Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2011 Blind Date Meeting

Chapter 2011 Blind date meeting ([-])
Qin Ruiyu held the camera in person, constantly looking for angles to shoot.Naturalized civilian workers have long been used to it, but the students are a little uneasy about the constant "click".

Du Yibin took Song Yingsheng to sit in the back, watching the scene, and from time to time he greeted Song Yingsheng for tea, food and snacks.Song Yingsheng didn't say a word, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was quite awkward.

A few minutes later, Wang Jun finished speaking, so the men and women sat in a row, and without the matchmaker, the two parties just met face to face and looked at each other within a distance of less than [-] centimeters.Although there were tea and tea cups on the table, no one moved them.

"Okay, let's talk freely. Be careful that you will change seats as soon as the drum beats. If you are interested in the other party but you can't make up your mind for the time being, you can write down the other party's number first. We will pair up after the end." Wang Jun took the trouble The narrator, "The blind date begins now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the snare drum sounded.

There was a little embarrassment in the air, no one spoke at first, Wang Jun persuaded, encouraged and made jokes to invigorate the atmosphere, so he almost asked Meng Fei to possess him.

Finally, under his constant encouragement, someone started talking.

Compared with the nervousness and shyness of the man, the students are more outgoing.Their performance is far from being "smooth and generous", but rather the pungent and crisp taste of some street girls.

It is different from the blind dates between naturalized men and women held in Lingao and other places: in blind dates between naturalized men and women, both parties will fill out a basic information card and exchange readings before starting the conversation.The information card lists more detailed information such as age, work unit, occupation, and income.You can grasp the basic situation of the other party by just looking at it a little bit.

But this time Wang Jun did not make a basic information card, because the students in the shelter basically have no reading ability, and the content filled in the information card is clear to the naturalized people "in the system", but it is not clear to ordinary people. It's no different from Tianshu.The trainees don't know what "administrative level three" or "technician level one" is, nor can they understand the meaning behind it.As for the monthly income, the students have no concept of the currency value of the silver dollar circulation certificate, so they have to explain it--it's better to leave it to the man himself.

As for the situation of the woman, Wang Jun thinks there is nothing to introduce.Most of the trainees are three no persons: "no family", "no occupation" and "no property".The basic information is only age and name.This is easy to communicate with language.

According to the pre-taught procedure, first talk about two issues, first: tell each other's name and age; second: tell each other about family status.Then everyone talked freely and introduced their specific situations.

And the trainees don't care about their professional title, let alone what diploma they have.They are most concerned about the man's income and family status.

For them, the workplace is a vague concept. Whether it is a "worker", "cadre", "policeman" or any other position, in their view, they are "servants" for Australians. Since errands are naturally for "payment and food" .

This, on the contrary, relieved the nervous male naturalized people.Because based on their experience in the various blind date meetings they have participated in in high-level places, as long as young women who have a little understanding of the Senate system-not necessarily "inside the system"-when asked about their work unit Nine times out of ten, you will lose interest in further conversations after you get a job.Now when I meet students who don’t pay much attention to these things, I can’t help talking more.

"...I just work in a factory, yes, I work in a big workshop. The monthly salary—that is, the salary you mentioned is 5 and a half yuan. How much is 5 and a half yuan? This can buy almost 500 yuan. It’s okay to feed a family with a catty of brown rice. I don’t have a family, I’m just a bachelor. It’s comfortable for you to live a small life with me.

"...I don't have a house right now, but if I get married, the Senate will definitely give me a house. I will mortgage it for 20 years, and the property rights will belong to me. What is a mortgage? It is a loan—borrowing money, and then repaying it in 20 years .Deducted from salary every month.

"I work as a servant for the government. The government is like the yamen of Ming Dynasty. No, no, I'm not an official, I'm not a yamen servant, neither—I'm just a handyman, neither an official nor a petty official...

"...I don't dislike having children, and I don't have any children. If I marry him, he will be my son. I will treat you two well...

"...I still have a father and mother at home. They are in good health. My father still does some odd jobs outside, and my mother can still do some outside work at home. There is a girl below - she is married. What is the income? 4 per month 4 cents and 25 cents, I have a house, and I can pay off the mortgage in 15 years...

"...I'm from Shandong, yes, I came from the north on the boat of the chief. I used to have a house and land at home, but they were all gone during the war. Both my parents and my wife died, leaving only two children... You can't have children. It doesn't matter, I don't dislike it, you will be the mother of the two children, and they will honor you when they grow up, and give you old age until the end of their lives..."


