Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2010 Blind Date Conference

Chapter 2010 Blind date meeting ([-])

As soon as Wang Jun heard his introduction, his disapproving expression suddenly changed, and he changed his words:
"It turned out to be Mr. Song. I have admired him for a long time."

"Don't dare." Song Yingsheng saw the scene that had happened countless times again. No matter what the expression of the elder he saw before, he would smile after hearing this sentence, and then he would use a curious expression. He looked himself up and down countless times, and most of the time he would praise Du Yuan, congratulating him on his "sight".No matter what they talked about afterwards, the veteran of the Kun thief would be extremely polite, and many people would even inquire about the third brother.

What did the third brother do to benevolent to the thief, so that they can't forget it so much?I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse!Song Yingsheng was secretly puzzled and worried.

"Sit down and rest first, there will be elders coming in a while."

"There are still elders coming?" Du Yibin was surprised, he thought that his torment was already hated by people in Guangzhou city.

"The old man from Propaganda is coming." Wang Jun picked up the thermos cup and drank a big mouthful of tea, "Think about it, such a good material, why can't Propaganda fully report it?"

"That's true, why didn't I expect..."

"Qin Ruiyu sent a correspondent here just now, saying that he will be there in person. He is also planning to take photos—report it in a few days, and both Lingao and Yangcheng will be on it! There will also be "Venus"!"

The two of them were talking, and Song Yingsheng sat silently, looking at this "blind date auditorium".

The group blind date is not new to Song Yingsheng. As an official in Guangdong, he has traveled quite a bit. He has seen scenes of ethnic minority men and women going to fairs in Guangdong and Guangxi, and unmarried young men and women singing and dating each other.Australians are overseas savages, and this is probably also popular.

When I arrived at the scene, I found that the layout here was completely different from what I had imagined. There were tea bowls and tea sets on the table, and someone put a fruit plate on the table. On the plate were various snacks and snacks-is this a tea house?Song Yingsheng was quite puzzled.Looking up, I saw many colorful ropes stretched across the beams and pillars of the house, like spider webs, with paper lanterns, various colorful circles and ornaments hanging from them. Although simple, they were also colorful and lively.

Although the houses here are old and the tables and chairs are dilapidated and junked together, they are cleaned up and down and neatly tidied up.It's completely in the style of "New Life"—Song Yingsheng has been in Guangzhou for a few days, and he has fully understood the overwhelming propaganda of the "New Life Movement" in Guangzhou.

Song Yingsheng had a good impression of this "New Life Movement" and felt that it meant "government from ancient times". There is a feeling of "changing the world".

The shelter today can be seen to be rebuilt from a ruined temple. In terms of building repairs, the Australians did not spend too much manpower and material resources. Many places can be seen to be temporary repairs. The newly repaired houses are made of bamboo bones. Reed mat walls, shabby houses painted with yellow mud on the outside and covered with straw, but the ground is cleaned and everything is neatly placed.There is no dilapidated "sense of improvisation" at all, but a thriving vigor.

"Master Song, your handwriting is good, come and help me." Du Yibin said and brought a stack of red Dou Fang and the Four Treasures of the Study.

He has no shortage of people who can write, but today he said that he was asked to "look and see", and he was still planning to "educate" him.

It's a pity that this middle-aged man has a very stubborn temper - Du Yibin knew that in the original time and space, Song Yingsheng committed suicide after the fall of Nanming, so he didn't dare to press too hard, he could only do some "subtle influence".

Writing a few words is naturally not a big deal, and it is inconvenient for Song Yingsheng to refuse-speaking of it, this is where he can fully despise the Kun thief.As far as he can see: from the head of the elders to the cadres of the Guihua people, one of them counts as one, and they all have a bad handwriting.

"What to write?" He picked up the ink ingot, knowing that it was the most inferior soot ingot, he felt very unhappy. As for the inkstone and brush, it seemed that the accountant and the like used crude goods for keeping accounts.

"Just these few words, each word is a fight." Du Yibin said.

Song Yingsheng took a closer look, and there was a line of words written on the note: "The first group blind date meeting in Guangzhou".

Regardless of how the words were written, Song Yingsheng was slandered by this half-understood sentence.But there is nothing wrong with these words.Immediately rubbed the ink and dipped the pen, and wrote one by one on the red square in one breath.Du Yibin applauded repeatedly from the sidelines, saying that the writing was "exquisite".It made him feel embarrassed: his ink pen was not "exquisite" in any case among scholars, at best it was qualified.

