Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2016 The Beginning of a New Life

Chapter 2016 The Beginning of a New Life

"... Let's talk about this Qingjie courtyard. I can't remember how many chaste women have lived in it for 30 years. Although there are a few chaste women who can survive until their children grow up to pick her up to spend their old age; most of them What about people? For ten years or 20 years, what you can see when you open your eyes is the square sky in the yard. Every day when you open your eyes, you count the hours and wait for the dark days. Once sent to the factory, life is over. Every time I send the corpse, I will take care of it and go to the incarnation factory to do business. Just look at these good-looking women, being locked up and killed here alive... What the hell are you trying to do... ..."

Speaking of this, he himself didn't feel a little teary, Mao Xiuyu wiped the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "Ashamed, ashamed." He said again: "This time everyone has a home. And this Comrade Lu, I'm all happy in my heart—as if everyone is as happy as my own family..." When he said this, Lu Cheng couldn't help crying: how much effort she spent in Jiliang Institute, how much food she ate Bitter, listening to Mao Xiuyu's words at this time is really mixed, and I feel like I have a confidant.

"So, everyone is a blessed person!" He said, "Today is a day of great joy, everyone, please don't shed tears, your happy days will last forever...a toast to you!"

Sister Zhen took her luggage and followed the team out of the gate of Huanghua Temple.

The afternoon sun was so bright that one could barely open his eyes, and his body was warm.She raised her head and looked at the mountain gate with a newly replaced plaque - this is the second time she has walked here in 15 years.For the first time, she carried her one-year-old son on her back, followed the woman in charge here, and walked slipperily from the city step by step on the muddy ground after the rain.She still remembered that the weather was so good that day, but her heart was clouded with gloom: the man died, and the family was poor, with a son who was only one year old.He was desperate and listened to the persuasion of others before coming here to observe the festival.

This has been a total of 15 years. In 15 years, except for the time when she cried her tears and carried her son's small body behind to be cremated, she never left the gate of Qingjieyuan again—not to mention this time. The gate of Huanghua Temple.The sister-in-law Sun who was in charge once said proudly that there used to be a widow in the Qingjie courtyard who hadn't left the courtyard for 50 years.

Sister Zhen never thought she would get out of here alive - her son was dead, and her last hope was shattered.Only when she died and was sent to Liuhuaqiaohuaren, would she be carried out from here.

The days in the courtyard seem endless, and every moment seems to be suffering, but it is as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, she has been here for 15 years.When Australians hit recently, most of the chaste women who were in the hospital when they were admitted to the hospital are no longer alive.

Bitter... This is a sentence that the festival women have been talking about all the year round.Not having enough to eat, spinning under the stars and wearing moons are all sufferings, but they are not unbearable sufferings. The real sufferings are the sufferings of a uncertain future and not knowing where to go.Do I really have to live here until I die?Sister Zhen asked herself more than once before falling asleep.Many women have also asked about it. Some people couldn't bear this depression and went crazy; some simply hung a skirt on the tree behind the house to relieve themselves.

Many people believe in Buddhism, chant scriptures, and pray for the afterlife.Sister Zhen also learned to recite scriptures from an older sister, but she couldn't relieve the depression in her chest at all.How long will this bewildered days last?Sometimes she felt that it would be better to die——only death can relieve this boundless sea of ​​suffering.

Unexpectedly, she really got out of the sea of ​​suffering.She greedily looked at the world outside the mountain gate, feeling like a human again.

The sisters around me also stopped in front of the mountain gate one by one, looking at the outside world in bewilderment, not daring to take a step forward—they have been away from this world for too long.

"Everyone, don't be in a daze, hurry up, the boat will not wait for anyone. Watch your step." Lu Cheng, who was in charge of escorting them to Lingao, urged upon seeing this.

A group of women with luggage also came out from the other side of the mountain gate—these are the "students" who are going to Guangzhou City. Compared with the "festival women", they are much more lively. with a cheerful smile.

While maintaining order, Lu Cheng urged everyone to leave quickly.At this time, he suddenly found that the two people wearing cadre uniforms beside the mountain gate were very familiar, and when he looked carefully, they were Wang Jun and Du Yibin, standing in the shade of the corner of the wall, and they would not be seen if they were not paying attention.

She was a little surprised, and just about to speak, she saw Wang Jun put a finger on his lips and made a "silence" gesture.Lu Cheng had no choice but to keep silent.

They heard that today was the day for the women to leave, so they came here to see them off.But at the gate of the mountain, Wang Jun changed his mind again:

"Let's not go in."

Du Yibin was puzzled: "It's all here, why don't you go in?"