The atmosphere of the venue gradually became lively.Only then did Wang Jun return to his seat—and ordered the drummer to delay drumming for 5 minutes.

"It's hard to get warmed up, give them a few more minutes."

"You are an easy host." Du Yibin joked.

"Then what should we do? It's not a variety show. We have to put on some performances." Wang Jun drank a few sips of tea, then swallowed a mouthful of tea and food and said, "I also want to ask them to arrange a few shows to enliven the atmosphere, but The time was too late, and there were no suitable artists to help rehearse."

Five minutes later, as soon as the drums sounded, more than a dozen couples got up and left in the first wave. They were immediately led to the next room to have a small talk, where there were tea and tea for the two to chat slowly.After a long or short period of time, some went to the place responsible for registration and registered, and some returned to the table.Wang Jun took a look, and there were about five or six pairs registered in the first wave, which is quite a lot.He immediately picked up the tin horn:
"There are six new couples who have formed a happy relationship! Everyone, please do your best. Blind dates are not held every day—even if they are held every day, it won't be your turn every time..."

Wang Jun has never worked in sales, but he is very familiar with hunger marketing and inciting a sense of crisis. He keeps picking up the horn to "incite" it, or remind everyone explicitly or implicitly that "the opportunity is not to be missed, and the time will never come again." ".

With such encouragement, the rest of the people also stepped up their pace. After the final drum sounded in the first round, about 30 pairs had completed their matching registration.After the conversation is over, there is another chance, that is, both parties will hand over the number of their favorite person to Wang Jun for a final pairing.

In this final pairing, there are five more pairs.In this way, there are actually 41 new couples. This ratio was a satellite in the old time and space, but it is normal in this time and space. Marriage is more about living in partnership: it mainly depends on external conditions, and rarely talks about spiritual life.

The remaining nine pairs of women are either young and feel that the conditions of the man are slightly inferior, and they still want to pick and choose; or the women have lost their fertility.The man's conditions are basically too poor: the family is too burdened, and the income is too low.

Compared with the woman, the leftover men looked more disappointed.They had heard that the blind dates were originally good prostitutes in Guangzhou, and they thought that they were good prostitutes, as long as they were not disabled or ugly, and had normal jobs, wouldn't blind dates be easy?It's a bit like sitting on the Diaoyutai, but I didn't expect the other party to still look down on me.The frustration is beyond words.

"Unfortunately, some people still haven't found the person they like. Don't worry: we will give you another chance at the end. Don't be discouraged if you don't choose in the end. The blind date will be held again, and I hope the next time A blind date meeting can find the half you like."

But it is a blind date, there is no reason for a hard match.Wang Jun announced that the first blind date was over, and the rest of the people left the stage separately—he said the last chance, that is, after all three matches are over, the remaining people will be paired again.

Du Yibin was very happy - it was much better than he expected.More than 80.00% success rate!He didn't feel a little proud, and looked sideways at Song Yingsheng.

The emotion in Song Yingsheng's heart at this time is hard to express.As far as the activity itself is concerned, he is very much in favor of it.Since ancient times, the rule of sages: old, young, widowed, widowed and widowed all have something to rely on.Boys should get married, girls should get married.Even good prostitutes in Australia consider solving their life-long affairs. It can be said that they are "benevolent" by caring for the people under their rule.

But he is quite disapproving of the Australians' ethos of "doing big things with small things".In his opinion, entrusting one or two "official media" to handle this kind of trivial matter, why bother to have the elders come forward and engage in these empty scenes?

Seeing that Elder Du was looking at him, he probably wanted to praise the Senate again.Speaking of which, the Australian has a lot to praise, but this old man Du Yuan seems to be particularly concerned about his comments, which annoys him a lot.He coughed lightly and said:
"This is indeed one of the great benefactions of the Senate. However," he said, twirling his beard, "it's a big deal."

Lu Cheng and the others were nearby, and when they heard that this rotten old man viciously attacked the Senate for "making a fuss out of a molehill", their eyes widened immediately, wishing they could go up and reward the old man with a few punches.

Du Yibin was used to being teased by him, so he wasn't surprised, and asked, "Why do you know that?"

"Students saw that the men who came to blind date today are just pawns, and the women are just good prostitutes. Send an official matchmaker and a scribe, and match them by name. It only takes half a day. Everyone has a mate, and they all feel the love of the Senate. Ende. Now there is a special session, a big deal, and a man and a woman choose their own match. It costs a lot, and there are still nine pairs that fail. Isn't it a big deal?"
Next update: Volume 126 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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