Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2013 Preparing for the Wedding

Chapter 2013 Preparing for the Wedding
The blind date meeting came to a successful conclusion, and 76 couples were finally registered. The three elders congratulated the 76 newly-baked couples, which fully reflected the routine of "shabby conditions and lively gathering".

The blind date conference was successfully concluded, and Du Yibin and Wang Jun were quite proud - although the matter was full of twists and turns, it was finally done, and judging from the effect, it was either a small success or a great one.

On the one hand, the propaganda organization obtained excellent material, and Qin Ruiyu was very satisfied with it. Not only did he plan to publish a special article to be the headline of the "Yangcheng Express", but he also planned to publish a special issue to make a special report on this matter.It fully reflects the "rain and dew" of the Senate.It is also a great help to the civil affairs work of the Senate.On the other hand, this incident also effectively solved the marriage problem of a group of naturalized people.Especially the marriage problem of a group of people at the bottom of the naturalized population, although the current situation can only be solved as a drop in the bucket, but at least everyone else sees hope.stabilized social sentiment.And through this incident, it actually stimulated some aborigines and newly naturalized people who were skeptical of the Senate. The concept of a person will naturally change, which cannot be matched by any amount of ideological work.

The next job is naturally to hold a group wedding for them in a splendid manner, pushing this blind date meeting to its climax and making a perfect ending.

When the three elders were drinking and "celebrating" in the elder restaurant of the Great World, they talked about the follow-up.

"There's nothing wrong with group weddings. Even if we don't have money, we can go for alms—asking the local rich people to pay for them is to let them do good deeds." Qin Ruiyu suddenly became enthusiastic because of the great publicity value of this event, "The really troublesome ones Things are behind.

"What's the trouble? We even gave away our daughter-in-law, and we've arranged the wedding for them, so we can't keep our son?" Du Yibin drank a few more glasses of mulberry liqueur, his face turned red.

"It's not necessary to keep a son, what about the wedding room?"

"Damn it!" Wang Jun slapped the cup heavily on the table, "Forget about this!"

The focus of Chinese-style marriage is the house, even in the 17th century.This not only has interest considerations but also has practical significance: what kind of marriage is it if they are both married but cannot live together?
The first batch of disabled naturalized people who went on a blind date did not have a big problem. They had policy benefits to enjoy, and once they got married, the civil affairs department would give them a house.But this group is poor households.

"They don't have a house in Lingao? Why did they go to Guangzhou to solve it?" Du Yibin was puzzled.

"Yes, but very few." Wang Junjiu is in the factory, and he is much more familiar with the living conditions of the naturalized people than Du Yibin, who basically lives on the farm. Basically rented houses and dormitories. After being transferred to work in Guangzhou, they were all arranged in temporary dormitories of various enterprises and organizations. You know that kind of dormitory, there are more than a dozen or dozens of people with bunk beds in one room, what a fart Everyone in the room can hear it, how can it be used as a wedding room?"

"But I heard that there is a one-room couple's dormitory..."

"They are all arranged for married naturalized couples, and some of them are so-called dormitories for visiting relatives. They can only be borrowed temporarily as bridal chambers."

"Damn, this problem is harder than raising a son." Du Yibin began to scratch his head.

"This matter can't be solved by us alone—it doesn't mean that a new urban area will be built on Henan Island, and dormitories will be built there, right?"

Qin Ruiyu nodded: "There is such a plan, and I heard that a batch of dormitories have also started construction. But this group wedding can't wait that long. The hot spots of social news are all continuous, and once they are out of date, it will be difficult to create effects. .”

Wang Jun and Du Yibin are in the same place - the house can't be changed, not to mention that the wedding room must have a certain degree of privacy, and it must also have a home function, so it is difficult to make do with it.

Qin Ruiyu thought over and over again, and said, "I have an idea. Although it can't be called long-term stability, maybe it can make do for a year, waiting for the new dormitory to be built."

"There are so many institutions in Guangzhou City, and the houses in the city are not easy to accommodate. If you want to buy more than a hundred houses at once, where can you get them?"

"The house in the temple."

Du Yibin and Wang Jun immediately showed a "you are not a mortal" expression on their faces.

Although most of the elders are atheists, most of them uphold the two principles of "freedom of belief" and "respect for religious habits". To Wang and Du, living in a religious place is a shocking act.

"Don't be so surprised, okay?" Qin Ruiyu smiled, "First, it's very common for temples and temples to rent out houses in this time and space, and even larger temples have this business—the monks in Beijing still run the business. What about the hotel—it’s not a shocking thing. Second, there are a number of temple delivery rooms that can be used right now.”

"What temple delivery room?"

"You have been in Guangzhou for a long time, but you haven't heard about the religious reform of Liu Dafu?"

