old man with him, wearing a Dongpo scarf and straight embroidered clothes.His demeanor looked like that of an old pedant, with a sullen and unhappy expression on his face.Wang Jun wondered: Who is this?
"This is Mr. Song...Song Yingsheng..." Du Yibin said, fearing that Wang Jun would not know who he was, he added, "It's Song Yingxing's brother."

Song Yingsheng looked sullen. Ever since he was captured in Enping and begged for death many times, he found that this old man Du Yuan had a "deep love" for him, and he tried his best to persuade him to "surrender Song".When I arrived in Guangzhou, every time I saw a veteran, I would specifically mention: "This is Song Yingxing and his brother".

He was really puzzled, judging from the attitude of this elder Du and other elders towards him, it was obvious that the Australians attached great importance to their third brother Ying Xing.But the third brother is just a high-ranking instructor in the county school of Fenyi County, and he is only a county magistrate, and the second brother Song Yingding has passed away.If we talk about his father, he is a veteran scholar who has not been the first for 40 years, and he passed away a few years ago.Grandfather died young.The most prominent member of the family is Song Jing, the great-grandfather who once joined the cabinet—he passed away almost a hundred years ago.

Although my family can barely be considered a "big family" in Jiangxi, it is not considered luxurious.Song Yingsheng thought hard and couldn't figure out why the thief Kun was so interested in the third brother.

Persuading him to capitulate in Enping didn't count, but this time when the county magistrate returned to Guangzhou, he insisted on bringing him, saying that he wanted to "open his eyes."When I arrived in Guangzhou, although I didn’t see the rumors that the Australians were “constructing large-scale projects” and “turning stones into gold”, the streets of Guangzhou were completely new.

Song Yingsheng was born as a county magistrate. Although Enping is not a big place, he also knows that doing these things is labor-intensive and thankless.

Australians have actually done some practical and good things these days when they came to the city!This made his impression of the Australians much better.

To be honest, Du Yibin’s governance in Enping is generally affirmative. Although there are many “disapproval” points in it, he feels that the Australians are too trivial and “not good at governing the world”, but they can only rely on guns and force. .

When I arrived in Guangzhou, I realized that this trivial administration has great benefits—especially in a big city like Guangzhou. During the past few days in Guangzhou, he was brought by Du Yuan and walked through many places. The streets of the market are very different from the past. Not only are the streets tidy and clean, but the appearance of the pedestrians on the streets is also different from the past.Therefore, his attitude towards Elder Du Yuan softened a little.

Song Yingsheng refused in his heart when he was called to participate in some kind of "blind date party".However, since he has been reduced to a prisoner, he must not compromise. It is not a problem to participate in such an insignificant event, not to mention that Du Yuan also said that he does not want to do anything. If he is willing to help, he will do it. Just stay by and watch the excitement.The chief had already mentioned this, and Song Yingsheng acquiesced.
Next update: Volume 124 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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