"After entering, it was nothing more than talking again, and then everyone shouted long live the Senate. It's a bit boring." Wang Jun smiled, "We don't want to covet these few long live."

"But how can this show that the Senate cares about them..."

"They will definitely remember our care," Wang Jun said, "Even long after we die, someone will remember us."

"Then go back?"

"It's all here, let's watch them leave. It's our last wish."

So they stood in the corner silently, watching the women leave in groups. Compared with the first time they came here, the mental outlook of the "single women" and "students" has undergone earth-shaking changes.Wang Jun suddenly thought: prostitutes and chaste women are two incompatible words, groups that have no intersection at all, but at this moment, under the grace and blessing of the Senate, they are all embarking on a new life, what a wonderful thing it is.Nothing makes Wang Jun feel more absurd than this.However, he was secretly happy—how many people have we saved from the quagmire of fate, came to this time and space by ourselves, and obtained a status and wealth unimaginable in the old time and space, but this kind of psychological satisfaction is No status and wealth could compare, perhaps it was because of this that the Senate was able to endure so many years of hard work, loneliness and danger.Pushing the wheel of history forward step by step.

He suddenly noticed that Du Yibin was wiping his eyes, and said with a smile, "What? There's sand in your happy eyes?"

"No, no, don't talk nonsense." Du Yibin put down his handkerchief, "I'm happy! It's been almost eight years since D-Day, and it's the first time I'm so happy. At first I was just trying to find wives for the workers - now I understand: I know why I'm here."

Wang Jun thought to himself, why am I not?Responding to Du Yibin's memo at the beginning was just to give himself a sense of presence in the Senate.But at this moment, what is this sense of existence?

Whether Lu Cheng, sister Zhen, or other women, no one heard their conversations, let alone their inner activities.They walked briskly, embarking on the road to a new life.

Fang Fei held the document in his hand with a wry smile on his face.

Since planning and hosting the "Public Memorial Conference" last time, it's his turn to hold a "group wedding" this time.

It is generally believed that a wedding is better than a funeral—at least it is festive. However, this group wedding is a typical job that does not give rice and has to cook.When Liu Xiang talked to him about the project, the core idea was "both good and low cost". He talked about the significance of this group wedding to the "New Life Movement", the benefits to women's liberation, and various publicity benefits... So It must be done with great fanfare, so that the citizens of Guangzhou will be "refreshed"; but later, it is repeatedly emphasized that "funding is tight" and we must be diligent and thrifty.

In the eyes of Fang Fei, an old planner, activities have always been about how much money can produce great results, and if there is no money to produce good results, they will eventually become nondescript.

Moreover, the technical conditions available in the 17th century were limited, and many methods commonly used in large-scale domestic events were not available-they did not even have the most old-fashioned method of hanging colored light bulbs.

Guangzhou has no electricity, nor does it have a public lighting system like Lingao.Lighting for nighttime activities has become a big problem. Weddings cannot be held at night, so weddings can only be arranged during the day. As for the so-called "night tour of the Pearl River" and fireworks.The problem of boats and fireworks is relatively easy to solve. There are many luxurious paintings on the White Swan Lake, most of which belong to the courtyard.Because of the cleanup of the weathering industry, many courtyards were closed, and the boats were confiscated and handed over to Ziminglou Entertainment Company.It is not a problem for Ziminglou to take out a few boats for free use, but the night cruise on the Pearl River in the 21st century is just the night scene lights along the coast. There are not many lights around the Baie Lake in the 17th century. Most of the night tours in Baietan are drinking banquets, listening to music and composing music.What can the newlyweds see on the boat when it is dark?Security issues are not easy to solve.

Fang Fei wanted to get rid of this, but Director Liu specifically mentioned the "water upstream" project when explaining his work, so naturally he couldn't kill it in his own hands.After thinking about it, I can only put it in the daytime.It just so happened that some bigwigs from the Plaid Skirt Club wanted to "perform", so they simply put on a waterside performance on the wharf of the Great World for newlyweds to watch, which can be regarded as "promoting the new literary and artistic situation". If you are worried about something, you can ask Zhang Ji Food to sponsor them, and they can also pay for the drinks.

But what about daytime wedding receptions?Although Liu Xiang said "don't eat and drink too much", the problem is that in the 17th century, when most people didn't have enough to eat, it was impossible to leave a deep impression on the masses with a wedding that only talked about rituals and sentiments. The view that "the senate's rulers are so mean that they refuse to even have a banquet when they hold a wedding".

Next update: Volume 131 - Guangdong and Guangxi Raiders Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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