Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2014: Doing More with Less

Chapter 2014: Doing More with Less
"How much does this proportion account for in the total cost?" Ai Zhixin asked quickly.

"I don't think the ratio is appropriate, and it may cause too much or too little apportionment. Let's do it according to their income. Those who are willing to participate will be charged an average salary equivalent to one month's average salary for naturalized civilian workers." Liu Xiang said, "It takes a month's work It’s not too much to hold a wedding for a salary, right?”

"I think it's less." Ai Zhixin said, "It will take at least three months. They are all old naturalized people without wives. How much can they spend? At least two or three years of savings..."

"Don't talk about two or three years, I think some people have savings for 40 to [-] years." Wang Jun joked.

There was a sudden burst of laughter in the conference room, and even Zhang Yunmi couldn't stop laughing.

Liu Xiang originally tried his best to keep serious, but now he had to smile and wave his hands: "Okay, okay, stop joking. Continue talking about business."

Lin Baiguang smiled and said: "I think a month's salary is almost the same. Because they are bachelors and have no family, they probably spend a lot of money on weekdays, and their savings are not much at all. People who earn too much are not happy. If they can’t even get this little money out, just deduct it from their salary every month—the amount is small and it won’t affect their lives.”

"Let's do it like this." Seeing that Ai Zhixin still wanted to speak, Liu Xiang held him back with a big move.

Du Yibin hurriedly said: "I don't think there is any need to use financial funds for the gap. I have a suggestion, that is to ask all the big households in Guangzhou City to donate some money. Then use the names of these merchants to express their gratitude at the wedding——It is also possible Give them the purchase contract for the items used in the preparation of the wedding. For those merchants and big households, this can be regarded as a small vote. Those grain merchants and Gao Ju will definitely donate money and materials, and they will not be guaranteed. I will also let the children of my own family join in, so that I can see where the buttocks of those big households are sitting according to the number and amount of donated money, and have a reference for future work."

"The idea of ​​attracting sponsors for advertising is not bad." Zhang Yunmi said, "This amount of money is not a drop in the bucket for them. Not to mention the return from advertising."

Before Liu Xiang could speak, Lin Baiguang shook his head: "Although we only need to reveal this meaning, there must be a lot of big households in Guangzhou who are willing to pay, and each one is more generous than the other, but to be honest, it is not appropriate to do so. It is easy to make the citizens and big households in Guangzhou have a certain illusion, thinking that sponsorship has a special relationship with us; secondly, it also sets a bad precedent. Donations are charity once in a while, but they are often done. Tax collection. We can control the speed by ourselves, but what about the Guangzhou municipal government in the future? After all, with this order, it is so easy for the whole city to donate money—a good thing has to be turned into a bad thing in the end.”

Lin Baiguang has been working in the county government since the 90s, and he has seen too many disadvantages of the governance of the grassroots regime.Frequent and compulsory donations actually consume the credibility of the government and the kindness of the people. After frequent donations, it not only puts a heavy burden on the people, but also has bad social effects-it is obviously a good thing, but it is regarded by the people as "" Exploitation" and "burden dumping".

"I also think it's inappropriate." Wang Qiyi, who has not spoken up until now, also objected, "This kind of unconventional means of raising money should be used less. I was a primary school student when the Asian Games were held. At that time, the school uniformly required every student to donate at least 5 cents. There is also a ranking of donations in each class, the whole school, and even all schools in the county, which makes each class and school compare. It seems that the momentum is huge, 'all people actively participate in the Asian Games', and it is very lively. But some students are from poor families. 1 cents and [-] yuan is really not a small amount for them—what do parents and students think of this kind of donation? Is it because of excitement and pride? Later, Beijing’s Olympic bid stopped accepting donations from the masses, which I think is a great improvement. "

"Then we also reject the other party's initiative to donate money?" Du Yibin asked urgently.In their discussion yesterday, they used "donation" as the main source of funding.

"Yes, we can't take this money." Liu Xiang said, "Especially our current New Life Movement is developing in depth, and our relationship with big households is quite delicate. Signals and... pretext for the future."

Du Yibin, Wang Jun and others all looked disappointed.

Zhang Yikun hurriedly said: "Donations are of course not allowed. But we can solicit sponsorship and advertise, which should be no problem - purely commercial behavior. For example, tea and food for weddings, ingredients for wedding banquets - Guangzhou has our key support It is more appropriate for them to sponsor some enterprises."

The common feature of these enterprises is that they basically made their fortunes after the restoration of Guangzhou, and they all have some background and investment from the Senate.Asking them to sponsor and advertise is not only publicity, but also reflects the support attitude of the Senate to these new entrepreneurs.

Zhang Yikun's proposal won everyone's approval.

"If they don't want to..."