"Oh, oh, you mean this." Wang Jun suddenly realized, "corporate reform under the Three-Self principle?"

"Yes. That's it."

"Hey, I didn't really care about this matter..." Wang Jun was a little embarrassed. Du Yibin went to Enping when he arrived in Guangdong.

"Don't talk about this reform, did it confiscate a lot of houses..." Du Yibin was very interested.

"Don't worry." Qin Ruiyu waved his hand, "Let me start from the beginning..."

Liu Xiang governed in Guangzhou, so naturally he would not let go of temples and palaces with a large number of fields and real estate.He carried out the so-called religious reform, and his general policy was to separate religious sites from property.Weaken the economic capacity of temples and temples.What Liu Xiang is most concerned about is "temple property". He refers to the practice of Shaolin Temple in later generations: reforming the Taoist temples in Guangzhou as "corporations", and registering each temple with a degree certificate as a "consortium legal person", and its assets include temples and temples. Religious buildings, ritual instruments, scriptures, etc.Pay religious tax and administration fee.Temple properties that have nothing to do with religion: real estate, shops, and fields are spun off as the registered capital of commercial companies with the same name, and they operate normally and pay taxes in accordance with the principles of ordinary enterprises. These "religious companies" are supervised and managed by the Office of Religious Affairs.

As a result, the Office of Religious Affairs actually holds a large amount of temple properties, many of which are leased out.

"...Actually, this is still a small head. Most of those properties are still rented by people, and there are not many vacant rooms. The main reason is that last time we cleaned up the prostitutes and the Guandi Temple, and confiscated a lot of properties. Now they are either used as temporary dormitories or empty. Closed—to be honest, most of these houses are not in very good condition, and it’s no problem to arrange a few hundred couples to live temporarily with a little repair.”

"That's good." Du Yibin was very excited, "Just deal with it for a year or two."

However, their wishful thinking caused controversy when it came to the city government.First, there is the issue of the scale of the wedding. Some elders think that it can be held once, while other elders think that the number of people is still too small and the scale should be larger. It is not enough to see less than a hundred newlyweds. The number of people is not less than a hundred people. What big news is not even qualified to make the headlines on the front page.

"For local women, the more grand and scale the wedding is, the more it will stimulate them to choose to marry the naturalized people, so we should turn this group wedding into a festival that is celebrated in the whole city. It must be bigger." Liu Xiang also said.

"There are more than a hundred male naturalized people who are eager to get married, and it is not enough to add all the students from the Jiliang Institute." Wang Jun said, "The problem is, this is the first time we have such a blind date activity, so we should be cautious. Blindly increasing the scale, if you get married in a hurry, there will be disharmony after marriage, and some incidents will not be beautiful."

Zhang Yunmi said: "Your blind date was so hasty, you got married within a few hours of meeting and chatting, what kind of relationship foundation is there?"

Wang Jun was speechless for a moment.

It was Lin Baiguang who smoothed things over: "This group blind date itself has a publicity purpose, so that more people choose to naturalize. Not to mention the group wedding - it must be a large-scale scene to have a good effect. I see it like this: Now there are quite a few naturalized employees who are free to fall in love at work. It may be difficult for them to hold a lively wedding on their own under the current conditions. You can take advantage of this opportunity to invite them to participate-after all, a collective wedding There are veterans present to congratulate, and the scene is lively and grand. They will definitely be happy."

"There are still some who did not hold the ceremony, but just received the certificate. At most, they invite friends and colleagues to have a meal together - they must also want a grand wedding in their hearts, and we can make it up for them." Zhang Yikun interjected - because of the collective wedding It is basically certain that it will be done in the big world, so he is particularly keen on this matter.He went on to add a lot of ideas: for example, the newlyweds took a night cruise on the Pearl River on a flower boat, set off fireworks, invited the Plaid Skirt Club to hold cultural performances, and so on.

"What about the funding? Where does the money come from for such a big business?"

"Didn't you say that the office is specially paid?"

"The special fee for the office is not created by Xiao Zishan. After all, isn't the money still on the tax bill?" Ai Zhixin said with a wry smile, "There is only so much money, and it can't be obtained by changing the name... Besides, the office approved the money." The quota is not enough for you to spend like this."

"The issue of money is very simple." Liu Xiang thought for a while, "We can't do everything and train a group of giant babies of the Senate. Of course, we need to subsidize this matter, but we can't all come from the Senate— ―The naturalized people who are able should also pay part of it themselves. I see it this way: Except for those couples at the blind date meeting, other naturalized couples who participate in the wedding adhere to the principle of voluntary registration and not forced. Participating people pay part of the fee—specifically How much will be determined by the organizer after calculation."
Next update: Volume 128 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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