Du Yibin spoke from his heart - not to mention brush calligraphy, he didn't even dare to compliment the words written with pen and pencil.When the ink was slightly dry, a Guihuaman was called to nail these big characters of fighting square on the roof beam one by one.

The fight here is nailed down, and the men and women who are on a blind date over there also come.The first ones are the bachelors. In terms of age, the youngest of them are all over 35 years old, and they are generally in their forties. If it is ordinary poor people, they will already show signs of premature aging at this age, and some people’s backs have begun camel.However, these people have been naturalized for more than three years. They have lived and worked under the rule of the Senate for many years. Not only have they obtained sufficient nutritional intake, but their rest and work arrangements are also more scientific and reasonable than that of the indigenous people.Not only did they not look old, but they looked alive and well. They all had their hair cut, shaved their beards, put on new clothes, and all of them were flushed.

Because there are a little too many people, this auditorium cannot accommodate so many people at one time, so the mode of three sessions is adopted.The first match is for men and women with lottery numbers 51 to [-], and the second match is for men and women with numbers [-] to [-].The third game is the "resurrection battle" of men and women who did not meet a suitable partner in the first two blind dates.

There are 20 tables and 100 chairs in the venue. The rule is that the female students sit still, and the male naturalized people change positions in turn. They talk for 5 minutes, and if they are not satisfied, they will change.After all the transfers are completed, it is free communication time.It takes about two hours to go around like this.

This model has been implemented very maturely in Lingao and other places, but I don't know if it is too advanced for the students.

"I hope it will go smoothly." Wang Jun pondered in his heart.

It is estimated that after three games, it is almost a day.End before five o'clock in the afternoon - so that the naturalized people in the city still have time to go back before dark.The law and order outside the city is poor, and a curfew is enforced after nightfall, and no one is allowed to walk on the road except armed patrols.

"Come on, come on, everyone take your seats." Seeing the bachelors who came in all at a loss, Wang Jun greeted with a big iron horn, "You all sit on the left side of the table, yes, the right side is reserved for the woman!"

After the man takes his seat, the woman arrives.Compared with the dull and silent bachelors, the students are much more lively. They are all veterans who have rolled in the entertainment field. Naturally, they will not be as shy as ordinary folk women when they see men. They look around and chatter in a low voice. men.

"Hey, everyone, stop talking nonsense, and quickly sit down according to the serial number." Wang Jun directed.

Sit down according to the serial number, men and women are separated by a table, the carefree women suddenly become shy, bowing their heads one by one, not to mention talking about men, even their eyes are shyly lowered, just glanced quietly. with the man.

Wang Jun thought that the student's style of painting had changed too quickly.He saw that the No. 50 men and women had already sat down relative to each other, and Qin Yuan, who was in the publicity department, also brought his staff to the venue.He gestured to Du Yibin, and walked slowly to the center of the venue.

Naturally, there is no microphone here, but the host of the blind date ceremony speaks with a big iron horn, which is a bit too joyful, and it is not conducive to taking pictures for publicity.Wang Jun had to give full play to his throat.

He came to the head of the table and glanced at the men and women present.

"Well..." Wang Jun cleared his throat: "Comrades, students! I am the host Wang Jun this time. This time I represent the Senate to host the first group blind date event in Guangzhou Special City. Although the blind date event is held in Guangdong This is the first time we have held it in Hainan, but we have held it many times in Hainan, and the results are remarkable! The specific situation, your respective leaders have already discussed with you, so I will not repeat it. The blind date conference we held reflects the Our Senate’s concern for activists, I know some people may think, why does the Senate control the sky and the earth, and also care about marriage and farting? You are wrong to think so! As the saying goes, revolutionary work is no small matter! Many of you They are no longer young, and they are all single. The persecution of the old society has left everyone without opportunities and conditions to marry, which is inhumane!" He paused deliberately when he said this, "You are now living in the new society. This blind date meeting is specially held to let you get married, settle yourself down, and solve your personal problems so that you can better serve the revolutionary work! Our Senate not only transforms the old society, but also has a new society. An innovative form of love! This is the care of the Senate for you! I hope that in this event, both men and women can find the one they like, form a new family, continue the blood of themselves and China, and serve the Senate and the people Serve, and the whole family will become qualified naturalized citizens!" He paused for a while when he said this, at this time the men's group applauded warmly, and the woman's side reacted quickly and applauded, which made Wang Jun very satisfied ——After all, they are all student activists.

"Okay, let me announce the next link. Each of you has a number plate on your clothes. This is your blind date number..." Wang Jun began to introduce the rules. card to address and confirm.

Next update: Volume 125 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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