"Anyone with a little bit of knowledge can win even if they break their heads." Zhang Yikun laughed, "Can the Senate support such a stupid company as a benchmark?"

Even if this policy is settled.Zhang Yikun is full of confidence—in fact, he already has a draft of the names of these sponsors.Zhang Ji food supported by Mr. Hong Yuan is sure to be selected. Since his family makes tea and food, the relevant snacks can be handed over to them; as for the small property of the secretary's family, it is natural to take care of it.There is also a "new enterprise" supported by the elder Liu San of Yaokou - Chen Liji, a time-honored brand in this time and space, which has only opened for more than 30 years in this time and space. ".This pharmacy, which has been in business for many years but has not improved much, is flattered.This move made the boss of Runshitang quite disappointed.

Since Liu San valued Chen Liji so much, this shop should be more profitable.Runshitang is a "Senate-related enterprise", and it was Liu San's praise in the past, so we can't neglect it...

While thinking about the selected "sponsors", Zhang Yikun scribbled on the paper, and quickly made a list of twelve shop names, and handed it over to everyone—since the selection of sponsors has been elevated to a political level by Liu Xiang, the veteran Naturally, we all have to take a look at it to fully embody "collective leadership."

"I understand the relationship between these two pharmacies and us, but what's the use of having two pharmacies at the wedding?" Zhang Yunmi was puzzled, "Their products are obviously not used at the wedding..."

"It's useful." Du Yibin knows a thing or two about traditional Chinese medicine because of raising pangolins. "Of course you get married, you have to have children. If you want to have children, you have to regulate menstruation and blood. I think you can gift each pair at the wedding." How many nourishing medicines for the husband and wife, so that they can give birth to a precious child early..."

"Unexpectedly, I still have to take care of my son." Qin Ruiyu laughed.

"Let's raise a son, let's raise a son." Wang Jun was very excited, "Is it like a family when you have children! And they are all children of the Senate—the more the better."

As for some other projects, it is natural to rely on sponsorship to solve them.Dabo Shipping provides flower boats for night cruises on the Pearl River, and the Plaid Skirt Club provides cultural performances—this matter has been lobbied by several bigwigs of the club for a long time in the Guangzhou Municipal Government. Finally, I got a justifiable opportunity, not to mention asking them to perform for free, even if they bring their own food, they are happy.

The issue of the wedding room was also resolved at the meeting. After coordination, it was decided to designate a number of temple delivery rooms for "direct lease" to newlyweds, with a tentative one-year lease.

Cui Hantang, the chairman of the Guangzhou Religious Federation, patted his stomach and said, "There are quite a few old houses in my area, and at least one-third of them can be solved. But the temple delivery rooms are very scattered, and most of them are commercial houses. Life Many of the houses are dilapidated, and it would cost a lot of money to repair them—I’m afraid Director Ai won’t approve them—so we can only make do with them temporarily, but they won’t last long.” He said and glanced at Ai Zhixin.

Cui Hantang originally had the idea of ​​"borrowing the east wind", and took advantage of this opportunity to use the funds allocated by the general office to renovate the temple delivery room under the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Religious Affairs Office.Therefore, they are very enthusiastic about the matter proposed by Wang Jun and others to borrow the "temple delivery room" for Guihuamin to get married.

However, Ai Zhixin was not fooled by this and did not agree to allocate funds to repair the house.He said that the temple delivery room managed by the Religious Affairs Office has been transformed into a company, and the maintenance of the property is based on the principle of "whoever benefits should maintain it". They should raise funds for maintenance by themselves, and there is no reason for the general office to pay for the repair of the house.

Ai Zhixin just didn't hear it, he was not interested in this kind of "spending money to buy face" activities - as the director of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, the current financial situation is not optimistic, it all depends on their taxation and finance relying on the original financial system Only by moving around can we barely maintain a stable situation.

Then, someone made a speech and put forward some new ideas, including venue layout, process and etiquette. The more everyone talked, the more excited they were, and it was possible to make this event a grand ceremony of "no one before, no one to come after".

"That's it, we don't want to waste too many resources on this." Liu Xiang watched Ai Zhixin's face twitching constantly, stopping everyone's infinite imagination, "We are all laymen in this matter, the specific procedures Let Fang Fei handle the ceremony, and Lao Zhang will handle the specific arrangements for sponsorship." He stretched his waist, "Don't worry about the wedding, first arrange the house, that's the most important thing--you will be husband and wife after getting the certificate Well, there is no need to wait until after the wedding to enter the bridal chamber, let us change the customs!" He turned to Qin Ruiyu and said, "Your propaganda outlets must do a good job in public opinion, not only newspapers, but also the role of guides. stand up."

Next update: Volume 129 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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